Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: It is seriously so amazing that your littles have gained so much!! I struggle a little with not worrying about Fiona because she was at 75% for weight when she was 1 an 2 months (before eating issues) and then fell to 58% at 4 months and now 44% at 6 months. And her length is still 75% (was 75/75 at 1 and 2 months). It does seem sort of crazy to me how little she eats some days, and it's hard not to stress when she does poorly with a bottle bc she usually only has 4. But tons of trial and error have showed that when I push to give her 5+ bottles she eats even less! With 4 bottles she seems to get really hungry an eat more. Usually. But sometimes she'll eat like 2 oz an I'm like... really kid you haven't eaten in 4 hrs an you only want 2oz?!

    But, the doc is happy with her weight, and especially with the progress we're making in her behaviors (we've moved from total food refusal, to eating willingly but only swaddled right before a nap if she was tired but not too tired only in our bedroom with fan and white noise on and only if I was feeding her, to (now) eating based on time/hunger rather than tiredness and eating without being swaddled and eating anywhere in our home and taking at least one (sometimes two!) bottles/day from DH. So there is big behavioral progress at least, even on the days she only eats 21 or 22 oz!

  2. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @Mae: she is doing so much better!

    $tephen's schedule is:
    7 up and nurse
    8-10 nap
    10- nurse
    11/11:15-12:30ish- nap
    12:30ish- nurse (may make this BLW and nurse afterwards though)
    1:30-3:30- nap
    3:30- nurse
    4:30-5/5:30- nap
    5:30- BLW supper
    6:30- nurse, Jamie's, family story
    6:50- bed

    He was down to the 15% at his check up based on his prior curve. I'm not worried since he does so well with eating. He has been scooting for ages and just started crawling so he is a busy boy lol. He has a little (benign) cyst on the side of his forehead though so he has to go see a pediatric plastic surgeon

  3. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: aw, poor babe! and omg crawling! what is UP with these advanced babies?! Fiona seems on the slower side with milestones and that is a-ok with me. She may be my only baby and life I'm not rushed to have her grow up at all! (except the sleeping thing. She could grow up a little bit there and start STTN any day now.... haha)

  4. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @Mae: Hahaha I hear you! No rush here either. So far he only legit crawls only to me if he is hungry. He goes super slow and whines the whole time. I need to get it on tape!

  5. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: poor guy! Hope everything is ok with the cyst

    @Mae: G's ped seems to think that babies seem to settle onto their growth curve around 6 months and at this point a lot of size is genetics. Funny because we were so worried with W but then we compared him to DH's baby records and they gained like the exact same amount of weight over the first year.

    Our day normally looks something like this:

    5-6 am G wakes up and nurses. Sometimes goes back to sleep but normally hangs out until DH showers and goes downstairs with both boys.
    8am: DH leaves for work and G nurses then goes down for his nap. He'll nap anywhere from 30 min to 1.5 hours. If he takes a short nap then I strap him in the ergo and we go for a walk so he can sleep longer.
    11 am: Nurse again but usually just very briefly.
    11:30am: W's lunchtime and sometimes G will get a taste of something, like banana or avocado.
    12-1pm: put G down for another nap and get W down for his nap. G usually only naps for 30 min max before he's up looking for some one on one time. We usually play and have a long nurse/nap session on the couch until W wakes up.
    5-6pm: nurse again and then pump a little bit to make cereal. We eat dinner around 6, a mix of puree and cereal plus some sweet potato or what we're having if it's ok for him.
    7pm: Bedtime and maybe a bath. Nurse to sleep.
    8pm: He is awake already so back up I go to get him back to sleep. Usually involves the other boob
    9pm: Up again so I give up and take him to bed with me.
    12-5am: Wakes up to nurse at least once or twice and for pacifier a few times.

    Eta - sometimes we get a short late afternoon nap (from like 4:30-5) depending on the mid-day one and if not we might do a slightly earlier bedtime.

  6. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Mae: So LO doesn't really have a set schedule but his day is something like this.

    Before daylight savings time, he was waking up from 7-8. Lately it's been 6-7, but the the past two days it was 7:15, so hopefully it's going back to his old time.

    He drinks his 1st bottle at around 7:30. I leave for work at 7:15, so after that I'm not totally sure and our weekends are usually just go with the flow.

    My mom feeds his oatmeal at around 8:15 to 8:30. I think she gives him another bottle around 9 or so for him to take a nap. This is typically a shorter nap.

    No idea after this. I just know he eats about every 3 hours and usually takes two more naps.

    When I get home at 5, he usually has just finished a bottle and maybe is taking a nap. When he wakes up from his nap or around 5:30 if he didn't fall asleep, I give him veggies/fruit. Then around 6:30 to 6:45, he gets a bath. After that he gets another bottle, and is usually out for the night around 7:30. If he took a later nap (like today), he doesn't fall asleep until later (today was around 8:45). Then he's out until the morning.

  7. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    I finally have a few minutes on the computer! Our daily schedule looks a little like this:

    6h30 (ish): wake up for the day
    If DH gets up with him, he usually has a bottle right away. If I get up with them, I try and hold off until a bit later (around 7h30).
    Then our mornings really vary. He usually has a nap around 8h30/9h00 and he sleeps until 10h30 at the latest (yes...I wake him up...I'm terrible!) But we are often out and about, so he will nap in his car seat and might get two short naps rather than one long one, depending on what we are doing.
    10h45ish: 2nd bottle (he usually gets this when we are out somewhere)
    11h30/12h00: solids. We have so far only offered oat cereal, and I have mixed in some prunes and some sweet potato as well. He's also had a few mum mums. He loves to eat! HUGE difference compared to DD who never opened her mouth until she was well over a year old.
    1h00: bottle
    1h15ish: nap time
    I let him sleep as long as he wants, but he usually wakes up around 3h30...sometimes he sleeps till 4h00.
    5h00: bottle
    7h30: bottle
    7h45/8h00: bed

    It was really nice when he dropped the third nap...for some reason I always found it tough to get that third nap in!

    We don't really have a bedtime routine other than changing into pyjamas, having a bottle on the couch, and then I bring him up to his crib and lay him down. He can usually fall asleep on his own. For naptimes he has a harder time falling asleep on his own, so he often gets his pacifier.

    We were previously giving solids at dinner time instead of lunch...and his sleep got terrible. Since switching to lunch time, his sleep seems to have improved! I do have to get up a few times to put his paci in (he can fall asleep without it, but then does wake up looking for it in the middle of the night). I still do one night feed around 3/4 a.m. but he only drinks 2 -3 oz. He is pretty restless between 4 and 5h30 though, so I'm up a few times in that timeframe putting his paci back in, hoping he's not up for the day!!

    Other than that, he has his two bottom teeth, and is just starting to sit up on his own (he's pretty steady, but I still sit right behind him because he does on occasion fling himself backwards). We have our 6 month appointment next week so I will know our updated weight/height then. He's so so tall, I get comments every day. He's pretty skinny though, so not sure what his weight will be!

    And because I haven't posted a pic in a while...here he is eating his lunch today

  8. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @cookie_dough: so cute!! We were on 4 naps until 2 weeks ago when I sort if pushed her into a 3 nap schedule and she's been doing so well and fighting her last nap now I almost wonder if she's ready to move to 2? But I think I want to nap train first bc I'm still holding her for every nap!

  9. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    Our days usually go like this:

    8:30 Gio wakes up. Nurse & Play until nap time
    11:00 Nap
    12:00 Awake. Nurse or offer solids. Play. May nurse again.
    2:30 Nap
    3:00 Awake. Nurse off and on until next nap. Play.
    6:00 Nap
    7:00 Awake. Nurse. Bathe. Get ready for bed. Nurse off and on for the next 2 hrs.
    9:00 STTN (sometimes involving nursing while we both sleep)

  10. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Mae: We still don't really have a schedule... and just spent two weeks with ILs who are 2 time zones West of us, and had the clock change, so we're all over the place. I kept a record the last few days and here's a basic trend:

    7 or 8a = wake up
    9 or 10a = nap #1
    1 or 2p = nap #2
    5ish = nap #3
    8ish = sometimes a catnap?
    9 or 10ish = bedtime

    I offer to nurse before/after most naps, and in between wherever he seems to want it (nuzzling in or grabbing my shirt), including throughout the night. Naps are still usually about 45min, but are sometimes getting longer, so we're slowly consolidating from 4 to 3 naps, it seems. We're just starting to try to get him in the crib (at our bedside) for more nighttime sleep...I miss having my own space!

  11. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @cookie_dough: So cute and messy! Did you guys sleep train or anything? I'm jealous of your long unassisted naps. We're still rocking to sleep and only getting 45 minutes... He seems well rested, but still, I wonder if it should be different.

  12. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @anandam: we didn't sleep train. He falls asleep either through rocking, the stroller, the bottle, me holding him, or randomly by himself. My mom still has to hold him for some naps. She always tries to put him in the crib for naps but he wakes up. So she holds him, puts him in the rnp, or lays him next to her on the sofa.

  13. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Mae: Ya, when we moved to 2 naps, his second nap became super long (and awesome!)...it was so nice.

    But of course within the span of a few days, everything has changed again! He's now sleeping great at night (knock on wood). I haven't had to feed him at all in the night and he's slept about 12 hours the last 3 nights. BUT I do still have to replace his paci a few times a night. His naps are kind of crappy now though. The morning one is ok...since it's usually still out in the stroller/car seat somewhere. But the afternoon one has gotten way shorter. About an hour and a half now? And he wakes up all of a sudden, and screams his head off. I'm wondering if it's the solids again, since we are doing them at lunch now. He used to wake up gradually and happy from his naps. But now he can't be soothed back to sleep at all. So I'm not sure if he's just had enough sleep because he's sleeping longer at night, or if his tummy is bothering him or something. Maybe I will cut out solids completely for a few days and see what happens.

    @anandam: No sleep training here...yet. I would really like to sleep train to get rid of the paci (is that still considered sleep training?) but i'm way too scared to do it because I know it will keep DD awake all night if he's up screaming. But to fall asleep we haven't had to sleep train...the paci is usually enough, luckily. And if he's really tired, he can fall asleep without it.


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