Welcome and congrats to our June 2020 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome and congrats to our June 2020 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
nectarine / 2648 posts
I realize I am only a whiff pregnant 🤰 but what the hell - here goes!
Location: Virginia
EDD: June 17, my birthday!
How far along: 3w4d
First child? No - DD turns 3 in Feb and lost another DD May 2018
First doctor appointment: Have a beta currently scheduled for Thursday, 10/10 but hope to get beta #1 drawn sooner!
Any symptoms so far? Nausea,🤢 loss of appetite, but that all seemed to start after I POASed, so it’s either just nerves or psychosomatic
Who have you told? DH, I ran downstairs and said “I need a second opinion, STAT!” (We are both in medicine ⚕️
⚕️), the nurse at my RE’s office (we are Fb friends and I couldn’t wait), my best friend. Will wait until the NIPT to make a wide-scale announcement.
clementine / 794 posts
I'm a touch more than a whiff pregnant but not much!
Location: Ohio
EDD: June 12
How far along: 4w2d
First child? Nope, DS turns 1 on Tuesday!
First doctor appointment: Already had it, last friday my first beta, it was 110. I have my second beta on Wednesday!
Any symptoms so far? A touch of nausea here and there plus sore boobs. I have been exhausted recently but it's hard to know if it's because of having a 1 year old or pregnancy!
Who have you told? In a perfect world only DH (I surprised him with the news when he got home from a work trip last week) would know but my boss' boss knows (we were talking about IVF last week and she asked if I was going to do another retrieval and I told her that we had just done one the previous week and she asked when I would find out if it worked and it was the day after I got my first test so I just told her) and my parents and DH's parents, and my sister and her roommate (I'm going to a wine party on Saturday and so my sister and her friends will find out so we wanted our families to know before that)! We have stressed to those who know that it's insanely early and anything can still happen so it's vital that they not spill the beans! We will probably wait until after 12 weeks to share with everyone else.
clementine / 794 posts
@yellowbeach: That’s so awesome that you are due on my birthday! My birthday is in June but 14 days after my due date (I really hope I’m not still pregnant then )!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
My birthday is in June too! Around when an eviction date would be if I’m lucky enough to join this board
pomegranate / 3904 posts
Location: Texas
EDD: 6/21/20 (but won't go past 6/4-ish)
How far along: 3w2d? Just a whiff pregnant here too
First child? No, and such a complicated question for me. DS1 passed away at almost 6 weeks old, DD is 4, DS2 is almost 3, and I’ve had three miscarriages. So 7th pregnancy (funny to see that considering I’m technically infertile!)
First doctor appointment: beta is 10/13 but not sure about appointment yet
Any symptoms so far? A little light cramping/twinges
Who have you told? Lots of HB friends and a couple of girl friends Also going through IVF
nectarine / 2648 posts
June 2020 Mamas
Estimated Due Date:
May 31: SkiierChck99 #2
June 12: Marfi #2
June 17/18: YellowBeach #2
June 21: LazB (?)
kiwi / 518 posts
My EDD is May 31 so I’ll probably pop into both the May and June boards! I’ve been holding off on joining any because I still don’t feel that pregnant (and I definitely did with dd1) which makes me nervous about the viability of the pregnancy. Years of infertility and fertility interventions before my first makes me skeptical about everything! This was my first FET for baby #2.
Location: metro Boston
EDD: 5/31/19
How far along: 6w 2d
First child? Nope! Dd1 will be 20 months tomorrow.
First doctor appointment: I’ve had 3 beta but the viability ultrasound is scheduled 10/18.
Any symptoms so far? Tiredness, maybe a hint of nausea or breast pains but honestly nothing making me “feel” pregnant.
Who have you told? DH - I’ll tell a few close friends and family after the US next week if it’s favorable.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@skiierchck99: totally understandable. How did your betas look? Was there concern there?
kiwi / 518 posts
@yellowbeach: nope, none! 335, 857, 1726. I’m just an anxious person generally and infertility didn’t help. I had such nausea with my first though that the lack thereof is unsettling. Hopefully, it’s just awesome luck!
nectarine / 2648 posts
June 2020 Mamas
Estimated Due Date:
May 31: SkiierChck99 #2
June 12: Marfi #2
June 18: YellowBeach #2
June 21: LazB #4
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@skiierchck99: I was not nauseous at all aside from GERD with my son. This pregnancy (girl) was hell, so maybe it's just a boy instead of a girl.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Sams Mom: if that holds true you might be right about two girls then. My nausea is real. So curious to see my beta tomorrow. For DD beta at 9dp5dt was 160. I’m betting higher even though it’s a day earlier.
Also, here’s what my nurse emailed about my due date:
I talked to Dr. Banks and she said that the date doesn't change, since it is a blastocyst, it is still considered a day 5 transfer. So the date of the transfer you were 2 weeks and 5 days pregnant.
So that makes my due date June 18.
kiwi / 518 posts
@Sams Mom: DD would love that - she is very insistent that she wants “a boy” baby.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@skiierchck99: funny! My daughter really wants a girl! Maybe because she already has a brother and has enough of him lol
nectarine / 2648 posts
@LAZB: for DD it was 160 at 9dp5dt. Tomorrow will only be 8dp5dt but I’m predicting it’ll be higher than 160.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@yellowbeach: mine is always just over 100 I think at 14 dpo, so even your dd’s number seems high to me, it will be so interesting to see!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@LAZB: I secretly kind of want a girl because it’s in my comfort zone but obviously will be ecstatic with a healthy boy, too.
kiwi / 518 posts
@yellowbeach: I feel the same - girl would be easier in so many ways. Luckily dh doesn’t care!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@yellowbeach: I totally get that! I’m glad I’m having another girl too
clementine / 794 posts
We're really hoping that this LO is a girl. With my son we were told at the anatomy scan that he was a girl so we were super disappointed to find out later that he was a boy!
And re: levels, at 10dp5dt last year we were at 101 and this year at 9dp5dt we were at 110. I'm curious to see what it is tomorrow at 14dp5dt!
@skiierchck99: I had like no symptoms at all with my last pregnancy so I totally get that stress of not "feeling" pregnant!
nectarine / 2648 posts
Well I made it through a whole shift at work without having to out myself to anyone. It seems like as soon as I have a whiff of hcg in me all the Shingles and CMV patients just swarm my direction requiring me to ask one of my partners to see them instead (dead giveaway). Lucked out. Also no pregnant patients today. Win win. Now to just fall asleep and wake up for beta!!!
kiwi / 518 posts
@Marfi: wait, how/when did you find out, birth?? I can’t imagine having grace about news like that in the middle of delivering! It just happened to someone I know but in the reverse!
clementine / 794 posts
@skiierchck99: thankfully my mum got me an elective U/S for my birthday so we found out at 29 weeks (after planning for a girl for the previous 11 weeks) otherwise it would have been a huge surprise when he was born! This time we’re gonna do sneak peek!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@LAZB: oh cool! Sorta forgot you’d done PGS testing. A tad jealous
apricot / 430 posts
Congrats to all of you! I'm cautiously joining...
Location: Texas
EDD: 6/1/20
How far along: 6w 2d? timing is a little uncertain as I had not yet had a period after my MC
First child? DS just turned 3 yesterday. I've had one chemical this spring and a MC in August at 8 wks.
First doctor appointment: beta was high enough Monday that they asked me to come in for a scan this morning. Sack and yolk were present - better than last time! Measuring around 6 weeks
Any symptoms so far? motion sickness and mild nausea. Tender, enlarged breasts just kicked in.
Who have you told? DH and my BF who is an ER physician assistant. We are going to a wedding this weekend and staying in a house with college friends, so I have a feeling I will tell them (to explain why I am not drinking!)
nectarine / 2648 posts
@BUNBUN: Welcome and congrats! I like your screen name - DD's favorite toy is a "Bun-bun" too. I'll add you to the list. Do you know if you'll be team green? Also, how would you like me to list your number, 2 or 4?
apricot / 430 posts
@yellowbeach: Thanks! we will not be team green and please list this at #2
After 3+ years on HB, I decided it was time for an avatar
nectarine / 2648 posts
June 2020 Mamas
Estimated Due Date:
May 31: SkiierChck99 #2
June 1: BunBun #2
June 12: Marfi #2
June 18: YellowBeach #2
June 21: LazB #4
nectarine / 2648 posts
My RE is being kind and letting me have a 3rd beta (no matter what) on Monday as well as #2 tomorrow. They said they usually only do a 3rd of the delta rise between 1 and 2 looks concerning.
Did I mention yet that I have a home ultrasound? Only does transabdominal though.
kiwi / 518 posts
@yellowbeach: interesting - mine does 3 beta as a standard - the differences in procedure always fascinated me.
@BUNBUN: congrats and welcome!
persimmon / 1390 posts
Location: WNY
EDD: June 23
How far along: 3w 4d?
First child? Third (and last)
First doctor appointment: my doctor doesn’t schedule until at least 8 weeks so I won’t be calling for a while.
Any symptoms so far? Burping! Subsided a bit yesterday. Mild nausea and loss of appetite.
Who have you told? My bff.
I’m amazed at how much more chill I am already about this. With my first, it was a scramble to get an IUD removed and see if it was a viable pregnancy. With my second, it was a super stressful time at work and even though it was planned I was basically “What have I done?” Now I’m like, “I’ll wait to tell DH for a few days, won’t call the doctor for a few weeks...” We have 2 girls and will find out the gender of this one. My girls reallllly want a brother but I have zero preference.
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