Welcome to our July 2017 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
Welcome to our July 2017 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Location: Maine
EDD: 7/3 (though could be 7/6 based on ovulation)
How far along: 5 weeks, 3 days
First child? #4 (I have two living sons ages 4.5 and 23 months. We also had a son that we lost at 18.5 weeks into pregnancy)
First doctor appointment: 11/14 (first ultrasound)
Any symptoms so far? Waking up at night to pee, bad taste in my mouth.
Who have you told? Husband, Hellobee, and a few real life loss mama friends.
Current mindset/fears/thoughts? Taking it one day at a time. Trying to stay positive even though I have a history of losses.
kiwi / 623 posts
@winniebee I'll chime in so you won't be all alone in this board entry! Been a long time hellobee-er here but life gets busy so I haven't been on here much lately... Until we started TCC.
Location: California
EDD: July 9
First child? Nope! #3! 2 boys (4.5 and 1.5)
Any symptoms? Mainly shortness of breath throughout the day just doing small chores around the house. No aversions or sore boobs yet!
Who have you told? DH, my mom and one of my close friends.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? DH and I always wanted to have 3 kids so we knew eventually we would TCC again. Now that I have tested positive, I know DS1 will be excited and be a really good helper but I feel a little sad for DS2 because he will only just turned 2 when #3 comes and I think he will have a harder time adjusting to sharing our time. I also feel a little bittersweet that this will be most likely my last pregnancy. @winniebee I am counting on you to give me some pointers on juggling 3 kids!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@enjollah: welcome!! I don't actually have 3 living kids...Our third son was born sleeping at 18 weeks :(. My answer above was confusing. We can navigate it together!
apricot / 491 posts
Super cautiously joining this thread! I got a faint line today, and want to at least start somewhere. I'll be doing more tests the next few days and call the dr on Monday.
Location: NY
EDD: 7/11/17
First child? Nope. I have a 3 year old.
Any symptoms? Nothing yet. Sensitive boobs, but nothing else really.
Who have you told? DH (barely), HB/WB, and my mom group from my son.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Just nervous on transitioning to 2 kiddos in the house, and how my son will do. He should be fine, but going through those typical feelings.
kiwi / 623 posts
@winniebee I messaged you.
@pmerr: welcome! The gap between my 1st and 2nd is 3 years 3 months and something I felt make the transition smooth was to make sure to spend individual time with him after the baby comes. We gave him extra attention while DS2 was napping so he wouldn't feel left out. And he was always willing to help grab a blanket or bring a toy for baby.
apricot / 491 posts
@enjollah: My son will turn 4 2 months after the baby is born. Right now he keeps saying how he wants a baby or a brother to play with (he doesn't know yet, and we won't tell him til right before we tell family at Christmas). Hopefully he'll still be ok when baby arrives!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@pmerr: welcome! DS1 was 2.5 when we had DS2 and he had a rough time! He'll be 5 when baby 3 arrives and I'm really looking forward to that age gap.
apricot / 491 posts
@winniebee: thank you! That 2 year old range is hard, especially with sharing everything with someone new. I'm glad we aren't at that stage
apricot / 356 posts
Hello ladies! I've been lurking since the birth of my son so first post! Happy to finally be on the bee!!
EDD: 10 july!
First child? No, we have a 2 year old son
Any symptoms? More tired than usual
Who have you told? My so and my best friend who lives at the other side of the world
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
I don't feel pregnant yet!! Probably after the doctor's appointment on the 28th.
I'm really excited about telling my close family..but only seeing them for Xmas so still have a while to go!!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@mamainthesun: welcome! Where in France are you? I lived in Paris for a semester in college
pomelo / 5628 posts
@winniebee: congrats!! I hope everything is peaceful and uneventful.
apricot / 356 posts
@winniebee: thank you! Im in the south near Marseilles. Paris is beautiful, I bet you had a great time!! I'm so sorry for your loss, and hope you have an uneventful 8 months
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@mamainthesun: oh I love Marseilles! What's the weather like right now??
I'm still drinking a cup of coffee in the morning (within allowable limits). But I do miss other caffeine!
apricot / 356 posts
@winniebee: sunny, lovely blue sky but an icy winter wind!! We've had the first frost of the year
Last pregnancy I waited until after the first trimester to have coffee, so feeling guilty of drinking some now!
apricot / 491 posts
I thought I just read like 1 cup of caffine is ok. I would probably double check that though. I'm not a huge coffee drinker, so it's not a huge deal to me.
When is everyone announcing? We're announcing to family at Christmas, and then to the public probably around new years.
apricot / 286 posts
I've read the blogs for awhile, but this is my first post
Location: California
EDD: July 15
First child? 2nd. I have a 19 month old daughter
Any symptoms? Not yet!
Who have you told? My husband. Two friends who guessed when I didn't order wine at HH.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Kind of can't believe I'm doing this again...
Looking forward to going on this journey with you ladies!
apricot / 356 posts
Ha same here! Wonder how I will survive!! Well probably tell people around Xmas, when we have the different celebrations. And the other people and work after the holidays.
kiwi / 623 posts
@mamainthesun: drinking coffee or tea eye most days but trying to cut back! I usually have a cup anyway.. Which i believe is the safe amount? With an active 4 year old and 1.5 year old, I feel like I need it to get through the day and be productive.
We plan to announce on our Christmas cards! It'll be subtle but there! Supposedly I heard you start showing even earlier when you have a 3rd and so on but hopefully it cools down soon so I can hide underneath sweaters. It's actually 90 today!
grape / 89 posts
EDD: 7/1 (my first child's 5th birthday!)
First child? #3 (I have a 4 yr old and almost 2 yr old)
Any symptoms? Tired in the afternoons, some round ligament pain if I move too quickly (This ailed me quite a bit during my two earlier pregnancies), and honestly I already feel bigger.
Who have you told? My husband and one very close friend. Though I may spill the beans to my mom/sister/and a few close friends while they are here visiting this weekend.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I really wanted I have a third and my husband was still on th fence. We got pregnant on the first time we had sex off birth control, 6 days before I should have ovulated... so needless to say this wasn't really planned. I think we are both starting to get excited but are still a little shell shocked. I joke that this baby was conceived through immaculate conception.
apricot / 286 posts
We're also planning to tell people around Christmas. Although I'll probably tell my parents sooner. And if close friends ask (we're all getting ready for baby #2 around the same time) I would tell them too.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Calibee: Congrats!!
@purplelilac: Congrats! My children are 4.5 and almost 2, also
grape / 89 posts
Question- has anyone told their older children yet? I am holding off until we are ready to go public since they aren't great at "secrets" yet? But it makes me feel guilty that they are in the dark.
apricot / 356 posts
No, I dont think we will until just before we start telling others! I don't want him to blurt it out and then have to lie or confirm. Also I'd rather see the doctor before to make sure everything is fine!
Congratulations to everyone!
apricot / 356 posts
@purplelilac: it wasn't completely planned here either, so yes initial reaction was happy shock!!
apricot / 286 posts
@purplelilac: We "told" our 19 month old. No fears here of her spilling the beans!
I'm assuming that we can try to explain things to her a bit more as she gets older. She'll be 2 years and 3 months when her baby sibling is born.
Anyone have experience telling a child this age that a new baby is coming? When do you think a toddler is old enough to understand?
grape / 89 posts
@CALIBEE - my older daughter was 2 yr 4 months when her little sister was born and she mostly understand what was happening. She was also very verbal at that age so we were able to talk a lot about what was going to happen. But they are still young so a lot comes as a surprise to them. And now she can't even remember life before her sister was born- though she has wonderful memories of meeting her in the hospital for the first time!
apricot / 286 posts
@purplelilac: That's encouraging! I'm a stay at home mom, so definitely a little nervous about my daughter suddenly needing to share mommy.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Calibee: my first som was 2.5 when his brother was born. He understood! We told him I was pregnant around the time he would have told everyone else since he was a chatterbox! We got him some new books and a baby doll.
We won't tell our kids at all until I get clear NIPs results, so around 12 weeks. We will talk about it differently than last time though (where we lost a baby at 18 weeks). We were all blindsided and my oldest is now 4.5 and was devastated. I think we will tell them that I'm pregnant and that we don't know yet if the baby will grow big and strong. We hope to take the baby home with us but the doctors will have to tell us if the baby can come home with us. After our anatomy scan, and we are more confident, we will talk about it in different terms.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Calibee: we had a hard transition the first time around. Janet Lansbury has some great stuff on her website and podcasts about new siblings!
apricot / 286 posts
@winniebee: Thanks for the suggestions! I'll check out her website.
We're giving my daughter a baby doll for Christmas. And will definitely loop her in and talk about how awesome babies are as things get closer.
kiwi / 623 posts
@Calibee: my 2 boys are 3 years and 3 months apart. SAHM here too! We told our older son when he was about almost 3 years old? I don't think he truly understood until we came home with the baby and little brother was here to stay. We read him books about pregnant mommies and having a new brother but I remember clearly when he came to visit after the baby was born, he didn't really show any interest. My husband and I made sure we spent a lot of time with him the first couple months while the baby was napping and I only remember having a handful or less of jealous moments. i hope the transition goes well with your daughter! And I second Janet Lansbury! She's got some good pointers
We probably won't share with our kids until after the first trimester too.. Which is right around Christmas! My husband almost told our older son last week by hinting a little but luckily he didn't catch on.
How's everyone feeling? Any symptoms yet? I'm really looking forward to our first appointment but it isn't until after thanksgiving.. I'll bring my food baby and real baby to the ultrasound! Haha!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Hey all! I have my ultrasound tomorrow (7 weeks, but I know I'm a few days behind). Been feeling tired, hungry, nauseous, and bitchy. And peeing several times a night. Very nervous about tomorrow, but trying to remain hopeful.
apricot / 356 posts
@winniebee: good luck! Fingers and toes crossed for you!
I haven't been feeling anything yet...I am tired but was often tired before too! And I did feeling slightly nauseous a bit yesterday early afternoon.. but that's about it!
apricot / 491 posts
I forgot to update here, but it's been a horrible roller coaster of a weekend. I'm holding out some hope until after I have a 2nd round of bloodwork in the morning, but I had some spotting Thursday night (and some back pain), so I called the OB and went in for an exam and testing. The urine test came back as negative, and the bloodtest came back positive,but low numbers ( I don't know what the numbers are). The dr said that it didn't feel like there was any dilation, so that is a positive. I have been bleeding more like a period, so I'm feeling kinda doubtful, especially because Thursday morning was the first time I didn't feel pregnant (before I had the spotting), although I know that I could be having breakthrough bleeding because my levels are too low for my body to recognize anything. I'm not really expecting a good result tomorrow, but I am not giving up until I get the results back.
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