Hellobee Boards


March 2016 moms

  1. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Alivoo01: I know right? They live in downtown chicago so by the time her husband parked and got back to the maternity ward they were like "oh you're the one having the baby" and he was kinda surprised and said "ya - I mean I just dropped my wife off"...they replied "no - you're having a baby now - she is about to start pushing"...insane. She is due with #2 soon and will likely be induced for fear of how quickly this one may come!

  2. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Mrs D: My best friend's husband had that experience with their second. She laboured at home (in secret, she didn't tell him because she didn't want him to make her go to the hospital too soon) for so long that by the time she got to the hospital she was ready to go. He got her checked in and then went to the bathroom and when he came out they were yelling at him that he was about to miss it.

  3. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Finally got a call from my OB office. After my 19w anatomy scan I have to have growth scans at 24, 30, and 36 weeks and additionally if my fundal height is ever low I'll automatically get another scan.

    I have to continue with the aspirin and come in every other week for blood pressure checks because it's already elevated.

  4. sassymama34

    cherry / 164 posts

    Oh man sounds like a ton of visits navy_mommy.. Good they are monitoring you so well though:)

  5. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @sassymama34: yeah...not super fun with a3 year old and a1 year old. But we'll make it work!

  6. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: The good news is lots of peeks at the bambino and oversight to make sure everything is a-okay!

  7. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: @erinbaderin: DANG!!!! My MIL had the same labor experience with DH and that's just crazy!! The hubbies are like dude. I didn't even take 5 minutes to park and come up and you're pushing already?! lol

    @Navy_Mommy: DS was an IUGR baby so when I went in for my 1st appt with this pregnancy, she told me starting at 26 weeks, I'll have monthly ultrasounds to monitor growth also. My fundal height was always a 1-2cm behind the growth curve, but it's considered normal. This time, she's like nope! Like you, we're getting it checked out immediately if I'm not measuring on track. I just take it as another chance to see baby girl!

    Hope your blood pressure comes down though. Did they say what might be causing it or is it one of those things where it's just because?

  8. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    I've been slacking on updating our EDD and dr appt list so I'll go back and do that today. Let me know (and I apologize) if I missed someone or mistyped something. It's a lil difficult going back and combing through everyone's post to pull the info.

  9. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @Alivoo01: I have a history of gestational hypertension already, but I have an unusually high risk of pre-e this time based off blood work I've had this time.

  10. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: I see. That sucks. Sorry mama!

    Anyone else waking up in the MOTN hungry?? I eat pretty good sized meals during the day, and especially for dinner. Yet, I find myself waking up to pee around like 1:30am and my tummy is hungry. Like I could totally put down a meal if I wanted to! I haven't because I'm too dang sleepy to.

  11. ksnow

    apricot / 371 posts

    @Alivoo01: I haven't had the middle of the night hungers yet this time around!

  12. ksnow

    apricot / 371 posts

    I work from home, and I go to the library sometimes for a change of scenery and yesterday I almost passed out! It was so freaky! My ears started ringing and it got dark and I felt real dizzy...I was just like do NOT pass out in a public place it's going to be so embarrassing. I laid down as much as possible in my seat and then ate a banana and felt better. My blood pressure has gone down so far so I think maybe it just got a bit too low...my DH said the same thing happened to be last time but I don't remember.

    Also - anyone else's pregnancy hormones driving them a bit nutty? I'm crying at a lot of things...and I'm starting to freak out a bit about plans for maternity leave/going back/child care set up afterwards...I know I have plenty of months to figure it out but I'm fretting.

  13. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    Ack, I'm so behind! Is everyone sharing birth stories? I need to go back and read those and hopefully add mine later!

    Had another appt recently, uneventful except I was finally told that DS had shoulder dystocia at birth and that it was pretty serious. I knew my old OB had to pull his arm out but I guess he was stuck for about a minute and now I have to decide if I want to be induced or schedule a c-section (no thanks) on the off chance it MIGHT happen again? Seems so bizarre because it could be the way he was positioned or it could be the size of my pelvis. Anyone have experience with shoulder dystocia and with their second kid specifically? My new OB said it's a doc's worst nightmare during pushing.

    Next appointment is my anatomy scan, Monday October 12th, we can't wait!

  14. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @sassymama34: Exciting that your twins are a girl and boy, congrats!

  15. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @Alivoo01: Still sleeping on my back and tummy, I won't probably worry about side sleeping until closer to 20 weeks!

  16. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Alivoo01: I haven't - I wake up middle of the night thirsty, though. For a while I was bringing a thermos of ice water to bed because I kept waking up so thirsty for ice cold water. Lately I've been too lazy and make do with the bathroom tap but it's not as good.

    @ksnow: how stressful! I once passed out in line at the Second Cup (basically Canadian Starbucks) and it was SUPER embarrassing. My husband was getting his wisdom teeth out and so had had to fast all morning so I was fasting with him (stupid). Dropped him off at the dentist, ran downstairs to get something to eat, woke up on the floor with the barista calling 911. Not fun, glad you were able to manage it! And yeah, the hormones. I listen to a lot of podcasts on my commute to work and the number of times I have to fix my makeup when I park because something silly on This American Life has made me cry...yikes.

    Is anybody starting to think about names? I was reading the March community on the What to Expect app (hilarious, full of idiots) and somebody was asking a question about naming their son Bambi because they wanted to nickname him BamBam. I think we're pretty set on a girl name but I'm pretty sure I'm having a boy so I feel like that isn't really going to help me. Boy names are so much harder!

  17. ksnow

    apricot / 371 posts

    @erinbaderin: I've started thinking of names but don't have husband buy in yet. For a boy I like Benjamin or Jackson. For a girl I like Emma, Chloe, and Ellie.

    What's your girl name??

  18. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @ksnow: I had that happen to me a couple times so I have to be aware of what time it is and make sure I eat. Otherwise, I can easily skip meals because I don't feel hungry, then bam, dizziness and super no bueno feelings!!

    As for hormones, I'm okay in that department. I do get frustrated easily sometimes, but DH gives me a quick reminder and I'm all good.

    @erinbaderin: We kind of decided on a girl name when I was pregnant with DS. Like you said, girl names are so much easier to come up with than boy names! DH is pretty set on it, while I'm still open to suggestions. The middle name is solidified though. If we go with the first name DH likes, it's just a matter of how we'll spell it.

  19. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    @ksnow: pregnancy hormones are making me a crazy person too. I never had this with my last pregnancy, and I hate that I can feel it happening, but can't seem to reign it in! It's not too often, but I have the similar triggers as you in worrying about my maternity leave and what to do with my LO during labor/recovery/hospital time. and of course, my MIL is the biggest trigger. (Meanwhile she hasn't done anything lately and she doesn't even know that I am pregnant yet!) I'm just dreading a repeat of last pregnancy and I'm stressing about how it may play out this time around.

  20. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    @erinbaderin: lol "full of idiots". My DH and I are weirdos, because we don't discuss names until we know the gender (which won't be until 10/29!!!) It's a tricky process too, because I am a teacher, so I have a ton of name association issues with former naughty students!

  21. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Lilbear: DH and I do the same thing with names! Our brains automatically associate a personality to certain names based on people we grew up with or know. It's bad I know, but we've vetoed some names because of it. Even if we really, really like the name. LOL! We're crazy, I know.

  22. keepsinging

    pea / 14 posts

    @erinbaderin: +1 on WTE community. I'm in a Facebook group with ~300 moms due in March--the ratio isn't great in there, either, but it's still helpful to observe hundreds of experiences and to know what people are freaking out about, if only to give me something to disagree with.

    I'm having a boy, and we are 90% sure we've decided on a name, but @ALIVOO01 since we've decided we haven't told anyone for the same reason--I don't want our choice marred because a co-worker one time had a bad experience with someone by that name.

  23. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @ksnow: I like all of those names! Benjamin was actually our top choice for our son the first time, but it's my husband's brother's name. We actually googled names that could be nicknamed to Ben and that's how we ended up with Bennett. And my husband suggested naming this one Ellie, but mostly because Bennett can already say it (it's how he says elephant). I think if we have a girl we're going with Madeleine, with a middle name of maybe Kate or Claire.

    @Lilbear @Alivoo01: Oh, I totally do that too. I liked the name Timothy for a while and then I connected it with a former boss who I still work with who I actually really like, it just seemed like it would be weird to name a baby after an old boss. And I like Ryan but I went to high school with a Ryan who was a jerk.

    @keepsinging: Lately WTE is obsessed with Starbucks, and it makes me laugh. "What is safe? What can I have?" What an exhausting way to go through 9 months. But yeah, there are definitely some posts that I read and go "Oh, great, this isn't just me."

  24. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Alivoo01: I have woken up hungry twice but been too lazy to do anything about it. This morning I almost puked twice early on...maybe lack of food?

    @ksnow: I cry pretty much over every country song now. Its pathetic!

    @princessandthebee: No experience with that but fingers crossed for this time around!!!

    @erinbaderin: Some name thoughts from me but no discussions with DH yet - we find out the gender in 3 weeks so we'll wait until then! However, I still love Grace from when we had DD. I also like Caroline a lot. As for a boy - DH has a battle coming. I want Max - I may not let him near his son (if it is one) and he does not let me name him Max. Its after my grandpa, who passed in 2010. I was very close to him and love the name. I'm prepared to throw down over this and I think DH knows it. Timothy and Patrick are also names we have discussed. I cant handle Bambi...who would do that to a kid!

    @ksnow: I LOVE Jackson...unfortunately my step dads name is Jack and it would break my dads heart if I named a boy Jackson!

  25. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    I am kind of freaking out about how much there is to do and how little time I have. With DD I was soooo uber prepared (normal for first pregnancy I think) and I have definitely trimmed down what NEEDS to be done vs what I would LIKE to be done. But here is whats freaking me out...

    1) I really liked being "ready" about 5 weeks early. Knowing that DD could surprise us and it would be ok was a nice feeling. I saved the "it'd be nice to's..." for the last 5 weeks. So really...first week in Feb is my deadline.

    2) The timing of this LO is making prep crazier. We find out the gender 10/8....I then go into 2 crazy quarter end weeks at work. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas is such a hard time to accomplish anything outside holiday chores. I will have a week or so off between Christmas and NYE which will be good - but I'll also be 7+ months pregnant! Then starting mid January (until my personal deadline) is year end hell for me at work.

    3) I have commitments for DD in their which obviously take a lot of time/focus. I have to transition her to a big girl bed. Transition her out of a binky. Get her ready for a sibling. Possible start potty training (will wait for her to determine that). Just so much going on that was not going on as I prepped for #1.

    Ok - sorry I am done freaking out...maybe...time to go make some checklists and to do lists to make me feel better!

  26. keepsinging

    pea / 14 posts

    @erinbaderin: Facebook couldn't be more obsessed with not finding heartbeats on dopplers. "my doctor found the heartbeat this morning but now I can't find it. Is my baby dead? I AM FREAKING OUT."

  27. ksnow

    apricot / 371 posts

    @keepsinging: that's why I do not and will not have a home Doppler!

  28. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: I feel you on the work schedule! I have tons of year-end testing that needs to be done so that will take up all of December and most of January. Then I have to package it all up nice and pretty for the externals. Then I have to make sure what I pick up next can be done or close to being done before DD arrives in March. Which reminds me, I need to tell my boss I'm pregnant! Oops!

    I also need to potty train DS, but he's just not ready yet. I've tried a few times, and it wasn't working. I think he's understanding it more conceptually now, so I'm crossing my fingers he'll be ready and pretty much potty trained come March! Fingers crossed for both of us!!!

    @keepsinging: WTF?! I would unfollow with a quickness. If I wasn't apprehensive enough as is, hearing things like that doesn't help. Yeesh!

    @ksnow: Ditto. I keep thinking it'd be nice to have, but I know I'd worry myself bat crazy if I can't find the heartbeat and overly obsessive for nothing.

  29. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Alivoo01: Ugh and my company is psycho and files like ridiculously fast...no joke we are prob filing Feb 5 or 8 this year which just makes our internal timeline so compressed as well as having crazed external auditors barking at us!

    As for potty training - DD is showing some signs. She comes potty with me all the time at home and I explain whats going on - she has started being the one to narrate - which I think is good. She also has some dry diapers during the day so she is holding it longer. So she is showing some signs - but then I ask if she wants to sit on the potty and she has no interest.

    I spoke to DC this morning and they said she isnt ready yet - but that they will let me know if she shows more signs there. They also help a TON in the next room - which she'll move into around the time LO#2 is due to arrive!

  30. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: Same here!! DS always goes to the bathroom with me and a good amount of times with DH. He understands what we do in there and flushes the toilet, but when I put him on there, he's like nope. Get me off! If I leave him diaper free too long (like I'm prepping bath time), he'll pee wherever he's standing.

    He'll tell me after he pees and poops in his diaper and asks me to change it, but he's just not interested in going in the toilet. I've even rushed him to the toilet when I spotted him peeing on the floor. He'll hold his pee, won't pee in the toilet, and when I put him in the shower/tub, he'll finish going. Sigh

  31. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    Roll Call:
    3/1 Navy_Mommy
    3/1 keepsinging
    3/2 creativemomma15
    3/3 Bubbles
    3/6 Matcha Latte
    3/6 princessandthebee
    3/9 Punky
    3/9 leighleigh
    3/9 mrsog
    3/9 sassymama34
    3/11 Mrs D
    3/12 CRGmama
    3/13 ModernDayJibarita
    3/15 reverie
    3/15 Chloesmommie
    3/15 bjm529
    3/15 erinbaderin
    3/16 MrsLilybugg
    3/16 jazzy
    3/17 nicollette1189
    3/18 winter_wonder
    3/19 araneidae
    3/20 PitBulLover
    3/21 alivoo01
    3/22 mrsdoily
    3/22 ksnow
    3/24 mrsrain
    3/24 Lilbear
    3/24 Lilypad
    3/26 sailgrl18
    3/26 Loscato
    3/27 sbbs3
    3/30 Travelinmoon
    TBD Kelli_Deluxe

    Upcoming Appointments:
    9/18 Kelli_Deluxe (dr appt)
    9/21 Loscato (dr appt)
    9/21 keepsinging (anatomy scan)
    9/22 sassymama34 (dr appt)
    9/23 jazzy (elective anatomy scan)
    9/25 alivoo01 (dr appt)
    9/26 mrsog (NT scan)

    10/1 creativemomma15 (dr appt)
    10/8 ksnow (anatomy scan)
    10/8 Mrs D (anatomy scan)
    10/9 Navy_Mommy (anatomy scan)
    10/12 princessandthebee (anatomy scan)
    10/15 Navy_Mommy (dr appt)
    10/22 alivoo01 (anatomy scan)
    10/29 Lilbear (anatomy scan)

  32. jazzy

    pea / 9 posts

    I just watched three births online - natural, C-section and epidural. First time pregnancy here and I'm freaking out..feeling a bit of anxiety right now. I've had an inguinal hernia my whole life so I'm wondering if I'll be required to have a C-section because of the pushing. Just made a note to discuss this with the doctor at my next appointment. Yikes..

  33. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @jazzy: you must have gotten the same BabyCenter email as me...I just deleted it...but noticed it was saying "6 birth videos"

  34. jazzy

    pea / 9 posts

    @Mrs D: Yep, it was the email from BabyCenter! Ugh, I totally should've deleted it..

  35. keepsinging

    pea / 14 posts

    @jazzy: ::rushes to watch all 6::

  36. jazzy

    pea / 9 posts

    @keepsinging: LOL! They were really informative but I guess I wasn't prepared for the anxiety it would cause. I am an over thinker anyway...then you add in the hormonal emotional rollercoaster I'm currently on. No bueno.

  37. leighleigh

    cherry / 154 posts

    @Alivoo01: I have a drs apt tomorrow 9/18. Not actually sure what for exactly, but hoping to find out the sex (while at the same time trying not to get my hopes up)!

  38. keepsinging

    pea / 14 posts

    @jazzy: I'm shockingly more excited/ready/impatient/close to my unborn child. There's no accounting for taste. (Or I'm just a weirdo. Or both.)

    my best friend just finished his OB rotation in his third year of med school, and I was actually expecting more blood--he has said it's worse than a Tarantino movie most of the time.

  39. jazzy

    pea / 9 posts

    @keepsinging: Yeah, don't get me wrong...I'm super excited about my baby and beyond ready for him/her to be here but hadn't really thought about the actual act of delivering until watching those videos. I think it's just the fear of the unknown...never given birth before but I'm sure I'm freaking out over nothing. Hehe

  40. keepsinging

    pea / 14 posts

    @jazzy: Me neither--first pregnancy, first birth here. But I've always loved the unknown. It often gets in me in a little trouble, but I guess this is a time when it serves as an advantage

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