Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: I don't know about others, but I'm open to being friended by anyone on here!

  2. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: @twodoghouse: me too!!

  3. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Not meaning to be exclusive in my question, but anyone else already with kids think about their current kiddo's and what they could come home with through newborn days? Clearly we are not the first to do this, but just was thinking tonight, DD is always dirty, runny nose more often then not, just yuck on daycare germs. Hopefully the warmer weather will help clean that up a bit, but just an extra thing to be careful about I guess when #2 arrives!

  4. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    I'm not very private so I'm open to being friended by anyone on FB

    @Beebug: So we don't have a kid obviously but I have totally thought about this. My SIL is apparently coming with my MIL to visit and will be staying with us for an indeterminate amount of time (somewhere between 4-10 days) in LO's first month of life. And she has an 18 month old who is in daycare and they are also traveling by plane to get here. I'm definitely a little wary of what they might be bringing into the house illness-wise... but what are you going to do?! (cross my fingers and hope for the best basically lol. And also discourage our nephew from touching the new baby too much haha)

  5. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: totally! Like not much we can do. I can either yank her from daycare and balance the two kiddo's (doable.....but) or leave her in to make newborn days more manageable and do what we can to keep her healthy and clean her up when she gets home for the day. Not the end of the world, but I was at daycare today and just.....ugh....some stuff it's just better that I don't see.....focus on how much she loves being there, LOL.

  6. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: PS.....are you okay with MIL, SIL and N for that time? Do you have any say, or is that cool with you? You brave in my opinion, ha!!

  7. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: lol I was not asked so I guess I better be okay with it MIL was going to try to come for the birth (which was not only not okay with me but was also super impractical bc she is a plane ride away) so we suggested she plan to come a few weeks later when we are home and settled and luckily she was cool with that. So, she asks us how long we're okay with her staying because she doesn't want to overstay her welcome if we just want her there "a day or two." And we were like no no, you're flying all the way here and we don't see you often (we haven't seen her since last August, and before that was December 2012) we definitely planned on you being here longer than a weekend, we figured you'd be here for at least 4 or 5 days. (max of a week, but I guess we didn't specify that). So then a few weeks later I emailed her to find out dates she was coming so I could help her look for tickets and she told me May 31-June 9... TEN DAYS. lol. I was like... oh. hah. I mean what do you say? I like her but omg 10 days is a long time to spend with ANY family. And then MIL mentioned that SIL and nephew were planning to come along for at least some, if not the entire, time she was. So... yea. haha.

    I mean I think it is good because we hardly see SIL/nephew (we've seen him twice in 18 months, just for christmas each year). But at the same time I'm really nervous about all those people in our house and the chaos of having an 18 mo and a newborn here at the same time and just that length of time...? I'm honestly trying to just not think about it that much because it is what it is. Hopefully it isn't as stressful as it seems it might be

  8. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Beebug: I've thought about this. DS won't be starting daycare/preschool until I go back to work so LO will be about 12 weeks. Right now DS is taken care of by my mom so he doesn't get sick too often. I know that will change once he starts preschool. Just hoping for the best.

  9. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Beebug: I'm actually not TOO worried about it (although my words will probably come back to bite me...) DD actually doesn't get sick too often, and I'm hoping that since it won't be cold/flu season that we will be ok. I am worried about so many other things though, since DD is quite demanding of our time and attention...I'm really worried about how she's going to react to "sharing us". She still wants to be held all the time, has tons of tantrums, etc. I think we're going to have a really tough time getting her used to having another kid in the house.

  10. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    I'm also open to FB friending

    @Beebug: I'm not so concerned about DS since he's still at home but the pediatrician did mention that we can expect LO#2 to get sick a lot more often as soon as DS is in daycare or school. I guess it's just goes with the territory. If it makes you feel any better, DH got sick when he returned to work so DS was like 2-3 weeks old and he never caught anything. I give credit to breastfeeding because I didn't get sick either. I also noticed with DS the few times that he has gotten sick as soon as I started feeling it a little he got better immediately.

    @Mae: Wow that is a long visit! At least it will be a few weeks after the baby is born and you might appreciate the help with your DH back at work? I am wary of my dad and step-mom bringing something into the house (both this time and when DS was born) because they are going to be on a cruise and always come home sick. Last time they insisted they were fine, came to visit as soon as they got home, then got sick within a couple days. I wasn't very happy but DS didn't catch anything luckily.

  11. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    @Beebug: When we had J2, J1 would come home from school, wash his hands and change his shirt. That was a suggestion from our midwife.

    I haven't caught up yet, but on Sunday night I ended up in L&D. Starting at around 5pm I had steady contractions for 4 hours about 6 minutes apart. I ended up having to go in to have them stopped. It was only slightly nerve racking.

  12. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @cookie_dough: Exactly what you said. I am much more afraid of DS freaking out over the baby than the baby getting sick from him. I'm sure the opposite will happen now that I said that.

  13. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @junebugmama: Sorry you ended up in L&D this weekend. How many weeks are you now? Have you been feeling ok since? I hope you're able to get some rest, though I'm sure that's hard with older LOs!

  14. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @junebugmama: oh wow, glad everything is ok! Definitely sounds nervewracking.

    @skipra: I'm getting soooooooooooo nervous about it. She's going through a very cranky/difficult phase right now. We are basically walking on eggshells to avoid major tantrums at all times. And now daycare is really pushing for potty training, but DD is SOOO stubborn, it's going to be a huge challenge. I was kind of hoping to wait until after the baby was here and we were settled. But apparently she's showing "signs" of being ready now and we should take advantage of that window of opportunity.

  15. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @skipra: DH will actually have most of the time off when they are here, which I'm happy about! I think it would be weird if I was here with them alone honestly haha. Since he doesn't see them often I think the visit is at much about them seeing him as our LO. I'm also hoping with the length of time I might actually take advantage to get a little time alone. Like I may schedule a cut/color for myself during that week when they are here! And depending on how I'm feeling (i.e. if I even want to... although I feel like I will?) I may ask MIL to babysit for 2 hrs so we can run out to dinner or a movie alone and have a little couple time.

    @junebugmama: glad they got it stopped!!

    So, I am just home from my 37 week appt and all is well in babyland. I got the results of my GSB -- negative, yay! and also we lol'd a bit because the midwife recommended more sex if we want to get things going hah. A bit tmi (but what isn't here anymore) but I had my first episode of some minor bleeding on Sunday after we DTD and told her about it. She said that means that it is probably working to dilate me and I just broke a small blood vessel which is no big deal. But since it seems to be doing something she recommended continuing on if we were so inclined haha.

  16. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I don't know why, but I think DD will be okay with sharing us. I still don't think she'll get it, and be pretty happy to go with the flow, plus she will still be going to daycare, so have that part of her routine steady and burn off her sillies there. I can dream, right? haha.

    The germ part I didn't even think of was DH and #1, he went to school every day (teacher) and came into contact with gosh knows what and we were fine. Here's hoping!!

    My hands are SO itchy, last night and today, going to drive me mental, anything I do doesn't seem to make it better.

    @junebugmama: Oye about L&D trip! Hope everything is okay!!

    @cookie_dough: I lol'ed reading walking on eggshells to avoid tanrtums, oh we are so there too right now. Interesting about daycare pushing potty training. I wouldn't go there right now, too much with baby coming, possible regression, and I would hope that if she is showing signs of readiness, they will still be there when the time is right and there's no wonder if the time is right?

    @Mae: Good on the neg swab!! And more dtd is never a bad thing!!

    Not sure what I will get up to today, waiting on someone due to house for 9-10 regarding a window covering eff up (they need to come to verify it was them, I'm looking forward to their response) and then have the day. DH is away tonight, so will get DD later on today, and hopefully she is in a good mood through the end of the day, lol.

  17. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: weird about the itchy hands! wonder if it is a blood flow thing? or a mild carpal tunnel (sp?) thing. or maybe just dry skin? I feel like my water requirements have gone up in the last few weeks and I have to drink more than ever to stay hydrated. And at the same time my skin has gotten drier (from dehydration maybe?) and that has made me a little itchy. but lots of lotion seems to help somewhat. I just have to put it on like every 2 hrs.

  18. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Just left voicemails for booking prenatal massage and counselling appts, got a good recco for massage, and called a place I went for counselling in my teen years, it's a Christian-based practice and I said "hell bent" in my voicemail. Who on earth says hell bent, let alone in a voicemail like that? I'm such an idiot. I was saying "I was a patient of X's, but know he was hard to book with all those years ago, so am not hell bent on seeing him, but if anyone in the practice is accepting new patients, I'd like to book an appt". Only me! Now to book chiro (more to see my friend that is the chiro, lol) and I will have gotten all the things going that I wanted to!

  19. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: lolz.

  20. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Beebug: hahaha, I couldn't help but laugh when I read that! Hopefully you will still get an appointment and yay for prenatal massage! I have one booked for next weekend.

  21. sungirl

    apricot / 309 posts

    I'm open to friend requests:)

    @Beebug: I'm not too worried about it at first b/c my DS goes to my inlaws instead of daycare but we anticipate him starting in Sept and I feel like he will be sick a lot since it will be his first exposure @cookie_dough: @skipra: I'm worried about the sharing of me specifically. DS is more of a mamma's boy so I think it will be an adjustment.
    @junebugmama: hope you are doing ok! Do you think you will be early?
    @twodoghouse: last night of medicine, right?
    @Mae: glad you had a good appt. I know I liked taking a few hours here and there to get my hair done, mani/pedis and even running to the grocery store or for dinner out with DH so it might be nice to have MIL and co there.

  22. gingerblonde

    cherry / 184 posts

    I'm also down with the FB friending.

    @Apex: I can't believe I totally missed the page of the thread where you had your babies! Congrats on Team Purple, how exciting!!!

    I turn 30 on Monday. I am not ashamed to admit that the only thing in the world I want for my birthday is a loooooong massage and to get my nails done. Thankfully, DH is willing to make this dream a reality.

  23. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @gingerblonde: Sounds fabulous, I asked for a massage for my last birthday too! (and it was amazing!)

    I don't know if I'll book a massage before LO comes. I was considering it but I still feel pretty good. If I feel like spending $100 I think I would maybe rather have a maid come and deep clean our bathrooms haha.

  24. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @gingerblonde: Whenever my massage is booked, I think I am going to go for a pedicure after!

    @Mae: I need to get going on the cleaning around here, I have committed to one "thing" a day. Windows, certain rooms, etc. House needs an overhaul, lol. I wouldn't be getting a massage if I didn't have benefits!

  25. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Beebug: @Mae: Oh ya, me neither. My massages are covered by my benefits (as long as I have a prescription). Otherwise they would be a no-go

  26. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @cookie_dough: I haven't used any of my benefits (aside from prescrip) the last two years. I have a health spending acct and X amount in each category, and I never use it.... I need to start taking advantage!

  27. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    So eating my words on "I haven't used any of my benefits".

    Right after I posted that, I went to the garage to do something, crouched down, and my knee locked. I went to chiro (friend) at 2:15 (also ate my words on been meaning to call her the last week) and she couldn't get it unlocked. DH has a work thing tonight he is now missing because he has to come home. My Mom getting DD. Eff I feel useless. Chiro again 10:45 tomorrow after me icing trying to get the swelling down, but I have a feeling DH will get it unlocked like he did on Sunday. So much pain, and feel so useless. My MRI isn't until May 30th too....they won't do it unless life threatening while preggo, which I understand, just hard to not cry over right now as I sit completely crippled. So yes, will be making a benefits claim tomorrow after appt #2.

  28. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: aw, sorry about your knee that sounds really awful and painful.

    My update for the day is I had my "exit meeting" with my boss today! I am still working until the baby comes, but I got a copy of all of my files handed over, in addition to a comprehensive case summary guide so he knows exactly what is going on in all my cases, whats coming up/deadlines/phone numbers/etc. Plus we talked through my to-do list of what I can *hopefully* get accomplished before leave and prioritized so I can work on what he cares about most first. Feeling like at this point it would be okay if I did go into labor. I mean hopefully I still have another week or so. But at least now I feel like--- work would be okay without me if I had to make a sudden exit now haha.

  29. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: Oh no! So sorry about your knee. Hope you can get it unlocked after some icing and rest!

    @Mae: Good job on getting all your work stuff organized!! Hopefully this means your boss won't be bugging you on maternity leave!

  30. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Beebug: Ouch! This is definitely not the time to be dealing with knee issues. At least your DD is in daycare and you don't have to chase after her all day right? Hope you can get it fixed tonight!@Mae: I bet getting all that work stuff organized is like a huge load off your shoulders! BTW, the midwife also mentioned at my appointment to have lots of sex to get things moving. I haven't let DH near me since because I'm sooo not ready for another couple weeks!
    @gingerblonde: Happy birthday! Sounds like you are due for a fabulous present! I just had my birthday and now I wish I made the same request

  31. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @skipra: lol! I guess I hadn't thought of it that way. I didn't take that to mean that like, the next time we did it I'd go into labor. Just like... it's helping my body get ready so hopefully I won't go late. I will prob not avoid it, even though I'm not ready for another week or two. We're about to hit a loooong dry spell so might as well live it up while we can haha.

  32. whodat

    apricot / 365 posts

    So pretty lame 36 week appointment over here. 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced, head is down but not fully engaged... Blah. This is why I don't like cervix checks, I always get disappointed.

    I guess the good news is that I can finish all my work before the baby comes.

  33. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I remember being sooooo excited for sex pp! We were beyond ready, but since I had already gotten my period before the clear to dtd, we waited for clearance, annnnd the iud to be in! It was a long stretch, so definitely want to get as much in as possible before this one!

    But first walking is more important than dtd, knee still locked up, so much pain.

  34. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    @Beebug: oh no I couldn't imagine being in your situation right now. I hope it gets fixed in the morning. How are you even thinking about sex pp? You're bananas

    @Mae: I turned over all my clients today and did all my wrap up paperwork as well. I'm totally done at this point and really happy to have that part of my mind clear.

    @whodat: When I was at the hospital on Sunday they did a cervical check. I'm only dimple dilated, so I wouldn't get too discouraged

    It's almost 2am and I'm up wide awake puking due to heartburn. I really can't wait to meet my little guy and also the immediate sweet heartburn relief that his birth will bring is also a major plus

  35. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @junebugmama: So sorry about the puking from heartburn. I thought I had it bad but no where near that bad! It's 3:42 am here and I'm up with super painful contractions. I couldn't stay laying down in bed so I'm pacing the downstairs with my dog. I'm hopeful that these contractions will finally do something productive to my cervix, but I sort of doubt it since all my contractions so far haven't gotten me anywhere! I guess we'll find out later today if my dr checks me at my appt. Hope you're getting some sleep now and the heartburn pain has subsided a little!

  36. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Sorry about the middle of the night wake ups ladies, soon we'll be posting at all hours with our LOs!

    @twodoghouse: hope you are doing ok with those contractions!

    I lost some of my mucus plug last night and nearly cried. DH and I had a huge fight, I couldn't walk (going to hospital this morning, knee beyond locked, swelling is insane now too) and then I am pathetically trying to get myself changed and bam, mucus plug chunk. Nothing since, I can't do baby yet, oye.

  37. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Mae: must be such a relief to have had your meeting! Glad to hear that it went well.

    @Beebug: ughhh, sorry to hear about your knee, that sounds awful I really hope that it gets better asap...

    @twodoghouse: Hopefully you were able to get at least a bit of sleep and you are doing better this morning!

    @whodat: awww, sorry you were disappointed at your appointment! But not much longer to go in any case

    @junebugmama: sorry to hear about the middle of the night heart burn

    Sounds like everyone is having a rough time these days!

    I'm so not used to having a "head down" baby in my belly! Since DD was breech the whole time, I never really felt any pressure or "uncomfortableness" down there last pregnancy. But woah, now I know what people mean by feeling pressure and I understand why we start waddling

  38. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    @twodoghouse: It's so awful. I usually don't take any medications, but decided to take pepcid at the recommendation of my midwife (I have some sores int the back of my throat from the acid) but it's not even touching it. Ugh. I just keep telling myself just a couple more weeks. They will eventually do something. I'm pretty sure your the next to post about having their babies!

    @Beebug: what a heck of a night Mucus plug doesn't really mean anything though. I've been losing chunks of mine for awhile now.

    Is everyone starting to get uncomfortable? I certainly am this time around. I don't remember it being this bad with J2, but I was on bed rest by now, and would have him in what will be 5 days from now. I am not ready for this guy, so I will deal with it, but ugh. I'm done feeling this way.

  39. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @whodat: Aw, don't be too discouraged. My midwife doesn't even do cervical checks unless you request it for that exact reason. She said she's seen women dilated to 3 cm at 36 weeks go to 40, and seem women dilated to 1cm go the next day. It doesn't REALLY predict anything!

    @Beebug: aw, yes walking is important! Sorry you are in so much pain Also my husband has it in his head now that the midwife "prescribed more sex!" lol. I reminded him it wasn't so much a prescription as a tip on how to possibly get things moving in the right direction haha Also have I mentioned that my husband told the guys at work that we couldn't have sex for 6 months? haha. I had told him that 6 weeks was the usual minimum time you're out of commission then it depends, based on how you are healing, and may be a bit longer than that. apparently I said 6 weeks and he heard 6 months. Which started up a debate at his work and they then went and asked one of the older women there to clarify haha. I was like okay.... first, good job on not complaining even when you thought it was 6 mo i guess? second, you need to listen better. third, this does not sound like a work-place appropriate conversation. fourth, what are your work ppl going to think of me if they think i told you SIX MONTHS hah.

    @junebugmama: yay for getting things buttoned up! I'm still working but getting the organizational part handed over was such a load off. I slept without work-stress-induced-insomnia for the first time in days last night and it was glorious. Also, that heartburn sounds horrible! regarding uncomfortable-ness.... depends on the day/hour/minute. I'm grateful that I still feel pretty good most of the time. Although I always work at home on my couch so i'm sort of following a situational light bed rest model which probably helps me feel good haha. When I do have to be up and about I will often feel pretty sore, most especially in my pelvis. I know it is doing its thing separating for baby and that's great, but it feels like someone hit my pelvic bone and hips with a bat a few times. bah. Still though I'm not yet to the point where I can't get comfortable so I'm still pretty content to hang out in pregnancy a little longer. Midwife yesterday said some people are really anxious by 37 weeks and I'm not really feeling like. As long as I stay about where I am uncomfortable-ness-wise I think I'll coast through 40 okay and not start to get too antsy until I approach 41 and start freaking out about a possible induction at 42. Although I am certainly feeling ready to meet LO! I know babies are designed to be birthed but I'm starting to feel a little bad for her that she has to go through it all.

    @twodoghouse: gah that sounds so frustrating to keep having contractions and have them not be the real deal productive labor. At this point are you hoping to go now? Or still trying to wait until next week?

  40. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    Wow sounds like last night was not fun for many of you. Was it a full moon or something?
    @whodat: Sorry for your disappointing appointment. I asked two of the midwives in the group and they both said they don't do cervical checks unless you're experiencing bleeding or contractions or something. They didn't even check me when I had the GBS test. I guess it's better not knowing? Maybe you could request not to know next time they check?
    @junebugmama: That heartburn sounds awful. I hope something starts to help soon. And yes, I am getting uncomfortable but I'm trying not to think about it or complain because I need the baby to stay put through at least 2 more weekends, preferably 3!
    @twodoghouse: How are the contractions? I hope you get some good news at your appointment today.
    @Beebug: Good luck with your knee today. Hope the doctors can relieve the pain.

    @cookie_dough: I also didn't have a ton of pressure last pregnancy either because DS was so tiny but now I totally get it too!

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