Because we over chatted the old thread, and well they aren't babies anymore. We've got walking, talking, singing, jumping little humans - KIDS!
Because we over chatted the old thread, and well they aren't babies anymore. We've got walking, talking, singing, jumping little humans - KIDS!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MamaG: haha, guess I was wrong about Mr. Bee being able to fix the thread count issue on our previous thread! It was too long and unruly!!
pomelo / 5298 posts
You know I keep getting confused with those December 2016 moms. They stay up on the first page of the boards.
Who knew that deleted posts caused so many troubles. No more deleting posts ladies! (I kid!)
Okay, so since we are all fresh and new... let's start with something fun? Your favorite thing that has happened this week? What's really pushing your limits this week? A bit of a high/low.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: Wait what happened to our old thread?
Favorite thing this week:
Right now K is obsessed with taking care of all her stuffed animals/baby dolls. She puts a blanket on them, rocks/shush/pat them to sleep, feeds them, etc. Super cute to watch!
What's really pushing your limits this week:
She is waking up early-ish again right around 6-ish and doesn't even want to cuddle, wants to go downstairs for milk & tv right away! I'm like 5 more minutes pls!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: So every so often when a thread gets long, the thread count gets messed up, so the newest comment will be on a new page, but the thread count doesn't realize there are that many comments. For example, there's 40 comments to a page, so the 41st comment will show up on page 2. If the thread count is wrong, the site might think there's only 40 comments and only display page 1, in reality there's a new comment on page 2, but you can't see it until someone posts the NEXT comment. Now there are 42 comments, but the thread thinks there are 41, but it displays page 2 now. It usually doesn't happen until there are a lot more than 40+ comments though. Usually Mr. Bee just runs a thread recount on the thread, but our old thread had over 15,000 comments, so... he just closed it instead, haha.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Favorite thing this week:
So many new words!!! "Bye," "Highway," "Arm," Elbow," "No" (not a favorite new word...), plus sounds like "Meow" and "Ruff ruff." This age is fun!
What's really pushing your limits this week:
OMG, the STUBBORNESS!!!!!!! WHY?????? Xander was such an easy-going child. He had tantrums like every kid, but Logan is stubborn to the extreme! He gets mad if you try to help him, mad if he can't do it on his own, mad if you try to show him FROM A DISTANCE what to do. He's very independent, but gets frustrated easily when he can't figure something out!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: Gotcha! I ended up seeing our closed thread so I went into investigate! I guess we're a chatty bunch!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: Very chatty! Perhaps when this thread gets to 10k, we should just make a new one again instead of testing HB's limits.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@MamaG: Our broken thread was getting annoying to me also!
Favorite thing this week: with me - hearing baby 2's HB!
With Ethan - my step daughter is back with us after spending the summer with her mom, and E is sooo excited, it's so fun to watch! He ran around the house screaming / laughing the day she got back. And he doesn't want to leave her in the morning when we go to daycare - yesterday he cried!
Pushing our limits: Nothing awful, just the usual Ethan has to be everywhere I am or always wants me on the floor playing with him. If I'm on the computer he HAS to be on my lap hitting the keyboard.
persimmon / 1050 posts
Your favorite thing that has happened this week? Just spent the morning at the Children's Museum with my downstairs neighbor & her DD. M had so much fun. Also M started trying to jump last night. Was so cute watching him try.
What's really pushing your limits this week? M's fussiness when he wants to do things on his tablet all day long or when he naps for an hr instead of his usual 2 hrs.
Not so favorite thing: Downstairs neighbor & her daughter are moving on Monday so M is losing his friend that he plays with the most. I need more mom friends! LOL
pomegranate / 3045 posts
New thread!! Yay
Favorite thing? Just all of the new words H is learning, and seeing his excitement when he says a word and realizes that he said it correctly. Such a fun age!!
Some of his favorite new words are:
Most trying thing has just been dealing with his HFM while my husband has been out of town. Like I told everyone in our Facebook group, I have been self-medicating with ice-cream
nectarine / 2210 posts
Well I guess since we've set the record for the longest hb thread, we can move on to a new one!
We're having lots of new words too. Some of my favorites are help (when she wants our help to do something), dressed (which she'll say as she's dragging me to the bedroom to change out of my work clothes), and trash.
As for the not so awesome things, the last time she was at my inlaws she had fun playing with a doll stroller so I finally took out the one from her birthday. Well she can ride in the one my inlaws have, but can't in ours. So she either gets mad that she won't fit or mad we won't let her stand in it. Plus it gets stuck on furniture, dolls get stuck in it, and it makes noise. Yesterday dh actually hid it behind the couch. Ha!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@josina: Aww sibling love
@AngelicOne: the fake jumping is the funniest!
@theotherstark: you can do itttt!
eggplant / 11861 posts
I have been so busy this week!
Meet the teacher was today + being 32 weeks PG and a 20 month old........ Stick a fork in me!
I'll catch up!
So crazy we need a new thread! I love it!
honeydew / 7283 posts
Hi guys! Thanks for the new thread! (although I'm a bit nostalgic for the old one )
Favorite thing this week: Seeing more little peeks of M and J doing things together, particularly with his improving verbal skills. She can ask him what he wants, he can tell her (sometimes) and she can give it to him (maybe). It's like a whole independent interaction! She's never been particularly interested in him in general, so this is extra exciting
Lows of the week: J has a cold so he isn't sleeping well, but even worse is the stubbornness and all of the boundary pushing. Our whole first floor is really open and he just pushes the dining room chairs to wherever he wants to go (stovetop, knife block, fun things like that ). Then has a freak out when I correct him and take him down. M has always been such a cautious kid that I'm totally unprepared for each of these stages with J!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@snowjewelz: Practicing for being a big sister. Adorable!
@Adira: Gah - the stubornness! Also, why do I love it when kids learn the word elbow? It's the cutest word
@josina: Yay for a heartbeat! And so cute how he loves his big sis
honeydew / 7283 posts
@AngelicOne: I love the first attempts at jumping!
@theotherstark: Ugh - all the ice cream!
@Miss Ariel: Oh man. You never know which toys will be the best or the worst!
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
Just wanted to pop in and say hi to you ladies
Can't believe you all broke HB with all your posts so the old thread had to be closed
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@snowjewelz: @MrsF: things are great! Thanks for asking! I'm 24 weeks now and the follow up anatomy scan showed that baby boy's heart issue has either resolved or is so tiny that no leak can be detected. I'll do another follow up scan in 4 weeks to make sure. And kidneys and fluid levels are perfect so far which is such a relief. My csection will be scheduled the week of Thanksgiving - all 3 of my kiddos will have November birthdays
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@sandy: Nov babies rock (I'm 11/6). So great to hear that all is well! I'm so excited for C to be a big sis again
pear / 1961 posts
@mrsf: we have similar sibling interactions these days. some times it's this morning when E insisted on lying on top of K, who was lying on the floor on her belly playing with a toy. other times it's...well, not so when they both end up screaming "my turn!" at the tops of their lungs and fighting over some toy
favorite thing this week: E has started just randomly singing the "Hello" song from Music Together (hello, everybody, we're so glad to see you!), and it's hilarious and adorable to hear her just randomly walking around going "helllooooo! errry-buh-eee....YOU!"
least favorite thing this week: kicking while i'm changing her diaper! wtf?! K never did this!!! I hold her feet down and tell her "I won't let you kick" which she replies "no kick!" but then does it again the very next diaper change. and if i try to ignore her to not give her attention for doing something negative, she says, in the sweetest voice imaginable, "hi mama!"
persimmon / 1050 posts
@KayKay: M arches his back to lay on his side at every diaper change. It's a struggle to get him to lay correctly. He starts laughing because he thinks it's a game. It's so hard not to laugh at his cute lil laugh when he does it.
@sandy: Congrats on baby boy (I'm so behind from vacation lol). Glad to hear all is good with his scans. My DS has a Thanksgiving week bday too sometimes.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@KayKay: h sometimes enjoys making himself pee during diaper changes Definitely not an accident. wtf, kid.
@sandy: that is great scans looked good. I can't wait for you to meet baby boy!! Love that they all have November birthdays.
persimmon / 1328 posts
Hooray new thread! I try to read along with you all, but you all sure are chatty
Favorite things: Charlie has really been working on bringing his lips together more and it is adorable. He has been getting more consistent with his rolling and seems to be using the "eat" sign when he is hungry.
Most frustrating: His dialysis isn't going perfectly and he is a bit fluid overloaded. I am worried he has another uti but the culture didn't grow anything, so I am trying to not let myself go crazy over it.
persimmon / 1328 posts
@sandy: good to see you! I am so glad the latest scam showed improvement and that things are going well!
@josina: yey for heartbeats!
@theotherstark: you are doing great! Solo parenting can be tough without a sick kid. Hope he feels better quickly.
@KayKay: I remember the diaper battle days. So rough! Luckily I don't have to do much as far as diapers go with Charlie, but he does like trying help with his ostomy bag. Really not convenient...
honeydew / 7283 posts
@sandy: Thanks for the great news Getting good results from your scans must be such a relief. Yay for Thanksgiving babies! (J's birthday is thanksgiving this year).
@KayKay: Ugh - diaper changes are the worst these days! J is getting so strong and thinks it's hilarious to try and get away from me during a diaper change.
@MrsScallop: Nice to hear from you! It's so great seeing pics on IG of your whole family at home together. I hope that they can slowly work the kinks out of his dialysis. That must be such a roller coaster...
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@KayKay: The singing is adorable!!
@theotherstark: Oh my to the peeing during diaper changes!! We're supposed to be past that stage!
@MrsScallop: Love seeing Charlie's pics on IG and facebook! Hopefully the dialysis gets figured out.
nectarine / 2053 posts
Y'all! I can't believe we had to start a new thread. I love being apart of the December 2014 mamas
Favorite thing this week:
Micah has started singing some of his favorite nursery rhymes and it's adorable. He'll spin in circles singing "ashes ashes we all fall down" then proceeds to throw himself down on the floor.
What's really pushing your limits this week:
Well, we've officially started weaning. Unintentionally, though. There were just a few nights where I didn't get home until after bedtime so I thought might as well start it now. I almost gave in last night though when he wanted mama snuggles. Okay, okay I may have cried and thought he isn't going to love me as much anymore. haha
nectarine / 2053 posts
@sandy: So good to hear from you! I was just thinking about you the other day. I'm glad your scans are looking good and all november birthdays is pretty special!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@MrsScallop: The home nurse is back now right? I hope he doesn't have a UTI! Really rooting for him to get bigger and stronger!
@whenoceansrise: Ahh K was obsessed with ring around the rosey for a while and I dreaded doing it with her b/c I get dizzy, lol!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@whenoceansrise: Does he get dizzy? Kara will say dizzy and laugh but then when she really gets dizzy and falls she gets mad hahaha. I'm like, I told you!!
nectarine / 2053 posts
@snowjewelz: you know, I don't think being dizzy really bothers him because he LOVES spinning in circles. Silly kid.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@whenoceansrise: Haha! K gets soo dizzy and she will fall down haha. I get dizzy from watching her And then she makes me spin too! So I just fake dizzy and fall down after 1 spin lol
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@whenoceansrise: lol, E loves getting dizzy too. He gets in his jumper still (hangs from the ceiling) and will just go in circles non-stop. Makes me sick just looking at him!
nectarine / 2053 posts
@snowjewelz: well the song does say we all fall down haha
@josina: haha I know what you mean, but I like that it'll keep him entertained for a bit!
persimmon / 1328 posts
@snowjewelz: no, still no nursing at home. Our last nurse ended up being told to not come back as she nearly gave him 10x the dose of one of his meds. I caught it but only because I didn't trust her much anyway. Being nurseless is almost less stressful than having her around! And thanks for rooting for him! He starts growth hormone next week, so we will see what that does
honeydew / 7283 posts
@MrsScallop: I didn't realize that it hadn't been going well with the nurse That must be so stressful!
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