A's sleep stretches are starting to get longer some nights, but when she wakes up, she won't go back to sleep!! Last night her first waking of the night was at 3:15am and I couldn't get her back down until close to 5. I'm going back to work soon and so so worried about how I am going to function.
I don't change her anymore (she stopped pooping at night), keep her swaddled and the lights off while she eats, don't interact with her, and put her right back down when she's done. She used to fall back asleep right away and now she just thinks it's time to wake up.
Last night, like most nights, I left her alone after putting her back down and watched her on the monitor hoping she'd fall asleep on her own, but she never did and after maybe a half hour, started crying. I eventually had to pick her back up, and do bedtime again - rock and shush and blah blah and put her down almost asleep.
She's 3 months old so probably too little to sleep train...help..