Hoping for lots of BFPs this month! Good luck everyone!!!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
Ovulation and POAS dates:
Baby #:
Your plan this month:
Chart link:
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)?
Hoping for lots of BFPs this month! Good luck everyone!!!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
Ovulation and POAS dates:
Baby #:
Your plan this month:
Chart link:
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)?
apricot / 315 posts
Cycle Day: 16
TTC Cycle #: 2
Ovulation and POAS dates: Positive opk today, so hopefully O'ing tonight or tomorrow. POAS Dec. 6?
Baby #: 2 - I have a LO who is 21 months. This will be my third pregnancy, as I had a BFP in Oct, m/c at 6 weeks.
Your plan this month: My dr said that she didn't feel there was a reason to wait, but that it would be helpful to wait a cycle for dating purposes. I was originally just going to temp/OPK so that I could have more data about my cycle as I only had one month of tracking before my BFP. Buuuuut I got an almost positive OPK yesterday and definite positive today - and kind of just want to move on. So we are throwing caution to the wind and hoping for the best!
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? I need a serious wardrobe makeover so I don't feel so frumpy and I want to take a couple cooking classes in the New Year. Hopefully Santa is good to me!
Good luck to all this month!
pomegranate / 3764 posts
I'll be taking Letrozole/Femara this cycle (when my period ever arrives) and we'll be having a crack naturally... so I hope we'll get a December POAS chance.
pear / 1788 posts
I'm in!
Cycle day: 16, ovulation day!
TTC cycle: Lucky #3!
Ovulation and POAS dates: today is O, so if no AF I will test on December 5
Baby #: trying for our first
Your plan this month: pulled out all the stops and hit every day O-4 through O, a perfect 5 day streak! Laying off the caffeine and alcohol in the tww this time around, exception for one small glass of wine at Thanksgiving dinner!
Holiday wishes: I've had my eye in some princess cut diamond stud earrings! DH says he has it under control!
blogger / pear / 1509 posts
I'm in.
Cycle day: 13
TTC cycle: #2
O and POAS dates: I'm guessing I'll O between Sunday and Tuesday (11/23-11/25). Expecting a peak on the monitor tomorrow and hopefully a positive opk. That would make POAS on or around 12/8-10. I'll say the 10th because it's my bday and that would be fun.
Baby: #1
Plan: well, as those who were on the nov. list know, I'm doing this the unconventional way. My partner and I are using a known donor who lives 5 hours away, so it makes the timing extra important and complicated with jobs, driving, hotels, etc. I did one AI on Tuesday because I was getting high readings on the monitor starting cd 8 and was worried I'd ovulate early this cycle. So far it hasn't happened, so tomorrow I head back down for a second AI. Fingers crossed I ovulate Sunday or Monday so this second insem is timed right. I wish I could find a way to have more chances per cycle, but so far this is the best donor we have found. We do have someone we might use if this cycle doesn't take, who lives about 45 min away which would allow me to go meet him for AI after work a few times each cycle. That would be amazing.
Not really doing much for Xmas this year, as we are saving big time for baby. So I'm mainly excited about spending time with family because this is the first year since high school that I've lived close to my parents and grandparents!
nectarine / 2771 posts
Excited that I finally get to participate! I hadn't heard of hellobee until LO was a couple of months old.
Cycle Day: 12ish
TTC Cycle #: 1
Ovulation and POAS dates: Supposed to O on Thanksgiving Day, so estimated POAS date would be 12/11.
Baby #: 2. LO 1 is 22 months.
Your plan this month: Nada, having fun! We conceived LO on our first cycle trying last time, so we shall see if we get that lucky this time again.
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? Not sure! I've only complied LO's list so far...and that includes magnatiles and a learning tower.
clementine / 912 posts
Cycle Day: CD15
TTC Cycle #: 4
Ovulation and POAS dates: Hoping to O sometime in the next few days, right now my POAS date will be 12/6
Baby #: 2, LO is 16 months
Your plan this month: Lots of BDing, as another bee said, the BDing will continue until AF shows. Also trying to drink more water and adding in some green tea to increase CM.
Chart link: n/a
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? We just bought a new house that needs a few renovations so my gift this year is a new kitchen. DH and I also desperately need a new laptop so we're planning to pick one up on Black Friday.
pomelo / 5132 posts
Cycle Day: 14
TTC Cycle #:5
Ovulation and POAS dates: waiting to O, hopefully soon, so maybe POAS 12/6?
Baby #:2
Your plan this month: keep BDing although we are both now sick with a sick baby, keep fingers crossed! I started vitex again this cycle.
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? To figure out my potential career change. (BIG wish!! Haha)
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I'll hopefully join after I know what's going on with this CP. to everyone
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
TBD: jaguar
12/5: Mrs. Microscope
12/6: chaosmaven; jennyg; Mrs. J
12/10: 2farmmoms
12/11: yerpie110
Cheerleaders: mrsmcarthy; faithfertility
@jaguar: Glad you are joining us this month!
@2farmmoms: FX that the timing works out well for you!
@Mrs. Microscope: That is quite a streak! Lucky #3 for the win
@yerpie110: @JennyG: @Mrs. J: Good luck this month!
kiwi / 641 posts
I got a BFP for my DD in December 2011 so hoping December is another magical month for us!
Cycle Day: 16
TTC Cycle #: 3 (and maybe 4-- Looks like I might have two opportunities to POAS in December!)
Ovulation and POAS dates: O on 11/19, POAS on 12/3
Baby #: 2--DD is 27 months
Your plan this month: I used OPKs this month but otherwise nothing different. This was our last "go with the flow" cycle-- if it doesn't work this time (and I am not too confident since we only had so-so timing with 0-3 and 0-1 thanks to us both having colds), we are going full tilt next cycle!!
Chart link:N/A
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? I am asking for fitbit!
kiwi / 641 posts
@travellingbee: So sorry to hear this. Hopefully December will be a lucky month for you!!
pear / 1788 posts
@2farmmoms: I can't even imagine trying to schedule a 5 hour drive in just for AI even once a cycle, let alone multiple times!! Is the cost cheaper than a monitored IUI that it makes it worth it? I love how determined you are! Good luck!
@travellingbee: I hope you figure things out soon and you get back on the plan your RE had!
blogger / pear / 1509 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: Yeah, the cost of an iui (unmonitored) plus the cost of the sperm from a bank would be between $1500-2000/cycle. That's just not in our budget. Plus, frozen sperm is much less viable. Using a known donor, we get the sperm for free and the only costs are the drive down, the hotel, and a day of missed work. Still not cheap but much better than $2000/month! Hopefully next cycle the closer donor will work out. We are determined, and figure we don't really have many options for how to do this! People say babies in lgbt families are often the most wanted because wet have to be so determined and go through so much hassle to get them!
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
TBD: jaguar
12/3: abmamma
12/5: Mrs. Microscope
12/6: chaosmaven; jennyg; Mrs. J
12/10: 2farmmoms
12/11: yerpie110
Cheerleaders: mrsmcarthy; faithfertility
blogger / pear / 1509 posts
Well, I got a positive opk but still only high on the monitor. It's my first month using it so I'm hoping that explains the discrepancy. Either way I'm doing an AI this afternoon so everyone think good swimming thoughts for the donor's little guys.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
Cheerleader here! Wishing everyone a wonderful "present" this year!
nectarine / 2262 posts
Cycle Day: 5
TTC Cycle #: 8 ish? (first few cycles were looong though)
Ovulation and POAS dates: IUI probably 12/2 or 12/3, so bloodwork/poas 12/17 or 12/17
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: Clomid, monitoring, hCG trigger shot, IUI, then progesterone suppositories. Urgh. I'm taking the Clomid now. Thankfully not much for side effects, although I feel like I've been more emotional and today (clomid day 3) my stomach has been a little off.
Holiday wish list: I don't even know. I really want a new (artificial) Christmas tree and some nice decorations for the house.
I am trying not to get my hopes up too much even though this is our first IUI/Clomid cycle... I know the odds are not great.
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
TBD: jaguar
12/3: abmamma
12/5: Mrs. Microscope
12/6: chaosmaven; jennyg; Mrs. J
12/10: 2farmmoms
12/11: yerpie110
12/17: MrsADS
Cheerleaders: mrsmcarthy; faithfertility; simply felicity; littleblessings;
bananas / 9899 posts
Good luck everyone! Last December I got my BFP after over a year of trying, a PCOS diagnosis and fertility treatments scheduled for the next month.
Miracles do happen! Have faith, even if you've been trying for a while.
grape / 92 posts
Cycle Day: 14
TTC Cycle #: 7
Ovulation and POAS dates: O 11/22 and POAS 12/06
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: We used preseed 2 out of the 4 times we BD around ovulation. That was the only thing we did different when we got pregnant in August, but then I start questioning if the Preseed had anything to do with the miscarriage. I guess i will just leave it up to fate now since my ovulation period is over. I also went to a Wellness center and the lady told me to take Calm Magnesium (for some reason she believes that this will get me pregnant by helping with the acidity in my body and the stress of ttc) and I love it. I am really trying to be positive, but each month it gets harder at harder.
Chart link:
apricot / 311 posts
Cycle Day: 10
TTC Cycle #: 5
Ovulation and POAS dates: should O around 12/2ish, POAS 12/16
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: same as usual - B6, Vitex, temping, opks, pre-seed, etc.
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? some cute boots would be nice since all mine are pretty much falling apart.
nectarine / 2591 posts
We are currently away on a trip but I am jumping in anyway so I may be a little quiet until we get home
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle #: 1
Ovulation and POAS dates: O:6/7 I think POAS: 23rd
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: It's a bit tricky since AF arrived a day early I may be on a long haul flight when I ovulate but we will just play it by ear.
Chart link: Not charting, will be using OPK. Just easiest with being on vacation.
Holiday wishes: Always nice to have some Kate Spade under the tree but am happy to spoil LO rather than myself this year
bananas / 9227 posts
Cycle Day: 4
TTC Cycle #: 1
POAS date: 23rd
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: Just BD and some Pre-Seed. Last month was our test run. We're now jumping into TTC!
Holiday wish list: New rugs, new sofa table and some new bed sheets while I'm at it!
cherry / 144 posts
Cycle Day: 19
TTC Cycle #: it's been a year now..
Baby #: 1
Ovulation and POAS dates: 11/20 or 11/21. POAS date either 12/5 or the following week - I am so undecided, I booked a transatlantik flight for Dec5, will be staying with my friend till Dec13 and be with hubby again Dec14.
Your plan this month: DH and I live in different cities for the moment, but we managed to DTD Thursday and Friday. Yay us!
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? Not much... haven't really thought about it. I am so thrilled I get to visit my US friend (I am in Europe), I thought it would not work out this year. I have not seen her baby boy yet! I booked yesterday (believe it or not, this is NOT the most last minute transatlantik flight I ever booked... last year it was 2 days before departure )
pear / 1881 posts
Cycle Day: 6
TTC Cycle #: 16
Ovulation and POAS dates: Expecting to ovulate 12/3 or 12/4. I'm so thankful that it's not over thanksgiving and that we have to BD in secrecy at my parents house! POAS date of 12/17
Baby #: 2. Our daughter is almost 2.5 years old
Your plan this month: I started my second cycle of Letrozole/Femara. Going to do green tea again, various vitamins: B6, B12, C, D, prenatal, mucinex. I haven't been temping, but might possibly do that. and definitely OPK and timed intercourse (well, let's be real - lot of it!). I'm also meeting with an acupuncturist/nutritionist tomorrow and am going to start that, I think. She specializes in fertility, so I figured that it doesn't hurt to try it for a few months. I do get a blood test a few days after suspected ovulation to confirm and had my thyroid tested last week, which came back normal. Also, going to try to be as hopeful as I can during this holiday season and wish for the best present that I could get.
Chart link: N/A
what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? Hmm..definitely need new clothes, but I've pinned a few necklaces and bracelets on Etsy for the hubby. Hoping I get one of those..
apricot / 452 posts
Cycle Day: 12
TTC Cycle #: 20
Ovulation and POAS dates: Should O sometime this week, so using OPKs to help pinpoint; FF says POAS on 12/12, but I'm sure I'll adjust that once I get my positive OPK
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: waiting to hear back about DH's SA. It was a week ago!! I need to call the dr's office when my officemate is in a meeting today. I'm not sure what the next step will be on the secondary IF front. We'll try to BD EOD until I O, but DH has been REALLY stressed with work and some family stuff.
Chart link: not temping this month
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? I haven't really figured that out yet, ha. I've been working on making wish lists for C and my step sons, but I haven't thought much about mine. I do love this sweater:
clementine / 912 posts
I got a positive OPK yesterday morning and almost as positive one yesterday afternoon. I took another one just to check today and its definitely lighter. So, that looks like my O date will be 11/24 which puts us at O-3, O-2, O-1 and then later today for O. Maybe we'll get frisky tomorrow for good measure.
I'm so relieved that it happened now and not later this week with my family visiting in our not very big house. You can hear everything upstairs.
pear / 1881 posts
@JennyG: I know, right?! My parents have an old farmhouse and our daughter will be in her pack n play in our room. I was SO dreading that situation. Thank goodness, I won't have to deal with that
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
TBD: jaguar
12/3: abmamma
12/5: Mrs. Microscope; busylizzy111
12/6: chaosmaven; jennyg; Mrs. J; Ashleyf21
12/10: 2farmmoms
12/11: yerpie110
12/12: ballerinabee
12/16: MissLace
12/17: MrsADS; NorthStar
12/23: AprilFool; SugarplumsMom
Cheerleaders: mrsmcarthy; faithfertility; simply felicity; little blessings;
@NorthStar: @JennyG: That's what I was worried about too! We leave for my mother's house tomorrow evening, and I've had 4 days of positive OPKs with a slight spike in temp but no definite O day per FF. I'm hoping that tomorrow's temp or a negative OPK soon confirms that I'm doneā¦ I really don't want to have to think about BD at my mom's house with my kid in the same room!
apricot / 315 posts
Anyone had experience with 4 days of positive OPKs? This is my first cycle post miscarriage so I was prepared to not ovulate, but also don't want to miss it by stopping BDing too soon. I had a clear 2 day surge for the month I got my BFP, but didn't use OPKs prior to that, so I'm not sure what is normal.
clementine / 777 posts
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #: 10
Ovulation and POAS dates: today is CD18 (positive OPK on 13, 14)
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: Trying to stay positive. I had an HSG exam on CD12 and the positive opks this month were the first I've had in 4 months. Even though my tubes were clear and uterus looked good, I'm hoping that my HSG "cleared the cobwebs" so to speak and this is our month. Otherwise my doctor is putting me on Clomid next cycle.
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