Hellobee Boards


March 2016 moms

  1. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    I say we have enough people to get EDD list started

    EDD List
    3/1 Crystal
    3/2 creativemomma15
    3/3 Bubbles
    3/9 Punky
    3/9 Mrs D
    3/10 runnerd
    3/12 CRGmama
    3/13 ModernDayJibarita
    3/15 reverie
    3/15 Chloesmommie
    3/17 Dr. Pepper

  2. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @Mrs D: Ha! I wish it was New Zeland! That would be AWESOME! It's actually North Dakota

    The doctor covering for my doctor decided to have me start progesterone supps. They said that 11.7 was normal (they want at least 10) but on the very low end of normal and with my history of recurrent miscarriages they wanted to be safe.

    My hCG came back at 121.4 at 13 DPO, so that is great. I will go back today at 4:30 for another blood draw. I won't get the result until tomorrow though.

  3. leighleigh

    cherry / 154 posts

    Location: New York, NY

    EDD: March 9th, 2016

    How far along: 5 weeks

    First child? yes!

    First doctor appointment: July 2nd

    Any symptoms so far? cramping, boating, frequent urination & FATIGUE

    Who have you told? sister + 3 best friends

    Congrats to everyone! Can't wait!

  4. araneidae

    pea / 13 posts

    Location: Ottawa, Canada

    EDD: March 19th, 2016

    How far along: not even 4 weeks

    First child? 2nd

    First doctor appointment: no idea

    Any symptoms so far? cramps and a bit of nausea (already? :/)

    Who have you told? just my best friend. well and my husband of course.

    Missed out on the POAS boards but excited to be here! Only the faintest little line so far but I'm hopeful it sticks

  5. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @leighleigh: @araneidae: welcome and congrats!

    @araneidae: how old is your first?

  6. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    March EDD List
    3/1 Crystal
    3/2 creativemomma15
    3/3 Bubbles
    3/9 Punky
    3/9 Mrs D
    3/9 leighleigh
    3/10 runnerd
    3/12 CRGmama
    3/13 ModernDayJibarita
    3/15 reverie
    3/15 Chloesmommie
    3/17 Dr. Pepper
    3/19 araneidae

  7. araneidae

    pea / 13 posts

    @runnerd: thank you! She just turned 2.

  8. bjm529

    apple seed / 2 posts

    Location: Pennsylvania

    EDD: 3-15?

    How far along: If my due date is right I'm 4w2d

    First child? Second

    First doctor appointment: Monday, 7-13!

    Any symptoms so far? nausea, and some cramping

    Who have you told? My husband

  9. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    Oh hello! Jumping in here Love seeing so many familiar faces!


    EDD: March 16 based on O date, not LMP

    How far along: 4 weeks, 1 day

    First child? No - DD turned 2 in May. We decided a couple of weeks ago to start TTC with hopes of getting pregnant in September or October since it took 6 months to conceive #1. And I'm 37. OPKs gave me an O date that was 2 weeks wrong, so BFP was sort of an accident because we happened to BD on my real O day, which I only saw after the fact because I was charting... go figure!

    First doctor appointment: Today! Bloodwork to check HCG and progesterone

    Any symptoms so far? My boobs started hurting today

    Who have you told? My parents, brother, and sister-in-law, and a couple of random friends. We're not telling DH's parents or really anyone else until the first u/s.

  10. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    Hello and congrats new March mummies! @Chloesmommie: My son is 18 months too, hope it will be a nice age gap

    So far my nausea is MUCH worse this time around than #1! But time is whizzing by compared to last time. Looking forward to my first docs apt on the 21st - although I will probably be looking at end of August for my first US!

  11. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @JoJoGirl: we were hoping for same timeline (fall BFP) and started NTNP since it took a year to get our sticky BFP last time

  12. ms. pug

    grape / 99 posts

    @Chloesmommie: Hi from a 3/15/2015 EDD mama I ended up having my LO on 3/8, though. But good luck- march is a wonderful birth month! Can't believe its been a year since i got my BFP!

  13. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    I'll go catch up after posting but hi!

    Location: Central California

    EDD: March 1!

    How far along: 6w and a few days

    First child? Nope! Third (W born 4/1/12, O born 1/29/14)

    First doctor appointment: August 8, but i have a dating ultrasound scheduled July 17

    Any symptoms so far? I'm effing exhausted.

    Who have you told? Everyone. I'm bloated, exhausted, and breaking out like a kid in puberty There's no hiding it unless I became a hermit. Lol

  14. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @creativemomma15: third baby here too and I swear I look 6 months pregnant already (not 6 weeks, lol). It's not cool haha

  15. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    Hello ladies! I hope I'm not jinxing myself my posting here so early!

    Location: Connecticut, USA

    EDD: March 24

    How far along: 3 weeks

    First child? second. I have a 13 month-old daughter

    First doctor appointment: tbd

    Any symptoms so far? I have been nauseated since 6dpo, which is why I tested so early! REALLY didn't expect a bp at 8dpo!

    Who have you told? Just my good friend! I want to see the test get darker and then tell DH in a fun way this time!

  16. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    @JoJoGirl: It took me over 1.5 years to conceive LO1, and got pregnant on our first time, too, this time! Still can't believe we were successful!

  17. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Congrats! I think I was a Jan '14 momma with you! (DD arrived in December though) I feel a little funny showing already but I guess that comes with the 3rd baby territory. My MIL said she was in full maternity clothes at 6 weeks with her third. I'm rocking the cotton shorts and a few pairs of maternity shorts right now... And flowy shirts to hide the belly a little!

  18. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    @mrsrain: Congrats!

  19. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @creativemomma15: I can't believe how big (and hard) my belly is already. It's insane.

  20. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: @mrsrain: @JoJoGirl: @bjm529: @leighleigh: Welcome Ladies...loving seeing all these new March Momma's joining us!!!

    This bloating is ridiculous! I had to switch back to my chubby pants already (5w today) and was longingly eyeing my maternity capri's this AM. My Dr said to expect to be in maternity clothes by 8w this time (11 or 12w with DD1). I am really hoping she is wrong bc I am not planning to tell anyone until my first u/s (Aug 6) which is 9w!!!

  21. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Mrs D: OMG that's crazy!!! I was in just a belly band, not real maternity pants, until 22w last time. I WILL NOT WEAR MATERNITY PANTS AT 8W. Foot. Down.

  22. Matcha Latte

    olive / 70 posts

    Hi everyone, and Congratulations fellow march 2016 mommas! I'm cautiously joining.

    Location: MI

    EDD: March 6, 2016 (although I am not 100% positive)

    How far along: 5 weeks 5days

    First child? Second! My Baby boy just turned 1 in June!

    First doctor appointment: Haven't made it yet, I've got to do a bit a research.

    Any symptoms so far? Nausea, and Tiredness just like with my first pregnancy :(.

    Who have you told? Just DH and I! We will probably wait until closer to the end of September if my stomach doesn't become too obvious.

  23. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @JoJoGirl: I know I feel the same way! No granted I was not the most fit person before I got pregnant...but trying to keep that in check this go around!

    @Matcha Latte: Yay - another MI Mom!!! Congrats!

  24. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts


    EDD: March 18th

    How far along: 4 weeks

    First child? Yes

    First doctor appointment: I had my first blood draw today and go back Monday. We have an early ultrasound on August 3rd.

    Any symptoms so far? Breast tenderness

    Who have you told? Dh, my grandma, and parents

  25. CRGmama

    apricot / 324 posts

    How's everyone feeling? I'm so tired and have been a bit crampy. I was crampy around the same time when I was pregnant with C. I also had some nausea today which I did not miss.

  26. leighleigh

    cherry / 154 posts

    @CRGmama: I am soooooo bloated, gassy, and crampy! I have had a bit of nausea myself too! But not too bad

  27. CRGmama

    apricot / 324 posts

    @leighleigh: Ooo I'm super bloated too. Worst feeling.

  28. reverie

    kiwi / 661 posts

    for the second time mamas do you feel similar to the first go? I'm feeling pretty much the same with just a little bit of occasional mild nausea. It messed with my head last time having no symptoms..... I sometimes forget I'm pregnant! I'm not even 5 weeks soooo I could wake up tomorrow feeling like crap so don't hate me!

  29. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    @reverie: my symptoms are a bit different this time round. Last time I had a LOT of breast tenderness, this time not so much. But I am so much more exhausted (maybe something to do with the toddler!), and far, far more nauseous. Last time my nausea was pretty mild, and I'm sure it's still not much compared to how some ladies suffer - but this time I'm very nauseous all day long and eating does not always help.

    With my first I also had a hard time emotionally in the first tri and spent a lot of it feeling pretty miserable, and I haven't had any of that this time round which is a relief.

    Hoping you stay feeling good!

  30. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    Location: Iowa

    EDD: March 22nd

    How far along: 3 wks + 4 days

    First child? This is our second! I have an almost 19 month old son.

    First doctor appointment: I'll go get blood work done on Monday to confirm, and then I'll have a scan and appt around 8 weeks, so mid August?

    Any symptoms so far? Back ache, cramps, moodiness, increased CM, some nausea, and acne.

    Who have you told? Just my husband and sister. I'll tell my parents this weekend since it will be obvious when I don't drink. His parents after my scan, and the world at 12 weeks.

  31. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    Hi everybody! Totally slipped my mind to join a DD board. Happy to be back though!

    Location: Twin Cities, MN

    EDD: March 7th (but since I wasn't charting I really need a dating ultrasound because I'm not quite sure)

    How far along: 5-6 weeks

    First child? Nope, I have a son who is going to be a year old on July 22nd!

    First doctor appointment: 7/14 to establish care at a new OB office. After that probably the beginning of August?

    Any symptoms so far? Very minimal. A few bouts of insomnia, peeing more often, getting full faster, and oh yea, lots of bloat!!

    Who have you told? Umm, WAY too many people according to my husband. My sister, brother, their spouses, BFF, a few other girlfriends, etc. And we're telling my parents today at lunch with a cookie cake announcement about the new Big Brother in the family!

  32. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @creativemomma15: I'm already feeling like I'm showing and I'm on baby #2. I know this is normal but it does make waiting to tell people harder!

    @Dr. Pepper: I was born in North Dakota! It's an under-appreciated state! We go back all the time, lots of family there.

  33. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @reverie: Yep, feeling very similar to last time! Not a ton of symptoms, no real nausea, I know I'm lucky! But curious to see if it continues...

  34. CRGmama

    apricot / 324 posts

    @reverie: I didn't have any nausea with my son until 6w. I'm only 5w today and spent yesterday afternoon feeling pretty crappy, so I guess we'll see if that's going to continue. (I hope not!)

  35. reverie

    kiwi / 661 posts

    @princessandthebee: I wonder if that means we'll have the same gender as last time I"m soooooo impatient and want to KNOW right now what's cooking!

  36. Punky

    cherry / 168 posts

    @Mrs D: The bloating is out of control this time around. I had to stop on our road trip to buy a new pair of pants (love stretchy waist maternity jeans ) because I was so uncomfortable.

  37. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @reverie: I know, I'm so curious too!

  38. Matcha Latte

    olive / 70 posts

    @reverie:I've been having some pretty bad nausea and bloating so far just like with my first pregnancy.

  39. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    All three of my pregnancies have been completely different. But everything has been completely different! At this point with DS1 we were in the process of moving across the country, at this point with DS2 I had a 1 year old and my husband had {essentially} just gotten back from a deployment, and now I have a 3 year old, a 1 year old, and my husband isn't currently here (active duty Navy - he's on the boat for a month, he'll be back in a little over a week). I'm completely exhausted, but could be even if I wasn't pregnant This time around I have had a bunch more nausea and I swear this kid is determined to make me poop my pants hahahaha. I go from fine to I-have-to-go-RIGHT-now in about 10 seconds flat. It's pretty horrible.

  40. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    When does everyone have their first appointments?

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