Hellobee Boards


March 2016 moms

  1. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @princessandthebee: Glad you are all healthy now!!! We dealt with a cold going through our house for most of December...not fun!!! The nursery sounds sweet... I think smaller spaces decorate more nicely. Our nursery is 11'x13' which is still nice size but small enough that it feels cozy...I love cozy! We did the whole life insurance thing after K was born...we really labored over how much coverage we needed. We decided on the balance of our mortgage+newcar+$100K for each kids college. For DH we also added in the balance of his student loans. I hated those conversations...they felt so morbid!

    @Lilbear: I dug out my prenatal yoga videos this weekend. I wont have time to do them until next week but I plan to try to do it 4 times a week to lessen the pain this final stretch!!!

    I slipped twice this morning...gotta love Michigan winters. So I finally went online and purchased the Sorel boots I have been eyeing...a plus and a minus!

  2. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: Yes on the vagina punches/pressure! I dealt with the same thing with DS, but feel like DD is totally stepping up her game. oof!

    Yay for K sleeping in her bed so well!!

    Yikes on the slipping! Glad you didn't hurt yourself and yay for new boots you've been wanting! I slipped over Thanksgiving at my parents place because we had an ice storm. Fortunately, I caught myself on the door frame, but got a nice lil bruise on my hip.

    @Navy_Mommy: I have to tell DH the same thing and then remind him a few times till I'm practically nagging him. Sigh. But once in awhile (like yesterday), he's gung ho about helping out. That usually only happens if there's a motivator, like we're having company over or hosting a party, etc.

    @Lilbear: I haven't done prenatal yoga, but when DS was sitting on my sciatic nerve last pregnancy, my OB did recommend it along with chiropractic care. I did get adjusted weekly and that helped!

  3. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    As for me, my previa has regressed. It was really close to 2cm away and wasn't blocking my cervix at 24 weeks, but at my last growth check, it's blocking it again and is now only 0.75cm away. WTF?!

    We're hoping it'll resolve itself by 32 weeks. Otherwise, my OB told me to start mentally coming to terms with a c-section since that's my only option. And it'll happen at 36 weeks. Say what?! I asked her if I could at least push it to 37 weeks and she seemed weary. So I discussed it with my MFM dr and he said he'd be okay with 37 weeks given she continues to grow, I don't bleed, and I don't have any cervix changes. Sigh.

    I'm so scared of the procedure. Plus, I can't pick up my son or really care for him for at least 4 weeks. DS is such a cuddle bug so this will be uber difficult if the damn previa doesn't move out of the way.

  4. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Alivoo01: Fingers crossed that it resolves! That being said, I don't think you should be terrified of a C section. And who said that you wouldn't be able to care for your son for at least 4 weeks? Probably you shouldn't be picking him up - I think they told me not to carry anything heavier than the baby for 4 weeks, although I also cheated on that because how am I supposed to take him anywhere if I can't carry him in his carseat? But for me, while it took me a while to get back to 100%, I was at 80% in under a week. I definitely think you'd be able to do most of the stuff that you do now.

    I was so scared of the c section going in but actually it was not nearly as bad as I'd feared. Actually I had a much easier recovery than my neighbour, who gave birth vaginally the week before me and had a 4th degree tear (that required 2 surgeries to fix!).

    @Lilbear: I did prenatal yoga with my first and liked it. I don't know if it was the yoga or what but I found that pregnancy really easy, even at 39 weeks I felt good, minimal pain, could have kept going. This time is much harder.

    @Mrs D: Warm boots is one of those things that feels like such a luxury once you have it but that I always don't feel like spending money on. We got our first real snow of the year this morning and consequently it took me almost 3 hours to get to work (52km/32miles) and then the sidewalks were all slippery walking from my parking space. Makes me happy that for February I'm giving up my space and parking in the building's garage - costs more but no slippery walk.

  5. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Alivoo01: I dont have direct c-section experience but for what its worth...my friends who have had both all swear by c-sections! I know its still scary but there are pluses to them for sure! Both of them had them for their second babies and I heard nothing about lack of caring for the older child - and both are sahm's.

    @erinbaderin: I cant remember where you are - but maybe you are near me? We had our first real snowfall last night as well...maybe 3 or so inches...so clue why that made people drive like fools this AM - its Michigan people...it snows....its ok....

  6. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @erinbaderin: @Mrs D: Thanks for the reassurance ladies. My OB said I'd be needing tons of help since my mobility will be restricted and that picking DS up is definitely a no-no for at least 4 weeks.

  7. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @Mrs D: Cozy is good for nurseries for sure I just wish we had a bigger master bedroom!

    Thanks for the tips on life insurance, DH has one through work but we want to get another one for him and for me (I'm a SAHM but I think it would be helpful to have a small plan for me). We did make a Will before DS was born thankfully!

    I'm in Minnesota so I understand the brutal winters, hope you don't fall again!!

    @Alivoo01: Oh no, I'm sorry your previa has regressed. Hoping something changes or you can be at peace with the new plan! I'm sure it's hard to change your thinking this late in the game, it would be hard for me!

  8. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Mrs D: I'm in Ontario, so another place where people really should expect and know how to handle snow!

    30 week midwife appointment yesterday went well - I gained 6 pounds since my last appointment, which I wasn't thrilled about (dammit, Christmas eating!) but my midwife didn't seem concerned. Baby's heartbeat sounds good, measurements were good, and she thinks he's head down, although I'm unconvinced - the movements feel just like they did with B and the midwives told me he was head down right up to the day before an ultrasound told me he was breech. So we'll see. I have an appointment with an OB in a few weeks to talk about a VBAC.

    And I have a cold again, so that sucks - I was saying to my husband yesterday that I feel like I'm being hit by a glacier, this is the slowest moving cold ever. Every day I feel slightly worse but not really terrible enough to stay home from work. Today I would totally have called in sick except I have a lot of meetings. Tomorrow I might stop being a hero and stay in bed.

  9. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    I have a midwife appointment today. And I'm just basking in the excitement that I don't even have to leave my house. Hahaha.

  10. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @Alivoo01: that's completely unrealistic (to say you can't pick up your toddler for 4 weeks if you have a CS).

  11. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Had a midwife appointment today. Belly is measuring right on schedule, my BP was only 113/82, and he is "beautifully anterior and head down." Lol. His butt is easy to findo right in the middle of my belly.

    Next appointment is February 1 and then I'll be seen every week! Getting close.

  12. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Great appointment! Good news all around!

    My next appointment is on Thursday...I'll be almost 33w...then I think at 35 I will switch over to weekly - oh joy!

    Our biggest developments:
    -K is 1 week strong in the big girl bed...I think we're transitioned. So happy/relived!
    -K went on the potty twice at daycare yesterday...holy crap!!!
    -We have two or three names on a short list...have we talked about names here? Do others have theirs? Right now I am loving Abigail and Brook, DH doesnt "hate" those. He likes Emily...and I dont hate that. This is major progress for us!

  13. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Mrs D: You go weekly at 35? I think I go 33, 35, 37, and then weekly.

    I think all your names are great! Emily was one of our top picks for a girl. We had talked about Greyson for a long time but I think we've gone off it - maybe it's too "last name as a first name", and also it rhymes with my husband's name. I think right now our front runners are Weston or James. My husband loves Thomas and I like it but not, I think, enough for a first name, but I think that's definitely going to be our middle name.

    @Mrs D: My next appointment is also Feb 1! I have a midwife appointment and an appointment with the OB to talk about a VBAC that day.

  14. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    We did 33, 36, then every week 37, 38, 39, 40. Then twice a week til 42 at which point induction would be discussed.

  15. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @erinbaderin: I think we go weekly starting at 36,,,but if I am there at 35...then I have to go back the next week...so ya - thats my preggo brain way of thinking of it...

  16. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: at 40w I have to start going every third day for NSTs...or I can be induced...

  17. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @Mrs D: the midwife will never "order" me to be induced unless like my amniotic fluid was low or something similar. She won't even order NSTs as long as there's a strong heart rate with regular increases (which is basically a super simplified NST lol). If I WANTED an induction before 42 weeks I'd have to transfer care.

  18. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    I really need to, like, get a car seat. Haha. We're hoping to just do a big amazon order and use our registry completion discount, but we'll need to get our tax returns to be able to do that big of an order at once. (Car seat, bassinet, a few small things.) At least with amazon prime I can get it here in basically 24 hours, lol.

    So we're due March 1. DH REALLY wants a leap day baby, lol. I just don't want to hit 41 weeks again (it was horrible) and I really don't want to have him on February 24 because that's my birthday and I'm selfish, lol.

  19. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: We also don't have a car seat, but I'm not due until March 20 (March 1 is so soon! Eeeek! These babies are going to be here before we know it!) My friend is lending me her infant seat again, so I just have to wait until we see her next. I should also double check that her baby has grown out of it....

    What is your plan for a bassinet? B slept in the Uppababy bassinet but for some reason we got rid of the stand we put it on, and now I'm trying to decide if I should buy another stand or do something else. I really want the Halo Bassinest but I can't justify spending so much money on something we'll only use for a few months...

  20. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @erinbaderin: we're getting a halo bassinet. We just don't have the space in our new bedroom for anything with a larger footprint.

  21. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: I'm still torn on the subject of induction...they wont make me until 42 I think (unless there is a health reason). They just want more constant monitoring as you go beyond your due date - which I am fine with.

    Since my practice only has 2 Dr delivering anymore I can choose to be induced if I want to know my Dr for sure (other wise I could get one of seven other dr's they have paired with). Still unsure if I will take that route. My delivery with K was so easy I am inclined to just let it happen naturally again rather than mess with a good thing...

    If I have made no progress at 40w (I was 3cm/80% at 38w with K) I will likely wait one more week then schedule an induction at 40w. But I also ask for membrane sweeps as soon as they'll do them - which I believe is 38w.

  22. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @Mrs D: my midwife doesn't even do cervical checks until you're in labor. It'll be strange to have no idea, but at the same time it doesn't really mean anything. I mean, I was 3cm and 70%effaced with Oliver for over a month, lol. Took 4 hours after my induction started to get to 6cm. Then only 30 minutes to get to 10.

    I'll drink my tea and take my EPO and walk my feet off. And no one will go near my cervix til I'm in labor.

  23. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: That is the one truth I have learned...checks mean nothing - but I do like to know! Selfishly...

  24. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @Mrs D: I'm hoping not knowing will help me relax a little. I was barely a finger tip til I was in active labor with wes. And only 2cm when my water broke. So when I was at 3 with Oliver I was SO SURE labor was coming. But no. So hopefully not knowing I won't fixate so much.

  25. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    @Mrs D: @erinbaderin: I start going weekly at 36 weeks. Today I scheduled my appointments through 40 weeks... only 8 of them! Crazy!

    @Navy_Mommy: My midwifery practice treats induction the same way. They may strongly encourage it at some point, but they will work really hard to let me go into labor naturally, so if it comes down to it there are "natural" induction techniques we would try. Also, thanks for the reminder about tax returns! Need to get on that!

    @erinbaderin: We are not using a bassinet. We keep the pack n play in our bedroom for the first 6 months. I kinda wish we had one, though, because I'd love to have him right next to my bed in the beginning, but we're not willing to spend the money for something that will only last for a few weeks.

    So I failed my 1 hour glucose test by 1 freakin point. Further testing shows that I do not have GD, but I am likely pre-diabetic, which isn't terribly surprising given my family history. So I am going to try to stick to a GD diet. Thankfully I have been very carefully monitoring my weight and only weigh about 6 lbs more than my pre-pregnancy weight at this point. I may come out of this pregnancy healthier than I went into it!

  26. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: We have a tendency in my family to walk around very progressed for weeks - so from day 1 I took it with a grain of salt...thank god since I didnt have her until 40w2d...and after a very aggressive membrane sweep...

  27. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @mrsrain: yeah, yay tax returns! Lol. Ours are ready to go, just waiting to actually get DH''s W2 to submit (I'm a self employed photographer with OCD when it comes to record keeping, lol, and I did his bit based off off his last pay stub for the year, just need to verify everything).

    Our returns are so simple (I barely actually make anything at the end of the day, and DH is technically a government employee as an active duty Sailor) we usually get our money in a week to 10 days after its accepted.

  28. sailgrl18

    cherry / 127 posts

    @Mrs D: Yay for K going on the potty. We decided to potty train DS right after christmas so we have a gap between the training and the baby. He's 2 on tuesday and he's done amazingly well. You might be surprised if you try with K.

    AFM, I'm 30 weeks tomorrow. I have doctors appointments every two weeks now until 36 weeks when they start weekly appointments. This tuesday is DS's 2nd birthday but also is the date of the third trimester ultrasound. Because of the kidney stones, frequent BH contractions and just a general worry that I have (it's really hard because I pee pink because of the renal stent so I never know if I have bloody discharge) my doctor gave me the referral to have the scan to check growth, cervix, etc. Hoping everything is ok.

    Otherwise I'm spending most of my time planning DS's birthday party. We're doing it fairly low key with brunch for his friends in our apartment and then once they leave just having family and opening gifts. But that still involves planning the food, decor, cake, etc.

  29. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @sailgrl18: my Oliver turns 2 on the 29th! We're not doing a "party." We're hosting a train themed play date with cupcakes, lol. No gifts (I don't want any more stuff in my house), no decorations, simple.

  30. sailgrl18

    cherry / 127 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Happy Early Birthday Oliver! Decor right now is also activities. I got a huge roll of black paper and a bucket of chalk. So I'm papering the floor of DS's room (since it's right next to the living room and will be where kids hang out) and then the kids can draw like a sidewalk. Temperatures are in the mid 30s next week so it has to be indoors and I need to entertain 11 toddlers.

  31. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @sailgrl18: @Navy_Mommy: Bennett turns 2 on the 20th! We're clearly all on the same baby-making schedule! We're having a party next weekend with a kind of Elmo/Cookie Monster theme. It was a better idea in theory than in practice, now that we're having about 30 people (including 14 kids age 2 weeks to 6) over. I have no plans for activities other than putting on a movie and turning them loose in the basement. I've put my mom in charge of a Cookie Monster cake and Elmo cupcakes like this http://www.annies-eats.com/2011/07/28/how-to-decorate-sesame-street-cupcakes/ And then I'm mostly going to buy frozen appetizers to make life simpler.

    @mrsrain: Hmm, that's an idea - last time once he grew out of the bassinet we put him in the pack and play, so we could just set the bassinet in there for the first few months. Although then I'd have to get out of bed every time he cried....probably we'll just spend $50 for a new bassinet stand and sell it after.

  32. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @erinbaderin: we will have a train of snacks. And train cupcakes. And possibly a train craft.

  33. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: So cute! B is super into trains right now and I was saying this morning (as he drove his "banana train" around his placemat) that we maybe should have done a train party, but oh well.

  34. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Ok, you got me back onto the idea of needing the bassinest, I found one on kijiji, and I'm picking it up later today. I figure that I can probably make back most of the money reselling it in 6 months. Thanks!

  35. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    Called my insurance yesterday and put my breast pump order in. This weekend we are finalizing our "on call" list for when I go into labor, and revisiting our birth plan to update it for this birth.

    Anybody else doing any nesting or baby-planning this weekend?

  36. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @mrsrain: you're not due til the end of the month, right? You're ahead of the game!

  37. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: ever since our early labor scare I feel an urgency to get stuff done!

  38. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    Making nursery progress - set up the crib, moved some of the junk out, put the prints in the frames, picked up the Bassinest, and found a nice lamp for the dresser. Still a ways to go but it's getting there! No pics yet because it's still half nursery half junk room.

  39. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @mrsrain: nesting like crazy today...I blew off real work bad so now I'll be in the office all day Sunday in addition to the holiday on Monday! Ugh!!!

    Got the rest of Ks stuff out of the nursery and into her big girls room...just need to hang the shelves and artwork and her room is done!

    Had a killer joAnns coupon so I got almost all the remaining supplies for my DIY decor! Now if only we had a name I could really get cranking!!!

    Laundry and freezer prep are my big open items!!!

    I hate that I cannot get my pump until this one is born!!!

    I freaked out last week and solidify our plan A for labor...I then secured a plan b and c back up...feeling better now! I updated our "everythjng to know about K" document that I guve to over night sitters/grandparents...and taped it in the fridge! If felt good to have instructions in the house just in case we leave in a rush...

  40. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @Mrs D: Wow, I love how productive you are on the weekends, very inspiring!

    We got a few things done today including nursery furniture switching, a trip to Babies R Us and an Amazon order. Hoping we are almost done buying things!! it's getting so expensive. Still need blinds and nursery decor but the essentials are purchased.

    We splurged this time around on the keekaroo peanut changer after so many friends have raved about it!

    And we are SOOOOO far from agreeing on a name. Seriously concerned we will not have one picked when the time comes. Nothing seems right or as special as DS1's name.

    Feeling some BH lately and so much movement from baby, very different this time around without an anterior placenta. I feel so much more!

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