Does anyone else have a LO who has such a strong insistence on sameness and schedule that outings or having naps/feedings being a little late becomes a catastrophe? I don't just mean crying...I mean refusing all feedings for the rest of the day, or refluxing for the rest of the day and even projectile vomiting.

I knew this was a problem for J from 1-2 months and got so so tired of being told newborns were like that and he'd grow out of it, babies are like that and he'd grow out of it, etc. Our OT hasn't helped at all. Today we took him to a 4-hour hearing test and speech evaluation for cochlear implants and they weren't able to get any data because he just got more and more out of control, which is worse than when he was younger and would at least act like he was there and then blow up when he got home. The only thing they could observe other than that was that he refuses to touch things and needs help with sensory issues. (I should add that they're concerned he won't use gesture appropriately and signing may not become a preferred way for him to communicate.)

Does anyone have a LO who is like this about routines? Please tell me I'm not the only one?