Welcome and congrats to our March 2017 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome and congrats to our March 2017 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
nectarine / 2466 posts
bumping this board up because I'm bored!
Location: BC Canada
EDD: March 12th
How far along: 4w3d or so
First child?no.. third!
First doctor appointment: Next week. They happened to call me yesterday telling me I was due for a pap, so that worked out well.
Any symptoms so far? just generally feeling like garbage and feel like the life is being sucked out of me. haha
Who have you told? DH, my mom, two sisters and my brother. ( I can't tell one sister and not the other, and I can't tell my sisters and not my brother haha. ) We won't tell anyone else for a few weeks at least.
Hope to see this board start moving!
kiwi / 625 posts
Hi MrsB2012! Here goes:
Location: Los Angeles
EDD: March 13
How far along: 4w2d
First child? Second! I have an awesome 2.5 year old boy
First doctor appointment: Well I went today for my second beta.. Won't lie, I am a ball of nerves (I've had some losses). After this, if all goes well I will probably wait until 7th or 8th week to see Dr.
Any symptoms so far? Maybe a little tired.. And sense of smell I think is starting to perk up.
Who have you told? Husband, of course. Mom, and a couple friends.. After my MC in January I am of the mindset that I would want the support if the worst happens. I think if things are a bit in the open, it takes the stigma away from it a bit.
grapefruit / 4649 posts
Location: Michigan
EDD: March 18
How far along: 3w5d
First child? No, 2nd
First doctor appointment: I have an interview with someone Monday and I'm trying to set up two more before deciding on a practitioner.
Any symptoms so far? Smell! I may have outed myself at lunch by making my friend check her son's tuna sandwich because it smelled so bad to me.
Who have you told? Literally no one except my toddler. I tested after lunch and now I'm painfully waiting for my husband to get home!
I am incredibly excited but nervous too, I hate turning my daughter's world upside down and more concerning them the baby is that I had hyperemesis gravidarum last time. I was sick by now last time too though so I'm hoping that's a good sign!
@oskarsmommy: Congratulations! My fingers are crossed that your betas come back super high! @MrsB2012: Congratulations! I hope your older two are letting you rest some!
apricot / 458 posts
Location: California
EDD: March 15th
How far along: 4w 1d
First child: yes!!!!! But 2nd pregnancy so hoping this one sticks!!!
First doctor appt: around July 25th we are working on it right now.
Any symptoms: hunger, tired, crabby, emotional, and holy cow sore boobs! ha but I am also on progesterone so I don't know if it's the baby or hormones.
Who have you told: my really good friend who helped me through my m/c. Two friends who also m/c around the same time as me. And my teaching partner. Everyone knew I was testing today so they all had to know. I lied to my husband this morning so I could surprise him when he gets home. I hope he doesn't get mad!
Can I just say I found out this morning and am still in shock! I have seen so many negatives I did not in my wildeset dreams think today would be any different! I am over the moon!
Congratulations @cole @oskarsmommy and @mrsb2012
nectarine / 2466 posts
@oskarsmommy: @Cole: @Weswife: yay! Finally more friends here Congrats to you all!
apricot / 458 posts
My DH was so thrilled he couldn't contain himself ️
️, he cried! Yay for all the babies
grapefruit / 4649 posts
@Weswife: congratulation! It's so fun getting to tell isn't it?! I made the mistake of telling a friend that I would test yesterday but she couldn't ask until after my husband got home and then he didn't get home until 10! That only happens like twice a year! By the end of the day she was texting me like every ten minutes. He was super excited when I told him though.
apricot / 458 posts
@Cole: Yeah!!! Its so awesome to see their excitement. Multiple people knew I was testing (They were on the journey with me for support and my doc gave me a test day!) so they all knew before my husband! But he was so happy! So thats all that matters. I recorded it too
apricot / 340 posts
Hi, I am cautiously going to jump in here. I have had 2 mc in the last few months, but im pregnant again and on progesterone supplements now. Hopefully this one sticks!
Location: southwest
EDD: March 19
How far along: 4 weeks
First child? 2nd, I have a 1 year old
First doctor appointment: 7/20
Any symptoms so far? I am super dizzy, tired, and starving all the time!
Who have you told? My husband and my mom.
grapefruit / 4649 posts
@Coffee-lover: congratulations! Fingers crossed for a sticky baby!
I've been feeling dizzy off and on too, tired and some mild nausea every now and then. I've been having that round ligament, uterus stretching feeling too. It's definitely starting to feel real!
How's everyone feeling?
kiwi / 625 posts
So, 2 things.
I don't really have any symptoms yet I am tired, but I am always tired. And my sense of smell seems stronger, but I can't be sure! I'm just waiting for a wave of exhaustion.
Also, my very good friend who we have both been ttc together just told me she got a positive test today (due dates 4 days apart!!), and I am soooooo happy for her, and for us! But, I hate that I have had a miscarriage, because now I can't help but feel fear that if I have another loss, it will hurt so much more. I feel so shitty for even having these feelings. I wish I could go back in time, when I would have just been totally elated!
grapefruit / 4649 posts
@oskarsmommy: hurray exhaustion! Don't feel bad for feeling that way, it totally makes sense. I'm really hoping that none of your fears come to fruition. I'm struggling with the fact that my best friend has been trying for close to two years and has had multiple losses and is going through fertility treatments. Meanwhile I basically went along with ttc because my husband was ready and we got lucky on the first try. I feel intensely guilty and if I could give her this pregnancy I would in a heart beat. This whole process just feels filled with heart ache and luck.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Coffee-lover: Congrats!
We're feeling OK over here. Pretty tired, but like @oskarsmommy, I'm always tired haha. I was feeling crappy earlier this week, but feel pretty normal now. I found with my first two pregnancies, I didn't feel much for symptoms until about week 6, so I'm going to enjoy the next week haha.
I swear I already look pregnant, but I guess as this is my third baby, that might happen earlier. I've had 2 people ask me yesterday which was annoying. I hate lying, but am not about to tell people I work with.
I'm going out for a friends birthday dinner on Wednesday. I kinda wanna skip it because as soon as I order a drink, everyone is going to know I'm pregnant as they know we've been trying. I thought about just going up to the waitress and asking to make mine virgins, but my friend did that a few months ago when she was newly pregnant and didn't want people knowing. When the waitress brought the drink, she was like, "and who ordered the virgin caesar?" hahah way to totally ruin it.
apricot / 458 posts
@oskarsmommy: I am worried too! But we have to trust in gods plan! He knows what he is doing. But I think once you have a miscarriage is normal to be more worried because you know what loss is like. Fingers crossed for both of us!
apricot / 458 posts
@Coffee-lover: congratulations! And keeping fingers crossed for both of us for sticky babies!
kiwi / 625 posts
@Coffee-lover: I am on progesterone too! Have you noticed excessive bloat from it?
grapefruit / 4649 posts
I'm so excited! My best friend is due one week after me! She's been trying for over a year and a half and I might be more excited for her than me!
kiwi / 625 posts
@Cole: thanks amazing! I am assuming this is the same friend you mentioned earlier? That is great news
kiwi / 625 posts
So I spoke to my dr today and she would like to see me sooner than I expected.. My first appointment will be next Friday 7/22 when I am 6wk3d. This is right when my baby stopped growing last time. I think I was hoping to wait a little longer, but I guess she thinks it's better we monitor sooner. So very nervous..
grapefruit / 4649 posts
@oskarsmommy: it is! I'm so happy for her! My first appointment is that day too which also seems silly to me. Will they do an ultrasound? My doctor was saying by then they can usually see the heartbeat so that's why he does them then. I'm leaning towards just doing the anatomy scan though so it doesn't really help me much.
nectarine / 2878 posts
Cautiously optimistic, we suffered a loss in April. Praying this rainbow baby grows!
Location: Oklahoma
EDD: March 26
How far along: 3 weeks, 4 days
First child? 3rd, I have two boys (ages 2 and 3)
First doctor appointment: Haven't called yet, waiting until 4 weeks.
Any symptoms so far? a little nausea, dizzy spells, sore nips
Who have you told? My 2 best friends, trying to decide how to tell DH...
nectarine / 2466 posts
@lilyann: yay congrats! I'm also having my third
I had my first appt yesterday, they just confirmed it. I met the resident Dr who will be following me along with my usual dr. They're booking me in for a dating ultrasound in 2-3 weeks which is nice as they don't always offer them here. Aside from that, I go back in 6 weeks.
nectarine / 2878 posts
@MrsB2012: Yay for baby 3! You have 2 girls, right? Interested to see which gender we end up having for #3!
Told DH last night and got it on video. He was so surprised and happy
clementine / 874 posts
I'm coming out of lurk mode for this second babe
Location: Utah
EDD: March 22
How far along: 4 weeks, 2 days
First child? 2nd; I have an 18 mo boy.
First doctor appointment: Waiting till 4 weeks to call, my clinic typically waits till 8 weeks for the first appt
Any symptoms so far? Ligament pain and bloating. I bought all these summer dresses and they just don't look as cute with all that awkward bloat
Who have you told? Just DH till we have the first doctor's appt.
I've got a while before I really have to decide, but I'm debating driving 30 minutes to my favorite doctor in the area. He was in his last year of residency for my last pregnancy and had an amazing bedside manner and sense of humor. But he moved to a new clinic when he finished residency. The new resident at my clinic seems timid and I just don't know how he'd do.
kiwi / 625 posts
@codeitall: congrats! I drove a bit with my first Dr and didn't mind it.. I loved her! Although that was before having any children
apricot / 340 posts
@oskarsmommy: yes, I am so bloated! By the end of the day it looks like I'm 5-6 months pregnant and my pants don't fit anymore. I'm either going to have to buy bigger pants or start with maternity pants.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@lilyann: yup, 2 girls Dh and I ran into one of his friends today and she has a new baby, a boy, and her older two are girls. She was saying that if your first baby is a girl, you have a 75% chance of having the same gender, but when you have your third, the odds go back to 50/50. Dh was secretly excited to hear that after we said bye to her haha.
That's so cute you caught it on video
@codeitall: congrats!
apricot / 340 posts
So I have been having intermittent stabbing sharp pain in my left side all morning, but no bleeding. I was so terrified that I was having another mc. I called my OB and they said she was in a c section and to go to the Er to get evaluated.
They did an ultrasound and said there was a cyst on my left ovary and that's what was probably causing the pain. They said my uterus was super thick, but they didn't see anything because it was probably too early at 4w 6d.
But they rechecked my hcg and it was 2000 today up from 53 a week ago at 3w6d so that's good. I'm so relieved, but still kind of scared. I had 2 mc in a row and just want another baby. Ok, vent over. Thanks ladies. How is everyone else doing?
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