Hellobee Boards


June 2019 Mamas!

  1. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @skinnycow: Omg. I'm not sure I'd react well if my mom said that to me! Then again, pregnancy hormones have been hard on my emotions, and things don't "roll off" for me as easily as they used to. It's been interesting/crummy to see how people's interactions/treatment of me shifted once I became pregnant, and I haven't appreciated the moments when I feel like I'm being reduced to just my pregnancy vs. the me that existed before. Crazy thoughts? I can never tell anymore with these hormones!

    @Mrs. Toad: Love how your DH responded! I hope that got the point across.

  2. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @foodiebee: It seemed to. I like and love them, but in a lot of ways, I'm glad we live hours away. A plane flight away right now, but it should always be a long drive.

  3. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: @skinnycow: Oh the comments. Aren't they just the best? Whether they know better or not... My belly still isn't obvious unless I wear form fitting clothes, in a way I just want it to REALLY pop so it's just in everyone's faces because I'll get comments regardless. At least when it's truly "big" there's no denying it...

    @Mrs. Toad: I haven't had many people touch my stomach, aside from really light pats from gfs here and there, and I don't really mind. However if my FIL was asking about it, that would be a little odd for me and not sure how I'd feel about it.

  4. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Thankfully no one except DH, DS, and DD have tried. They are all allowed. I don't know what FIL was thinking.

  5. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: @SupernovaJ: Yeah, I'm comfortable with DH touching my belly! And my bump is definitely there, but more visible depending on what I wear. I'm trying to get as much use out of my regular clothes as I can!

    @Mrs. Toad: Same regarding the distance away. We love our families, but we're accustomed to having our space. We've been considering asking our families not to come for the first week after the baby is here so we can have some time as a new family of three. We're very independent and private, and while our families are wonderful people who we love, we don't think they'll be much help when they're here. I'm worried about baby blues and feeling like I have to "host" guests while I figure out how to be a mom for the first time ... baby keeping people up at night ... not having any personal space ... the whole ordeal.

  6. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @foodiebee: My mother came when my first was about two weeks and was helpful. She stayed with us on an air mattress. My ILs came the week before for a few days and were only helpful in watching the baby and taking us for food. They stayed in a hotel.

    My mother now has major memory loss and isn't able to visit. If she did, she wouldn't be helpful anyway. My ILs are only useful in watching my older two.

    There are some great threads in the archives about when to invite parents to visit with a new baby. If you think you may have to host guests, you may want to wait a few weeks. I don't know how well that will go over though.

  7. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: I'm so sorry about your mom's memory loss. I can't imagine how difficult that is. What are you thinking your plan will be with this baby?

    And yes, I posted a while back asking for everyone's experiences on post-pregnancy visits and got such good responses! The advice showed me that I didn't understand what I wanted out of the experience and needed to put some thought into that. I think it'd be awesome if a hotel could be used to give us some space each night, but I don't see that happening. In general I think we need to have honest convos with our families to see what they picture that time period looking like, bc based on comments, everyone thinks it's basically like we're on vacation!

  8. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @foodiebee: I'm hoping for a scheduled induction. I've had two unscheduled inductions each lasting less than 12 hours and with minimal Pitocin. No need for other interventions as I was at a 3 with DS and a 5 with DD. They just needed to start labor. I did have the doctor fully break my water with DS as his heartbeat was fluctuating and they were unable to get a good read on that.

    With a scheduled induction, I can make sure DH is here (he just got a new job across the country) and can bring in ILs to watch my older two or send the kids to the ILs. They'll still get to see the baby some, but I'll get a lot of time to spend with my new one. I have minimal space, so they'll stay in a hotel as well.

    Otherwise, during my 12 weeks off, I'll probably spend three weeks down in Texas/Louisiana with my parents, my ILs and DH, probably shortly after the 2month shots. My parents are near Houston, ILs near Dallas, DH near New Orleans. I live near DC.

  9. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    Well, I finally found out my job situation. I will be staying in my current job until summer of 2020. I will be taking my 12 weeks of paid leave concurrently and may add some additional leave as well. I'm glad I'm on the wait list for two different daycares already.

    I'm not sure what DHs plan is. He is starting a new job in April. Unfortunately, it's halfway across the country. I think the hard part will be figuring out how to be a single parent with three kids all 28 months apart.

    It'll be interesting having three kids in the same room. I don't like having an infant in my room. I may keep the infant in my room temporarily though.

  10. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: Oh man, that sounds challenging with your DH working so far away from the kids and family. I've had days here and there where I've had to single parent (DH goes on somewhat frequent business trips) and it's extremely tough, on top of working full time or being a FT SAHM. It's just so tough! And three kids 28 months apart--you're a supermama! Can't imagine. Our first two are 21 months apart, but the second and third will be three years apart so we have a little breathing room with the oldest being five when this next one arrives....

    How has everyone's week been? I don't know what it is, but I've been extremely fatigued lately--I'm wondering if it's being anemic. I started the iron supplement they recommended but it hasn't helped. It feels like first trimester fatigue without the nausea. I'm 26 weeks and wondering when I'll get my energy back, perhaps never at this point.

    Hope you are all doing wonderful!

  11. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: Goodness, you are a super mom! I can't imagine balancing all of that, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Will your husband be able to come home some weekends to see you all?

    @SupernovaJ: I've been wondering about second-trimester energy too! I heard this is when I'll have the most energy, but so far I don't feel it. I'm not dealing with the nausea anymore except at random, but I've had a host of other symptoms: swollen ankles every few days at night, baaaaad lower back pain (feels like kidney pain maybe), dehydration, lots and lots of migraine auras without the headache (just the vision part of it). I don't have the exhaustion I had during the first tri, thank goodness, so it's helped me be able to deal with the rest of these things happening all at the same time. I'm 24.5 weeks at this point, so I'm like you and thinking the easy pregnancy thing just might not be in the cards for me.

  12. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: I hear you on all those symptoms. I feel so much more swollen overall with this one! My backpain has been killer some days, with some acute sciatica where there have been moments I felt like I couldn't walk/lift my leg. So weird. Maybe the magical trimester will be the third one for us.. ha! Fat chance huh.

    I started looking into ordering my breast pump this week, via insurance. That's my highlight from pregnancy land...

  13. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    I had my 24 week appointment yesterday. I passed my one hour glucose test (yay!) but I'm anemic and need to go in for more blood work to figure out the cause.

    I was anemic with my daughter and tend to run a little anemic normally so I'm not surprised. It caused some issues post-delivery last time. I had normal blood loss but my blood pressure dropped to 50/20 and I couldn't stand without passing out for two days. I ended up needing a blood transfusion and was fine after that... hopefully that doesn't happen again.

  14. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @skinnycow: Woo hoo on passing your glucose test! But that is really scary being anemic/low BP/needing a blood transfusion with normal blood loss. I don’t think I was anemic in my prior pregnancies but am currently with this one. My blood pressure is also already low to begin with. In the 80/50 range normally.

    Hoping our labors are unaffected though!

  15. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @skinnycow: if they put you in iron supplements definitely start your colace before your due date. I didn't start until after my c section and dear Lord that was terrible. (I barely missed a blood transfusion after delivery)

  16. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Oh wow, that's pretty low! My blood pressure tends to run a little high when I'm pregnant so the drop post-delivery surprised me.

    @Sams Mom: Good call! It was bad enough last time without the iron supplements

  17. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    How are things this week?

    I pulled two boxes out of storage Saturday. One full of newborn and 0-3 months, the other with sleepsacks, hats, mittens, socks, etc.

    I hung up multiple onesies and sleepers and filled a drawer in the dresser for the baby. I also pulled out a couple of nice outfits for pictures. With this June baby on the go, I believe this kid will live in onesies during the day and possibly sleepers overnight. My older ones both lived in either onesies inside or sleepers outside (Oct and Jan babies). Most of it is gender neutral to slight boy.

    I already have size 1 diapers available and will buy newborn if necessary. DS went straight into size 1 and 0-3 month while DD was in newborn diapers and clothes for a few weeks.

    I won't pull anything else out until the very end as I don't want to clutter the living room anymore than it already is. (Play kitchen, doll house, etc.) I have a bouncer and plan on a rock and play. I think I want the baby a little further off the floor than the bouncer.

    Overall, I think I'm mostly ready for this one. Just need to empty the crib of all of the diapers/wipes that I'm storing and determine the car seat situation.

  18. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @skinnycow: Glad the test went well but sorry to hear about the anemia. That's pretty scary about your post-delivery experience! I hope you don't have a repeat of that this time.

    @Mrs. Toad: Wow, three cheers for being so prepared! We have a nursery basically set up....but very empty. Just furniture in a room. I'm waiting to see what the shower brings before buying the things we'll need. We're going to try cloth diapering, so we'll have to get a bunch of those, and BFing, so I'll need BF supplies. It looks like most people who have bought off our registry got toys, books, and clothes, so we'll have lots of essentials to fill in. Silly question, but what's the difference between a sleeper and a onesie?

  19. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @foodiebee: sleeper is footie jammies or even a sleep sack/gown (open elastic bottom)

    Onesie is the body suit style, short or long sleeves, snaps between the legs

  20. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @foodiebee: @SupernovaJ: Thanks for the confidence!

    We keep changing plans. I got permission from my boss to telework as needed over the next few months. In addition, he agreed that I can telework two weeks a month from Louisiana and work here two weeks a month.

    Our new plan is to move everyone to Louisiana in July/August and have me travel with baby to DC. Baby will have daycare here and probably also in Louisiana. DS and DD will stay with their dad full time. So single parent of 2 until maternity leave, single parent of three until the move. Then we are both single parents for two weeks at a time.

    I'm trying to determine where to live up here and how cheap I can find without needing a car. I'm hoping that I can find a reasonable daycare as well.

  21. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @foodiebee: You'll get there with all of the stuff. I haven't pulled out the box of bottles and pump parts (non mechanical) as I don't need that until I get close to going back to work. I also left the box of baby toys in storage for now as well.

    I've never put away books, so unless it was destroyed by my older two, it's still available. I'll need to put the normal books higher when we move, so that baby doesn't destroy them. DD ate a page of DS's book and we ended up having to toss it.

    Sams Mom answered your question as well as I could.

  22. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    Happy Monday all! How is everyone doing / feeling? I'm starting to have more energy finally which is ironic because I'll officially be in the third trimester tomorrow. Guess better late than never. Not much going on except I have my 28 week appointment later this week. My friends asked if I wanted a sprinkle of some sorts but I genuinely do not want to do anything except maybe a dinner with some close girlfriends just to see their faces before I fall off the grid, but I requested no "things" or stuff because we are moving soon, have way too many toys/baby clothes and generally have been on a purging binge! With it being baby #3 we truly do feel we have everything we need.

  23. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Hooray for more energy! Better late than never! A sprinkle with close gfs sounds perfect and very fun. We've been on a purging binge too and it feels so good! Our goal is to finish purging every room before June. I'm 26 weeks now and surprised by how fast it's going. My GD test is next week, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that.

  24. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: Hope you pass your GD test with flying colors! I still need to tackle the baby clothes.. washing everything in our basement and creating piles of “keep” and “donations”. Sort of wish I knew what we were having so I could completely get rid of one gender clothes!

  25. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    June 2019 Mamas.

    Megatherium: June 3rd
    SupernovaJ: June 4th
    Foodiebee: June 15th
    Mrs. Toad: June 15th
    Skinnycow: June 18th
    Mrs. Blush: June 21st

    Thought I'd post as a refresher as we all head into the third and final trimester!

  26. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @SupernovaJ: We're team green too! So far everyone is guessing boy, so we'll see how right they are.

    AFM, I've been diving into The Birth Hour podcast this week, which has been interesting, and reading Bringing Up Bebe, also interesting. Hope everyone is well!

  27. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @Foodiebee: Ooh thanks! Updated. I read Bringing Up Bebe and enjoyed it.

    June 2019 Mamas

    Megatherium: June 3rd
    SupernovaJ: June 4th
    Foodiebee: June 15th
    Mrs. Toad: June 15th
    Skinnycow: June 18th
    Mrs. Blush: June 21st

  28. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @foodiebee: I love the Birth Hour podcast! I've been listening to it for a couple years.

    Nothing new for me. 26 weeks now and I can't believe I'll be in the third trimester soon!

  29. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    Hey mamas! Just checking in. Not much going on except we are under contract on our new house with a projected closing date of 5/28 if all goes well. Sheesh, talk about cutting it close to EDD but we'll just have to go with the flow. Hoping due diligence isn't too much of a pain and we have a smooth closing.

    I have my 30 week check up this Friday, going every two weeks now. I've been having extreme sciatic nerve pain and got acupuncture over the weekend and hoping it helps. Aside from that, feeling not too bad.

    @Megatherium @Mrs. Blush How are you mamas doing?

  30. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Hello! Gosh I'm impressed you're able to move house and be pregnant! I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, of course, but I'm giving you props for that. I hope the process is as easy and seamless as it can be.

    I'm 28.5 weeks and start going every two weeks from now on too. I never got a call about my glucose test, so no news is supposed to be good news. As for symptoms, sigh, I feel like a jerk complaining, but I have so many! At least it feels that way. Sciatic pain here too, along with heartburn, reflux, swollen ankles every day, still going strong on the migraine auras every few days, and even a day of nausea last week just for kicks. When was that easy second trimester going to kick in again? While I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore and meet this little one, my MIL has been treating me horribly recently--bossy, mean-spirited, controlling ... it used to be passive aggressive but now it's just direct and mean and other people are noticing--and it's made me terrified to be alone with her during postpartum.

  31. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Ah sorry about the sciatica! We're looking at a mid-May closing on our new house so in the same boat with you. It's making me nervous!

    @foodiebee: Sorry about all the symptoms - guess that's third trimester for ya!

    I'm starting to feel huge and uncomfortable. I'm 28 weeks today and I've gotten a lot of "not too much longer, huh?" comments. I've also started getting Braxton Hicks every night so hopefully that doesn't mean I'll have this baby early. I need to get moved into my house first!

  32. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: That's great you passed the glucose test!! I'm sure they would have called you by now otherwise. It's one less thing to worry about This is totally your place to vent, judgment free zone. Pregnancy is SO hard... no matter the circumstances. This one is hitting me hard too, I feel guilty not enjoying it more as it's our last, and complaining nonstop to those around me, but I can't help it. Maybe it's God's way of letting me know this is truly our last because I don't think I could ever handle being pregnant again.

    That's terrible about your MIL. Having a passive aggressive MIL is bad enough (I have one) but to openly be antagonistic... I wouldn't be able to deal with that while also pregnant. Ugh I'm so sorry. I hope she's the type to give you space in the early newborn phase if that's what you wish and you and hubby are on the same page.

    @skinnycow: That's so awesome! So I'm not the only nutcase buying a home while pregnant, lol. Hoping you guys have a smooth closing. I don't know when I'll find the time but we have to go into the basement and start purging like crazy, and getting the baby stuff prepared. But my back... Hopefully for the both of us, babies will stay put for as long as possible, because there really is so much to do before the move!

  33. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @SupernovaJ: @skinnycow: Wow, two mamas who are moving in the same due date group! And you're right, @SupernovaJ, your back with all that packing! I'm trying hard to keep working out but wow wow wow did I never have any idea how hard moving around while pregnant is! Can't imagine packing up all my crap right now.

    ETA @SupernovaJ: Um yeah no on the MIL giving us space postpartum. My mom's coming for 3 days (all she can give with work) and then MIL wants to come for 3-4 weeks. She was in a very bad accident 2 months ago and is recovering slowly, so we know she can't stay with us for this long without us being the ones taking care of her, but she will legit compromise her own health to do it. It's completely unreasonable. I think she's treating me this way out of a fear that the family is going to tell her she can't have the postpartum baby dream she's been envisioning since before we were preggo. (A dream that oddly involves not really helping but endless baby holding?!) I'm dreading the time when this convo comes up and the absolute blow up that she's going to have, even though I know it must be talked about for the sake of her own health.

  34. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    How's everyone doing? I've been mostly MIA the last couple weeks because I was in the middle of my busiest time of year at work. I worked 90 hours last week and that was rough this late in pregnancy. Thankfully I'm only that busy about two weeks/year.

    I'm 30 weeks now and feeling huge. I'm pretty sure this is how big I was at 36-37 weeks with my daughter.

  35. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @skinnycow: Oh my goodness, can't imagine working those hours while pregnant (or ever, actually!). I have some really bad weeks throughout the year but not 90 hours bad. I hope you're able to take it easy now!

    I'm feeling so, so uncomfy. Huge at times. Our family was hit bad with a 24 hour stomach bug--me and both littles. We were projectile vomiting, it was awful. Everyone is fine now, but within the last week I started getting the worst braxton hicks. The belly tightening is so intense sometimes it's hard to breathe, especially after I've eaten, and lasts at least half an hour. I don't remember it to this extent with my other two, but think it's worse when I over-exert myself. I have my 32 week appointment on Friday and will mention it then.

    In other news, everything with the house went smoothly and we will be closing at the end of May a week before due date, lol.. I really need to utilize my remaining weeks packing and cleaning up--which just seems impossible at this point!

    Also need to finalize a boy and girl name. We have front-runners for each, but need to settle on middle names now.

    Curious to see how everyone else is doing! We are in the final stretch...

  36. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Yikes, sorry about the stomach bug! I've been getting pretty intense Braxton Hicks also - mostly at night. I don't remember ever getting them in my first pregnancy.

    Did you go early or late with your first two? Hopefully baby decides to come at a good time! We're closing on our house mid-May when I'll be 35-36 weeks so I have a little more wiggle room.

  37. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @skinnycow: my waters broke with both at 39 and 3 so I pretty much go till the end. I really don’t know if this baby will come before or after, but I guess it doesn’t make much difference either way. We aren’t selling our current home till later in the summer.

    Is this a major move for you guys? I guess any move is major! We are moving to a similar size home, just half an hour away for better school districts.

  38. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @skinnycow: @SupernovaJ: I've been wondering how you ladies are. It's hard for me to believe that we're in the home stretch! Having never been pregnant before, I waffle between feeling average and feeling enormous. (I am pretty excited about getting back to working out normally though!) My biggest struggle right now seems to be sleep. Between insomnia and being uncomfortable, it's so hard!

    For Braxton Hicks, does that feel like your abdomen gets really tight for maybe 30 seconds, then goes away? I've been having that for the past couple weeks at random and was wondering if that's what it was.

    My mom was early with her pregnancies, but people seem to be split on whether that impacts me or not! I guess we'll see.

  39. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Oh that's nice - you don't have to worry too much about the logistics then! We're staying in the same city but in the process of building a bigger house. We sold our old house in October so we've been temporarily in an apartment since then.

    @foodiebee: I've heard differing things on the genetics/labor timing also. My mom went almost two weeks overdue with me and I had my daughter at 38w5d. I'm trying to not have the expectation of going early again but it's hard!

  40. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @foodiebee: Yes, braxton hicks is when your belly gets super tight. It may get more frequent as your pregnancy progresses. I remember the night I went into labor with my first, the braxton hicks was insane and kept me up all night. My water broke a few hours later. And yes, sleeping is so so hard at this point in pregnancy!

    I'm actually thinking my braxton hicks this time around is abnormally intense and frequent, I'm wondering if it's uterine irritability. It's hard almost all day long.. only thing that helps is when I lie down. Maybe I'm super dehydrated too but I've been trying to drink tons of water. I'll bring it up at my appointment tomorrow.

    It happened this week but suddenly I feel "huge".

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