apricot / 315 posts
@JennyG: Just the Target brand dye tests. I have Clear Blue Digital for next month, but didnt want to use them for this cycle as it is my first post m/c and I wasn't sure when or if I would O. I've had very clear positives FMU and afternoon from Friday until today.
apricot / 315 posts
@mrsjd: Welcome and good luck this cycle! What POAS date would you like me to add you for?
clementine / 777 posts
@Chaosmaven: I'm going to try and wait until 14 dpo so Dec. 4. If it's a bfp, I'm going to wait to tell the family until Christmas so here's hoping
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I guess I'll just be a cheerleader this cycle as I am still waiting to miscarry and my RE said we needed to wait a cycle in between so I am not going to be POAS in Dec. But put me down as a cheerleader for everyone else.
blogger / pear / 1509 posts
Well, I'm hoping our AI timing was ok. I got a positive opk wondfo on Saturday morning. Still reading high on yhe monitor. Slight temp spike Sat am but my sleeping isn't too consistent and therefore my temps aren't usually too consistent. Sunday morning I forgot my thermometer at home (was staying in hotel after the AI) so I'm not sure what the temp was that day. I did test again though, negative wondfo and still high on the monitor. Same this morning. I wonder if this means I ovulated already or if the pos wondfo was a fluke. I'm hoping the monitor isn't accurate, and I did populate, because it is the first month I'm using the monitor. So confusing! Has anyone else had a month with no peak on the monitor and a very short surge?
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
TBD: jaguar
12/3: abmamma
12/4: mrsjd
12/5: Mrs. Microscope; busylizzy111
12/6: chaosmaven; jennyg; Mrs. J; Ashleyf21
12/10: 2farmmoms
12/11: yerpie110
12/12: ballerinabee
12/16: MissLace
12/17: MrsADS; NorthStar
12/23: AprilFool; SugarplumsMom
Cheerleaders: mrsmcarthy; faithfertility; simply felicity; little blessings; travellingbee
@mrsjd: That would be a great Christmas present!
pear / 1955 posts
Cycle Day: 58. Ugh.
TTC Cycle #: Dec will be our 9th month
Ovulation and POAS dates: TBD
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: Seeing my ob-gyn on Wednesday because I didn't ovulate this month - hoping to start interventions ASAP. Feeling kind of disheartened and anxious about seeing all of the babies over the holidays and dealing with the well-meaning but persistent old Italian ladies in my family who are scandalized we haven't reproduced yet.
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? I'm really just looking forward to time off work - a week and half away from the office will be SO appreciated!
clementine / 912 posts
@Chaosmaven: I don't have any experience with the Target ones, but I used CB advanced digital the first two month we were TTC. I got almost 10 days of positives. I switched to the wondos after that. I guess I would just keep BDing to be on the safe side.
pear / 1788 posts
Got my flu shot today at 3dpo. I asked if it would have any bad effects if I was early pregnant, and the pharmacist said no, it doesn't affect conception. Still a bit apprehensive, but I needed to get the shot in before holiday travel this week. Fingers crossed!
cherry / 152 posts
Yay I finally get to join the group. I was getting a little worried there for a minute.
Cycle day: 1
TTC cycle : #5
Ovulation and POAS dates: my app says Dec 11th and my test date would be Christmas day ( feeling extra hopeful this month for that reason)
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: taking ovulation tests to make sure we Bd at the right time. I started taking a bunch of supplements to help with my Pcos. Other than that I am going to relax and enjoy the holidays.
Just for fun, what's on your holiday wish list besides my BFP!.. well I asked for this really cool calorie burner counter, since having Pcos I literally have to count ever calorie and complex change my life style I think it's important. Besides that I'm just looking forward to seeing family I haven't seen in a year
Hoping and praying this month is it for all of us!
apricot / 261 posts
Cycle day: 14
TTC cycle #: 3
Ovulation and POAS dates: My cycles have been inconsistent lately so I'm not sure yet.
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: Trying to temp/chart and bd often
Just for fun, what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? The usual things, like slippers, new pajamas, CDs...
pear / 1788 posts
Only a week left before our first testers! Is anyone symptom spotting? I am only 5 dpo but I just have a good feeling about this month. No major symptoms, but a heavy feeling uterus. Fingers crossed!
pear / 1881 posts
I'm only at cycle day 8, but did acupuncture yesterday and hope that brings the stress relief that I need during this holiday season. Sending good wishes to those that begin POAS next week!!
kiwi / 641 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: I am trying really hard not to symptom spot since last cycle I was so sure I was KU based on my "symptoms!" BUT I have been feeling really tired this week-- although that could just easily be my toddler wearing me out after a long day at work So happy for a long weekend and plenty of stuff to keep me preoccupied!
kiwi / 578 posts
It's been a while since I've participated, but why not?! I'm hopeful this Christmas season. Wishing everyone a BFP!!!
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle #: 16
Ovulation and POAS dates: O should be around 12/9. Hoping to test Christmas Eve if my cycle holds out that long.
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: Will have an HSG next week. Will probably use OPKs and BD as usual.
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? I don't really have anything that I want or need. Maybe an Emily Ley planner. I've been looking at those for the past year or so
pomegranate / 3764 posts
Cycle Day: 3
TTC Cycle #: Blurgh. Can't remember now. 1+ year again.
Ovulation and POAS dates: Hoping to O around CD16-20, but depends if the Letrozole works.
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: This is a break cycle between IVF rounds. We'll be using Letrozole and charting.
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? I actually have no idea. All I wanted this year was a baby... and after being pregnant twice, but nothing to show for it, I don't think there's anything I could want more.
pomegranate / 3411 posts
I've meaning to join in all week! We decided to TTC immediately before and after I defended my dissertation last week because according to my iPeriod app, I was supposed to ovulate the day after my defense day! I really want an August baby and to have my second baby before I am 35, so this is my last shot to have those things!
Cycle Day: 22
TTC Cycle #: 1
Ovulation date: November 19 or 20 (I didn't use OPKs, but the look of my CM made me think I ovulated on the 20th, but my app said the 19th)
POAS: December 4th..i might push it to the weekend if i am too nervous to find out before work though.
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month:we just tried to BD as much as possible around my expected O date, which was tough because it exactly when we were travelling with LO for my defense, so i was just a bit stressed and tired last week.
Chart link: none
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? a Tula, i haven't thought about anything else I want yet.
pomegranate / 3411 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: I have no symptoms, but also have not read up on what type of symptoms to expect this early. I hope your feeling is true! I don't have a good feeling about getting a BFP which I have mixed feelings about anyway for this month, so I hope to just go with the flow and be okay with either outcome.
pomelo / 5132 posts
So...tentatively putting this out there. Got a faint line today on a wondfo! I only held 3 hours this afternoon. No idea when I ovulated because this was a weird cycle. Will do a frer/digi to confirm. Eeek!
pomelo / 5132 posts
Aaaand we have a positive wondfo, FRER, and digi. Two under two here we come!!!!
pear / 1788 posts
@Mrs. J: What a nice Thanksgiving present! So much to be grateful for! Congratulations!
apricot / 315 posts
@Mrs. J: Congratulations! Our first BFP - I'll update the list when I am near a computer this evening
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
Mrs. J
TBD: jaguar; raspberries; Willow
12/3: abmamma
12/4: mrsjd; californiadreams
12/5: Mrs. Microscope; busylizzy111
12/6: chaosmaven; jennyg; Ashleyf21
12/10: 2farmmoms
12/11: yerpie110
12/12: ballerinabee
12/16: MissLace
12/17: MrsADS; NorthStar
12/23: AprilFool; SugarplumsMom
12/24: Bea
12/25: AMommyThang
Cheerleaders: mrsmcarthy; faithfertility; simply felicity; little blessings; travellingbee
pear / 1788 posts
Strange things are afoot at the Circle K! Seriously, the 'heavy uterus' feeling is out of control... It feels like its occupied. Not crampy per se, but I FEEL it. But its too early to tell, and maybe I'm crazy!
cherry / 168 posts
Hi everyone, just a quick background update. I have a DS who is 17 months old. We started TTC #2 just after his 1st birthday. We got really lucky and conceived him first go, so it has come as a bit of a shock that it is taking awhile for baby #2.
Cycle Day: 11
TTC Cycle #:5
Ovulation and POAS dates: Guessing O will be around the 30th Nov, POAS 17th Dec
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: We thought we would take a relaxed approach (just taking note of when I was fertile etc) but obviously after 5 months nothing is happening so I have ordered ovulation strips and preseed, and I will start taking my temp and charting etc. Before having my son my cycles were all over the place, some were 49 days, but since I stopped breastfeeding and got AF back, they seem to have gone back to 28 days which is good.
kiwi / 641 posts
Ok ladies. For some reason I decided to test yesterday at 8 dpo- BFN. But then I decided to test again today for the hell of it. Not FMU, didn't hold it for any length of time .... And I think I have a squinter! Do you see it?!?
pomegranate / 3411 posts
@snickers: i feel like you but hoping i am not still on these threads in 5 months! I am in the "relaxed" approach still on cylcle 1! good luck!
@Mrs. Microscope: i hope you are right!
@abmamma: If I am looking at the right line on that stick, then i totally see it!! exciting! (and what does FMU mean?)
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