Hellobee Boards


March 2015 Mamas!

  1. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Amurray: Awesome! Glad it went well!

  2. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    So I guess I'm really not fooling anyone. Today a student and his mom came in to work on something with me. The mom asked "so, when are we expecting?" and I was caught off guard and said "well, it's supposed to still be a secret..." and she was like "no! It can't be!" Haha, apparently my shirt today does not hide my blump nearly as much as I thought.

  3. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @LAZB: hahah how funny!

    Is anyone else craving lemon everything? I don't know why but anything lemon is a big hit with me right now.

  4. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    March Mommas
    March 1: intotheocean
    March 2: PinkB, PhillyBaby2013, ecjohnson
    March 3: Laughlines
    March 4: LAZB, Jaguar
    March 5: simplyfelicity, Madbrave
    March 6: drjolene
    March 7: Amurray
    March 9: BeachMama
    March 10: Nicollete1189, Sapphire
    March 12: Anya, ms. pug
    March 15: Lil Bean
    March 16: limabeanbabies
    March 17: ninja, LulaBee, MamaGoose, Blueberry
    March 18: MrsMcCarthy
    March 22: MrsBucky
    March 23: Kemma
    March 25:Jess1483, sumer08
    March 26: HolisticMama, Annette, NavyRN2012, linzeelou
    March 27: Lulu Mom
    March 29: yellowbird, Renee
    March 31: Blessedmama

    LAZB: 8/11
    Jaguar: 8/11
    Yellowbird: 8/11
    Kemma: 8/11
    Renee: 8/15
    limabeanbabies: 8/18
    linzeelou: 8/19
    LAZB: 8/19
    NavyRN2012: 8/20
    laughlines: 8/20
    simplyfelicity: 8/26
    MrsMcCarthy: 9/2
    MrsBucky: 9/8
    intotheocean: 9/12

  5. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @Amurray: so sweet!

    @LAZB: I think you've graduated from blump to bump!

    @MrsMccarthy: lemon is great. A nice tart lemon square sounds amazing right now.

  6. drjolene

    cherry / 107 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: Lemon desserts have been yummy sounding to me, but last night I made cream cheese swirl brownies instead...the chocolate craving won.

  7. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @drjolene: I actually haven't had any lemon desserts. More just lemonade, lemon soda, lemon yogurt.

    I'm eating so badly because I'm off vegetables still! I loved them before I got KU. Gonna try some v8 as tomato is one veggie I still like so long as they aren't too sweet. I really liked carrot stocks for a bit but now I'm off those too. Eating a lot of shredded wheat and pizza.

    My constipation is also a huge issue these days. That and gas are giving me a lot of cramps.

    I think I may try my luck at the Doppler this weekend. I'm almost 9 weeks so hopefully baby is getting big enough to be found.

    How is everyone doing?

  8. LulaBee

    pear / 1837 posts

    Tired, a little crampy, some bleeding, all the nausea. So I'm a barrel of fun to be around these days.

    I also can't eat veggies. Or fruit. Only junk food is palatable. Sigh. I wish I wasn't such a whiny pregnant lady!

  9. drjolene

    cherry / 107 posts

    I'm totally with you guys on the veggie issues. Normally I'm such a healthy eater, but right now, any cooked or warm veggie sounds horrible. Just the idea makes me nauseous. I can still do cold veggies most the time. My poor DH and stepson are at my food whims on a daily basis, I feel bad for them lol. Except for all the sweet stuff I want right now. They're thoroughly enjoying that.

  10. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    Still extremely nauseous and barely making it through work over here. I wish I could take the next 6 weeks off!

  11. BeachMama

    pear / 1946 posts

    Still nauseous here, at 9.5 weeks. I'm really hoping this goes away in a couple weeks. everything I eat leaves a gross taste in my mouth and I cant find anything to drink that doesn't make me want to puke. The past few days I've been madly craving a ham and cheese croissant sandwich. So random. And I could eat cheeseburgers everyday.

  12. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    Nausea is awful here too. I don't want to eat ANYTHING. All I can tolerate are chewy bars and Campbell's chicken noodle soup. Ginger ale is my drink of choice. It makes me so sad because I love food, but it all sounds so gross. I did not feel this way with my other two pregnancies. I'm with @yellowbird: I wish I could take the next 6 weeks off work.

  13. SkiMama

    pea / 5 posts

    Finally joining...Better late than never!

    EDD: March 24th, 2015

    How far along: 7 weeks + 3 days

    First child? Yes, much anticipated!

    First doctor appointment: Met with OB nurse today for labs/paperwork, but had an US last Friday due to some cramping/spotting. All went well and saw the heartbeat on the monitor. First "official" US scheduled for 8/14.

    Any symptoms so far? Somewhat tired, sore breasts, nausea, major baby brain!

    Who have you told? My husband, my parents, and a couple who we are very close with.

  14. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @LulaBee: whine away here! We are all in the same boat.

    @drjolene: that's good about cold veggies! Get me where you can!

    @yellowbird: poor darling! I really don't know how you working girls do it. A toddler is hard but at least they nap or you can fake it, diapers aside. I hope you see your nausea clear up soon.

    @BeachMama: same for you! Feel better!

    @NavyRN2012: feel better honey!

    @SkiMama: welcome!! Let me know if you want to join the secret Facebook group!

    Does anyone else reek these days? My body odor can't be contained by any of the natural or even semi natural deodorants out there! I actually am triggering my own nausea. It's awful!!!

  15. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: I actually stayed home with A yesterday and it was harder than working!!!! Lol we had a good day but I was so exhausted by the end of it. Also... looking in less than clean mouths all day is definitely a gagging trigger

  16. limabeanbabies

    olive / 57 posts

    @MrsMcCarthy I feel like I smell gross lately, too. I don't remember having that problem at all last time, either. Blech

  17. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    So, after my complaining about how nauseous I've been, I actually started feeling better this afternoon. And then I got RAVENOUS!! I'm at work and the family member of one of our patients who recently passed away catered a TON of food for us as a thank you, and I. WENT. TO. TOWN. Banana pudding, meatballs in BBQ sauce, sweet tea, fruit I'm still feeling fine, but even if the nausea comes back, at least I have this happy memory!

  18. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @NavyRN2012: yuuuummm!!!!

    I just ate an entire bag of popcorn by myself. I'm in a salt coma but it was so good!

  19. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    Smells are killing me right now! Diapers and the diaper pail, public bathrooms, kitchen smells, food smells. I can't take it.

  20. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: All smells are bad! DH is getting so annoyed at how much I ask him to take out the trash and cat litter...lol

  21. SkiMama

    pea / 5 posts

    @mrsmccarthy @pinkb same here...ugh. My husband is on dog poop clean up duty, otherwise I'm running to the bathroom gagging.

  22. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    Our board is pretty slow! Lots of appointments tomorrow so hopefully we heard good news from everyone. It will be my first appointment so I'm anxious to know that everything is okay.

    Also hoping to get some zofran at my appointment as all day nausea is killing me. I can barely function. Thank god for dh who has really picked up my slack.

  23. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    @yellowbird: Good luck at the appointment! Hopefully you'll get some Zofran and some relief from the nausea. It's no joke!

  24. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    Hey Ladies! Hope everybody is keeping well and thoughts and prayers for those experiencing any issues or a loss.

    We had our dating scan today and OMG, the person who decided that a newly pregnant woman needed to drink a litre of water and not pee before a dating scan is just cruel! Thankfully the tech was happy for me to pee before we got started otherwise things could've got messy... Anyway! Baby is looking good and measuring exactly seven weeks today (1-2 days behind my date but still within my o-date range) and had a CRL of about 9.5mm. We did get a wee picture but it's not really that clear so not worth posting!

    I haven't had any vomiting yet but I feel worse as the day goes on and I'm also recovering from man flu! I've totally gone off carbonated drinks and chocolate makes me feel ill so some of life's joys have been sucked away at the moment

    We have our first midwife appointment on Wednesday so fingers crossed I like my midwife (we've moved so having my fabulous midwife from last time isn't an option) and everything goes smoothly from here on out!

  25. LaughLines

    clementine / 880 posts

    @yellowbird: i think this board may be slow because we have the facebook group. have you joined that? If you wall @MrsMccarthy: she'll tell you how to join

  26. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Kemma: glad your dating scan went well! All that water is total overkill in my opinion.

    We just got to hear baby's heartbeat, and it was beautiful! It was about 170, and the nurse found it right away, saving me a heart attack.
    Can't wait to see baby again at our ultrasound appointment next week!

  27. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @LaughLines: I'm already in the Facebook group!

  28. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @Kemma: congrats on an awesome appt!!!

  29. LaughLines

    clementine / 880 posts

    @yellowbird: ok good! I can't keep track of one name for people much less align them with screen names too....

  30. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @LaughLines: hahaha! Me either. I check the Facebook document all the time to see who is saying what.

  31. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    i adde a bunch of you who messaged me BUT i do not get any sort of confirmation or reassurance that you got the invite when i send them via email. Let me know if any of you do not get your email invite and i will send you a link to my personal page so you can add me then i can add you. You are free to then delete me if you wish.

  32. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    Random Monday question, though I know a lot of you are second timers. What do you plan on being called? I prefer to be called Mom, though my husband seems to think you don't get a choice and all kids start with Mommy. I called my mom Mama when I was little and Mom when I got older.

  33. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @Anya: my lo called me mama until she was 18ish months and then started calling me mommy on her own. I like mommy, it's sweet!

  34. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    There's a baby with a heartbeat in the 160s!!

    I also got a zofran rx, really hoping it works.

  35. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @yellowbird: hooray a baby!

  36. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Anya: my son started with momma and just recently started mommy as well.

  37. drjolene

    cherry / 107 posts

    @Anya: I would prefer Mama, but I suppose it'll be up to the LO

  38. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    It's feeling more real. I love this daily calendar @vegmama has on her fridge from babymed.com. Then I can circle important dates and write notes. Plus it's visual progress.

  39. MelisMc

    olive / 67 posts

    Hi! I'm new to this site and the boards, but I would love to join this thread and the facebook page.

    I am pregnant with my first, am at 8 weeks and due March 23rd...I am an a FTM at 36 (will be 37 when the baby is born) and I'm a little overwhelmed!

    Location: North Carolina

    Symtoms: Mild nausea, awful taste in mouth, completely exhausted and sore boobs and belly. I did have cramps for a while during weeks 4-6, but luckily they have gone away.

    I did have my first OB/midwife appointment two weeks ago, but nothing much happened (did a urine test to confirm). My next appointment is on August 28th. No u/s, I think I will meet with the OB coordinator and hopefully hear the heartbeat.

    I am excited and nervous!

  40. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @MelisMc: welcome my dear! Ill PM you a link to join FB!

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