Hellobee Boards


July 2017 Moms!

  1. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    I officially broke out the maternity jeans last weekend. Regular jeans were just getting too uncomfortable. Anyone else??

  2. mamainthesun

    apricot / 356 posts

    @Calibee: no i still "fit" in my normal pairs, but I did have to unbutton after dinner!!

  3. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @mamainthesun: Haha! I feel huge after dinner! And I also think I look very pregnant but no one who knows seems to agree with me.

  4. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mamainthesun: I've been wearing huge sweaters and my coat a lot 😬 Here I am at 12 weeks!

  5. KayKay

    pear / 1961 posts

    @winniebee: that top is adorable glad to hear the scans continue to go well and provide some comfort and reassurance!

  6. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @purplelilac: just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and hope you are hanging in there

  7. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @winniebee: you're looking great!

    @Calibee: @mamainthesun: I haven't busted out the belly band, but I have been unbuttoning my pants later in the day. I also have been wearing more leggings/yoga pants

  8. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    How was everyone's holiday? We finally are telling people I'm pregnant - while it is really scary to share this news given how our last pregnancy ended, im 13 weeks and we would be devastated for something to go wrong so I figured we might as well let our family and friends know. My nausea is gone suddenly (yay!) and I'm just left with hunger and bitchiness lol. Otherwise holidays we're a blur. So little sleep for both of my kids (and me!) and we are all nursing colds. Our older son is 4.5 and was soooo much fun though!!

    Hope everyone is doing and feeling well!

  9. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @winniebee: how exciting to be able to tell! I'm sure everyone is thrilled. We were knocked out with stomach bugs here, so my parents rescheduled Xmas dinner for tomorrow. My nausea still comes and goes. I'm verrry constipated though!

    Oh! My SIL is 37 weeks, and she showed me this cool app yesterday. I'm way too early to use it yet, but it basically turns your phone into a Doppler—Shell by Bellabeat.

  10. BeatlesFan629

    cherry / 187 posts

    @Calibee: Not in maternity yet, but I've had the rubberband holding my jeans closed for quite some time.

    @winniebee: Looking good! That's great you shared the news with people.

    We also took the holidays as a time to share the news with our families and (some) friends. I'm 13 weeks so we figured it was time (and it seems to be getting harder to hide). We were also able to share with them the results from our NIPT test... everything came back low risk and we are expecting a baby boy!

  11. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @BeatlesFan629: that's great! Congrats!!

  12. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    My attempt at our updated list!

    July 2017 Mamas

    Beatlesfan629: 7/1 (#2)
    Purplelilac: 7/1 (#3)
    Winniebee: 7/3 (#3)
    Enjollah: 7/9 (#3)
    Mamainthesun: 7/10 (#2)
    Hawaiiangirl: 7/14 (#3)
    Calibee: 7/15 (#2)
    Mrs.J: 7/27 (#3)
    Jaypegs: 7/27 (#2)
    Odynsmom: 7/29 (#2)

  13. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @BeatlesFan629: yay! Congrats!!!

  14. purplelilac

    grape / 89 posts

    Congrats to everyone on the boys.

    We recieved our followup test (NIPT) today and we came back low risk! I am so happy and feel like I can finally breath out again. We will likely start sharing the news soon that "baby trio" is on the way.

    I am safe from maternity clothes so far- but my regular pants are being promptly removed aft and dinner and replaced wih PJs each night

  15. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    Congrats everyone on the good news! Such great updates.

    My NT scan is at the end of the week. Hoping for good results (of course) and that they'll maybe have a guess on whether it's a girl or a boy.

  16. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @purplelilac: fantastic news! I've been thinking about you!

  17. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    Popping back in to say I'm happy to see all the great updates! So glad everything is going well for you ladies!

  18. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @mrskansas: Thanks for checking in. Hope you're doing well!

  19. jaypegs

    cherry / 120 posts

    Hi all! So much fun to read everyone's updates!

    We had our ultrasound on the 23rd and everything looks great. Apparently our due date is July 28th though, because I counted wrong!

    Even though I'm trailing most of you by a few weeks, I'm happily breaking out the maternity clothes. It's mostly that I was plus size to begin with, but life is too short to be uncomfortable. Motherhood has some crazy deals with 50% of sale and clearance if anyone else is a larger size this go around!

    Any fun NYE plans? We bought some Izze soda and are looking up how to make fondue without any wine, then breaking out the pajamas!

  20. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @jaypegs: I'm eating fondue with wine tonight, but I think it gets cooked off enough!

  21. jaypegs

    cherry / 120 posts

    @Mrs. J: I don't know what my husband did, but last year we were quite tipsy off the fondue plus one glass of champagne, so I'm playing it safe! I think our recipe had sherry in it too? I'm sure most is completely fine though, you're right. Hope you had fun!

  22. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @jaypegs: DH's family is Swiss, so the recipe calls for wine and Kirsch.

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mrskansas: wishing you a wonderful new year I hope your healthy baby is coming soon

  24. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Officially second trimester by all accounts! 14 weeks today. I go to the OB tomorrow. Since I have had so many ultrasounds, I haven't heard his heartbeat on the Doppler yet, so hopefully we get to do that. Not looking forward to find out out my holiday weight gain though!

  25. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @jaypegs: @winniebee: Awesome updates! Glad to hear everything is going well.

    I had my NT scan, and everything looks great. Still waiting on the results from my blood test, but the doctor said all measurements were right where they should be. And they're officially keeping July 11 as my due date.

    They didn't offer any guesses on gender, but baby's heartbeat was 170. So maybe another girl?

  26. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @winniebee: I go to the midwife next week to hear the heartbeat for the first time, I hope! I haven't had an ultrasound or anything, so this would be the first "peek" at our little bean.

  27. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Calibee: wonderful news!

  28. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    OB was fine today - gained 2 lbs over holidays, oops! Heard heartbeat and scheduled next two appointments. I have a scan at mfm next week (15+ weeks)to hopefully confirm there are no signs of a neural tube defect.

  29. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs. J: good luck this week!!

  30. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @winniebee: Glad you had a good appointment! Will you do the second trimester blood test as well or just the ultrasound?

  31. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Calibee: I did the NIPT test which replaces the quad screening type test but I think I'll have the AFP blood draw at 16 weeks - though I'm being monitored closely by ultrasound the AFP is what clued us in last time that something was wrong. So I'm guessing the high risk doctor will have me so it. I'll find out next week for sure.

  32. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @winniebee: just popping in to say yay for good news and I'm glad all is going well!! How do you feel being out in the open with telling everyone?!

    I have my NT scan on Friday and I'm nervous but somewhat reassured by how not normal I've been feeling lately. And I am sure I have a bit of a bump - Which is crazy! Making me extra on edge at work I'm waiting until the scan goes well to purchase some maternity pants though. I'm irrationally nervous about telling work too - but will cross that hurdle when the time comes. it'll be a good problem to have!

    @Calibee: wonderful news!

    I should really check in on this group properly but never seem to find the time to log in at the computer. Hope everyone else is truckiln along and handling the first trimester life

  33. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @winniebee: Sounds like there is a plan in place and you're in good hands. So happy to hear that everything is looking good!

    @nutella: Good luck with your appointment on Friday!

  34. JennyG

    clementine / 912 posts

    @winniebee: Glad to hear your appt went well.

    I had my second appointment yesterday. I was a little nervous as I've been feeling fine and hadn't gained any weight. Everything was fine though and little one had a great heartbeat of 150. Already 14 weeks on Friday. My next appointment will be 1/24 when I get to start my weekly shots of Makena.

  35. JennyG

    clementine / 912 posts

    Hope it's ok that I updated the list to add myself in.

    July 2017 Mamas

    Beatlesfan629: 7/1 (#2)
    Purplelilac: 7/1 (#3)
    Winniebee: 7/3 (#3)
    Jennyg: 7/7 (#3)
    Enjollah: 7/9 (#3)
    Mamainthesun: 7/10 (#2)
    Hawaiiangirl: 7/14 (#3)
    Calibee: 7/15 (#2)
    Mrs.J: 7/27 (#3)
    Jaypegs: 7/27 (#2)
    Odynsmom: 7/29 (#2)

  36. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    July 2017 Mamas

    Beatlesfan629: 7/1 (#2)
    Purplelilac: 7/1 (#3)
    Winniebee: 7/3 (#3)
    Jennyg: 7/7 (#3)
    Enjollah: 7/9 (#3)
    Mamainthesun: 7/10 (#2)
    Calibee: 7/11 (#2)
    Hawaiiangirl: 7/14 (#3)
    Mrs.J: 7/27 (#3)
    Jaypegs: 7/27 (#2)
    Odynsmom: 7/29 (#2)

  37. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @JennyG: I updated too to move my due date up to the 11th!

    Do you mind if I ask what Makena shots are?

  38. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    I'm team green!

    July 2017 Mamas
    Beatlesfan629: 7/1 (#2)
    Purplelilac: 7/1 (#3)
    Winniebee: 7/3 (#3)
    Jennyg: 7/7 (#3)
    Enjollah: 7/9 (#3)
    Mamainthesun: 7/10 (#2)
    Calibee: 7/11 (#2)
    Hawaiiangirl: 7/14 (#3)
    Mrs.J: 7/27 (#3)
    Jaypegs: 7/27 (#2)
    Odynsmom: 7/29 (#2)

  39. JennyG

    clementine / 912 posts

    @Calibee: Not at all! I had my first baby at 35 weeks when my water broke early. With my second pregnancy, the doctor recommended Makena shots to reduce the chances of it happening again. I did them, but then ended up on bedrest at 31 weeks when I was already 1 cm dilated. I stayed on bedrest until about 37 weeks and she was born a few days later. There is no real way to know if the shots helped keep her in, but they can't hurt. I go in once a week to get them. Definitely not my favorite part of pregnancy, but if it keeps this little cooking longer, I'll take it.

  40. mamainthesun

    apricot / 356 posts

    Hi everyone ! Hope you all had great holidays and a happy new year to you all! I've been so busy with family visiting that Ive hardly been on internet !
    I had my scan last Monday and all was looking good! But the doctor didn't day if it was a girl or boy, so we have to wait two more months! It's hard!
    Has any tried the nub theory on their 3 months us ? Was it accurate ?!

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