Hellobee Boards


March 2017 moms!

  1. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: yay a closer date. Glad you had your first appt. and all was good. I don't know how you waited. I am dying just waiting a month for my next one. A month to me is way too long!

    @lilyann: what do Braxton hicks feel like?

  2. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: oh this wasn't my first appt! I had the I take at 9 weeks and a dating ultrasound (plus the confirmation with my primary doctor and ultrasound at 6-7 weeks), and another midwife appt at 11 weeks!
    But yes, 4-5 weeks is long to wait! Although the visits are so short and uneventful. They ask a few basic questions about how I feel, take vitals, I ask my questions, and we hear heartbeat through Doppler.
    Once I'm in third trimester, visits are every two weeks and after 36 weeks, they're weekly!

  3. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: also I'm not lilyann, but Braxton hicks are mini contractions. Like a tight squeezing across your abdomen. Sometimes they're painful like a real contraction and sometimes just uncomfortable.

    I had them a lot after 35 weeks and three times I thought I was in labor when I wasn't!

  4. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: oh I think I just have lots of stretching. I don't really know all that's going on haha!

    And sorry I was so confused. I do read. It can't seem to remember anything. I don't even know what I ate for dinner two nights ago! Also I think a month is long really because this is the first month I have had to wait that long. All my appts were two weeks apart and only two were Doppler the rest were ultrasound! So I miss knowing for sure that he is ok. So a month to me seems like a lifetime! Whew

  5. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: haha I can't expect you to remember lol too many ladies here for us each to remember everyone's appts!

  6. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    15+4 today
    I even mentioned my lack of bump at my appt
    It's crazy. TBH this is me sucking in to prove it's not actual baby pump. Seriously I've gained so much fat in my midsection that I just look gross in everything! This is why I just need the bump to pop through already. Trying to wear anything is just depressing for me. I had worked so hard the last nine months to lose weight and tone up and I was doing great. So seeing my pudgy tummy is really difficult for me

  7. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: To be honest, mine is largely fat too - I'm 18 + 5 today, and the actual hard part of my bump is depressingly tiny. I can tell my hips and belly are putting on fat too. You know how they say to buy maternity clothes in your normal size? Yeah, I'm usually a size 4 in pants/jeans, and my size 6 maternity bottoms are already getting tight.

    But I really think this is just how my body grows babies - I've tried eating super clean, eating horribly, exercising a lot, exercising a little, and the weight gain is steady regardless. I think the only thing you can do is try to be as healthy as possible, and remind yourself that your body is doing what it has to do to have a healthy baby (and that it won't be like this forever!)

  8. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: what pudge? And just remember you can work out like cray cray again after baby comes!!!

    @raspberries: I tried on a shirt yesterday and it was tight in the arms. Like seriously? Baby don't take my arms too lol!!!

  9. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    I haven't thought about names at all! I was up last night in a panic because I have zero leads. We had a list of 8ish girl names to pick for our adoption but now I'm seems depressing to pick one of those. And I don't even know where to start with boy names. Names are so hard!!!!

  10. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @anonysquire: hah this is sucking it in like crazy which I can't do all the time. So it's there, which is awful. Just feels like ten steps backwards

    @raspberries: ugh I know. It's almost a detriment that it's my second pregnancy because I cannot stop comparing these too!! My first I had a wonderful cute firm little bump since like 11-12 weeks and I didn't gain much fat- a little in my hips and thighs.
    But now all I'm doing is gaining fat and no bump. On the upside, I've only gained maybe two lbs so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I just feel so self conscious.
    Also, my butt is saggy. So gaining in my butt too?!

    And I hear you on the jeans!! I was trying on some designer jeans at motherhood and yikes. Could not fit into 8's.

  11. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    OH my gosh! Are you girls emotional. I was super crabby today at school and then DH decided to go out and watch a movie with a friend and I had a complete emotional breakdown. Just cried for like 30 mins. like a baby. HOLY MOLY what is wrong with me.

  12. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Weswife: yes!!! I sometimes find myself with the urge to sob haha.
    So cute!!!

  13. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Weswife: Oh god, absolutely - my wedding planner posted a random video on FB of a wedding she coordinated... I didn't know the people in it, and it was nothing at all like my own wedding, and I still totally broke down sobbing at work while watching it.

    @Mrs. Pen: I found the perfect pair of maternity jeans... and of course they're $98. I couldn't justify the cost, especially because I wear dress pants at work and leggings on the weekend. But they were so comfy!

  14. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @raspberries: what brand were they?! Watch for them to go on sale or get on an email list for coupons

  15. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    So I have giftcards for a nursing pillow and carseat canopy. Are they worth it? I love the carseat canopies and was thinking of getting one since its easier to wash than the carseat cover. Then the nursing pillow I am trying to decide if I should get that or get a boppy? Thoughts ladies?

  16. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Weswife: Stepping in from October as I wait to start labor, but definitely get the Boppy! The knock-off pillows are awful. I also like the My Breast Friend pillow because you can strap that sucker to you and it sits up higher.

  17. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: They were Mavi jeans - $128 on their website, but they have a 15% off on your first order that allllmost brings them down to the $98 price they were at Nordstrom Rack. Seriously, they had my size with a short inseam (I'm 5'2") and they were doing wonders for my awkwardly shaped pregnancy booty, haha.

  18. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Good news: my Panorama results are back, and baby is HEALTHY. We also have a BOY !!

  19. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Weswife: I have a Boppy too and love it - it's super convenient for a place to put baby down on the floor when you want to be using both hands too. In regards to canopy vs. car seat cover - we have one of those warm car seat covers you pull over the top of infant car seats, and they can peak out of. It traps warmth since they can't wear heavy coats in car seats - I think it'll be useful during the colder weather in March/April, but probably not much after that (and even that depends on where you live... it'll definitely be necessary here in Boston.)

  20. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Yay for healthy baby and yay for a boy!!! 💙💙💙

  21. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @LovelyPlum: congrats!! Wow! So many boys!

  22. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @LovelyPlum: yay and congrats! So many boys!

    @raspberries: @avivoca: thank you! 😊

  23. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @LovelyPlum: congratulations mama!

  24. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @LovelyPlum: congrats!!!!

  25. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @lilyann: @oskarsmommy: @Weswife: @delight: @anonysquire: thank you!!!

  26. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Yay! So glad things worked out alright!

  27. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    -March 2017 Mamas-
    March 4: JennEn
    March 5: Raspberries , anonysquire
    March 12: MrsB2012
    March 13: OskarsMommy
    March 15: Weswife
    March 17: Pinkberry
    March 19: sheskrafty ; kick641
    March 21: Coffee-Lover , daniellemybelle
    March 22: codeitall
    March 26: lilyann , LoveHope, islarey
    March 27: LovelyPlum ; Mrs. Pen
    March 30: Aspen
    March 31: beth24
    April 2: mrsmacSLP

  28. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @LovelyPlum: congrats!

    All these gender announcements are making me want to find out! Hopefully I can stay strong in 2 weeks

    @Weswife: I never liked nursing pillows, I found them kinda hard to position the baby properly. I used to more to lay on when I was so swollen after birth haha. I found it was more comfortable to put a decorative pillow under my one elbow, but that was just my preference.

    Just be aware if you're using a canopy in the summer


  29. Aspen

    coffee bean / 33 posts

    Bump question:

    I'm 15+4 today. I have a little bump but it's still really low, like it's all still under my bellybutton. When should I expect this bump to move up? Do you think it ever will? When did your bump move up?

    @lovelyplum Congratulations for a healthy boy!

  30. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Aspen: It'll get there! I think how quickly your bump develops will depend partially on how you carry and partially on your size - you might just be a person who carries low, but if you're short/small, it's only a matter of time until baby expands to fill out your entire torso.

  31. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Yay for healthy babes!

    @Weswife: My first was born in December, so I prioritized a car seat cover that had elastic around the bottom so it wouldn't go flying in the wind. When they're cute and small, just stick a blanket on top, not like they'll throw it off at that age Also, I don't know if they are the same ones I got coupons for, but they give out coupon pages where they have all these practically free items... and then you pay the real cost in shipping. So check for real sales and price compare too.

    @Aspen: Mine is still all low too. Some folks carry high and others low. I swear my first never 'dropped' towards the end because he stayed low the whole time!

  32. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    I've finally kicked this morning sickness! And I can oddly fit into my jeans I couldn't a few weeks ago.... guess I had a lot of bloat!

    We're thinking about upgrading DS to a toddler bed so the baby can have the crib, but we're also looking for a new daycare, so that may too much change at once.

    Also really excited that it is leggings season finally. I lived in leggings last pregnancy and don't see that changing

  33. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @raspberries: @MrsB2012: @Aspen: @codeitall: thank you

    @codeitall: leggingsssssssssss. I'm so excited. And congrats on kicking the morning sickness. Still happening over here, but I think it's slowly getting better.

    @Aspen: my bump is still super low, too. I figure it will get higher as babe gets bigger and needs more room

  34. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Aspen: my bump is low too but starting to take over the top!

    @codeitall: leggings yes! It's still to hot here but let me tell you I am excited!

    The maternity jeans I ordered finally arrived and can I just say! HOORAY! So much better!

  35. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @codeitall: @LovelyPlum: @weswife: yes leggings!!!!!!!! Although I was wearing some leggings today with a thick band (not maternity) and they were slicing me in half on my ride home. So I had to like pull them down way low. So that was fun. I guess I need baggier leggings lol!!!

  36. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    I think I'm deciding to switch over to a home birth. Same appts at the birthing center, I just call when I'm in labor and they come to me. I'm not sure. But it sounds nice.

  37. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    Are you guys interested in a roll call/status update survey? I saw one of the other due date boards post one, and thought it might be a fun idea to check in.

    How many weeks are you now?
    When is your next appointment?
    What is your occupation? How much time will you and your SO take off? Are you planning to keep the same job/schedule after LO arrives?
    Do you have a name picked out yet?
    Do you have a birth plan? If so, what are you planning?
    Have you started working on the nursery yet? What theme are you going with?
    Do you have any baby shower plans yet?
    What are you most excited about?
    What are you most nervous about?

  38. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    How many weeks are you now? 19 + 2

    When is your next appointment? Monday, Oct 17 - it'll be my 20 week check in. Half way, eeeek!

    What is your occupation? How much time will you and your SO take off? Are you planning to keep the same job/schedule after LO arrives? I'm in HR - planning to take 12-14 weeks off (6 weeks of STD, 6 weeks paid, possibly 2 weeks of vacation if I can save it up.) DH gets 4 weeks off. I'm going to try to drop my schedule from 40 hrs/wk to 30 hrs/wk after LO gets here - full-time daycare for two would be more than I make, unfortunately.

    Do you have a name picked out yet? No, and it's stressing me out, haha. We have a couple that we like, but none of them feel just right.

    Do you have a birth plan? If so, what are you planning? A very laid back one - I had an uncomplicated vaginal birth last time with an epidural, skin-to-skin immediately afterward, and that's more or less what I'm hoping for this time as well.

    Have you started working on the nursery yet? What theme are you going with? We need to move DS1 out of the nursery and into his big boy room - so DS2 will inherit the nursery as it is now. I'm super excited to make DS1's big boy room though! Now if only I could find the energy...

    Do you have any baby shower plans yet? No baby shower here! We have everything (probably too much, actually) from DS1, so there's really not very much we need to get.

    What are you most excited about? Seeing DS1 and DS2 interact, watching DH with an infant again, all those tiny baby snuggles

    What are you most nervous about? DS1 adjusting to baby brother, sleep deprivation, adjusting our budget to pay for two in daycare, having a difficult baby (DS1 was ridiculously easy, so I'm pretty convinced DS2 will be a hellion)

  39. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @raspberries: love the idea!

  40. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    How many weeks are you now?
    When is your next appointment?
    November 1! It's also my 20-week anatomy scan so I can hardly wait!
    What is your occupation? How much time will you and your SO take off? Are you planning to keep the same job/schedule after LO arrives?
    I'm a home care nurse, I work days M-F. I'm not a fan of my job and was looking for something else prior to getting pregnant. I'll definitely stay until the baby is born. DH is currently unemployed (great timing, right?!), so I need to work full time and keep the benefits.
    I will take the full 12 weeks. I only get six weeks disability at 60% pay and will have about 2 weeks PTO to use additionally. I'll end up taking about four weeks completely unpaid so that's a bit of a stressor. I plan to look for a different position while on maternity leave.

    Do you have a name picked out yet?
    We do if it's a girl!! But we're stumped if it's a boy. Just as we were last time lol
    Do you have a birth plan? If so, what are you planning?
    I'm receiving all my care at a birth center and love the midwife model of care. I will deliver there, likely in one of the monstrous birthing tubs.
    Have you started working on the nursery yet?
    Baby will be sharing a room with us since we're in a two bedroom apartment! But we're working out de cluttering and clearing out room for baby stuff and just getting our general house in order
    What theme are you going with?
    Since baby will share with us, no theme

    Do you have any baby shower plans yet?
    Not sure if I'll get another shower since it's my second baby.
    What are you most excited about?
    Honestly? Maternity leave. Isn't that awful? Ha
    What are you most nervous about?
    My 4.5 year old is so freaking stubborn and still is not potty trained for #2. There is no legitimate reason to why he holds it until he gets in a pull up at night. I've bribed and pleaded and done absolutely everything I can think of. I tell him over and over I refuse to change a five year olds diaper and refuse to have a baby and five year old in diapers. So please pray that something clicks and he's not in pull-ups by the time this baby arrives. I'm going crazy.

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