Welcome and congrats to our December 2019 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome and congrats to our December 2019 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
apricot / 259 posts
Location: Cincinnati, OH
EDD: December 14, 2019
How far along: 4wks
First child? Baby #2; 5th pregnancy in last 9 months (I’ve had 4 - 6 week losses)
First doctor appointment: Friday. Already had an appointment scheduled to go over last months hormone testing so they’ll prob grab some blood for betas.
Any symptoms so far? Swollen boobs and heartburn.
Who have you told? Husband only. Probably won’t share with anybody else until we hear the heatbeqt
apple seed / 1 posts
EDD: 12/20
How far along: 4+3
First child? My second, if this bean is sticky they will be 25 months apart!
First doctor appointment: Haven't scheduled yet, my midwife usually doesn't see people until 12 weeks.
Any symptoms so far? Just exhausted some days.
Who have you told? My husband and my mom, and the ladies from my firsts moms group!
I am so much more anxious this time around, I cant wait to be out of the first trimester and start to feel this sweet babe wiggle around. Hoping and praying I have another baby to cuddle this Christmas.
apricot / 486 posts
I’m cautious to join this because I have had two chemicals in the last three months! But, why not! I need to tell someone!
Location: Waukesha, WI
EDD: December 27, 2019
How far along: 3 weeks +3. I just found out!
First child? No! I have two girls! 3.5 and 1.5
First doctor appointment: haven’t scheduled it yet!
Any symptoms so far? So so so nauseous and sore boobs
Who have you told? No one! Waiting to get a clearer positive to tell hubby!
apricot / 486 posts
@Montanamama: @ModernDayJibarita: so far some experienced moms in here! Congrats!
apricot / 259 posts
Hcg came back at 494 @ 16 dpo. Had another blood draw today and will have results for tgat one tomorrow but feeling good about this one 🤞
apricot / 486 posts
@ModernDayJibarita: congrats! That’s great news! Praying for a sticky baby for you!
pear / 1565 posts
Congratulations mama's I have TWO Dec LOs so I am particular attached to Dec DD
nectarine / 2808 posts
Location: Oregon
EDD: 12/31
How far along: 5W1D
First child? Third! I have two girls, 4 and 14 months.
First doctor appointment: 6/11
Any symptoms so far? Hangover feeling that I have gotten all three pregnancies. It’s super obvious. Also felt twinges around implantation that I’ve only ever felt on BFP cycles. Cramps (made me think AF was coming).
Who have you told? One girlfriend and DH!
nectarine / 2808 posts
Is it odd that my OB isn’t having me come in until June 11th? My other two pregnancies were with an RE (we had to have fertility treatments), so this is all new and different to me! Such an amazing miracle. Anyway, I went in around 6 weeks with both of them. So, waiting until 10 weeks seems crazy! Ha. Also, I’m 40.
nectarine / 2808 posts
Here’s my test. I was so nervous that I couldn’t wait until I got home. I took it in the Target bathroom while holding my 1yr old.
apricot / 322 posts
Hi ladies. I'm feeling more confident in this pregnancy so I thought I'd join in.
Location: Western USA
EDD: 12/25/2019
How far along: 7+6
First child? 2nd, DD just turned 2
First doctor appointment: Saturday (5/18)
Any symptoms so far? So many. Way more than my first pregnancy and way more than my losses. Lately, mostly exhaustion, bloating, nausea, and all food and drinks taste off.
Who have you told? DH and DD, and my midwife.
I had an early loss in February that was hard and it's been hard for me to connect with this pregnancy. I spotted 4w to 6w so I'm still fearful of a MMC or something else going wrong. However, at the moment I am undeniably pregnant. I am very symptomatic which might be a blessing with my state of mind lately.
I see my midwife on Saturday and will get an ultrasound sometime next week I assume. I'm hoping that helps me feel better about it all.
How is everyone feeling? Have you had an unltrasound yet?
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I wasn't sure if this board would end up being active, but I'll join in:
Location: East Coast
EDD: 12/27/2019
How far along: 7+4
First child? 2nd, I have a 15 mo
First doctor appointment: today
Any symptoms so far? Nausea, exhaustion, which diclegis makes that much worse.... Probably about the same as last pregnancy but having a toddler makes everything way more exhausting.
Had the first appointment today and everything so far looks good. Measuring 7+5, 7+3 based on LMP. Plan is to get NIPT once I'm far enough along, and another US in a month.
I had a couple of losses before my first pregnancy, and am now AMA, so I also have been cautious and haven't really acknowledged that it could actually, maybe work out. Keeping my fingers crossed for your first appointment!
apricot / 322 posts
@periwinklebee: thank you, I appreciate that. I hope you start feeling better soon and have a smooth and healthy pregnancy from here on out. How are you feeling about a baby due right around Christmas?
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Clementine12: Thank you! DS was nearly two weeks late, so I figure we'll see what happens if it ends up working out. On the bright side, I wouldn't mind having an excuse to stay put this year for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Clementine12: DS was a Jan baby, and having our own Christmas the year I was expecting him was lovely. Last year we made the extended trip (multiple flights, long car ride) to see my family, and while I love seeing them, DS got air sick multiple times and the trip was absolutely miserable... So I'm all for having an excuse to stay put!
apricot / 322 posts
I had a dating ultrasound yesterday and saw a heartbeat, so we're starting to tell family. Wasn't the most impressed with the tech/company - no way to print pics and I asked to be informed as soon as she saw a heartbeat (which was immediate with my daughter!) and was instead told a few minutes into it - luckily I could see my husband's face and knew everything was ok.
On track for a baby due 12/25 . 9 weeks today and feeling pregnant. I swear I'm showing already...
How is everyone feeling?
apricot / 259 posts
Feel like crap. Nausea & headaches all day everyday (but thankfully no vomiting).
Got a fetal doppler and have heard the HB a few times so I announced at work since it was getting ridiculously hard to hide the bump.
apricot / 322 posts
@ModernDayJibarita: wow mama, you look amazing! When did your belly pop?
apricot / 259 posts
@Clementine12: 9 weeks or so. I'm 11 now. It popped around the same time with my son as well.
apricot / 259 posts
Got the results from the genetic testing and it was negative for everything and we found out we're having a GIRL!!!!
apricot / 322 posts
How do you all feel about holiday names? This is mostly for fun, but my mom has been campaigning hard for Noelle as a name (she says no one thinks of Christmas with the name Noelle )
It's not a real contender for us, but what do you think? What names are you currently considering?
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Clementine12: I hadn't even thought of it! I find it super hard to get my DH to have a serious conversation about names until it's really last minute, because he finds it way too amusing to suggest outrageous names and laugh at my look of shock So we've got nada for baby girl. I would ideally like a name that's not top 50, but when people look at it they've still heard of it and know how to pronounce it. Last name, despite being short, really confuses people in terms of pronunciation, so I'd really like the first name to be straightforward. But my husband would never spring for a super common name...
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Clementine12: Sneaky peeking on this board.
I love the holiday-named trend for Dec babies. I have FOUR family members born on either the 24th or 25th of December... Yes, you read that correctly.
My aunt (Christmas baby) is named "Joyce" for "Joyus." My nephew (DH'S side) is "Noel." My great aunt (24th b.day) is Noelle. AND, my cousin is "Jubilee." My husband, his sister, and DS are all Dec babes as well but have "traditional, non-celebratory names."
apricot / 322 posts
@periwinklebee: my DH is the same way. He also let me have a lot of control with DDs name but i have a feeling will be more opinionated with DD2.
@Kaohinani: That's lovely and so fun! Do they like having Christmas-y names? I'm not sure how I would feel having to share a bday with a major holiday AND it being my namesake.
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