Hellobee Boards


June 2016 moms!

  1. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @wishingforviolet. I'm so sorry. I've been through what you are describing. Sending lots of ❤️ Your way.

  2. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts

    @Wishingforviolet: I'm so sorry

  3. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    @Wishingforviolet: I'm so sorry for your loss.

  4. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Wishingforviolet: oh no... I'm so very sorry to hear this. Big hugs to you. Please take care of yourself.

  5. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Wishingforviolet: I am so sorry. You'll be in my thoughts.

  6. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Wishingforviolet: I am so sorry for your loss. That is so hard.

  7. Contemplating

    coffee bean / 33 posts

    @Wishingforviolet: So sad to hear this news... it's heartbreaking, sending love and thinking of you this week

  8. Contemplating

    coffee bean / 33 posts

    So this week ran away with me again... I went through the pages trying to catch a few things to comment on.

    @LITTLEGBEE & @LATELY - Thanks for sharing your home birth experience!
    @REE723 - Good to hear that people have good hospital experiances too! So many decisions!
    @REE723 - Maternity pants all the way! I don't have a bump but any pressure on my tummy makes me more nauseous! I had to get stretchy pants around 6 weeks
    @starlitsky - yay for the scan going well!! I'm going for SIPS this week.

    AFM - i must admit I was a bit confused with the team green discussion... I had never heard that before! I think I have figured it out. We will be finding out, as our family is far away they will want to send gifts with my parents when they travel to visit us around the time of the birth. Having gone through trying to send gifts to my SIL it was a great help knowing what the little one will be. Due to the laws in BC we will only find out after 20weeks.
    My first midwife appointment went really well, they are an awesome team! She was really in depth with trying to find out everything about us as a couple not just the medical stuff. She asked for another US for better dating, so we got that on Wednesday. All looks good, baby dated as 10w3 days... so another 3 days ahead of schedule. The due date is now 30th May! But I'm going to pretend it is still 1st June so I can still hang around here
    The morning sickness has been bad, I was vomiting a lot this week, finally started on Diclectin and things are much better, still nauseous but not vomiting nearly as much. I can at least function at work.
    We announced on social media this week, my DH wrote a song and we made a little video, it was so sweet. It is on you tube if you want to check it out, the link is below.

    All the best to everyone for the week ahead

  9. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    Wishingforviolet I am so sorry. You are in my thoughts, take care of yourself.

  10. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Wishingforviolet: thinking of you!!! I've been there before!

  11. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    I haven't been participating much - waiting for my first appt Thurs. unfortunately I've had small amounts of spotting here and there the past week, so I'm feeling nervous and discouraged that my appt will not go well. Just continuing to wait and cross my fingers.

  12. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Contemplating: that is such a sweet video/song! is your hubby a musician?

    @runnerd: Hope the spotting goes away and that all is well!

  13. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    @Contemplating: That's a cute video!

    @runnerd: FX for you, momma! My SIL had spotting through both of her pregnancies and I have two beautiful nieces who were both born right on time, happy and healthy.

    Has anyone taken any medication like Tylenol? I haven't yet; I'm a bit scared to. I had a massive headache last night and it made me super nauseous. I was so worried that I wouldn't feel good today. It's parent teacher conferences (I'm a teacher) so I CAN'T take today off unless I'm really dying. Luckily, it seems like I slept most of it off.

  14. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Mrs. Peanut: I take Tylenol but only when it's really bad. I start with just one to see if it takes the edge off.

  15. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    Contemplating: Cuteeeeeeee

    Runnerd: I'm sorry you're spotting. Can you call your doctor to move up your appointment? If not, you only have two more days to wait. My cousin is pregnant right now & she has been spotting since her period was due & she is now 10 weeks & everything is still looking ok.

    Mrs.Peanut: I have taken Tylenol a couple of times. I have migraines so when I start to feel a headache come on I go ahead & take a Tylenol to prevent a migraine from happening.

    How do you ladies feel about adding a signature when we post just stating how far along you are on that day?! I love to read what everyone is going through, but I can't ever remember how far along you ladies are since there are so many of us. I know we have the due date post but I hate referring back to that every time someone post something. Especially since we are all moving further into our pregnancies and will be experiencing movement, gender reveal, etc. in the coming weeks/months.


  16. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    @MMcAlli: I like that idea! I sometimes feel way behind some of the other ladies because I'm near the end of the month.


  17. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    Mrs.Peanut: I know what you mean. However, I am thankful there are so many ahead of us because they can tell us what they are going through, so we know what to possibly expect. You're only a few days behind me.


  18. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Contemplating: adorable! Can't wait until we announce in the next few weeks

    @runnerd: try not to stress, spotting is perfectly normal!

    @Mrs. Peanut: I haven't, but I'm not prone to headaches/pain. Tylenol is on my doctors OK list, so I say go for it if it will make your day smoother.

    @MMcAlli: I like that idea! I will probably forget though


  19. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @Mrs. Peanut: Tylenol is fine in pregnancy, but do not take NSAIDS- ibuprofen, aleve, advil, naproxen, motrin. I'm a pharmacist and this is what I advise to my patients.

    My ultrasound is tomorrow. I'm nervous and super excited.


  20. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @runnerd: i hope you are ok!

    @Mrs. Peanut: not yet but taken all kings of crap for morning sickness. I'd take the Tylenol in 2nd and 3rd tri more easily, but if I needed it bad, I'd take it 1st tri.

    @MMcAlli: great idea!

    @Mrs. Peanut: i was like that with my son (was due on a 20th, too), it's ok! now i'm due the 1st and I see the other side of the coin.

    @Dr. Pepper: exciting!!

    I had an ultrasound today and was so much more excited than expected.


  21. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @pastemoo: awwe sweet babe!!!

  22. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @pastemoo: aw! Your uterus looks like a heart

  23. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    @pastemoo: Aww precious child! How exciting!

    @Dr. Pepper: That's good to know. The Tylenol box says to check with your doctor if you're pregnant, so I wasn't sure. My doctor has short business hours (only 9-4!) when I usually can't call since I'm at school. Today we start late because of conferences, so I guess I could call today. Is extra strength ok? That's the only kind we have. I figured I would only take one anyway.

  24. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @Mrs. Peanut: Yes, extra strength is fine. That just means it is 500 mg instead of 325 mg. My resources state, "Oral acetaminophen is considered to be safe in normal therapeutic doses for short-term use as a minor analgesic/antipyretic in pregnancy. It is generally regarded as the drug of choice for use in these settings." A normal therapeutic dose is anywhere from 325 mg to 1,000 mg at once and no more than 3,000 mg in 24 hours. I get pretty nasty migraines (luckily, I get less while pregnant) and Tylenol is my go to drug for them while pregnant (when I'm not pregnant it is ibuprofen and Excedrin). I usually take either 650 mg or 1,000 mg (2 tablets of whichever strength Tylenol I happen to have the the time.)

  25. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs. Peanut: What are you in school for? I'm in school, too.

  26. MCD919

    kiwi / 659 posts

    I've fallen behind on this thread, too!😬 I've been feeling more nauseous than last time and soooo tired. Is anyone doing any of the 1st tri screenings? My Dr recommended the VisibiliT test and I'm having it done next week. I'm kind of nervous You can actually find out the sex, too, but I think we're gonna be team green this time!

    Love seeing all of the ultrasound pics!

    Re Tylenol/ meds- yes, I've taken Tylenol a few times. I get tension headaches, so when I've tried everything else, sometimes it's the only thing that helps a little.


  27. Madyetbeautiful

    coffee bean / 30 posts

    I've been fairly quiet, observing the conversation from afar. Scan last Friday was good, seeing specialist again this Friday to ensure there is progress (keeping everything crossed). I'm scared of getting too attached before I'm a bit further along (to the point that we haven't told anyone yet). However, if symptoms are a good sign I've become crazy nauseous for the past few days and work is becoming pretty awful - not sick yet, just feeling really yuck and sooo tired (it's become a standing joke that I will fall asleep on the sofa well before bedtime).

    Wishingforviolet - My thoughts go out to you, so sorry for your loss.

    @Runnerd: How are things now? Spotting is so stressful. I really hope your apmnt goes well and puts your mind at ease.

    - unsure of exact timings (hoping next scan will tell me more!) Approx 6-7 weeks

  28. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Mrs. Peanut: I hear tylenol is safe so I would feel ok taking a little if I had a really bad headache.

    @MMcAlli: good idea!!

    @Dr. Pepper: yay I'm excited for your ultrasound too!!

    @pastemoo: omg your ultrasound photo is so detailed and awesome and looks like a tiny baby already! Was it abdominal or transvaginal?

    @MCD919: yes, I posted a couple days ago about it too. I'm not sure which test I'll be offered yet, but I will definitely be opting for it and finding out the sex!! hoping our tests go well!

    @Madyetbeautiful: I know how you feel about not getting too attached! Hope your scan on Friday goes welll; keep us updated!


  29. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @MCD919: I decided against the first tri screenings this time. I did them last time and realized if it doesn't make a difference in my care or my plan, if the result doesn't change my action or mindset, then I don't need to know, and it's not worth the cost of the testing. But I know some people do well being prepared, etc.
    @Madyetbeautiful: Yay for a new scan. Good luck! I've been feeling pretty crappy, too. My new OB office gave me Diclegis to see if it helps.
    @starlitsky: How are you?
    It was abdominal. I guess that's one benefit of waiting till almost 11 weeks to see. HR was around 160s (she checked for 5 seconds).


  30. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: That's very comforting! Thank you!

    @pastemoo: I am a middle school teacher. I am also getting my master's degree (last class right now!) in my "spare time" haha. I can't wait for my first appointment! I really hope I can see my little peanut then. It's not until 9 weeks.


  31. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    @runnerd: I've got my fingers crossed for a good appointment tomorrow!

    @Mrs. Peanut: I'm near the end of the month too, same as with my first LO. LO2 was at the start of the month and I much preferred that as I just want to catch up to everyone else now!

    @Dr. Pepper: Good luck with your ultrasound today! Can't wait to hear how it went!

    @pastemoo: aww!! It looks like your LO is waving to you, or doing a little dance, either or!

    @Madyetbeautiful: I'm glad your scan went well but sorry you're feeling sick. Hope this Friday goes well too!

    @MCD919: I'll do the NT scan, same as last two times, but DH and I are debating whether or not we want to pay privately to have one of the free cell DNA blood tests done (Maternit21, Harmony, Panorama, etc). They cost anywhere from £350 - £500 here (about $550 -$750 USD), so it is a big chunk of change. I need to ask the midwife at my first appt on Monday if the NT here tests for just Down's or Patau's and Edwards as well (they used to only test for Down's but are slowly bringing in the tests for the other two by April 2016, I need to see if we're in an area where it's already been phased in as that will sway our decision). I had my other two LOs in Australia where they test for all three, so I find it a bit weird they don't here (in England).

    Counting down the days until Monday when I have my first appt!! There won't be an ultrasound as it's just the midwife booking in appt, but at least I'll feel as though this is real after finally having an appt!

    On a different note, I think my 3.5 yr old and my 21 month old subconsciously know something is up as they have been absolute monsters for the past week! It's like they know momma's tired and are making mess, after mess, after mess, and just being little tyrants lately! Either that or I just have less patience for it.....regardless, I'm ready for the first tri to be over!

    ~ 7w4d (ish) - I still have no idea how far along I am! Could be as far as 9w4d or as little as 7w0d, so annoying to not know!

  32. Madyetbeautiful

    coffee bean / 30 posts

    Aargh, was really hoping this time would be stress free, but apparently not. Was in a right flap this morning - had the teeniest amount of pale spotting (sorry if tmi) and boobs weren't sore anymore. Not helped by this being the cycle day everything went wrong last time. However, they became more sore as day went on and not a single peep of any more spotting. But I've had this annoying tight sensation in my lower abdomen almost all day, which is making it hard to relax (trying to just ignore it and chill out). Guess all will be revealed on Friday, though struggling with negative thoughts.

    Hope everyone else is having / has had a better day!

  33. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    NT scan is scheduled for the 30th! Excited to be in the digits today


  34. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: the first trimester is the worst. FWIW, my boobs haven't been sore at all. Fx you have great appt on Friday!

  35. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @pastemoo: i hope I get an ultrasound pic as great as yours during my next visit (which isn't until Dec 4, booo).

    @Ree723: yay for your first appointment! is that when you will schedule your dating ultrasound?

    @Madyetbeautiful: @MrsKRB: I agree that the first trimester is so hard! My boobs have been sore the whole time but I feel like they were less sore a couple of days ago and that made me worry, of course! and whenever I get any slight cramping or pulling in my abdomen I get worried too! but hopefully it's nothing to worry about and your appt on Friday will go great. Try to think positive!

    so I'm wearing maternity pants for the first time today and they are soooo comfy! I got the full panel type and just folded the panel down. my old pants are still wearable, but they were getting tight in the waist and were cutting into my belly.


  36. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: how did your ultrasound go today?

    @MrsKRB: yay for 10w!!

  37. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @starlitsky: I got the half panel pants, and I'm never going back to regular pants again!!

  38. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: sorry for the scare! It's hard not to freak, I'm literally counting hours until my appt tomorrow.

  39. MCD919

    kiwi / 659 posts

    @pastemoo: that makes sense! It's such a personal decision, but nice to have the option. My 12 week screen last time caused some stress for nothing, so I don't think I'd choose that one again.

    @Ree723: I wish more insurances would cover the cost! My Dr quoted $140 for the InvisibiliT test, so not too bad. But the cost is probably worth the peace of mind and being informed.

    @MrsKRB: Me too, yay for 10 weeks !

    @starlitsky: My maternity clothes are in our storage unit and I can't wait to go dig them out this weekend!

  40. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    Sorry for the radio silence! I'm reading through now!

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