persimmon / 1141 posts
@Mrs. Toad: Awesome. June 20th will be here so soon! Hope you are feeling good in the 39th week.
@foodiebee: Thinking of you and hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow!
pear / 1728 posts
Still pregnant over here! 38+5 (same day my daughter arrived) and zero signs of labor so I guess this one will make me wait a little longer.
Can’t wait to hear about other babies arriving!
pear / 1728 posts
How’s everyone doing? 39+1 and I was barely 1 cm dilated at my doctor appointment today. I guess this one’s staying out for a bit!
persimmon / 1095 posts
@skinnycow: 39+5 today. Last day of work for me. I'll probably do some work anyway, partially to keep busy. Appointment Monday. Scheduled induction next Thursday. I haven't been checked for dilation.
kiwi / 662 posts
Hello! I owe you ladies an update but have been trying to catch my breath. Short version: went in for the induction as planned. I was 2 cm dilated. Labored for a while without pain meds on cytocec (sp?) and then pitocin at a 1 and 2 and felt like I was doing well with it.
Suddenly pain went through the roof, with contractions lasting 10-15 minutes with 30 second breaks. DH said nurses were in awe of how strong they were while watching the monitor. Also said they were stronger then than when I delivered! Pitocin never got higher than 3 out of 20! They checked and I’d gotten .5 cm of progress after 8 hours. I couldnt believe it. I caved and got the epidural. They took me off all induction meds and my body took over, sending me from a 2.5 cm to 8 cm in 2 hours! Delivered our healthy and beautiful baby boy 6 lb 8 oz after 14 hours total. He’s just amazing!!!!!
Unfortunately I have a veryyyyy painful 3+ tear. Breastfeeding has been difficult bc he had a tongue tie and upper lip tie that wasn’t fixed until three days postpartum and he’s been a frantic cluster feeder, destroying my nipples. But we’re figuring it out each day and healing slowly!
persimmon / 1141 posts
@foodiebee: Oh my goodness, what a labor and smooth induction overall! I can't imagine super strong contractions lasting 15 minutes though. I wouldn't be able to handle it. So thrilled for your beautiful, healthy baby boy!
As for postpartum, the damage from first labors can be so awful. Hope your healing is smooth sailing and you're able to take it easy snuggling your baby boy. The nipple pain can be unreal. I'm three weeks out and still cringe when she latches but finally over the worst of it. Soon it'll all be a distant memory. Congrats!!
persimmon / 1141 posts
June 2019 Mamas
Megatherium: June 3rd (#3)
Mrs. Toad: June 15th (#3)
Skinnycow: June 18th (#2)
Mrs. Blush: June 21st (#2)
Happy Arrivals
Supernovaj: May 26th (#3)
Foodiebee: June 11th (#1)
pear / 1728 posts
@foodiebee: Wow, that’s so crazy! Congrats on your baby boy
Breastfeeding is so hard the first few weeks but it was great once we got past 6 weeks or so.
persimmon / 1095 posts
@foodiebee: Congratulations on the baby boy! I'm glad to hear that it was overall a good induction.
Good luck with breastfeeding. I had issues with both of mine. In my case, too big of nipples for little mouths.
kiwi / 662 posts
Thanks for the well wishes! I’m back with a breastfeeding question. Our first day home and first day post tongue tie repair was rough. We were on the phone with the lactation consultant a lot. My nipples were so damaged she worried LO wasn’t getting anything out of nursing bc we’d gone 13 hours with no dirty diapers. She reluctantly suggested we supplement and I only pump for 24 hours while treating my nipples to saline baths. It worked! We gave him what I pumped and supplemented to meet his needs and got caught up on diapers. Since then we’re nursing really well, albeit forever it feels like.
Is it normal to nurse for hour sessions right now? I’m paranoid I’m not providing enough for him after our horrible day three events.
persimmon / 1141 posts
@foodiebee: That’s great nursing is going well. LO is 3 weeks old now and we are still nursing on demand. Feels like I am nursing her all day, because I am. Sometimes every half hour or so depending on time of day, up to 2-3 hour stretches—around the clock. It’s never ending but I’m loving the newborn snuggles and bonding time.
persimmon / 1095 posts
@foodiebee: An hour can be normal. Baby will get faster at some point, but some babies are just slow nursers. The only way to tell if baby is getting enough is to conduct weight checks. A weighted feeding might make you feel better as well.
persimmon / 1095 posts
I had my last appointment yesterday. Everything looks good and I am scheduled for an induction Thursday. I want to wait for my in-laws to arrive, so they can watch my older two.
persimmon / 1095 posts
Baby girl arrived today at 3:50, 2 hours after my water broke.
I had been cramping most of the day, starting at about 4:30 this morning. I took DS to the dentist and my water broke just before his appointment. DH was at work about an hour away. We finished the appointment, made it back to the apartment where we met DH, and headed out shortly. We stopped by daycare for DD, and then headed to the hospital. I came up to triage while DH parked the car and grabbed the kids. I was already fully dilated. I met DH as I was moved into a room and baby girl arrived within 15 minutes. Kids were watching the tablet in the waiting room.
We're both doing well. DD2 is 9lbs, 2 oz, 20.25 inches.
pear / 1728 posts
@Mrs. Toad: Wow, sounds like a fast labor - hope you’re recovering well! Congrats on your baby girl!
Looks like I’m the last woman standing!
pear / 1728 posts
Baby girl arrived yesterday! My OB decided to induce me Thursday night after having low fluid at my 40 week appointment. When we got to the hospital I was already having regular contractions (every 3-7 mins) so I’m pretty sure I was in early labor. They gave me a dose of cytotec at 8:00 pm and that kicked my labor into full gear. Baby girl was born just after midnight so it was a very quick and smooth induction! We’re both doing well and my recovery has been so much easier this time around.
kiwi / 662 posts
@skinnycow: congratulations!! I hope things continue to go smoothly for the two of you!
AFM, I’m still feeding tons and questioning my supply. I ordered a supplement from Legendairy that I’m hoping will help...
kiwi / 662 posts
Hi everyone! Just checking in to see how we're all doing. I'm back at work this week--so weird after being with my LO for so long! Hope you're all settled after your moves and doing well.
persimmon / 1141 posts
June 2019 Arrivals
Supernovaj: May 26th (#3)
Foodiebee: June 11th (#1)
Mrs. Toad: June ?? (#3)
Skinnycow: June ?? (#2)
Hi moms! Just popping into check up on everyone. Mrs. Toad and Skinnycow, happy to add your LOs birth dates above.
I haven't been around HB at all, it has been so wild these past few months. We are getting settled into the new house and life as a family of five. Cannot believe baby girl will be 3 months in just a few days. How is everyone doing?
persimmon / 1141 posts
@foodiebee: How is it being back at work? I'm also back at work! Did you see any results with Legendairy?
kiwi / 662 posts
@SupernovaJ: Yes! I'm using their Liquid Gold supplement and I do think it's helping my supply. I pump four times a day (all I can manage) and nurse morning and evening. I pump 5-6 ounces/session at night/early morning and about 3-4/session during the day. It's been enough to provide him with his daycare needs and a spare bottle at home. I plan to continue using the Liquid Gold supplement (I take two a day, so not exactly what the directions say to do).
As far as being back at work, honestly, it's been hard. I love my job and coworkers and fell right back into being in the office easily, but gosh is daycare dropoff hard on my heart. DS has his first cold right now (thanks, daycare), and his little cough just breaks my heart! He's the sweetest boy and we are so, so in love! Seeing DH with him just makes my heart swell. He's a great nighttime sleeper, but it's tough to get him to sleep off of us for naps. The cuddle is adorable and I love it, but he's struggling at daycare right now with napping.
pear / 1728 posts
@SupernovaJ: Mine was born on 6/21. How are you adjusting to three kids?! We’re waffling on whether we want another - it seems so overwhelming!
@foodiebee: The daycare transition is so hard! Hopefully he starts sleeping better there.
kiwi / 662 posts
@skinnycow: DH picked him up yesterday and he was all smiles, so I think we're turning a corner!
persimmon / 1141 posts
June 2019 Arrivals
Supernovaj: May 26th (#3)
Foodiebee: June 11th (#1)
Mrs. Toad: June ?? (#3)
Skinnycow: June 21 (#2)
persimmon / 1141 posts
@foodiebee: I hear you, it's so hard being back at work. My workplace isn't being accommodating at all with a flexible work schedule, so I'll probably have to look into a new role closer to home. My younger two are in preschool/daycare 10+ hours a day, and I have a commute that's 1 hr 15 mins +. Sometimes I total three hours on the road, it's definitely not ideal--it's been brutal.
That being said, our littlest also had a rough first week at daycare. She refused all bottles. It's funny how they will wait for you. I had only nursed her until that point so I probably should have been better about getting her acquainted with a bottle. But by the end of the week she was finishing more of her bottles so we're so thankful for that! Even as babies they get adjusted quickly, it's amazing.
That's good to know about Legendairy, I am thinking of getting it for a friend who is expecting her first.
persimmon / 1141 posts
@skinnycow: We are in survival mode! It culminated in going back to work last week--the stress! The morning prep getting three out the door/ready for school and daycare has been so crazy. But getting more used to it now... it just means virtually zero free time. My life is cooking, dishes, cleaning, prepping lunch boxes and bottles, pumping. Hate it, but I know it's just a phase and gotta power through!
How are you doing with two!? That was such a huge adjustment for us, we definitely weren't ready for a third for a while!
pear / 1728 posts
@SupernovaJ: It took a few weeks to adjust but we’re in a good groove now! It probably helps that DD1 is a little older (3.5) and DD2 is such a sweet, easy baby. She’s always happy and only wakes up 1x per night. Total opposite of my first! I’m also not back at work yet and I’m sure things will be much more challenging then.
kiwi / 662 posts
@SupernovaJ: That stinks that your work isn't accommodating to your schedule. Your commute is brutal!! I'm clocking around 2 hours total give or take each day, and even that is weighing on me. DS will probably be at this place until kindergarten (and the school he'll attend isn't that far from daycare), so DH and I are beginning to talk about moving closer in next summer. One neighborhood in particular would reduce my commute to around 10-15 minutes! The idea of that is so dreamy right now, I fantasize about it.
I'm sure it was stressful with your LO refusing bottles. I guess because we started supplementing so early, DS took to a bottle well. I'm grateful for that, but I also feel like maybe every baby will have his/her challenge? Mine is such a light napper, and with no swaddling at daycare, he's clocking around 30 min-1 hour total over the course of the day. I'm *that* first-time mom freaking out about his sleep all the time and worrying I'm causing damage by him not getting enough daytime sleep. I'm guessing this is just parenthood...
@skinnycow: When do you head back to work? I went back at 9 weeks and wish I'd had until 12!
pear / 1728 posts
@foodiebee: My long commute was much more frustrating to me after I had DD1. I ended up changing jobs and now have a 15 min commute. It was serious a life changer!
I’m really lucky that my company offers a generous leave - I don’t go back until the first week of December. I wish that was the norm!
persimmon / 1095 posts
I haven't been active on here as we are in the midst of moving from DC to Louisiana. Movers packed and loaded last week with delivery sometime next week. Some issue with their equipment. I'll have less than 2 weeks to unpack everything before I go back to work.
My job hasn't changed, they are just letting me telework half the month with being on site the other half of the month. Unfortunately, I don't have daycare in DC so all 3 kids will stay with their dad. DD2 has taken a bottle, but not had as much as she takes from the breast. Honestly, my biggest worry is that she won't want to breastfeed after 12 days of bottles.
kiwi / 662 posts
Hi all! Checking on how we're all doing. My LO (14wk) started rolling like crazy last week! If we put him on the floor, he'll just roll and roll and roll! He's holding up his head really high during tummy time and trying to get his knees under him. Little guy is growing so fast! Of course, his glorious sleep has gone to crap at the same time. He's sleeping 7 pm - 1 am and then up every hour. Last night we started Taking Cara Babies' SITBACK techniques, but gosh was it hard. He's fighting his swaddle because he wants his hands free to soothe. I guess it's time now that he's rolling so much to transition him out of the swaddle. Maybe doing that during this sleep regression he's having is the way to go...
@Mrs. Toad: Are you back at work today? Hope it goes well!
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