Hellobee Boards


June 2020 Mamas

  1. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    June 2020 Mamas

    Estimated Due Date:
    May 31: SkiierChck99 #2
    June 1: BunBun #2
    June 12: Marfi #2
    June 18: YellowBeach #2
    June 21: LazB #4
    June 23: Becky #3

    Cheerleaders šŸ“£

  2. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Becky: so glad to have you join us! Can you share some of that laissez faire attitude??? Just to warn you us IVF ladies are a little high strung šŸ˜¬ How will you tell your husband?

  3. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @yellowbeach: umm I already broke down and showed him the stick šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m definitely interested in hearing more from those of you who have gone through infertility. I know quite a few people who are, and my sister has several close friends who are currently doing IUI and IVF. I definitely donā€™t take in stride that I am IMMENSELY fortunate, and I promise not to boast my laid back attitude about this time around! I definitely wasnā€™t laid back about my previous 2 pregnancies šŸ˜¬

  4. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Becky: No no - please do - I could definitely use some advice and perspective about calming down and just sailing through pregnancy. One of my hopes is that I'll be able to enjoy this pregnancy much more than my last two.

    I can't speak for @Marfi or @LazB, but I'm happy to answer any and all questions about IVF and infertility - although I never did any IUIs, so I'm no help there.

  5. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Feeling reassured by my 2nd beta (123-->335). Can we please fast forward to 2 weeks from now when it'll likely be ultrasound time? Anyone ever do more than 3 betas?

  6. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Ultrasound is scheduled for 10/24 at 9am!

  7. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: yay! Seems like forever away but canā€™t wait!

  8. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Becky: welcome over here!

  9. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    First appointment booked for 11/4 when Iā€™ll be about 8 weeks. They gave me an option to go next week but Iā€™d only be 5 weeks and wouldnā€™t be able to hear/see anything so I opted to wait. I didnā€™t ask for betas because Iā€™m pretty sure my insurance didnā€™t cover it when I had a chemical a few years ago and had them done. Iā€™m seeing my favorite midwife from last time, and Iā€™m really excited because I think sheā€™ll be excited Iā€™m pregnant again. My practice doesnā€™t do an ultrasound until your anatomy scan so that should be around Christmas which will be fun!

    I think Iā€™m going to tell my mom this week what with the up and down with tests. Sheā€™s also not really supportive of us having a third (sheā€™s easily stressed and canā€™t imagine having more than 2 kids), so I want to give her extra time before we announce and ask her how we should tell my dad since this wasnā€™t super planned. When we told him I was pregnant with DD2 he said ā€œWell, thatā€™s life.ā€ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø And thatā€™s despite us having good jobs and a fantastic support systemā€”he just couldnā€™t imagine weā€™d spaced them 2.5 years on purpose (my closest sister and I are 6.5 years apart). I swear theyā€™re great and I love themā€”we just donā€™t have the same family ideals.

  10. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @Becky: welcome! Iā€™m curious, they donā€™t do a NT scan to look for trisomies?

  11. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @skiierchck99: totally creeping, but I've never been offered an NT for either pregnancy. I also turn down genetic testing, so I don't know if that effects it.

  12. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    Finally feeling pretty preggers - nauseous, exhausted, peeing a lot, which is reassuring but I canā€™t remember why I wished for this haha. Still not as nauseous as my first but I guess thereā€™s still time. Also reached that point of dye stealing tests (I couldnā€™t help myself) which is also reassuring. First us is scheduled for Friday am which I think will be 7 weeks 5 days.

  13. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    I didn't get an NT scan with either of my first 2 pregnancies bc I was >35 and eligible for the NIPT.

  14. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    June 2020 Mamas

    Estimated Due Date:
    May 31: SkiierChck99 #2
    June 1: BunBun #2
    June 18: YellowBeach #2
    June 21: LazB #4
    June 23: Becky #3


    Cheerleaders šŸ“£

  15. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @Sams Mom: interesting! I donā€™t know if itā€™s standard or because mine are ivf or what. We had the standard genetic testing to look to see if we were carriers before birth so it wasnā€™t offered as part of maternal care (unless you meant. Well-free dna?)

  16. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @skiierchck99: They do, but itā€™s optional and Iā€™ve never done it (or the other optional testsā€”I canā€™t remember what they are).

  17. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @skiierchck99: Iā€™ve always done the testing, even when I was younger and didnā€™t do ivf, and it was always covered

  18. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    Had to share: accidentally just told my mom. I called my dad because my routine annual bloodwork just came back and two levels that were high can be indicative of leukemia. Both my parents are nurses but heā€™s best at sleuthing it out. My mom answered and she and my sister were talking it through when I happened to google the results and pregnancy. Turns out the levels change during pregnancy šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Of course I had to tell her I donā€™t have leukemia and that Iā€™m a whiff pregnant.

  19. breakouttheicecream

    olive / 66 posts

    OK, I'm hoping for the best and jumping in. Grateful to join you all! What a good group. Congrats all around!

    Betas are back today and jumped from 41 to 181! šŸŽ‰

    Location: Midwest
    EDD: June 16
    How far along: Week 5
    First child? Yes, if this is the one that we get to meet! I'm going to try to trust in it if we keep going a while. Started infertility meds at the beginning of the year; one miscarriage in March, one chemical pregnancy in August. Hoping for better this time.
    First doctor appointment: First week in November.
    Any symptoms so far? Lips swelled up. I joked it was a pregnancy symptom and then broke down and googled it--who knew? The rest is pretty boring, extra sleep, feeling a little adverse to coffee.
    Who have you told? Just my partner.

  20. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    June 2020 Mamas

    Estimated Due Date:
    May 31: SkiierChck99 #2
    June 1: BunBun #2
    June 16: BreakOuttheIceCream #1
    June 18: YellowBeach #2
    June 21: LazB #4
    June 23: Becky #3


    Cheerleaders šŸ“£

  21. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @breakouttheicecream: Yaaayyyyy! I totally understand being guarded this early on. This month of full of ladies with infertility and loss, so I think you are in good company in terms of understanding those fears. Congrats again! Will you find out the gender or be Team Green?

  22. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    Hi ladies!
    I just realized I included this info in my first post. Apparently last week was a blur! went in for a beta last week, and instead of a second blood draw, my doc wanted to do an ultrasound due to my MC. I so appreciated this! My hcg put me around 6 weeks and there was a sack and yolk visible, so 6ish weeks was confirmed. This pregnancy has already progressed further than the last, so I was very grateful to know that before I went to a wedding with college friends this weekend.
    8wk ultrasound is next week.

    I'm feeling awful today - nausea, light headed. Could be from travel and a turbulent landing yesterday, but I'm thinking this is reflux like my pregnancy with DS. Since I had no nausea with the preg that ended in MC, I'm thrilled to feel like crap!

  23. breakouttheicecream

    olive / 66 posts

    @yellowbeach: Your positives and early numbers have been so exciting to follow! Very happy for you. Thank you for this kind note!

    @bunbun: Congratulations on passing that mark! Hope you don't feel too awful. Have a good time at the wedding!

  24. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @breakouttheicecream: Thanks! We had a blast at the wedding. I shared our news with the friends we were staying with and it felt really good to be "out" even though I'm still feeling to cautious to really celebrate

  25. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @BUNBUN: That's great news! Such a hard first step to reach, I'm sure you were delighted to make it there. Were you on time with LO#1? Wonder if you'll be a late May baby or an early June baby?

  26. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @yellowbeach: DS was born 2 days early, so I'd guess "on time". DH's bday is May 28, so they could have the same bday. (Though, my friend has 4 kids and her last was almost 2 weeks late while the others were either on time or early, so who knows?)

  27. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Ultrasound set for 10/28! My hcg went from 119 to 299, so far so good

  28. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @LAZB: Excellent news!!!

  29. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @LAZB: exciting news!

  30. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @BUNBUN: My birthday is May 28th too! I love having it then because it often falls on a long weekend.

  31. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    Iā€™m taking the leap to join this board as we have our šŸ¤ž that the 4th time is the charm for us! I admit itā€™s still difficult during this early time but Iā€™m going with being cautiously hopeful and taking each milestone at a time.

    Location: Tacoma, WA
    EDD: June 23
    How far along: 4w2d
    First child? Yes!!! Lost a little boy due to T18 at 18 weeks earlier this year so we are praying for a different result this time.
    First doctor appointment: in the next few weeks. I had an amazing doctor as part of my team earlier this year and she is going to continue to provide me care for this pregnancy. Sheā€™s making me an appointment in a few weeks to come in and run the tests and potentially have an early scan.
    Any symptoms so far? Breasts are so tender and some mild nausea starting to develop that comes and goes.
    Who have you told? DH and my BFF. Waiting to tell my family - think wonā€™t tell them at all until we know things are progressing fine. They are sweet and would welcome our little baby but are definitely worried about me going through another loss like the one with our little guy. So it makes me less inclined to tell them anytime soon.

  32. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: Welcome! Wishing you for a sticky baby.

    I have my first us tomorrow, eep! At 7w5d. If we see a heartbeat I will tell my mom and brother and maybe a couple close friends. And maybe work bosses who are all womenā€™s fb will get it.

  33. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: Welcome!
    @skiierchck99: tomorrow!

    AFM, at 7 wks the bloating and nausea have hit HARD. I'm wearing dress pants that are a size up and just had to unbutton. This does not bode well for keeping this secret until 12 weeks!

  34. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @BUNBUN: it hit HARD for me the day I turned 7 weeks, too! Also, I still look pregnant from the last and if I relax my tiny. I look like 6 months šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

  35. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: Just lurking and I am SO happy to see you here! Congratulations and I hope this is your rainbow baby ā¤ļø

  36. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    Welcome @MrsJBeeG!

    My first appointment is 11/4 and Iā€™ll be 7 weeks. No symptoms here really. Iā€™ve had some mild nausea and lots of bloating yesterday, but nothing today. That makes me nervous but I try to remind myself I didnā€™t have nausea until after 5 weeks the first two times.

  37. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: so glad you made the leap!@skiierchck99: good luck tomorrow! Fingers crossed for a nice strong heartbeat!
    @BUNBUN: sorry youā€™re not feeling well! When I got dressed this morning I thought I looked pretty cute, but I caught my reflection a couple hours later and totally have a bloat bump lol. That isnā€™t necessarily due to pregnancy for me though, my stomach is always a little pregnant looking lol
    @Becky: Definitely still early for symptoms!

  38. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: also de-lurking to say congrats!!!! so many fx and for you!!!

  39. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @skinnycow: thank you, you are so sweet for thinking of me, posting and hoping with me.

  40. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @nwm: and thank you for de-lurking for me. !!! I adore my Hellobee friends and all of their support. It means so much as this road can otherwise feel lonely at times.

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