Hellobee Boards


June 2019 Mamas!

  1. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @skinnycow: @SupernovaJ: This just occurred to me after a convo with a friend, but for fun: What's something you're super excited for with your new LO? I'm looking forward to meeting this new person and seeing their personality blossom, keeping my fingers crossed for BFing to go okay, and really looking forward to watching DH become a dad.

  2. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: aww love that. It’s the best seeing your husband/partner become a dad! And it just keeps getting better and better.

    This is new for me even though it’s my third go round—I got the Elvie pump which is wireless. I EBF my first two with occasional pumps when I had to travel or for some night time bottle feedings for DH, but I was a SAHM with them so I had more flexibility to just breastfeed. However I’ve gone back to work since so pumping will be more of a priority this time so I invested in a wireless pump that will allow me to pump in my office with the door open, in meetings, etc. Basically excited for the new gadget! And of course, seeing my two littles welcome another sibling.

  3. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @SupernovaJ: I'm so curious about wireless pumps! A friend gave me her gently used Medela, but I'm nervous it's going to be loud in our open office environment. There is a pumping room (so thankful for this), but it's not too far from the desks and I'm concerned the sound is going to carry.

  4. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @foodiebee: I'm mostly excited just to see her face and soak up the baby snuggles again. I had a miscarriage about 1.5 years ago and I've had a really hard time healing from that - this pregnancy has done wonders for me and I can't wait for her to be safely here.

    I'm also looking forward to my daughter being a big sister! She'll be 3y3m when this baby is born and a silver lining of a bigger age gap than planned is that she's really aware of what's going on and she'll be such a good helper.

  5. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @skinnycow: So glad you've had such a restorative experience this pregnancy! DH feels similarly to you in that he said he just wants the baby to be here, safe and healthy, then he'll be able to rejoice.

    Does everyone already have an idea of what they want their labor/delivery/birth experience to be like?

  6. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: So funny you ask, I just had my bi-weekly appointment this morning and was asked about my birth plan. I see a rotation of midwives and OBs (I'll just get whoever is on call), so I've had to explain at each appointment that I really don't have a plan because neither of my previous births went accordingly to plan! I wanted the all-natural labor with my first but it ended up being a really long labor, about 29 hours. I got an epidural after 24 hours of labor even though it wasn't "part of my plan"--but was totally fine with it. With my second, I wanted to attempt another all natural birth and got it, but only because I barely got to the hospital in time there was no time for pain meds, fluids, antibiotics, etc. I had originally wanted a water birth and even took a class for it, but again there was no time to fill up the tub.

    So for this one, I'm planning on going with the flow but because recovery with my second was so much easier, I'd prefer another med-free birth. I had weird long-term side affects from my epidural with my first, and would like to avoid it again if possible, but I'm also scared of the pain of going med-free, lol. It was awful and I was totally ungraceful--I just didn't have a choice in the end. Looking back, the super fast labor was great for recovery though.

    I keep hearing third labors are longer than second labors, too, so that might affect what ultimately ends up happening.

    In other news, my appointment went well today, but I mentioned the crazy braxton hicks and my OB thought it was just uterine fatigue based on the fact my stomach is rock hard for up to an hour or more, and that it's worse at night and better when I lie down. He checked my cervix just to make sure I wasn't dilating (or in pre-term labor). Confirmed the baby is now head down, and that cervix was closed. He ordered an ultrasound for me at my next appointment for peace of mind, and to just get the "lay of the land" and see how baby is measuring. My fundal height is measuring a bit behind which he said might be due to the fact the baby is sitting so low, but also said he didn't think this baby would be super small. We'll see!

  7. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @SupernovaJ: So interesting how both of your births went so differently. I'm planning to try for an unmedicated birth, mainly because I've heard so many stories of recovery being easier that way and I had so many drugs in my system for IVF, I don't relish the idea of more. I'm aware though that I've never done this before and can't predict how my labor will unfold, so we shall see. Mainly I'm concentrating on not putting pressure on myself to imagine this unfolding in a certain way and to be open to the fact that I can't predict anything. Healthy and safe baby and mama is the ultimate goal!

    Unrelated, DH recently learned about PPD signs in a class he took. We're pretty convinced I had prenatal depression when I was on the PIO shots. About a week into getting a positive test, I started having these anxiety attacks at night. Every evening, I'd have a complete breakdown--sobbing without being able to stop, not understanding what was making me so upset, but being really afraid and unable to control it. DH was panicked about it, but we both just thought I was having a hard time adjusting to the pregnancy (infertility is a B). Then about an hour later, I'd get my PIO shot and fall asleep within 15 minutes. We noticed the pattern quickly. It was like clockwork for 9 weeks. Then the day after we stopped PIO, it completely vanished. We know because we had plans that evening and we were afraid of me having a meltdown, but it didn't happen, so it's etched into our brains. When DH learned about how things can be worse with PPD once the sun goes down, he immediately thought of our experience. I'm going to mention it to my OB during my apt. this week. I'm not sure if I'll be more prone to PPD because of this or if it was exacerbated because of the PIO, but it's on both of our radars now...

  8. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @foodiebee: I don't have super specific plans for my birth. I planned for an epidural last time and will get one again (as long as there is time).

    With my daughter I had a 4.5 hour labor that started with my water breaking. By the time I made it to the hospital, had blood work done, and got the anesthesiologist in the room I was 7 cm dilated. I've heard second labors are typically faster so I'm a little concerned about not having time for an epidural. I guess we'll see what happens!

  9. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: It's great you both are aware of PPD signs going into the labor and beyond. I'm just glad women are talking about it so much more now that everyone can share and get ahead of it should it arise.

    This pregnancy was very humbling for me in that I struggled immensely with depressive thoughts and moods pretty much since I got my positive test. I was in euphoria with both of my previous pregnancies and motherhood overall so even though I knew PPD was a very real, common occurrence, I couldn't relate. This pregnancy has been completely different though--it's been hard to feel joy. I think it's the combo of the tough physical symptoms, being tired in general, and the stresses of life with work and two littles--all with the underlying hormones. It's all happening at once (new house, new baby, probably new job later this year too). I constantly feel a tremendous amount of pressure to keep it all together, be present with our kids, and figure out the answers to everything with all the changes coming in the next several weeks that I've had little patience and always felt on edge. It's funny because DH has been so, so amazing throughout all this (my highs and lows), being the greatest companion and supporter, yet the moods are still a roller coaster and the generally negative emotions and thoughts don't go away.

    It's gotten slowly better as pregnancy has progressed though--the hormones aren't as up and down luckily, but I am totally on guard for possible PPD after this one.

  10. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Sorry I'm just now seeing this! I'm so glad your DH has been supportive for you throughout. Mine has too, and I'm so grateful for this. It would be much harder without support from loved ones. And you have a LOT more going on than I do with the house, job, and other kiddos! I did talk to my dr about it at my last check-in, and she agrees that PIO would have aggravated my symptoms. I'm hopeful it won't be so bad postpartum because I won't be on hormones, but who knows of course. Like you, I am feeling much better in the third trimester emotions-wise (and just generally, which is nice!).

    Totally different subject, but do you ladies have any suggestion for a good nursing bra? I'm having trouble finding one I like. They all are too big (even pregnant, I'm at 32B) and have this bunchy extra fabric that looks awful. Suggestions?

  11. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @foodiebee: I'm small-chested also - my normal size is 32B but bigger during pregnancy and nursing. I'm up to about 32C right now but I was a full D while nursing with my daughter. I've never really found a great one that I love. I really like the Kindred Bravely sleep nursing bra but it's really only good for at-home use because it's not supportive enough for me to wear out of the house.

  12. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @foodiebee: Unfortunately, I have no suggestions for you. I'm a 32G while nursing. I went to a speciality bra store after my first was born.

  13. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    I've been reading along, but work has been busy and DH moved across the country, so I mostly solo parent. He'll be in this weekend and again for Memorial day weekend.

    Last appointment was Tuesday. Everything looks good. I asked about an elective induction. I was told I could schedule one starting at 39 weeks. Next appointment is May 3rd.

  14. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: I'm sure solo-parenting is tough at this stage of pregnancy. My husband travels often for work and I have a hard enough time with that.

    Were you induced with your previous pregnancies? I went into labor spontaneously with my daughter at 38+5 but I'm a little worried about the logistics of getting to the hospital and having someone to watch my daughter this time around.

  15. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @skinnycow: Yes, induced with both. I had a water leak at 40+1 with DS. As I was past my due date, they induced with pitocin. I was 3cm dilated. I tried to go into labor with DD, but a non-stress test at 41+3 was not good enough. I was 5cm dilated when I arrived. I had been having back pain in the evenings, but never actually went into labor.

    Part of the reason I want an induction is so I don't have to find a person to watch the kids. My hospital induces starting in the evening. I have no close family here. My in-laws are more than willing to come up and watch my older two. I would like DH here as well.

  16. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: I'm also small chested when nursing. I used the nursing bras from Target and they worked fine for me, I didn't notice any extra fabric or odd bunching. I have both the Medela and Bravado bras. One is a lot more $ but honestly, they felt exactly the same to me! They design was slightly different.




    In other news, not much going on here. 34 weeks tomorrow and I have an appointment on Friday -- getting a growth ultrasound. I've been feeling decent, the uterine fatigue hasn't been as badly lately, thankfully!

  17. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: I completely understand wanting your husband with you and, with his travel, being able to ensure that he's able to do that. All the props for solo parenting while pregnant, mama!

    @SupernovaJ: Thanks for the links! I'll definitely check them out. I'm looking forward to our growth ultrasound; it'll be nice to see the babe again! @skinnycow: Going to check out the Kindred Bravely sleeping bra you mentioned too. Thanks!

  18. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: I also got these and really liked them, no issues for smaller bust, and price was great.


  19. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    Happy Friday! How's everyone doing?

    I had my 34 week appointment today with a growth ultrasound. Everything ended up being fine/normal, though I am measuring small on the outside. They think it's because baby's head is already so low. I finally saw the baby's face today for the first time, as we had elected not to do 3D/4D imaging earlier in the pregnancy, and skipped over any scans of the face during our anatomy scan. Not knowing the sex or having seen the baby at all, I was super curious. The face was so visible today and I was surprised by the cheeks and lips! It's starting to hit me that there's an actual baby in there.

    I go back in two weeks and it'll be weekly appointments from there on out. They'll do the standard swabbing for GBS at that appointment. This weekend, we are taking maternity photos. It's the first time I'll be getting them done which I'm excited about.

    How is everyone feeling? Do you feel you'll go into labor early, pretty much around EDD or go past? I have no clue. I'm having all these contractions but I know it could just mean 6 more weeks of it until due date (great!).

  20. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    I'm 33 weeks tomorrow. Next appointment is next Friday. I think that moves me to appointments every 2 weeks. With my doctor, I start every week at 38 weeks.

    DH and I will ask for an induction at 40+5. It seems like a good date. I was induced for my previous two.

    Mostly, I feel fine. I always feel stuffed, even though I'm not eating much. I haven't gained much weight lately either. Baby has been sized appropriately, so I guess everything is ok.

  21. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: That's great baby is measuring on track. A couple weeks ago, I had such a difficult time eating because I felt constantly stuffed, as if food literally couldn't go down. It got better once my belly dropped. Been eating a lot more, lol.

  22. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    I'm 32 weeks right now. My office doesn't do any additional scans unless they can't tell position of the baby from the outside. I think she's head down but who knows? I had my daughter at 38.5 weeks and it's so hard to convince myself this one could come at 40 weeks (or later). My OB said it was likely this one would come around the same time but we'll see.

    I'm feeling so big and uncomfortable right now. I'm up about 20 lbs which is pretty consistent with where I was with my first pregnancy but I feel sooo much bigger this time.

    We're in the home stretch!

  23. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Thank you for the links!

    So enjoy reading everyone's updates! @SupernovaJ: We haven't had an u/s since the 20 week scan and I've been wondering more and more what this kiddo looks like. So glad you got to see your LO!

    I've been having BH some but not frequently. I'd be okay delivering before my due date, as like @skinnycow I'm so uncomfortable. Even eating a normal amount can make me feel awfully full. And baby has been kicking the heck out of my ribs, way far north, almost to my chest! Ugh, hurts so much. I can't imagine going past my due date and how uncomfortable I'd feel!

    I'd gained around 17 lb. at my last check-in, but my belly feels like it's really grown since then, so I'm kind of afraid for my next apt. I'm 33 weeks like @Mrs. Toad.

  24. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! Just reposting

    June 2019 Mamas

    Megatherium: June 3rd (#3)
    SupernovaJ: June 4th (#3)
    Foodiebee: June 15th (#1)
    Mrs. Toad: June 15th (#3)
    Skinnycow: June 18th (#2)
    Mrs. Blush: June 21st (#2)

    @Megatherium: @Mrs. Blush: How are you mamas doing?

  25. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    I just realized I’m the only one who’s not team green - so exciting that you’re all waiting to find out!

    I’ve told my husband that if (big if) we have another I want to be team green.

  26. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @skinnycow: All those surprises are going to be fun! At a dinner with friends recently, they all took a playful bet about what sex our LO would be and date he/she would arrive, which was fun.

    I had my apt. today and baby appears/feels to be head down facing my spine! This explains why his/her little feet feel so wedged into this spot on my ribs. Dr said we may not have another u/s, which surprised me. Will you all? Do they not need to find out how much the baby weighs before labor? Maybe I'm just extra curious about that detail.

  27. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @foodiebee: I never had an ultrasound after the 20 week one with my first. I had one at 41 weeks with my second, which was a non-stress test as I was trying to avoid an induction at the time. I don't expect an ultrasound, but will talk to my doctor on Friday. I'll be almost 34 weeks.

    DH and I have been looking at dates and I will probably ask for an induction at 40+5. If I go into labor earlier, that will be ok. I'm not in any pain right now and not in a hurry to see this little one. I'm enjoying the time with our first two.

    As for weight, DS was born a week earlier than DD, yet weighed 1.5 lbs more.

  28. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @foodiebee: My doctor doesn’t do any ultrasounds after the 20 week anatomy scan unless they can’t determine baby’s position. I’d love one more, though!

  29. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: I don’t think I’ll have another ultrasound either, unless doctors are concerned about size. But we had one last week that ruled out any issues regarding growth so I think that will be the last one.

    I have no idea what side my baby is facing. I know the head is way down open, and I feel (kinda icky) little movements—perhaps fingers?—wedged way down on the sides of my pelvis. And then hard feet (?) that poke out right at the front/top of my bump. I can tell the baby is starting to run out of room in there.

  30. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    Thanks for making me feel more normal about the u/s, ladies! I guess I'm just curious about how big the baby is.

    @SupernovaJ: This is very similar to what I feel! Very hard feet at the tip-top of my uterus and then softer movements down near my hips. A few times a day baby shoves his/her butt waaaay out and makes my bump completely lopsided. It's so weird to see when it happens! Also not super comfortable.

    Overall, I had a rough weekend. Felt really rundown overall. Not really sick, but just zapped of energy and achy. My pelvis from hip to hip, especially my inner thighs, is so sore, as if I just did a ton of inner thigh workouts and really overdid it. I guess things are just getting ready for the big day? Anyone else feel like this?

  31. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: My stomach gets very tight anytime I barely overexert myself. It's silly because I feel like I can't be very active anymore or I end up paying for it, so I definitely feel you! We had a busy weekend packing and other activities and while not strenuous, I was on my feet a lot. This morning my back is definitely hurting a bit. I've been bouncing on my yoga ball and sometimes when I'm in bed at night, I feel nerve pain on my cervix--maybe baby's head? I remember having "lightening crotch" in the last two weeks during my previous pregnancies.

    I feel like I'm back in that lull period now that we are in the final four weeks, and time is slowing down again. While I'm physically SO ready to have this baby, for some reason, mentally I feel so unprepared! Not much to look forward to except this week I start my weekly prenatal appointments. At home, we are busy preparing for the big move and I probably have to start wrapping things up at work soon and think about transitioning projects over to my team.

    My last two kiddos were both born at 39.5 weeks. I am just so darn curious when this one will decide to make his/her entrance!

    In other exciting news (if you follow them at all), the Royal Baby has been born! A boy. It seemed Meghan went over her due date which Harry confirmed in his address to media this morning. People are now taking bets on baby name and Harry mentioned they will probably introduce the baby to the media in a couple of days time. Congrats to the overjoyed couple.

  32. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @SupernovaJ: I'm with ya! I'm physically SO over this pregnancy but zero percent prepared. We move to our new house next week and I'm ready to get in and get things ready for baby. All of our baby stuff is somewhere in storage so I'm anxious just to locate it and make sure we have everything we need.

    I'm in transition mode at work right now too. I have a list of projects I need to transition to coworkers before I leave. When is everyone going on leave? Or working until baby is born? My last day is 6/7 when I'll be 38w3d (as long as baby doesn't show up before then). My daughter was born at 38w5d and I'm really hoping to make it past 6/7 so I don't go into labor at work.

  33. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @skinnycow: Good luck with the move! That is so exciting. My last day of work is Friday 5/31 unless baby is born before then. EDD is four days later on 6/4. I will probably work remotely that last week of work as we close on the house and also have contractors coming in. I really don't know what will happen first, baby or house. I was on mat leave already when I went into labor with DD, and I was a SAHM when I went into labor with DS. I am also nervous about going into labor at work. My waters broke with both and definitely do not want that to happen at work.

  34. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @SupernovaJ: @skinnycow: I'm hoping to work until the very last minute...so going into labor at work is a risk for me too. I'd love to take some time before the baby arrives, but I don't want to use my maternity leave before then, so I'm toughing it out. One good thing is that my hospital is very close to work, so if it goes quickly, I'm not far away. I feel about as ready as I can be for something I've never experienced!

    @SupernovaJ: Re the royal baby, Harry seems so happy. I loved the photo they just released with Meghan holding the baby and showing him to the Queen. I heard Meghan wanted a home birth and had to transfer to the hospital, so I hope everything went okay for her and there weren't complications.

  35. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    Happy Monday Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

    I was in full on nesting mode over the weekend packing and purging, and then DH and I went to Target for a late night "date" and walked for a couple of hours buying basic household supplies for the move and some newborn diapers. It brought back memories of when we were expecting our first--we had nightly walks around Target the last couple of weeks trying to "walk baby out". I get tired a lot more easily now though!

    I got results of my GBS test and shockingly, it was negative this time around (tested positive in my previous two pregnancies). This is a relief as I didn't want to head into the hospital too early for the mandatory antibiotics they require if you're in labor and GBS positive. Aside from that, not much else going on. 37 weeks and officially wanting to countdown to baby!

    How are you all doing?

  36. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @SupernovaJ: I'm in nesting mode too! We move to our new house tomorrow and I'm so ready to get in and get everything organized.

    That's great about the GBS test - I'll be tested next week at my appointment. I'm 35 weeks currently and so over it - I don't know how you 3rd time moms do it. I can't imagine being pregnant again (even though I might want a third kid)!

  37. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @skinnycow: Ahh, that's so exciting. Good luck with the move! Hope everything goes smoothly. Nesting mode can be intense when you're moving around due date, isn't it? Try not to over exert yourself!

  38. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @SupernovaJ: @skinnycow: I've been nesting a little. I pulled out the bottles and pump parts that was in our storage unit. I brought in the Symphony parts to work today with the exception of bottles. I made the crib and pulled out the changing pad. Clothes and sleep sacks are ready. I have size 1 diapers. We'll buy newborn size if we need some. DS went straight to size 1 diapers and 0-3 clothes. DD was in newborn diapers and clothes for about a month.

    I need to decide upon a new pump and if I need more bottles. I'll pull out the bathtub and bouncer after baby arrives. I don't want the big kids climbing into those.

    I'll probably do more nesting after baby arrives. Big kids are staying in daycare, so it'll just be me and baby. We're moving in July/August, so we'll see how it goes. I'm working until shortly before baby arrives.

  39. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Congrats on the GBS. I'll test next week. I was negative the last 2 times, hopefully it'll be negative again.

    I'm wondering about the position of baby. In the last week, I have been feeling more movement on the left side. It was only the right side. I'm enjoying the end of this pregnancy as it is probably my last.

    I'm not sure when I'll schedule my induction. It'll probably be for 40+5. Doctor already said that would be fine.

  40. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @skinnycow: 35 weeks here too and feeling exactly the same. I think I'm in nesting mode too because I really want to organize everything but I'm also super exhausted all the time. I'm not managing to do much at all except my job. Also feeling lots of pressure down there, so I'm thinking the baby has dropped. (It's also suddenly a bit easier to breathe!) I have my GBS test this week and am hoping I'm negative too.

    Good luck to everyone with their moves! I hope they go as smoothly as possible and you're all able to have some time to relax and get settled.

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