DH and I have an ongoing disagreement regarding complaining. It isn't a serious enough disagreement that it causes us issues really, just one of those relationship disagreements that makes us both roll our eyes on an ongoing basis lol.

My opinion: Don't complain about something to someone who has it worse. For example, if I got 5 hours of sleep last night (in 30min-1 hour increments) because our daughter had a rough night and I deal with all night wake-ups by myself while you snore away.... don't come home from work and tell me you're tired because you *only* got 6.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Which I have literally not gotten since our kid was born. You might be tired, but don't tell me about it.

His opinion: My being more tired doesn't mean he isn't tired too and I'm his wife so he should be able to complain about anything that is bothering him. Even if I'm more tired than he is (both acutely an chronically), he should be able to complain about being tired to me.

I just think it's an issue of know your audience. Don't complain about being tired to someone who got far less sleep than you. Don't complain your back hurts due to basketball to your 8.5 month pregnant wife who is in pain daily (he did that too). Just like you wouldn't complain about being too broke for vacation to someone who can't make rent and you wouldn't complain about stubbing your toe to someone who has no foot.

Again, not a serious issue for us-- but just an ongoing disagreement and I'm curious where the rest of HB falls