nectarine / 2018 posts
@MrsF: oh gosh, my DD visits a cake at the grocery store too! It's a three layer rainbow cake covered in sprinkles - the bakery employees all recognize her and point to where it is when she walks over! Too funny!
Fingers crossed the weather will cooperate with you for some outdoor time!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@MrsF: Aww, such a fun idea playing baseball with everyone!
@Miss Ariel: That sounds so fun, E would LOVE that but too cold here! He's obsessed with bouncy houses.
@catgirl: lol to the grocery store cakes!
nectarine / 2210 posts
@josina: it’s actually indoors! It’s basically a giant warehouse that is filled with 10 or so different inflatables. They get about an hour to play then an hour in the party room for pizza and cake,
honeydew / 7283 posts
@catgirl: That's so funny! "Jack's cake" is a round cake covered with M&Ms while the sides are covered with kit kats - his dream
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
K must have changed her mind 10 times haha. It's currently Sofia the First (funny thing is she doesn't even watch the show but she is so hung up on the character...) Also, she insists she wants to have her party at home and also wants her friends. Sorry girl; we can have it at home but you won't be able to invite your friends.
I'm thinking the day of her birthday I'll decorate the house with Sofia decor & balloons and we will eat dinner/cake that night with family. So her sister can get her own special day as well with a different theme.
I'm currently planning to sign them both up for this princess pizza party at the play space they go to; so it can be almost like a birthday party but with kids they don't know lol. I don't think we're going to attempt birthday parties till at least kinder when she's gonna be growing up with the same group of kids.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I know not everyone's super active here anymore, but if you are, give an update on your 4 or almost 4 year old! I'd love to hear about their likes, dislikes, personality, quirks, any notable changes in them from 3-4, etc.
I'll come back to write mine about K later!
persimmon / 1050 posts
@snowjewelz: I'll go 1st!
Likes: Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig, playing outside (at the park or riding his trike), doing everything himself, sleeping in his new big boy bed, going under bridges, his music classes, & getting snuggles from Mama/Dada.
Dislikes: All food unless it's chicken & fries, getting shots (got 4 at his 4 yr appt today ), &picking up toys sometimes,
Personality: Shy, quiet & oh so cautious. He refuses to yell so it's hard to get him to be loud if he needs help.
Quirks: Has the best memory. He brings up things from months ago. Also remembers he needs his meds before bed (just getting over pneumonia). He's a creature of habit & hates change.
Notable changes: Talks so much more now. Also potty trained finally. He's grown 3.25" since last year. He's over half my height already! (39.75in vs 62in ).
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@AngelicOne: Wow, I'm jealous that he's quiet, lol. REALLY trying to work on 'inside voices' in our house!
Likes: dinosaurs, cuddling, his tractor, watching movies with chocolate milk, sneaking into our bed at night, the 'beach' and the park.
Dislikes: Sleeping in his own bed! He only makes it a couple hours. He just got a big boy bed also; and is getting an okay-to-wake clock for xmas that will hopefully help.
Personality: Typically very loud and rambunctious, but can be quiet and 'hide' around new people. I've been told twice this week how polite he is for his age, so that's awesome to hear!
Quirks: Obsessed with touching my belly for some reason yet. Has to have his 'gold' blanky (super soft blanket).
Notable changes: Less shy than he was last year. He loves to play with his little sister now and will seek her out, so cute.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@AngelicOne: I really don't know what magic is in Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig. Haven't met a kid that doesn't like at least one! And ugggh shots! I was surprised how well K did with the flu shot, but maybe cause it was so quick...
@josina: Aww, love that he was complimented on his politeness. And good job to you!!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Likes: Her tutu skirts, tiara, accessorizing in general, role play/play pretend with baby dolls. Also loves her village of stuffed animals she has to take to bed each night, but her blankie from babyhood is still her absolute favorite.
Dislikes: Doctors/dentist, loud noises/places, beach/sand
Personality: She def came out of her shell a ton between 3-4. Used to become mute and/or hide behind us with strangers, now she will answer/talk to anyone. She is definitely more rule follower/cautious than her sister. Sensitive but also very kind like mommy! She honestly is a mini me, inside & out
Quirks: Suddenly stopped liking pizza with the cheese on. Like, who are you... She only likes wearing the same few pair of shoes
Notable changes: Potty trained herself at 3.5. Really stretched out this year and lost all the baby chubbiness
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Likes: Hot Wheels, PJ Mask, Paw Patrol, dinosaurs, family, sledding, MILK, french fries, plain pasta, crackers, etc.
Dislikes: Putting on his winter gear, eating anything that's not a carb, being helped to do anything, wearing socks
Personality: Very independent! He liked to do everything himself and really doesn't like to receive help unless he asks for it. He's chatty and a clown - enjoys making jokes and making people laugh. Very snuggly and would love to just sit on your lap all day every day.
Quirks: Won't wear socks - he knows he has to when he's at school, but as soon as he gets home, the shoes come off and so do the socks!
Notable Changes: Finally fully potty trained (started pooping on the potty at 3.5) and uses the regular toilet now!!! Much more vocal than he used to be - will talk non-stop if you let him! He gets very angry when he's interrupted (by brother)!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: I hate socks too and avoid it as much as possible haha!!
nectarine / 2018 posts
Likes: snow, shoveling, preschool, macaroni and cheese, bananas, Daniel Tiger, Frozen, Trolls, writing letters, and pretend play in her kitchen or with her baby dolls
Dislikes: change of routine/schedule, when things are messy/in the wrong spot, when DH goes to work
Personality: Funny, so funny. Everyone tells us she has such a great sense of humor for being so young. She is generally very polite, especially when out and about. Extremely independent.
Quirks: everything has to be in it's place at all times. We have so many meltdowns because "x" is in the wrong spot or facing the wrong way. All of the stuffed animals that live in her room have to be in a specific spot when she is sleeping and the rocking chair has to be turned in the right direction. She loves the doctor and getting shots (which is so odd to me). She is so mad she won't have any shots at her next check up.
Notable changes: It was a big year for her, DH lived away from us for 4 months until we found a house and all moved. So she was really clingy and sad for awhile but moving near our extended families has made her so happy! She started preschool two days a week and loves it. She is so much better at interacting with kids, it's been great to see her form friendships but also know how to approach new kids at the playground. She just turned forward facing in the car last week and thinks that is the greatest thing ever!
nectarine / 2018 posts
@AngelicOne: Oh gosh! The amazing memory is true for my DD too. SHe brought up something from her birthday party last December, just a small detail that didn't have anything to do with her, and it shocked me that she remembered. We have to be so careful with what we tell her because she will always bring it up late.
@josina: DD is obsessed with my stomach and I have no clue why. She is always kissing it and I worry everyone will think I'm pregnant. (I'm definitely not)
@Adira: I also hate socks and rip them off as soon as I am home. DD doens't really like them either. But she happily wears slippers at home. And the independence thing - it's so great to see and yet so frustrating at times. DD has learned to zip her own coat, which is awesome, but it takes her like 5 minutes sometimes. I just want to get out the door but she will freak if I try to help her.
@snowjewelz: DD plays with her baby dolls for hours now. It's so fun to see her imagination at work. And she sleeps with 3 stuffed animals and two blankets every night - all in their super specific spots.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@catgirl: the pretend play is so fun! but she also gets really bossy sometimes, she loves role playing teacher haha. And I didn't know you moved! I'm glad you're close to families during the holidays now!
I was actually just thinking about them interacting with others. We were at a cousin's birthday party and I find it cute/funny that they don't need to introduce themselves or have small talk before playing together; they just do it!
And I cannot believe she loves doctors and shots She certainly is braver than even me...
nectarine / 2018 posts
@snowjewelz: Yes, we deal with the bossy thing too. We've just started walking away saying we can't play with her when she acts like that. And her teachers say she isn't bossy at school so far, so that makes me happy.
Yes we moved back to Maine in July and it's been so nice to have family around. For the first time we will see them on Holidays which is so exciting!
Yeah, I do not get the doctor thing. She has always loved the Daniel Tiger episode about going to the doctor and makes us watch it a lot. We play doctor a fair amount. For the past two years after getting a flu shot she has asked for another shot The nurses are always so confused haha
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