kiwi / 625 posts
@Mrs. Pen: hope so too! I would think they should see you right away tomorrow once they get in touch. Maybe you can go home and just crawl into bed? If the pains get to be too much though I would go to ER, my feeling is that is what I have insurance for.
I have read that the dizziness is a normal pregnancy symptom. Keep the positive thoughts on loop in your mind..
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@mrsmacSLP: @oskarsmommy: thanks ladies for the support. He said no ER unless he pain worsens and persists. All my labs are normal.
So I'll just wait to hear back tomorrow from my primary doctor.
Just gonna go home and rest tonight.
apricot / 458 posts
@Mrs. Pen: good luck hunny! Keep us updated please. My neighbor who is 27 weeks pregnant and been getting dizzy spells and almost blacking out lately! Hope they can give you some answers! Lots of prayers love
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Weswife: I'm trying to stay calm and not be anxious. It's hard. Just relaxing at home right now and hope my doctor can see me tomorrow.
apricot / 458 posts
@Mrs. Pen: trust me I know it's hard to be calm! Just be gentle with yourself!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Weswife: I had really bad aversions in my last pregnancy. So bad. I couldn't eat anything that I cooked or saw being cooked. I had to eat a lot of takeout, which wasn't ideal, but was literally the only way I could eat something. It luckily didn't last long, was only really bad for maybe 2 weeks.
I have aversions this time too. I try to eat something healthier first, and if that isn't working, then I go for the carbs. Ready to go things are working better for me again too.
Peppermints are supposed to help, can you pick up a bag of mints?
The other day, I was so so so nauseous and couldn't shake the feeling at all. Then I ate some grape sour candies, and almost instantly I felt better. I have no idea why that did the trick that day.
@Mrs. Pen: Sorry to hear about your anxiety, that must be really hard. Try drinking lots of water. If you get dehydrated, that can worsen the dizzy spells. Make sure you stand up slow, take an minute before taking steps, the change in the blood pressure can really affect people. Try and do something that will calm you, take a warm bath, or get yours nails done. Hope you feel better, and I'm glad all your labs are normal.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Just had my first wave of nausea/morning sickness and dry heaving. I ate a banana really quickly and that held it at bay. I was starting to wonder if I'd at least skip that awful symptom this time around. It was soooo bad with my first pregnancy. I had severe morning sickness until 18 weeks. I threw up everyday, multiple times a day.
@MrsB2012: @Weswife: yeah sucking on peppermint candy helped me too. I think they make ginger candies/gummies now too?
nectarine / 2878 posts
I was hit with either mild food poisoning or a stomach bug yesterday, combined with the nausea, I was so miserable! I seem to get this once every pregnancy Feeling pretty weak but better today. Excited August is finally here but my appointment is still so far away!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Mrs. Pen: I haven't really had much MS but I gag everytime I brush my teeth lol. I have been very picky with good as well. We are leaving to San Diego on the 14th and I'm sure it will hit me then with my luck
kiwi / 625 posts
@Mrs. Pen: well that's a good sign, right? Did your Dr get back to you?
kiwi / 625 posts
I have mild low grade nausea all day, but nothing too terrible. The thought of food is kinda ugh, but once I start eating I am usually fine. I almost wish for more sickness as more assurance this pregnancy is healthy!
My second ultrasound is tomorrow, this one scares me much more than the first. Today can't pass fast enough.
apricot / 458 posts
@MrsB2012: it's actually getting better I having DH cook stuff that hides protein (enchiladas, casseroles) and I can eat them because there are tons of carbs involved! So that's good! And yesterday I bought the ginger candy eww so gross! But I also bought lemon drops... And those work great!!!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@oskarsmommy: I called our triage nurse line. She's concerned it may be ectopic. Trying not to freak out over here. She got me a 3pm appt with another doctor.
Having a hard time getting through my work today. Ugh. But it'd probably be worse sitting at home just waiting.
apricot / 308 posts
@weswife: I am so glad to hear I am not the only person who hates ginger candies! Soooo gross!
I'm with @lovehope, no nausea which I am thankful for but sometimes I want to know I really am pregnant besides the pee stick saying so
kiwi / 689 posts
@mrsmacSLP: Yeah it's been freaking me out a bit but right now I just consider myself lucky
We go in Friday to hopefully hear our baby's heartbeat and I'm so nervous!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Mrs. Pen: I'm so sorry you even have to think about that. Praying that everything is fine.
apricot / 458 posts
@codeitall: Eggo's were the best advice!!! Omg God sent! Thank you! This has changed my morning! I tried it today! ️
nectarine / 2466 posts
Soo sick today. I had to leave work after being there for 2 hours. Hope it passes soon, I'm just dying laying in bed.
@Mrs. Pen: Thinking of you
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Weswife: Speaking of Eggo's.. have you tried the extra fluffy cinnamon sugar ones?
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and well wishes!
Baby is in the right spot, strong heartbeat of 154, and measuring on track!
My new due date is 6/25/17, and I'm 6+3.
That means I'm not quite as far along as I thought, I thought I was 7+1 today. But it could be because I had a longer cycle than normal- it was like 35 days. When I conceived, I thought I'd already ovulated.
Anyhow, very relieved right now. I feel a lot better. So glad this baby is growing as it should
apricot / 458 posts
@mrsmacSLP: trust me feel glad you aren't going through this is awful! Plus since I only eat carbs I am gaining weight left and right!
apricot / 458 posts
@Mrs. Pen: yay so happy great news!! Also I was about 5 days behind when I went in too!
kiwi / 625 posts
Today's the day, second scan. So nervous - just praying there is still a growing babe in there.
kiwi / 625 posts
Baby is measuring two days ahead, and all looked great. I won't lie, the heart rate has me a little concerned. It was 127, and my Dr assured me that was healthy, and they like it between 120-160, I guess I just don't like being close to the edges of these things. I am so happy, but I really hate that I had a miscarriage because I still feel nervous! Miscarriage after heartbeat at 8 weeks drops very low, but I am still so worried. With my son I was nothing but excited. Maybe I just need to make it out of the first Tri before I will relax.
apricot / 458 posts
@oskarsmommy: great news!! And don't worry I am right there with you on the nerves... Even though the doctor says it's fine I question everything because of my loss! Plus mine was after a heartbeat at eight weeks! So the whole thing just freaks me out! I think I am going to be nervous this whole pregnancy!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@oskarsmommy: Ahhh congrats!! 127 BPM may mean it's a boy haha. I'm glad everything is looking great!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Okay so is anyone else's bloat out of control?! I look fat but also look way further along than I am.
This picture is my natural bloat, and the right is trying to suck it in. But sucking it in hurts! Ugh
kiwi / 625 posts
@Mrs. Pen: in the EXACT same boat! With my son I didn't start showing until 16-17 weeks.. This time, there is no way I am hiding this beyond a few more weeks!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@oskarsmommy: it is ROUGH. I can't believe I still have five weeks to the end of the first trimester how am I going to make it?! I tried on a maternity shirt I bought and it actually already looks good, like wtf. Hahaha. I can't just go around wearing maternity clothes already.
I didn't start that until 14 weeks with my first
apricot / 458 posts
@Mrs. Pen: I can't even suck in!!!! At least you can! Also I have been wearing maternity shorts for a week!!!! Totally in your boat!
Your bloat is farther up than mine though. Mine literally is just under my belly button like a huge tire around my middle I just look hugely fat not pregnant
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Weswife: yours is so cute and little!! Not fat or huge at all!
apricot / 458 posts
@Mrs. Pen: @oskarsmommy: you two actually look pregnant! I just look like I have gained weight! Boo I would rather look pregnant! All my clothes are tight and uncomfortable already.
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