Hellobee Boards


<3 February 2015 Mamas <3

  1. Callalillylove

    apple seed / 4 posts

    @aria: I have been feeling the same way! But I think it's all belly bloat for me personally. As long as we stay hydrated the little sweet pea should be growing and growing

    @cmomma17: hope you feel better soon!

  2. Jruess

    grape / 80 posts

    @swedishfish: thinking of you and hoping all is ok!

    @Beanie132: @Callalillylove: welcome & congrats!

    @cmomma17: sorry about the uti! Hopefully it goes away quickly!

    I'm with you ladies & struggling finding something to wear. I haven't told work yet but I feel like it's obvious at this point. The women in my family tend to have huge bumps & based on my first pregnancy, I'm the same way. I worry I will be even bigger this time.

    We have our 12 week appointment tomorrow. Super excited to hear the heartbeat! I've been waiting for this appointment to spread the news.

    Oh and my baby girl turns 1 tomorrow. Super excited to spend the day celebrating her!

  3. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Jruess: happy almost 1st birthday to your little girl!

  4. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Jruess: My daughter just turned 1 on Sunday and I'm just over 12 weeks It's an exciting time! Have fun with her bday tomorrow!

  5. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    so scary news but a good result from yesterdays OB appt. My husband had come with me because the nurse had told us we may get to hear the heartbeat and after the intial hour long intake portion the doctor came in and told him he could go because she was going to do the pyhsical. She starts the pap and says I'm bleeding pretty intensley and has me rush to the hospital for a stat ultrasound.Baby was fine, I just now have a subchronic hemotama...FUN! it wasn't very big and the doctor talked us through everything, but talk about a reality check for how loved this baby already is. I ended up telling three friends as well because i was late to a carpool and they were excited and supportive of the stressful day. just happy to see baby again and know I'll be seeing it more often now because of this issue.

  6. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @Beanie132: so scary but I'm glad everything is okay!!

  7. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @Beanie132: I went through that with my first pregnancy, and it was so so scary. Glad everything is ok

  8. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: did everything resolve positivly for you?

  9. mtex14

    cherry / 111 posts

    @Beanie132: Glad everything is okay!!

    So i am sooo nervous I am going to tell my manager today that I am pregnant! I wouldn't be so nervous but I just started this job and 2 weeks in I found out i was pregnant. Anyone else new to a job and tell them you were pregnant?

  10. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @Beanie132: yes! I was on and off bed rest for much or my 2nd trimester because the bleeding would stop and then start again. I was a teacher and normal life meant on my feet most of the day so I think that contributed. It eventually resolved on its own. I did go into labor when my water broke at 35 weeks and my ob thinks the bleeding may have contributed, but we have no way of knowing for sure. Take it easy and follow your doctor's reccomendations. As long as it doesn't continue to grow and take up room that the baby needs to grow I think it is very rare for it to affect the baby. Other than a very brief nicu stay for the preterm birth, lo has been perfectly healthy

  11. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    I hear you ladies about not fitting into clothes.

    Yesterday I really wanted to wear my old summer favorite--a cute slim pair of white denim capris. Of course, I haven't been able to zip or button anything, so I decided to give the Bellaband another try. Last time it kept riding up, but with a bigger tummy I hoped it would stay in place. Nope. It was okay while I was at home barely moving. But as soon as I was out walking...forget about it. It kept riding up above the zipper (which was not zipped! )! Clearly a waste of $28. I walk everywhere, so this thing is not for me. Plus it made me feel HOT! Maybe because it's made of nylon.

    So I'm back to my limited wardrobe options (things without zippers and buttons!).

    I'm also getting concerned about tops now. My bigger boob size is making my shirts pull tight at the bust. Several don't fit now. I mostly have tailored styles, because as a petite person, baggy clothes just make me look short and squat.

    Guess I'll be making lots of purchases in the near future! I'm trying to put it off a bit since we are moving in a month, and that's always expensive.

  12. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @Iced Tea: Im hitting up some kids consignment stores tonight haha. Ours has a ton of maternity stuff for incredibly good prices!

  13. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @Iced Tea: Check out Burlington Coat Factory (online or in the stores)—SUPER cheap maternity clothes! Also, there's a site called ThredUp that I've been getting some from. It's so hard spending tons of money on these clothes that we'll just wear for a few months!

    edit: I just got a package in from ThredUp (yay new maternity capris!) and they sent a 40% coupon for a friend. (Not sure if that's allowed on HB or not!)

  14. Mrs. Detour

    apricot / 251 posts

    I am having pretty heavy brown spotting today so they brought me back in for another ultrasound. Everything still looks fine, but they couldn't explain the spotting. I'm hoping it stops soon since even if it is nothing, it has me worried.

    Re clothes: my mornings are much better since I caved in and bought enough maternity pieces to get through the week. I still feel more fat than pregnant some days, but having things that fit really helps (of course, this is true even when we're talking about too many cookies instead of baby bumps).

  15. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Beanie132: I hope the SCH goes away for you soon. I had one with my second pregnancy but it was big.

    @Mrs. Detour: I hope your spotting stops soon.

  16. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: ohh id love it! I didn't think to look there!

    U/s today; starting to second guess my delivery choice. It's a 30 minute drive but the closer hospital doesn't have a NICU

  17. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @Beanie132: glad it turned out ok!

  18. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @scg00387: just sent you a message on your wall with the code. The drive to the hospital/ob practice is 30 minutes away for us, too. There's one about 10-15 minutes from where we live, but I just switched practices and they deliver at the further one.

  19. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @cmomma17: So glad it was "only" a UTI! Hopefully you're feeling better by now

    AFM, I had my second appt on Friday. I was getting nervous leading up to it (having not seen the baby in a few weeks and having my MS dramatically improve) and then Thursday night, 12 hours before my appt, I started spotting bright red blood. Needless to say I was terrified. It only lasted about an hour and then turned brown, and wasn't nearly enough to fill a pad, but DH and I were both utterly panicked. Thank god for the timing of the appt.

    We were the first appt of the day and doc found the baby and the heartbeat right away and was incredibly reassuring that everything was completely fine. He had no explanation for the bleeding, aside from placenta settling into place or something. No more spotting since and baby looked on track for 10 weeks. Whew. Poor DH just BURST into tears as soon as the doc left the room. He had been trying to hold it together because I was so worried and the relief was just overwhelming. I said to him, "Don't worry, I think we'll just feel this worried for the rest of our lives now!"

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

  20. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @loopedd: I'm glad the baby's ok.

    I have an OB appointment tomorrow. My CVS is on Thursday. I'm waiting on MaterniT21 results. I'm feeling like there's no point for this OB appointment tomorrow.

  21. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @loopedd: I'm glad the baby's okay and that you didn't have to wait long for an appointment!

    @swedishfish: So sorry you're going through all this.

    I came down with a nasty cold this weekend, so I've had a stuffy nose, sore throat and headache. Blech. Plus I can't stop sneezing! I hope it goes away soon!

  22. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @mtex14: I just accepted a new job two weeks ago and told them when I accepted. If they had a problem with it I would have stayed at my old job. The thing that sucks is that I won't qualify for any disability. We will just have to make it work. And of course I have two appointments the first week. Oh well.

    @swedishfish: I'm so sorry you're going through this. Been thinking of you a lot lately.

  23. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @swedishfish: A "regular" appt in the midst of all that's going on? Ugh. Fingers crossed those Maternit21 results come back sooner than later.

    @Aria: Sounds miserable! Can you take anything or do you just have to tough it out?

    @mtex14: I've never been in that position but one of my coworkers recently was and it was nice to see how supportive our management was of her. How did it go??

    @Beanie132: SO glad all turned out okay!!

  24. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    Good morning! How are we all feeling today?

    I'm exhausted, but I did some shopping over the weekend. No maternity yet, but I still have 2 pairs of jeggings that fit very comfortably and just bought a few looser, flowy tops, so the ease of getting dressed this week will be very nice. And I'm looking forward to my next midwife appointment on Friday!

  25. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts


    I'm aggravated. My CVS is now pushed to Friday due to doctor emergency. It will be one day away from the cutoff point.

  26. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @swedishfish: So sorry you have to wait longer Do you still have an appt today?

    @Mtex14: How did telling your boss go?

    @circusbee: I'm still exhausted too! And I'm 12 weeks today - was hoping to feel more energetic by now. Gotta love the flowy tops!! I've been rocking those too.

    AFM, we told a lot of DH's family and friends at his sister's wedding this weekend and that was fun! It feels so good being able to tell people now. My NT scan is tomorrow morning, so we're nervous but excited about that as well. Assuming it goes well, I'll be telling all my coworkers tomorrow afternoon (boss already knows).

  27. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Kbee: yes, in about 45 minutes. I'm hoping to get the updated odds from the NT.

  28. mtex14

    cherry / 111 posts

    @Kbee @loopedd @dagret: I completely chickened out on Friday and didn't say anything I had SOO many opportunities but I psyched myself out... I think I am making this into a bigger deal than it is. If I was working there for a few months then found out I wouldnt feel so bad UGH!! I am just being a big baby hehe

  29. Mrs. Detour

    apricot / 251 posts

    @swedishfish. Sorry you have to wait. Is there a teaching hospital near you? Mine has much more flexible scheduling if you are willing to work with the residents/fellows.

  30. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    Good morning everyone! I have been out of town for the past several days, and there is so much to catch up on! Welcome to all the new mamas! We have such a busy board for such a short month!

    @swedishfish: Thinking of you and hoping for good results sooner rather than later. The waiting is definitely the worst.

    We go for our NT on Wednesday afternoon. I'm trying not to panic about it. It's been 5 long weeks since we've seen the baby or had an appointment, so I'm anxious to make sure everything is ok. Assuming everything looks good on Wednesday, I'll be telling my boss next week, and we'll generally be more open about the pregnancy. We won't be fully out in the open until later this month, when fall youth ministry starts back up at our church, where my DH is the youth pastor. We want to be able to tell our youth & leaders in person

    I think I'm 100% out of my pre-pregnancy pants. I have some bigger pairs that were given to me that I can still wear comfortably, and I've started easing into some maternity - both some hand-me-downs and a pair I bought myself. I bought 3 pairs last week during the Gap/ON sale, and hopefully they will be here soon! I'm trying to tell myself that bump is because I'm petite and there's no where for the baby to go but OUT. That must be true, right? RIGHT?

  31. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @heartabandoned: Definitely has no where to go but out! I'm tall but am VERY short-waisted, and I think the same thing is happening with me.

    How does everyone feel about a bump thread? Yay or nay? I took a photo of my little bump on Saturday and hope to get my DH to take a "good" one tomorrow. We're just now starting to take photos at 12 weeks!

  32. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @swedishfish: I'm so sorry to hear that... I hope you can get answers sooner rather than later.

    @HeartAbandoned: I've been living in maternity clothes for a couple months now. It's no joke that you start showing earlier with your second! I wish I bought more things when ON was having their sale!

    @Kbee: I'm already stressing about bump photos! haha. With my first, I had all the time in the world to take them and edit them (had to use the timer since my husband was deployed). But now I have zero time an energy. We also lived in a different house for my last pregnancy and I have no idea where I'll take them this time...the bathroom, I guess?! Anyway, i'm rambling. I like the idea of a bump thread

  33. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    I had my first appointment at my new OB/midwife office and I'm SO happy I'm going there now. It's absolutely perfect. The midwife was lovely and optimistic about everything and I'm excited for the rest of my visits there! Also heard the heartbeat—it was in the 150s, which is much lower than what my first baby's heartbeat always was! My mom's thinking boy, but I'm not-so-secretly hoping for another girl. Also, anatomy scan is happening in 6 weeks!!!

  34. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Kbee: I like the idea of a bump thread!! I would participate!

  35. Mrs. Detour

    apricot / 251 posts

    @KBee I would participate in a gold Bump thread.

  36. AnneBird

    olive / 67 posts

    @swedishfish: I am so sorry they bumped you. I actually logged on to see if you had posted an update, any chance they can refer you to someone else?

    @HeartAbandoned: I second everything you said! We also have the NT Scan on for Wednesday morning and I am also waiting to see what the results are before we tell anyone else...

    I have a legitimate bump, so I have already told my co-workers and close family and friends, but we still haven't made it truly public. I feel silly admitting this, but I took the day off Wednesday just in case the news are not good and I need space/time to process.

  37. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Kbee: I think a bump thread would be fun! We started taking pictures right away (at 4 weeks - we found out at about 3.5 weeks), so I've got quite a few. I'd probably cut my head off if I posted them here, though I don't have a Gold membership, so I wouldn't be able to do a Gold thread.

  38. mtex14

    cherry / 111 posts

    So I FINALLY told work, was encouraging to hear people's stories and it being positive. My manager took it really well!! She was very excited for me and said not to worry we will figure out for when I take my maternity leave ...phew! Why was I being such a baby about it!

    I would do a bump thread!

  39. GreeneB2

    cherry / 120 posts

    Hello ladies! So we had our doctor's appointment today and heard the heartbeat! It was very exciting but we didn't get to listen very long. I don't think our doctor is that sentimental. Still have horrible nausea and vomiting, but everyone is telling me that it'll be over soon. *fingers crossed*

    Went maternity clothes shopping yesterday and was totally overwhelmed. What are "must haves" and what can i wait on? Things are tight around the waist but I haven't really gained any weight because of all of the vomiting/not being able to eat anything besides cheerios. I bought a pair of jeans that I didn't like, some long tank tops, and some leggings. What else should I get for these "not-so-big" months?

  40. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: @AnneBird: My NT is Wednesday too, I hope all of our appointments go well!

    @Kbee: I'd participate in a bump thread! I started taking photos at 4 weeks after I found out, but I've been lazy about it the last couple weeks, so this would be my kick in the butt to keep it up.

    @Mrs. Rabbit: So glad you like your new midwife and that your appointment went well! It's always so exciting to hear the heartbeat!

    @mtex14: That's great that telling your boss went well, must be such a relief!

    @GreeneB2: Shopping for maternity clothes is so overwhelming! I tried on several pairs of jeans this weekend but couldn't find anything that fit right.

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