Hellobee Boards


<3 February 2015 Mamas <3

  1. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: Glad things are still going well for you!

    @mrs. tictactoe: @MrsB2012: Hooray for nursery progress! We've got to get back to that now that our other house projects are done!

    @HeartAbandoned: That's awesome your'e doing so many classes. We did a 4-week childbirth class in October/November, but haven't done any others. Considered doing a "4th trimester" class about the newborn stage, but haven't done it yet.

    We had our baby shower Saturday, which was fabulous. My friend who organized it did the best job, and it was great to have so many family and friends around. Our next step is to go through what we have and don't have, order what we need with registry discounts, and then finish the nursery! Unfortunately I've been sick for the last 5 days so I got through the shower on adrenaline alone I think, and now I'm miserable.

    Also, had an appt today at 35 weeks - also going weekly now! I was measuring only 32cm, which is exactly what I was measuring 2 weeks ago, which is not good that it's behind and hasn't grown. My midwife was a little concerned, but also said it can vary when different people measure and based on baby's position. Her recommendation was to wait until my appointment next week, and if I'm still behind, then schedule an ultrasound to make sure he's growing okay. I asked her if there were any negatives to waiting a week, and she said no, but of course I'm still worried. So now to wait until next week... Has this happened to anyone else? My worst fear is that he doesn't keep growing appropriately and they'll induce me soon!

  2. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    I'm jealous of everyone taking classes. I took a hospital one last pregnancy, but my husband was deployed, so he didn't take it with me. This time around, I found someone who did a two-day class. I was psyched about taking it with him...and then she cancelled it the day before (good excuse, though; she's a doula and had two births back to back). I'm REALLY hoping she can reschedule it ASAP, because I want a refresher and I REALLY want him to take it with me. Getting nervous, though since it's getting down to the wire.

  3. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    I'm 34 weeks today and keep getting the feeling i will go early. I hope not! I still have a LOT of things to do at work, I only have 3 freezer meals made, and L's 2nd birthday party is Jan. 31. The nursery is done - enough - but I still need to purchase all the things off of my amazon registry (I only changed 2 prints, the rug and got an additional couple of pink crib sheets for baby girl.) Then I just need some of the pumping/feeding stuff and our white noise machine.

  4. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: @loopedd: I'm glad you guys are getting a lot out of your childbirth classes. Ours is this weekend and I'm looking forward to it. It's gonna be long though...normally it's a 5 week course of 3 hours a week, but we're doing it all in two days.

    This weekend we used our completion discount and cleared out the rest of our registry. We now have a giant stack of Amazon boxes that need to go out to the recycling. I keep looking at it and wondering how we ended up with so much stuff when I tried to keep baby things to a minimum. I also packed my hospital bag, so anytime this baby comes, I'm ready!

  5. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: Glad to hear a good report! I agree, having a human to ask questions to is soooo useful.

    @HeartAbandoned: So many exciting things for you this week! Hope everything goes well. I feel like my guy will come sooner than later. I talked to the nurse about losing the mucous plug and she said no matter what that means my cervix is softening and getting ready to dilate!

    @mrs. tictactoe: I have 5 weeks of work left too! Overwhelming but very exciting.

    @MrsB2012: Such a odd time, just waiting!! Glad everything is coming together.

    @Kbee: Your shower sounds amazing! Sorry you're sick now. I actually talked to my doc about manual belly measurement and she said it's a reeeeally unreliable way of predicting baby's size -- and that most of the time when they check on u/s because of an "off" measurement, it's fine. So take that for what it's worth! Fingers crossed for you.

    @Mrs. Rabbit: Eek I hope you get to take a class! Even just to get you in that baby-birthing mindset!

    @dagret: Hope you make it through to the birthday party, at least! Thinking about how to hand off my job to someone else is more than I can handle at this point...

    @Aria: Have fun at your classes! I hope they give you lots of breaks to stretch out I need to pack my bag… that's one of the last things to do!

  6. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @Aria: Woohoo for clearing out the registry! I bet that was fun

    @loopedd: Thank you for your reassurance, I appreciate it! I think you're right - the measurements can be really unreliable.

    @Mrs. Rabbit: I hope you get to take that class!

  7. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @loopedd: Yes, I am such a control freak, that handing off my job to others is very stressful... doesn't help that we're in a very busy time right now!

    For those of you working ladies, did you already set what day your maternity leave will start? Or are you waiting to go into labor? I can't decide if I should set my last day as the Friday before my due date or if I should just wait and see when my labor starts.

  8. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Circusbee: I think control freak is a big part of it for me too! I actually just worked out my mat. leave with HR this week. I decided to stop at 38 weeks mostly because my commute gets more taxing daily, and I can still get 12 full weeks in with the baby due to our leave policy (unpaid FMLA starts after 8 or 10 weeks fully paid, depending on method of delivery). So I'm due Feb 27 and Feb 13 is my last day of work! The other pregnant lady in my office is planning to work up until her delivery date, though. She lives much closer than I do!

  9. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @Circusbee: With Liam, I planned to work until spring break, which started 2 days before my due date. However, life had other plans and my doctor made me stop working two weeks before that because my amniotic fluid was low. I was induced 4 days before my due date. This time, I decided I wanted a little bit of time off before my due date to be with Liam and relax a bit, so I picked a date about a week and a half before I'm due. It is also the end of the first grading period, so that way my sub can take over without having to worry about the first report cards.

  10. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    I'm getting really excited and really nervous. I'm feeling pretty good right now and love my bump. Liam is so sweet (most of the time) and I'm nervous about ruining him by this big change. I know that won't happen, but I just really love how things are right now and I'm scared to shake it up!

    I had an OB visit yesterday and it went well. She said I need to have the mindset that I'm having a VBAC and not think about the possibility of a c section. That's hard for me, but I already decided that I won't schedule one unless absolutely necessary, so I guess I need to get in that head space. As my due date approaches, I keep thinking how nice it would be to just schedule for a few days before my due date, to be able to plan it all out and everything. But I know I will regret not trying, so I'm going to give it a shot!

  11. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @Circusbee: I think I'm just going to work until I go into labor. I only get a max of 7 weeks off anyways, so I don't want to use any of it. If I make it to 41 weeks and am still waiting (since my hospital will let me go to 42), I'll stop work at that point.

    @mrs. tictactoe: It sounds like you're in a great place for your VBAC! You're so strong - you can do it!

  12. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @Circusbee: Oh and as a teacher, I have to give them some sort of date ahead of time, even if things change. Since I have to secure a long term sub and get my lesson plans in order, I can't just continue working until I go in to labor... unless of course I go in to labor early! Then they just have to figure it all out, haha.

  13. maddyz

    persimmon / 1270 posts

    @circusbee My sub starts officially with the production that loads in on my due date because that's a big project and it makes the most sense for one person to manage it. She will be around before as I train her and loop her into planning. I am sure I'll be coming into the office until there's a baby. Is hard for me to leave. Its only about 8 blocks from my house and I know I'll need to get out every day or I'll go nuts.

    My shower isn't until the 24 th. I didn't think I'd mind it being so late but it's hard not to go buy everything myself.

    I can't believe we are all getting so close! Hang in there ladies this is almost it!

    I felt the babe do a full flip last night as I was falling asleep. It felt like he walked in a circle in there. Now he's head up ish (kinda sideways). But I am not that worried because clearly he had the room to move around in there. Not sure when I should be concerned about his position. I am just now 34w so there is still time.

  14. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: You can totally do it! My OB said that almost all of her patients who try a VBAC have successful ones! She made me feel much better about it. Figures that as soon as I got comfortable with it it became clear that baby girl is not interested in flipping. At all.

    @maddyz: It is so hard to wait to buy all the things!

    Had my 33 week appointment today and had an ultrasound. Baby girl is still very much breech, with her head up by my ribs and her feet up by her face. Didn't get to ask all my questions because my doctor got called to a delivery so I have to wait until she calls me this afternoon, but her estimated weight is 4 lbs 13 ounces, in the 44th percentile. I feel so much better about all this preterm labor stuff knowing that she is almost 5 lbs (I know those measurements can be off but fingers crossed!).

  15. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: She still might flip! Liam flipped sooooo late. I remember crying at an appointment around 37 weeks because he was still breech, but by my next appointment, he had flipped!

  16. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @maddyz: I love when you can feel and SEE the full flip as it happens... freaks DH out! And yeah, I feel like at almost 34w, I have no clue what position he'll be in 6 weeks from now...

    @Mrs. Lion: Amazing how big these babes are getting! Glad you felt reassured by the measurement. Hope she stays nice and cozy in there!

  17. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: It is possible! My ob doesn't think it is likely though. We are pretty sure my uterus is shaped in a way that keeps babies breech. C was in exactly the same position and never shifted at all...and she hasn't either! Apparently in the womb my kids don't move...but once they get out they never stop! haha

  18. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: aww, well I hope everything goes smoothly!

  19. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @maddyz: that must feel so weird feeling him flip!

    I'm starting to get anxious as I'm only a few days away from being 37 weeks! Full term! Well, full term unless you read the articles that now call 39 weeks full term. I'm happy with 37 haha.
    Poor B has some bug and it's really sad. She was throwing up yesterday and has had explosive diarrhea. I feel so bad for her. She's had a slight fever, but it's so hard to tell what it's from as she also just popped 4 incisors over the last few days. I'm not sure if it's all just related to teething/pain or if she has the flu. She only threw up 2-3 times so it's hard to say. It just breaks my heart to see her like this! I'm hoping if it's a bug I don't get it! Yuck!

  20. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @MrsB2012: Oh no, I hope she feels better soon!!

  21. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @MrsB2012: Oh no! I hope she's feeling better, and I'm especially hoping that you don't get sick! Funny, my daughter's 4 incisors came in last week, too!

    I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and I'm totally considering it full term. Had an appointment today and I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. The midwife doesn't think I'll make it to 41 weeks again, but who knows...I feel like I heard that last time, too, and was still induced.

    I'm going to start the evening primrose oil and raspberry leaf tea tonight...and probably start upping the spiciness of my food and go on more walks. But first, I need to get over this cold/allergies that popped up yesterday. My head is in a total fog right now.

    Oh! We're also buying stuff from our Amazon registry today...hooray for Prime and fast shipping!

  22. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: I pulled the trigger on my Amazon registry today too! But first I went through and found some open box stuff that was cheaper than the brand new with the 15% discount. So that made me feel good. We only got 1 thing off of our registry purchased for us this time, but it was our double stroller - the most expensive thing on there. So yay.

  23. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: @Mrs. Rabbit: thanks. We're onto day 3 of her vomiting and diarrhea still My hormones are all wack so I'm like crying as I hold her, it's seriously so sad. I'm just confused as it's only happening about twice a day, usually while she's sleeping.

    @Mrs. Rabbit: I'm 37 weeks tomorrow too I've been taking the EPO for 2 weeks I think and the RLT for 3 weeks maybe? Not consistantly though. I want this baby out now haha, well, after B gets over this bug because I'll die if I have to leave her home sick while I stay in the hospital! I bounce on my yoga ball lots and have been trying to get out for more walks too.

    I have a dr appt on wed, I wonder if they'll check to see if I'm dilated at all. I'm so curious! I might ask if they'll strip my membranes, but I"m pretty sure they don't do that until 38 weeks

  24. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @dagret: Oooo, tell me about this open box stuff! And did you sign up for the Amazon Mom to get the 15%? I'm debating doing that, but need to look into it a little more. Yay for the double stroller! Which one did you get?

    @MrsB2012: I've been putting off the RLT and EPR until my husband was done with his nights (which was last night), so now it's Operation: Get This Baby out! And now that you mention it, I need to inflate our yoga ball!

  25. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: When you click on the item on Amazon, sometimes there's a link that says "available from other sellers" and/or "Open box items available." if you click on those links, you can see the prices and do some quick math to see if it makes sense. I've had amazon prime/amazon mom since before L was born (he is 2 next week!) so I'm not much help there - sorry! We got the Baby Trend Sit n Stand Double since we don't use our stroller *a ton*. L and the baby will be a bit over 2 years apart.

  26. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    Oh. And "lightning crotch" is totally a real thing and literally makes me shriek when it happens. I don't remember it with my first!

  27. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @MrsB2012: I hope B gets better soon! I know the flu is going around, DH's entire office is sick! I am making sure he stays far away from me.

    @dagret: Good to know about the open box items!

    @Mrs. Rabbit: Yes, a very real thing! Oddly it was worse for me weeks ago, but hasn't been a problem lately. Maybe it's just her position.

    I finally received the last of the art I ordered for the nursery today, so I will probably put it up this weekend and then it is DONE!

  28. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: omg tell me about it. I never had this with #1. I've had it bad for like.. 2 weeks? A week? It really is like a lightening bolt shooting down there.

  29. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @dagret: Thanks for the info about open box items! Never knew about those. I was able to find a few open box things we were going to get anyways, so I'm excited about that

    @Mrs. Rabbit: I just started getting lighting crotch the other day! ouch! Had heard about it and wondered what it was - but knew as soon as it happened.

    Is everyone washing all of their baby clothes? Part of me wants to not wash all of them in case he's really big and can't fit into them or grows out of sizes quicker than I think, in which case maybe I would return them (in all of that spare time I'll have...). But I think I'd rather be prepared and have them all washed!

  30. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @Kbee: all pf ours were second hand so we washed them. I have a couple new items, and I'm waiting on those.

  31. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    I washed all the NB stuff and all the 0-3 stuff. It is mostly secondhand though. I have a million 0-3 outfits - I did last time too - it is the craziest time with the new baby adjustment, going back to work, etc. In my opinion.

  32. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @Kbee: I washed everything. I had a big baby last time, and she still ended up wearing a fair amount of NB clothes for quite awhile. Figured I'd rather do it now instead of washing more once she's here!

  33. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Kbee: I washed everything. I pulled out a bunch of B's old clothes and washed those and then washed all the new stuff as well. Mostly as I had a big nesting day.

    I've been so sick today. Part of me was excited cuz I was like, that's often the first sign of impending labour.. then the realistic part of me was like... dude, your toddler had this a few days ago.. get prepped for a few days of this. I woke up last night to the most intense stomach pains and thought for sure I was in labor but nope. Luckily it was Sunday and DH was able to take care of B for me, I was in bed almost all day!

    Hope everyone else is feeling good! I think I might start a labor / delivery board, you guys want that, or would you prefer to keep it all on one page here instead?

  34. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @MrsB2012: I think a labor and delivery board is a good idea. I can't believe we're at the point where we need one!

    @Kbee: I washed everything. It was driving me crazy not to, I needed to feel prepared!

  35. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Kbee: I washed everything NB and 0-3 mo except a couple NB things I left tags on just in case he's too big for them!

  36. maddyz

    persimmon / 1270 posts

    A bit of a Monday am rant...

    I have been doing so well with balancing work and taking care of myself, but the last two weeks have been crazy and stressful at work. I am sitting at my desk today barley able to see straight and feeling like this kinda of tired is a preview of the months and years to come.

    I can't wait for this last big project to finish up.... I need to sleep and spend time at home. I hope the rest of you are doing better then I with the self care at the moment. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up at a certain point, but I did not plan for it well.

    On a better note, it's getting so close and I am really excited and nervous for this little guy to arrive. We took our first birth class on Sunday and it was amazing.

  37. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Kbee: I washed everything too! I know he may never get to wear some stuff, but we were gifted so much stuff and I imagine I will be busy enough with laundry after he's born to have to worry about washing things before he wears them!

    @MrsB2012: I like the L&D board, can't wait to see who posts first!!

    @maddyz: So sorry work is stressing you out… I hope it eases up soon! I have been sleeping so poorly lately because I'm so uncomfortable and this morning DH said, "Don't worry, soon he'll be born and then we'll never sleep well again for the rest of our lives." Kinda crazy how pregnancy (and balancing everything) is so physically taxing, and then the baby gets here and a whole other set of challenges arrive too!

    We just got back from a tour of our pediatrician's office, recommended by my OB. There were two other expecting couples there, and DH recognized one of the dads as a NY Jets football player, so he was very pleased with our choice of doc I also "worked out" with my trainer this morning for the first time since early Dec when my sciatic pain got atrocious… felt good to be back in the gym but the workout was so slow it was laughable -- though of course it was the best I could do in this condition!!

  38. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    Getting lots of stuff done in the nursery today! And while I do that, Liam is destroying the rest of the house. He's sick with a cold, so I'll be getting it soon, too, probably. Only 4 weeks left of work! Crazy!!

  39. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: @dagret: @Mrs. Rabbit: @MrsB2012: @Aria: @loopedd: thanks for the clothing advice! I ended up leaving a few NB and 0-3 items with tags on. But I did wash the majority of what we have, which is a TON of 0-3 month clothing. That's all that people got us! I like to be prepared, so I'd rather wash most of it now and just have it ready

    @MrsB2012: A labor board, oh my goodness! I can't believe we're at that point, but I can't wait to see who is going to go into labor first.

    @maddyz: So sorry to hear that work has been so tough. Just a few weeks to go! I myself am dealing with a rough schedule for a few weeks, and I'm looking forward to when it's over at the end of next week!

    @loopedd: haha! I bet what your DH said is not what you wanted to hear! We'll have new challenges, but they'll be with our baby with us, not just inside our belly, and it will be so worth it

  40. GreeneB2

    cherry / 120 posts

    Can you guys tell me more about this "lightning crotch?" I'm so glad it's not unusual! Is there an official name for it? Does it mean the baby's coming soon? Or is it just another "blessing" of being pregnant?

    On another note, I just had my 36 week sonogram. Apparently my amniotic fluids are low so they're scheduling another sonogram for 38 weeks. When I googled it I freaked myself out (damn google) because it said it could be her kidneys not functioning properly? Has this happened to anyone else?

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