Welcome and congrats to our new March 2016 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome and congrats to our new March 2016 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
kiwi / 578 posts
Come out, come out March Mommas!! Congratulations to all!
@Crystal: thinking of you today and hoping your betas are right on track!!!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@Crystal: I was a March 2015 momma and I am so ridiculously excited for you!!!! Sending you all the baby dust in the universe!!!!!
Congratulations ladies! March is a wonderful month to have a baby.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMccarthy: thank you so much! I'm super excited and praying it sticks!
persimmon / 1328 posts
Still very nervous but I am going to dip my toe in here! LMP puts me with a due date of 29th February, but I am pretty sure I ovulated on CD18 which would make me a March mama!
Location: London, England
EDD: 3rd March 2016 (using O date to calculate)
How far along: I think that makes me 4 weeks today? I find pregnancy maths very confusing!
First child? Second, DS is 18 months.
First doctor appointment: I haven't booked it yet but the GP won't want to see me until at least 8 weeks, so it will be late July.
Any symptoms so far? Yes, I have had low level nausea and serious fatigue since before I got my BFP. I am usually a bit of an insomniac but yesterday I even took a short afternoon nap and was still tired by dinnertime!
Who have you told? Just DH so far - we will probably tell our parents and siblings soon but we wanted to let it sink in properly first. I don't think we will try and explain to DS until a lot later.
Nervous but excited and looking forward to seeing lots more March mamas soon!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Bubbles: Hi! I m right in the border between feb and March too, I'm not sure which board to participate in! I'll post my intro here too, just in case.
Location: a Sunny SoCal
EDD: Feb 28-Mar 1
How far along: 4 weeks, 2 days if going by O. 4 weeks, 4 days going by LMO.
First child? YES! We've being trying for 2 years, with 6 months NTNP before that. We had a BFP in Nov 2013, but lost it at around 5 weeks.
First doctor appointment: had one last Friday. Next one is July 24th.
Any symptoms so far? Nope! And I can't wait for them to show I can feel a little more confident. I'm actually looking forward to it!
Who have you told? Just DH. No one else. We likely won't tell anyone else until after 14 weeks.
cherry / 168 posts
Location: SoCal too!
EDD: 3/9
How far along: 3+6
First child? This is my second, I have a 17 month old daughter
First doctor appointment: July 28, can't wait!
Any symptoms so far? I had very very minimal symptoms until today, a mild headache for the last 5 mornings and light cramping. Today though I got sore boobs and extreme fatigue. I was ready for bed by 7.
Who have you told? Just my husband and random people on the internet I might tell my mom on Friday when I see her.
pear / 1593 posts
Well here goes... Was going to wait to join, but in the spirit of being excited/upbeat, might as well say hello!
Location: TN
EDD: 3/10/16 (but could be anything btwn 3/9 - 3/13)
How far along: 3w6d
First child? No, I have 11 month old son. We started NTNP a few months ago, so I'm excited plus shocked since it took a year of full on TTC including a miscarriage to conceive LO #1. Trying hard not to let the worries creep in this time around!
First doctor appointment: Waiting until official missed period to call
Any symptoms so far? Well I've been nauseas for about 4 days, but I didn't think it could be morning sickness this early, but with BFP - I guess it is?? Oh, and sore boobs
Who have you told? DH and my BFF; won't tell anyone else until after 1st ultrasound
kiwi / 661 posts
I"m probably biting myself in the bum doing this so early but I'm excited and can't gush in real life yet
Location: philly
EDD: 3/15
How far along: i'm roughly twelve seconds pregnant (9dpo)
First child? second!
First doctor appointment: I'm not going to call until next week.... making sure this is sticky!
Any symptoms so far? I felt very pregnant last night so I decided to test. I'm more tired than normal, but that is very vague with a two year old! I just felt very bloated / had indigestion similar to my first and decided to test and see!
Who have you told? ....two friends and the internet. I'm telling my husband tonight when I see him with a big brother shirt on the current little one!
pear / 1610 posts
Here goes for me...
Location: PA
EDD: March 2nd or 3rd
How far along: 4 weeks 6 days
First child? Nope, 3rd!
First doctor appointment: 8/6
Any symptoms so far? Bloating & indigestion and tired! I've had some cramping off & on too and that has me a little nervous
Who have you told? DH and all of our parents
persimmon / 1328 posts
@Crystal: I never saw your update before, massive congrats and to everyone else too!
@runnerd: I've had nausea since before my bfp this time - I didn't think it was possible this early either. It's rubbish but I do find it somehow reassuring?
We've told our parents and siblings now which has made it feel a bit more real - but I do still have moments where I forget - so different to last time. Have now booked my first doctors apt for 21st July - but nothing will actually happen then apart from them telling me what I shouldn't eat etc.
pear / 1593 posts
@avivoca: thanks!
@Bubbles: has me a little scared of what's to come since I had the briefest MS for about 2 weeks much later last time
grapefruit / 4545 posts
Location: Detroit, MI
EDD: Mar 9 (based on LMP) Mar 11 (based on O)
How far along: 3w6d?
First child? #2, DD (K) will be 2 in Sept
First doctor appointment: Will call tomorrow or friday, guessing end of July
Any symptoms so far? Sleep...ugh thats actually what prompted me to POAS was my sleep pattern started to mirror my first pregnancy (aka AWFUL)
Who have you told? DH (duh), my 2 BFFs and my sister
Congrats @Bubbles: @Crystal: @Punky: @runnerd: @reverie: @creativemomma15: ! So happy to be joining you ladies! Sticky baby dust to us all!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
Welcome, everyone!
Is anyone waiting until after 12 or 14 weeks to tell people? That's mine and DHs current plan, but I kind of want to say something already!
pear / 1610 posts
@Crystal: We were going to wait until after my dr appointment and ultrasound so around 10/11 weeks to tell most people but I'm not sure if that will work... My parents & mil both think I'm starting to look pregnant already and I'm only 5 weeks (but it is #3)! We will tell our siblings in about 2 weeks I think but not sure about friends. I'd rather tell them instead of have them basically know by how I look!
cherry / 168 posts
@Crystal: I might tell my mom this week when I see her but we're waiting until after the first ultrasound at 8 weeks to tell anyone else. We'll see though, I really want to tell people,
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Crystal: So, we had to tell everyone almost immediately last time (not drinking at Christmas would be a dead give away in my family). This time - I have told my BFF and my sister. My mom is on vacation - I will tell her when she is back.
Dr office has changed policy and no has you come in to confirm pregnancy (immediately) so I have that appointment Monday, then again at 8-10 weeks for first US. I will probably tell the rest of my fam after Monday then tell more people after the first US.
DH may wait a bit on telling his fam - he's in charge of that! I will tell my boss after my US and wont say anything on FB until after NT scan.
pear / 1593 posts
@Crystal: we have told our BFFs, but that's it until first u/s at about 8 weeks (7/30). Then we are pr obably going to go ahead and wait another 2 weeks to tell since BIL is getting married around that time and we don't want to take attention away from that.
apricot / 324 posts
Popping in! Just got a BFP tonight. We were not TTC but doing a shitty job of charting to avoid and pulling out to prevent so it's not exactly a shock. In fact I basically knew from the moment it happened that we were done for!
Location: also sunny so cal! Yay for California!
EDD: I think 3/12
How far along: also about 2 seconds. 12 dpo/4w
First child? No DS is 16 months.
First doctor appointment: not scheduled
Any symptoms so far? Vivid dreams, one short bout of nausea that made me think "oh shit I'm pregnant"
Who have you told? My husband and one of my really good friends who talked me through it before I could tell DH.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Punky: I didn't think I'd want to share so badly, I'm surprising myself!
@creativemomma15: I've heard you show earlier in subsequent pregnancies! Maybe they only think so because they know you are? I hope you can keep it hidden as long as you want.
@Mrs D: what do they do at your appt Monday? Bloodwork? Good luck!
@runnerd: my sister is getting married right around my EDD so I totally get that. Hopefully they don't notice you not drinking at the wedding!
@CRGmama: welcome!
Anyone else having symptoms come and go? I woke up this morning and my boobs aren't nearly as sore, which of course makes me worry (especially after a brief spotting incident last night). I hope I get to do something really fun and throw up due to "morning" sickness today so I can feel a little less worried.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@CRGmama: congrats!!! And welcome!
@Crystal: I'm guessing so - she said its a confirmation appointment so maybe bloodwork or maybe just a urine test?
Yesterday I had crazy flu like symptoms and was all achy! Today I am a bit achy and have a sore throat. My sleep is terrible (consistent w my last pregnancy) and I am super bummed about it.
I am def fatigued and have a decreased appetite.
There is a big sale at Isabella Oliver this weekend - I am debating splurging on two work dresses...I hated my last maternity work wardrobe
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Mrs D: I've never heard of Isabella Oliver,
I'll have to check it out!
My sleep has been awful too.
pea / 24 posts
Good morning mama's! Just got my BFP Saturday and I'm so excited!!
Location: Georgia
EDD: March 15th
How far along: 3w6d
First child? No. Second DD is 18 months
First doctor appointment: July 27th!
Any symptoms so far? Not really. basically like AF symptoms just a little stronger.
Who have you told? DH, couple of close friends, parents!
honeydew / 7622 posts
@Chloesmommie: Hi from a March 2015 Mom! I got my BFP on the 4th last year. It's such a special way to remember the day. I just spent the holiday with my 4 month old- that will be you next year Congratulations!!
pear / 1593 posts
@CRGmama: @Chloesmommie: congrats and welcome!
@Crystal: hahaha - I never threw up my last pregnancy, but totally wanted to like you are saying to reduce the worry
Mostly just slightly nauseated feelings and headaches have started. Boob soreness comes and goes as well.
@Mrs D: oh yea I didn't love my maternity stuff at all last time!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
AFM -Dr this morning was fine. Nothing too exciting...urine test and blood test. she did forewarn me that with me being so early the Beta's may be low and she may order a 48 hour follow up. they did not do confirmation appointments for my last pregnancy so this is all new to me.
Next appointment is aug 6 (u/s and dating) and then Aug 20th after that!
I have two big work trips coming up (Brazil at the end of August and China in September) - I was thrilled they gave me the green light on those!
apricot / 461 posts
Location: ND
EDD: March 17
How far along: 3 weeks 4 days
First child? 2nd- my son is 2 years old. We had two miscarriages prior to having him, so this is my 4th pregnancy
First doctor appointment: They won't see me until 12 weeks usually, but they had me go in for a progesterone and hCG today. Last time they did an ultrasound around 6-7 weeks to confirm everything was going okay after the miscarriages
Any symptoms so far? YES! I had no symptoms pretty much the whole pregnancy with my son (other than baby moving and getting huge). Same with my short lived miscarriages- no symptoms! But with this pregnancy I'm already queasy, foods taste icky (my pizza tasted like soap tonight!!), my ears have been ringing constantly for 6 days now, and I'm crazy bloated
Who have you told? I told my friend Jenny at work first, then my husband, and today I told my other good friend at work Sarah
My progesterone came back today at 11.7 at 13 DPO. At 9 DPO with my son it was at 24.0. So now I'm freaking out until the doctor calls tomorrow. When she does call, I'll find out my hCG levels too. And on Wednesday I'll do a repeat hCG. Hopefully that will calm me down. I don't think I'll be calm until I hear/see a heartbeat.
apricot / 259 posts
Location: Cincinnati, OH
EDD: March 13, 2015
How far along: 4 weeks 2 days
First child? YES!
First doctor appointment: June 30 at 7weeks 4 days
Any symptoms so far? Sore boobs, gassy, hunger headaches and super tired but not sleeping well
Who have you told? DH, BFF, 2 friends at work.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Dr. Pepper: Congrats and Welcome! Fingers crossed for good test results today! Does ND mean New Zealand? I'm crazy bloated too - already switch back to my chubby girl pants to be more comfortable!
@ModernDayJibarita: Congrats and Welcome! Glad to see another midwest mama! Oh my gosh the gassy-ness - DH said its not fair to blame the baby yet - but seriously its out of control!
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