Hellobee Boards


<3 February 2015 Mamas <3

  1. Mrs. Detour

    apricot / 251 posts

    @swedishfish Thanks for the list and love the announcement--it's so cute.

    @kbee I've had a bump for a while. It started as a carb bump, but now definitely looks like a baby bump. Strangers have asked when I'm due, which is comforting since I really just feel fat. I'm almost out of the last of my passable non-maternity clothes.

    . . . which leads me to: Gap is having a 40% off sale and ON 30% For a change, the jeans, body, and maternity items are not excluded.

  2. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Mrs. Detour: I just bought two short sleeve maternity sweaters from Gap today...but now I need to go check out Old Navy!

  3. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @Kbee: I adore my bumble ride indie! I don't know why they aren't more popular.

    I for sure have a bump and can't wear normal pants. I've also developed nausea right in time for our move, hoping it moves along quickly.

  4. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @MrsB2012: I feel similarly to you! I think a lot of it is being so busy with a toddler! I also haven't bought this baby anything yet, or really thought too much about what we will need (besides diapers). I think I will personally feel more connected when I have a huge bump, know gender, and have decided a name.

    @swedishfish: I love the "I've been promoted" announcements!

    I have an ultrasound (dating I guess?) and blood work in the morning! DH is coming with. I'm always nervous before appointments! Hope everything is okay!

  5. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: @swedishfish: Thanks for the stroller suggestions!

    @Mrs Detour: Thanks for the heads up about the sales! I might have to drop by the mall after work tomorrow. I am also on the last of my comfortable non-maternity clothes, especially pants. So uncomfortable.

    @scg00387: Thanks for the stroller suggestion! I hope you feel better soon, what a horrible time for nausea!

    @cmomma17: Good luck tomorrow!

  6. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @cmomma17: good luck!

    @Kbee: thank! I highly recommend going I person to see models. The one I wanted most I was physically unable to fold on my own because I'm short and a wimp.

  7. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Kbee: When we heard the heartbeat with the doppler she was quite high up too! I know for sure when I went with B at 12 weeks she was right down in my pelvis still. I was shocked that she was up quite high this time! Makes me feel better about my bump too!

    @swedishfish: that's such a cute printable!

    @Mrs. Detour: @swedishfish: Jealous of your ON and Gap, we don't have 1 maternity store where I live! The only one we had closed! We live in a place with 90,000 people, it's not like I live in a tiny village or something! We went to Ontario 2 weeks ago so I bought some stuff then, but I definitely need more things.

    @cmomma17: I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like that. I feel like once we know the gender then maybe I'll feel better. THings are just so busy right now. My baby turned 1 today! I literally tear up every time I say it. I'm so sad that she's so big!

  8. ndepet

    pea / 24 posts

    hello! new here!

    Location: Los Angeles

    EDD: 02.11.14

    How far along: 11 weeks, 4 days

    First child? yes

    First doctor appointment: June 24th. Strong heartbeat and everything looks good so far!

    Any symptoms so far? nausea nausea nausea.

    Who have you told? baby daddy (boyfriend) and my mom

    I spent the past few hours reading this thread, eagerly waiting for my hellobee invitation and I just wanted tell you all how much I admire all of you already and how excited I am to be a part of this board!

  9. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @ndepet: welcome and congratulations!

  10. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    February 2015 Mamas

    February 3rd: LilJane (#2)
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1)
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2), Mrs. Coral (#1), Mtex14 (#1)
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1), Autumn865 (#2)
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2), Baby2Feb15 (#2)
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2), ndepet (#1)
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1), newatthis (#1 and #2)
    February 14th: Aria (#1), AnneBird (#1)
    February 16th: Kbee (#1), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2), Iced Tea (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1)
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1)
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2), scg00387 (#2)
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2), cmomma17 (#2)
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2)
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2), Loopedd (#1), Mrs. Lion (#2)
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)

  11. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @ndepet: welcome!! And congratulations

  12. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    aahhhh I've been stalking this thread for weeks (scratch that—months) and I'm finally "out," so I can join in on the conversation

    Location: middle georgia

    EDD: feb 7, 2015

    How far along: 12 weeks, 2 days

    First child? Second! My daughter will be 23 months on this one's due date

    First doctor appointment: Already had two appointments, but I'm currently switching providers. My first appt. at the new place is August 4!

    Any symptoms so far? FINALLY feeling better!

    Who have you told? everyone—the secret's finally out!

  13. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: welcome and congratulations!

    February 2015 Mamas

    February 3rd: LilJane (#2)
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1)
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2), Mrs. Coral (#1), Mtex14 (#1)
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1), Autumn865 (#2), Mrs. Rabbit (#2)
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2), Baby2Feb15 (#2)
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2), ndepet (#1)
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1), newatthis (#1 and #2)
    February 14th: Aria (#1), AnneBird (#1)
    February 16th: Kbee (#1), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2), Iced Tea (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1)
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1)
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2), scg00387 (#2)
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2), cmomma17 (#2)
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2)
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2), Loopedd (#1), Mrs. Lion (#2)
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)

  14. reyorra

    apricot / 288 posts

    I've been stalking for a while...but ready to be a part of the convo:

    Location: Cleveland

    EDD: February 12, 2015

    How far along: 11 weeks, 4 days

    First child? no, M is almost 19 months old

    First doctor appointment: July 3. Haven't heard the heartbeat yet or had an ultrasound - will hear the heartbeat on July 31. My doctor only does one ultrasound at 20 weeks. (I was able to do it last time and I can do it this time dammit.)

    Any symptoms so far? Fatigue, overly emotional, nausea, slight cramping

    Who have you told? husband, mother, both grandmothers, sister, brother, brother-in-law, Mrs. Confetti (childhood best friend who we visited last week!), and M's pediatrician

    So excited for everyone!

  15. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @ndepet: @Mrs. Rabbit: Congrats! Nice to see the new additions!

    Well, I had to bust out my bella band today. It's mostly just these one pair of jean shorts. I also have the elastic band, but I find that it's most comfy with the band on. Though it's supposed to be smokin hot today, so if I go out I might have to take it off.

    I start work tonight, my mat leave is officially over At least I wear scrubs, I'd like to hide this for a few more weeks. I feel like people will look at me in a negative light, just getting back to work and already being 3 months pregnant.

    Hope everyone is feeling lovely on this beautiful day!

  16. AnneBird

    olive / 67 posts

    @MrsB2012: Good luck tonight! I doubt you'll get any comments, but if I was you, I would just reply with utter joy. Like, "I KNOW, isn't it absolutely AMAZING?! We are over the moon!"

  17. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @reyorra: welcome and congratulations!

    February 2015 Mamas

    February 3rd: LilJane (#2)
    February 5th: Mrs. Detour (#1)
    February 6th: Swedishfish (#2), Mrs. Coral (#1), Mtex14 (#1)
    February 7th: MrsTal (#1), Autumn865 (#2), Mrs. Rabbit (#2)
    February 8th: Caitlanc (#2)
    February 9th: MrsB2012 (#2), Baby2Feb15 (#2)
    February 11th: Marzipan (#2), ndepet (#1)
    February 12th: HeartAbandoned (#1), newatthis (#1 and #2), reyorra (#2)
    February 14th: Aria (#1), AnneBird (#1)
    February 16th: Kbee (#1), Blueheron (#1), Jruess (#2), Iced Tea (#1)
    February 17th: Circusbee (#1)
    February 18th: GreeneB2 (#1)
    February 20th: Lone Palm (#2)
    February 23rd: Dagret (#2), scg00387 (#2)
    February 24th: Mrs. Tictactoe (#2), cmomma17 (#2)
    February 25th: Sugarmammary (#1)
    February 26th: Abdubbs (#1 and #2)
    February 27th: MsMiranda (#2), Loopedd (#1), Mrs. Lion (#2)
    March 1st: Intotheocean (#2)

  18. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @MrsB2012: sorry about going to back to work. try to enjoy it!

  19. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @ndepet: @Mrs. Rabbit: @reyorra: Congrats and welcome! So excited to see so many new people today!

  20. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    Got my sonoline Doppler today and am happy to report that I found baby's strong and rapid heartbeat!! I am so happy and so relieved!! It was so worth $45 to have the peace of mind and know that I can find it again if I need to. So happy

  21. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    The sonographer said our NT measurements were "perfect"! Will get blood results in a few days. I feel so much more excited after seeing our little peanut moving all around!

    And they said my uterus is already up and out of my pelvis (at 11 weeks), which means I now wear my bump with pride. I had convinced myself that I just ate too many carbs!

    My husband recorded a bit of the baby's movement on screen, and I've watched it several times already. It makes me feel so much more confident that we will bring home a rainbow baby.

  22. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Iced Tea: glad your NT scan went well! My scan is today and I'm extremely nervous. I wasn't this nervous the first time around.

  23. Mrs. Detour

    apricot / 251 posts

    My NT was today and everything was nice and normal. DH read his book instead of following along--who does that?

  24. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Mrs. Detour: @Iced Tea: So glad to hear your NTs went well! Mine is next week and I feel like I'm counting down the hours.

    Good luck today @swedishfish: ! Prayers for good results!

  25. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @ndepet: @Mrs. Rabbit: @reyorra: So fun to have a few new Feb mamas join us! Welcome!

    @Circusbee: Oooh I'm so happy that you found the heartbeat! You must be thrilled that you can hear it whenever you like now

    Looks like it's NT time for lots of us! Glad to hear about the good news and fingers crossed for more!

    I'm back at work after a looooong break - I work at a school and admin is slowly trickling back in this week and next. It's strange to be sitting at my desk and I am pretty tired, but thank god my MS isn't nearly as bad as it was a few weeks ago. That was brutal!

  26. Mrs. Detour

    apricot / 251 posts

    Lots of NTs indeed. Good lucky everyone!

  27. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Mrs. Detour: I LOLed at your husband and his book -- was he not interested at all??

  28. Mrs. Detour

    apricot / 251 posts

    @Loopedd he was interested in the risk assessment when the doctor came in but claims the baby looked the same as it did two weeks ago. I think he's a bit squeamish.

  29. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Mrs. Detour: Ah, gotcha. That's understandable -- I think the first pregnancy is when a lot of men realize what we go through somewhat regularly with getting poked and prodded at the OBGYN. When my husband saw the transvaginal u/s wand he nearly died!

  30. mtex14

    cherry / 111 posts

    @Circusbee: So glad to hear you got your Doppler- its so cool right? I love that you can hear the heartbeat whenever you want!

    Welcome to all the new moms joining the group!

    I just had my FIRST ultrasound today woohoo so exciting to see the baby! Everything looked good and the baby was moving around like crazy. Now I am just dying to know the gender! The Dr wouldnt take a guess since its too early

  31. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @loopedd: haha yes!

    Had another ultrasound today, and the ob said that it is standard for her to do more monitoring when mommas have a complicated previous pregnancy. She said that it is for reassurance. I guess she likes to prevent stressed out mommas. I am very grateful for that. The tech even switched the screen over to the 3d view so i could see a detailed view! Amazing!

    Welcome to the new mommas and congrats on all the great scans!

    @Mrs. Detour: my dh skipped this one completely haha i think he was jealous that he missed the 3d, but he will never admit it.

  32. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Iced Tea: @Mrs. Detour: So glad everything looks good! My NT is next week and I'm starting to get a little nervous!

    @mtex14: Yay! That's great that you finally got to see your baby!

  33. Mrs. Detour

    apricot / 251 posts

    @Loopedd hahaha. DH was very concerned about the stirrups and ultrasound. He apparently thought the stirrups were a '50s thing.

  34. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    I just spent an embarrassingly long time browsing the "unisex" category of for-sale baby clothing in the classifieds. Trying to resist the urge to buy everything in sight.

  35. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Iced Tea: @Mrs. Detour: @mtex14: @Mrs. Lion: Glad all your NT scans / u/s's went well

    @HeartAbandoned: are you going to find out the gender later or stay tg? I could look back and see but that's way too much effort haha. I actually haven't looked at any clothes yet! They're so cute though! I can't wait to find out what we're having so I can buy buy buy!!

    I was 100% sure that I was having a boy this time as everything is so different from B. I've talked to a few people now that said they're pregnancies were super different but they had the same gender. Now my momma sense is thrown off!

    I'm 12w2d now, yay for being out of the first tri, or is that at the beginning of 13w? I'm back at work now and there were tons of rumors flying around a few months ago that I was pregnant. ( I have no idea why, no one at work knew, I had only just found out and had only told family. So I think someone was just starting rumors. ) Everyone keeps staring at my belly trying to figure out if I am or not, but no one has asked yet. I want to keep is secret for a while still haha. It's so annoying to see people staring and judging/guessing though!

  36. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @MrsB2012: Oh, we'll find out for sure. But I figure it's easiest to look at the unisex stuff now, since I don't know yet! I also wondered about when we'll all "officially" move from first tri to second. It's always been at 12 weeks in my mind, but since I've actually been pregnant, I feel like it's 13? I don't know!

  37. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @MrsB2012: @HeartAbandoned: I have been wondering the same thing about the second trimester! I've seen the end of week 12, and I've seen 13w3d (exactly 1/3 of 40 weeks). I feel like you just have to pick one, right??

    and @MrsB2012: I can't believe the work rumors!! Well, I guess I can - my team loves to speculate about the state of my uterus too

  38. marzipan

    grape / 87 posts

    @ndepet: welcome due date twin!

  39. marzipan

    grape / 87 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: I've always gone by 14 weeks as the end of the first trimester (12 weeks of pregnancy, since the first two are pre-ovulation). It's silly how there's no set timeline, right?!

  40. marzipan

    grape / 87 posts

    @mtex14: yay for the first ultrasound! I finally have mine on Thursday. Eeek!

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