nectarine / 2878 posts
@Weswife: I keep myself surrounded by snacks, mints and gum...I keep some in my car, at my desk and at my nightstand. Maybe try nausea bands? My friend had good luck with those. My nausea in the past 3 pregnancies has been manageable by eating small and frequently. It hasn't hit yet for this pregnancy but I am only 5 weeks, 4 days.
apricot / 458 posts
@lilyann: ok thanks. So far not a lot is helping.... But after lunch I feel ok for a few hours. Those are my best hours!
I also had to buy maternity shorts today! It's been 106 and I have been going to work with all my shorts unbuttoned all day! I gave in haha
grapefruit / 4649 posts
I've been so crazy nervous about this pregnancy, I'm going in tomorrow morning and will get an ultrasound. With my first I had hyperemesis and by this point I was incredibly sick but I am really even nauseous with this one. I really want to just be lucky but since the hormone strength is strongly correlated to morning sickness I'm really worried. I will feel so much better if I can just see that little heart beating tomorrow!
That being said, @Weswife: I know all the tricks! Sad to say most of them aren't extraordinarily helpful but sometimes just getting the edge off goes a long way.
First- stay hydrated, drink whatever you can. For me it was usually 50/50 lemonade and sparkling water. Try very cold stuff too, it usually goes down better. If you get dehydrated you will without a doubt feel worse.
It sounds awful, but protein is the way to go. Try one almond every couple of minutes or lick peanut butter off a spoon but it will definitely help. There is a very strong link between B vitamins and morning sickness and nuts and meat are both good sources but there's definitely more to it than just the b vitamins.
For a lot of people is important to eat before they get out of bed, protein is ideal but crackers will do.
Ginger, I've read that the ideal preparation is to shave a slice of raw ginger and steep it in a small cup (maybe 4 ounces) of boiling water and to sip on it through the day. Ginger and protein are the two things that have the most evidence behind them actually making a difference. (I think sea bands are supposed to help but that will give away that you're pregnant pretty much instantly and you need to wear them continuously.)
I've got plenty more ideas for you so if something in particular is bothering you let me know and I may be able to help.
apricot / 458 posts
@Cole: I am trying my best with water but since nausea hit, water is hard! I have to force it and I hate cold water I have sensitive teeth.
Meat eww!!! I was eating meat until this week and not all I can stomach are carbs! Sometimes watermelon and sometimes yogurt! Oy vey!
grapefruit / 4649 posts
@Weswife: I know, I swear I wanted to murder people for those suggestions sometimes last time around! I hope you find something that does the trick.
watermelon / 14467 posts
@Weswife: Popping in from September/October, but I also have sensitive teeth and I drink my cold water in a reusable straw cup. It cuts down on the amount of water that touches my teeth.
kiwi / 625 posts
Are you ladies peeing a lot in the middle of the night? I am it's crazy! I seem to remember this starting much later when I was pregnant with my son - this seems early for this??
grapefruit / 4649 posts
Thanks for the positive thoughts ladies. Sadly my gut was right and this is not a viable pregnancy. It's only measuring 5 weeks and I should be 7 tomorrow. I might be off by a few days but not two weeks. I am wishing you all the best!
kiwi / 625 posts
@Cole: I'm so sorry. I have been there, it hurts. Be good to yourself these next few weeks. Sending you virtual hug.
apricot / 458 posts
@oskarsmommy: I wake up once or twice every night to pee! I didn't do that the last pregnancy at all! I am hoping all these things are a good sign this is a strong baby!
kiwi / 689 posts
Joining in ladies. I'm still very cautious since I'm so early but it's wonderful to have a support system on here
Location: Northeast
How far along: 5w5d
First child? Yes, but not if you include my two fur babies at home
First doctor appointment: I've been in the care of an RE since getting pregnant. I got pregnant with IVF so I've been monitored very closely.
Any symptoms so far? Extreme bloating (could be the progesterone). Exhausted as heck! Im out by 9pm!
Who have you told? DH & I are the only ones that know. We don't plan on telling anyone at least until beginning of September. Although, I think my best friend suspects something. We are just afraid to tell people too early considering everything we've been through the last few years.
This week we went in for an U/S and saw the gestational and yolk sac. We go back next Friday the 5th to hopefully hear our bean's heartbeat.
apricot / 458 posts
@LoveHope: oh my goodness congratulations!!!! Another first time mommy! Keep us updated!
I go back on the 9th and I am hoping that baby is growing and healthy!
clementine / 874 posts
@Cole: I'm so sorry.
Sorry it has been a while ladies, I went on vacation and then things got crazy. Turns out this baby is giving me low-grade nausea all day long! Didn't happen with my first so this totally blindsided me. I'm still working to find my solution, but I've been so miserable, I told my boss that I'd be in late and take longer breaks for the next 6 weeks. Which has nothing to do with why I came in at 10 and am leaving early today
I finally got my doctor's appt set, and it isn't till 10 weeks! I was going to wait till then to tell anyone, but two of my co-workers already guessed (although truthfully, I was taking those days off because I was out interviewing,,, shhh :wink:).
If you wait to tell, who do you tell when? Or does it change per baby?
Also, any thoughts on switching jobs during the first trimester or early second?
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Cole: oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Sending you so much love right now
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
how many people have you all told so far?
I've told more right now than I did with my first. It's making me a little nervous.
I obviously told my husband, my parents, siblings, his parents and siblings... but when I told my mom, a lot of my extended family was present so they know (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) haha. I waited until 14 weeks last time to tell everyone except my parents and siblings.
I've only told a few very close friends.
We also told my 4.5 year old son. I wanted to wait but it was so hard haha. He is sooo excited. He talks about the baby everyday. He's going to be such a great big brother.
apricot / 458 posts
@Mrs. Pen: we told parents, siblings and all of our close friends that knew about our miscarriage. I also told my job and my DH did too! We told everyone we wanted them to know because the more prayers for this baby to make it the better. I think we also told because last time no one knew! I wasn't ok with that! So we spilled the beans. We did wait till our first ultrasound to tell friends, I wanted to be sure before we told friends things look ok now at least at this point.
On another note does anyone have constipation??? Holy cow it's killing me! I know why because I have so many food aversions. At this point I hate eating and I never want to. I do. But there is so little I will eat I hate t and it makes me feel awful! Any advice? I am taking Metamucil, drinking probiotics, and drinking prune juice but my belly hurts all the time I am so uncomfortable!!!!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@LoveHope: welcome!!
@Cole: thinking of you.
@codeitall: @Mrs. Pen: We've told my family ( mom, dad, siblings ) I've told 2 friends and dh has told 2 friends. We're not telling as many people for whatever reason this time. Maybe as it's the third for us, it's an easier secret to keep haha. I'm surprised dh hasn't told his parents, he told them right away last time.
However, he was just having a conversation with his mom last week and she was like, I don't even know why you'd even consider having a third. Then when he said he knows that would mean a complete family, and after he was going to get snipped, she was like, why would you do that? Don't you think that you should wait incase things don't work out and you want another family?
Her and I don't like each other at.all. but I just found that super rude, like she's hoping we don't last. Ugh, MIL's!
We also told our girls ( 3 and 18 months ) they totally don't get it, but walk around pointing to their bellies and mine saying baby! Mommy's baby! haha.
@Weswife: Yup, I get it on and off. I have metamucil that I drink every few days if I feel it happening. I think it's just because our bodies require so much more water now, so I try to drink lots.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Weswife: I also am having awful food aversions and the only foods that sound good to me are fruit, protein smoothies, and today my hubby made me homemade chicken nuggets haha.
Are you drinking enough water? Sounds like you're doing everything right- I'm sorry!!
I had the opposite problem for two weeks but it's finally resolving..
@MrsB2012: OMFG! JAW.DROPPED. Are you kidding me?? What kind of b says that?! Ugh. OMG. What did your husband say?!?!
apricot / 458 posts
@MrsB2012: omg!!!! That's awful! That would make me so mad! My mil does awful things as well! We have had a very rough relationship!!! She recently told me there is no such thing as pregnancy symptoms! Omg!
@Mrs.Pen too I am trying to drink lots but am struggling big time with water but I know my biggest problem is food! So far today for example I ate a bagel, some saltines, some pasta. And that's all!!!! It's awful and it's been this way for days! I am waiting on baby to change my diet!!! Hahaha I ready for more food!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Mrs. Pen: ugh food aversions are the worst for me right now too. I had to grocery shop today and everything just seemed horrible. My husband is going out to buy me theatre popcorn right now hahaha.
I was feeling so nauseous today and I couldn't shake it. I had bought a few candies while shopping, so ate a couple of these grape sour candies, almost instantly, my nausea went away, so weird!
I know, she's a huge B, I legit hate her. I wasn't there for the conversation, but dh was telling me about it. After that, his stepdad said that I should be the one to get my tubes tied and he shouldn't do that. *eye roll* why would that conversation even come up, that's none of their business. He told her he was done having kids after this regardless.
apricot / 308 posts
I haven 't had any symptoms, which makes me worry. I don't have my first appointment until the 10th (8weeks) so we haven't told anyone and it's killing me!
apricot / 458 posts
Girls any advice on how to survive the mornings? I start school in two weeks with 27 kinders and I am not sure how I am going to survive. My neighbor told me just eat whatever sounds good to get you through. The problem is nothing sounds appealing! Absolutely nothing! And it's like this all day long! I literally would stop eating if I could since all food sounds so gross! What do I do? I have never felt this before...
clementine / 874 posts
@MrsB2012: That's horrifying. I can't imagine my MIL saying that. "In case you want another family?" Families don't have return policies! At least your girls seem to be taking it well
@Weswife: Have you tried eating Triscuits? I had a really rough night after eating a stupid apple and eating the Triscuits actually helped more than anything and it was something bland I was willing to eat!
For morning tips, I got some eggo's and prepped a lot of bland cold pasta and crackers. A few bites in, I typically look at it in disgust and can come up with something to flavor it that turns out alright. But until I'm eating it, nothing sounds good.
I'm so glad I'm not the only suffering with food aversions!
@mrsmacSLP: I didn't have any symptoms with my first either and we waited too. It was so hard that I ended up just telling everyone at 6 weeks this time. If it helps, I planned how I was going to tell each person way in advance, like clever phrasing and witticisms and all that overkill planning just made me feel better
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@codeitall: haha glad I'm not the only one who already told half the world
My entire family knows and most of dh's. Then a few close friends..
I haven't told work yet. Or put anything on social media. Those will wait until end of first trimester
kiwi / 625 posts
@MrsB2012: That is crazy!!! What a B! Sorry you have to deal with that - that is awful!!
apricot / 458 posts
@codeitall: Eggo's those are a great idea! I tried saltines and couldn't eat them first thing so then I tried Cheerios but that didn't work either! But Eggo's I kinda like that idea! I will try.
I kinda want something I can suck on all day to help... Otherwise I don't know how I am going to make it through the school day? What works for you guys???
apricot / 308 posts
@codeitall : haha I'm 7 weeks tomorrow and I think the news is coming out at 9 weeks. We have a family reunion and my mom keeps telling me there is a brewfest that weekend and my hubby and I are big brewfest fanatics, it'd be weird for us not to go!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
I'm waiting at urgent care right now. I'm having really high anxiety about this pregnancy and don't know why. I have anxiety anyway and was on two meds that I'm no longer taking while pregnant... But also getting really dizzy, like almost passing out. Yesterday I actually blacked out and had to catch myself on the wall to keep from falling. I'm so light headed and have a headache and I have abdominal pain. I just can't stop worrying and I need some peace of mind.
I also messaged my doctor asking for an ultrasound. Though I hope they can do one in urgent care.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@oskarsmommy: just saw the doctor. They're gonna do some labs and UA, but they don't have an ultrasound here. So I have to wait for my primary doctor to get back to me
kiwi / 625 posts
@Mrs. Pen: ugh!! so sorry, I know how you must be feeling, and you want that peace of mind. (I struggle with anxiety as well)
When I get nervous I try to remind myself that the odds of a healthy pregnancy are actually IN my favor, not against. Hopefully you can get in to see your Dr tomorrow?
kiwi / 625 posts
@Mrs. Pen: also curious to know what they say about the dizziness / black outs. As I mentioned i have had those in the past as well..
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@oskarsmommy: I'm surprised she hasn't messaged me back already because I sent a message around 2pm. So I hope she gets back to me tomorrow morning.
He didn't say too much about the dizziness except that it could just be a normal side effect of pregnancy.
You're right, the odds are in my favor and I'm not having any bleeding.. But yeah the anxiety is bad today.
Even my husband is feeling it because I feel so crappy and I think he almost wants me to go to the ER to get an ultrasound for peace of mind
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