Hellobee Boards


March 2017 moms!

  1. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Coffee-lover: I am so bloated too! I feel ginormous

  2. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    I go to my first appt. in a week and I am so scared. I really want this baby to stick but I am just so scared. Anyone know how to stay calm and not worry? I worry that I don't have enough symptoms... I am trying to have faith and just believe it will be ok.

  3. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @Weswife: I have my first appointment next week as well - I am worried too. Worried it will be too early to see a heartbeat. Worried that something will be wrong. And I also have hardly any symptoms.

    You just gotta put one foot in front of the other, and not think about the what if's.

  4. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    The bloat is crazy here too! I was so nervous with my first pregnancy but somehow this time I've been OK. It's a super weird thing to say because I don't normally go for this stuff but like a week and a half before I found out I went to a tarot card reader and she told me I was going to be pregnant like immediately and with a boy, she told me a bunch of other stuff too and so far a number of things have come true, like she said I'd get a job offer out of the blue that would be a perfect fit and sure enough I did a few days later despite the fact that I wasn't looking etc. So weird! But at any rate I think I am just putting a weird faith in her being right.

  5. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Cole: that's neat! Are you going to find out the gender?

    I'm so bloated too. I look so pregnant sometimes. I'm also starting to feel really nauseous in the mornings. It woke me up a few times last night too. My dr have me a prescription this week, I might need to fill it to help with the nausea

  6. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @MrsB2012: yes, I can't wait! We will do the blood test at 10 weeks so we should know by 12. Nausea is awful, in thankful that so far mine isn't terrible, I'm getting waves of it but it's not crazy. I'm super hopeful about that meaning I can avoid hyperemesis this time but it apparently took me until 5w5d last time to actually start throwing up.

    Has anyone found any apps or websites they are enjoying? I really like pregnology.com, their pregnancy calendar is really cool.

  7. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Cole: I am using what to expect app and ovia pregnancy app! I am interested to hear if there are better ones!

  8. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    Girls am I the only first time mommy on here??

  9. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @Cole: that's nuts!!

  10. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @Cole: @Weswife: I have been using baby med, it's pretty good!

  11. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    Is anyone else team green??

  12. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @lilyann: I want to be, but my husband says no way!

  13. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    Location: Philadelphia
    EDD: 3/19/17 (1 day after my 4th daughter's birthday!!!!)
    How far along: 5 weeks, 1 day
    First child? 2nd Kid. I have a 3 year old.
    First doctor appointment: August 9
    Any symptoms so far? Mild nausea, tiredness
    Who have you told? A few friends

    After trying for 2.5 years and visiting RE’s, we were going to either give IUI a shot this fall or be content with our current family. We took the summer off, stopped trying and poof – preggo! It is all a huge surprise. I’m very nervous since I’ve miscarried before. I’m just trying to enjoy the fact that I am pregnant after resigning myself to the fact it would never happen again.

    I think we’ll be Team Green but since we’re now going to have to move to a bigger house, it would be more practical to know the gender. We’ll probably stick with team green though.

    I'm looking forward to going through this journey with you all!!

  14. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    @lilyann: I am! My husband practically blackmailed me into being team green with our first, but it was kind of fun, and since I already have tons of neutral baby clothes, we're going team green again this this one.

    I was rooting for a boy last time and got one, but I think this time I'm going to really try not to have any expectations.

  15. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    @sheskrafty: Congrats, that's an awesome surprise! I admire your dedication to team green even when moving. Were you team green with your first?

  16. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    @Cole: I'm using Ovia because it was my favorite with my first, but I'm a little worried about overwriting all the data from my first pregnancy with the second, Anybody else know how that works?

  17. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @sheskrafty: congratulation! I hope everything goes smoothly!

    @lilyann: I've never even heard of that one, I'll have to check it out.

    @codeitall: I think I wound up deleting the stuff from my first so you might be right about it overwriting it. I didn't keep much in it though so I wasn't worried about it.

    We are definitely not planning on team green, I admire those of you who are though!

  18. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    @codeitall: We were team green with the first and it was awesome! It was nice that people got us all neutral clothing before she was born, but we eventually got the avalanche of pepto bismal clothes after she was born.

  19. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @lilyann: we are!

    @sheskrafty: wow! Congrats, I love hearing surprise stories like that!

  20. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    Had to go to my OB early today because of some weird pains I was having on lower left abdomen (was worried about eptopic)

    Anyway, we saw the baby!! AND heard the heartbeat!! 6 weeks today, so happy!!

  21. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @oskarsmommy: I am six weeks today too! And yay good baby news!

  22. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @oskarsmommy: Hurray! I'm glad everything was OK and that you got to take a peek!

  23. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @oskarsmommy: Eeeek! YAY!!

    I feel like this first trimester is going to go by sooo slowly. I found out super early.

  24. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @oskarsmommy: glad everything turned out good and you saw that baby!

    @lilyann: I feel like it's going by not too bad. I had to call the dr to schedule my next appt for the week of August 22, and I couldn't believe that's when I'll be 12 weeks. That'll be here in no time!
    I got a call from the hospital yesterday to schedule my dating ultrasound, it's next week on my daughters 3rd bday! I'll be 7.5 weeks so hopefully we can see the heartbeat

  25. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @MrsB2012: Yay! After my blood draw friday, they will schedule me for my first scan around 8-10 weeks. I think the biggest problem for me is that my 2 best friends are pregnant too, we are within a month of each other! Plus I've told quite a few people this time around since we had a loss a few months ago. My second pregnancy flew by so I was hoping for the same but I think I am on edge until I find out everything is okay...

  26. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    I'm going to jump in here too!

    Location: Minnesota

    EDD: 3/20/17 (my husbands birthday!)

    How far along: 5+5

    First child? Second!

    First doctor appointment: seeing my primary Doctor Monday. Have my first prenatal with a midwife August 23.

    Any symptoms so far? The dizziness/light headedness is out of control. There were three out of five days today I desperately wanted to call into work. I'm a homecare visit nurse, and the very first episode occurred while I was visiting a patient and I felt I was going to fall over. But I stuck it out. Still experiencing that everyday though. And the fatigue finally hit me.

    Who have you told? Blackbird (on HB, one of my closest friends now! She was the first person I told!! ) my husband, a travel agent because I had to cancel my cruise to the Bahamas in October. One of my other close friends, and I did make a gold announcement here! I'm going to tell my parents today!

    @oskarsmommy: I have been getting sharp pains too. I can't remember if I had them my first pregnancy or not. It's comforting to know you have them too and all is well. Congrats on seeing the baby!! That's so amazing. I have my first appt Monday but I doubt I'll get an ultrasound I may ask for one though haha

  27. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @lilyann: I feel it's going be soooo slow too. I'll be 12 weeks on September 5. I can't believe I only found out a week ago haha!

  28. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: congratulations!!! More March babies!

  29. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: thanks so much! I just read back and bit and I hear you on the fear of mc. I haven't ever experienced a loss, thankfully. Yet it still cripples me with fear! I do have some underlying anxiety too.. But I've taken four pregnancy tests in the last week just to "make sure"

  30. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: congrats!!

    With my last pregnancy I had CRAZY dizzy spells. Every time I stood up I almost fell over. This time around I am on baby asprin and I am not noticing it nearly as much, if at all, I feel like it's related.

    Maybe try upping your water intake, and adding some turmeric and ginger, could possibly help with the dizziness?

  31. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @oskarsmommy: yeah I've been drinking almost 100 ounces a water a day! Especially cause we've been under heat advisory the last few days. I hadn't heard of turmeric or ginger for dizziness. I'll try it! Thanks!!

  32. Beth24

    cherry / 223 posts

    Location: Midwest

    EDD: March 31st

    How far along: 4w

    First child? 2nd - DD will be 2 in sept

    First doctor appointment:waiting until next week to call

    Any symptoms so far? Sore boobs but not the exhaustion I had with my first.

    Who have you told? Husband and my closest friend at work who is currently on maternity leave. Will probably be telling my family next week which is much earlier than I would like to...but it's my birthday and I know they'll all be suspicious when I don't drink.

  33. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: I took a bunch the first time! This time I only took two. I am anxiously awaiting my ultrasound in three days! Excited but oh so scared!! So glad you are here with us!

  34. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Beth24: congratulations!!! I told really early too! Timing kind of worked out well that way. But I am glad we did. More people I can talk with about it! 😊

  35. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Beth24: haha I'm 5+5 today and told my entire family- siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents lol. Everyone was together and there wouldn't be another time to see everyone. It was my brothers graduation party so I told him earlier and asked his permission since it was his party and he was sooo excited that he was like of course you can tell everyone! He's the sweetest.

    @Weswife: so exciting you get an ultrasound this early!!!! Ahhh! Aww thank you! I'm excited to be here with everyone

  36. Beth24

    cherry / 223 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: Aw that's awesome! I'm excited to tell them because they are super close to DD and an amazing support system for me. I just wish the timing worked out so I could have the first appt done before I told them. I'm a bit of a pessimist unfortunately!

  37. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    Girls!!! Omg I have had a couple people asked me if I am pregnant already and my neighbor told me "you totally look pregnant"! It's too early!

  38. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: congrats!!
    @Beth24: congrats!
    @Weswife: I've had people ask me to. I just deny deny deny. One girl at work is especially annoying. She asks me all the time. Finally last week I was like, you know we've been trying, I'm really sensitive about it and it would help if you would stop asking. She was like, well, you just seem different. I know you are. Ugh! I'm not going to tell you until I'm ready!

    I was so sick yesterday. I could hardly move, and I picked up an extra shift at work, I was dying. I got my dilectin rx filled and that helped after a while thankfully. I feel much better today, just super tired as I've been having a bad case of insomnia. I didn't have any morning sickness with my 2nd, and I hope this one is the same

  39. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @MrsB2012: i have told quite a few people, but I really just want to get through my ultrasound to know that the baby is in their and ok! But gosh I feel it's way to early to look pregnant!

    I am not feeling sick I just have so many food aversions I don't eat much! And so when something sounds good I eat it! So far this pregnancy food wise has been very expensive 😬

  40. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    When is everyone's first ultrasound? Maybe we can put a list together with the dates?

    Mine will be August 26th...so FAR away!

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