Hellobee Boards


May 2015 Mamas!!

  1. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @PrincessBaby: outing myself as a lurker to say that I am going through the same with my baby and she/my uterus is measuring just right but my OB said a combination of the way I was carrying and slight muscle separation from my last pregnancy were causing the tightness I am feeling. She also told me it was very important that I am careful not to sit up straight or suddenly from lying down, she said it can cause worse muscle separation over time (right now mine is only slight and minor) and to always get up either by rolling on my side or get help. Another friend of mine just had a nearly 10 pound baby and she was carrying so small and didn't have the tightness. Maybe mention it to your OB and see what they say. Not sure about a private place but unusually I feel like they don't really give that sort of info. So excited that you are so close.

  2. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @PrincessBaby: I'll have my husband take a few. I paid for a session last time and hated them, then my husband took some and they are my favorites

  3. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @PrincessBaby: She didn't tell me on Thursday. Baby was breech and actually in terrible position for an ultrasound. We were really just there to check my cervix but they usually try to give me a few pics too - this time she couldn't get anything She did confirm "one million percent" girl though! At my 20 week ultrasound, they said she was in the 94th percentile for gestational age. Not really sure what that means, but the doctor did mention she was looking smaller than my son, thankfully! When I was in the hospital at 28 weeks with my son, he was measuring 31.5 weeks!

    I'm not really doing maternity photos but we are going to do some last "family of 3" pictures in early April with the woman who will do our newborn pics. Nothing fancy - just at a park.

  4. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @PrincessBaby: I can't speak for eberyone but I've had ultrasounds at every appointment and they always measure her. She has measured 3-4 days head each time. So I take that as growing steadily where my son was 2 weeks ahead at 24 weeks! It was crazy.

    I'm 24+1 and at 28 I have weekly ultrasounds that are called bio physical profiles, it's a very detailed stress test. They will probably measure her at every other appt, because I have a thick placenta.

    I know GD pregnancies require some late ultrasounds. I would imagine at any ultrasound later on they would measure baby. I think my insurance only allows for them every 3 weeks but since I'm having weekly and then 2x weekly starting at 32 weeks, I think they will measure her since I'm there and the main purpose is the BPP.

  5. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @PrincessBaby: @jetsa: I plan on doing the same. Last time, my photographer friend was in town for my shower and she took a few of me and DH, but this time, I'm just going to hand DH my DSLR, give him a print out of a few poses, and tell him what I want. I just want to be able to look back and show LO photos of me carrying him, happily (not the grump face I feel like, heh) and have a cute photo of myself to remember the time. I'm so frumpy all the time now, heh.

    I'm 27 weeks! Eep! last tri!

  6. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @blackbird: Congrats on the third tri!

    I feel dumb even posting this, but wth. I am too scared to call my doctor bc I've called about a couple of things lately and feel like they already think I"m ridiculous.

    I woke up a little late, and was flying around the kitchen trying to make coffee and breakfast...I put my coffee in a SB mug with a black plastic handle, and when I went to drink it, it wasn't super hot I guess bc I added too much milk. I was also tending to eggs on the stove, and I pulled a ceramic mug out of the cabinet to pour the coffee in and put it in the microwave. I need it piping hot! Well of course I just forgot to switch the mugs, and realized 15 seconds or so into things that I had put the no-microwave mug in. I opened the microwave door and it was that gross burnt plastic smell and smoke coming from the handle. I basically let the smoke out little by little and turned the stove vent on to disperse the smoke and smell. At the time I was like "Oh crap please do not let the fire alarm go off and wake DD up before I'm ready!" So after a few times of opening and shutting the door, I pulled the mug out....Because I was being lazy and running late, I poured the coffee into the ceramic mug and tasted it....still not hot, but otherwise tasted normal from what I can tell. The microwave looked clear so I popped the mug in for 20 secs and then went to take my bath. About halfway into the cup of coffee, I started feeling crampy/a little bit of that pulling feeling at the bottom of my belly. I ignored it at first bc I know we're all aching at this point, but it kept on. I thought better of the coffee and quit drinking it 3/4 of the way through the cup.

    I'm not in crazy pain or anything, I just notice a little bit of that deep ache or pulling feeling all the way at the bottom of my belly.

    Do you guys think I could have hurt anything? I have pregnancy rhinitis and wake up a little stuffy, even though I take meds, and I am wondering if I just couldn't taste that something was wrong with the coffee.

    What a dumb thing to worry about - but I wouldn't have even thought about it if I hadn't started feeling something at the bottom of my belly!

  7. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    I'm with you guys on the "feeling like my belly doesn't have enough room / tightness feeling". Whew! I feel like this child is huge or long because I feel a thump on one side of the belly at the same time as I feel it on the opposite side! I'm switching practices to a new OB this week, and I'm secretly hoping she'll want to see the baby herself, and I'll get to sneak an extra ultrasound in there. Otherwise, it's just the 18w one I already had.

    I don't think we'll do maternity pictures this time. I didn't last either, and I was OK with that. DH did take a few photos every week last time, and while I'm completely slacking on that front (we have ONE picture of me pregnant right now), I'm hoping to step up my game and get a few more before the end. @PrincessBaby: love the idea of having a few shots on the beach in a drapey piece! I bet they'll come out beautiful.

    I started this pregnancy below my last pre-pregnancy weight, and I was feeling decently good about myself. But, lately, I can see the weight start to show in my face, and I can also feel water being retained in my fingers. Bleh I was really hoping to not gain a ton of weight this time. I don't know exactly how much it's been - maybe 20 lbs now a 26 weeks? But, I know it's not going to just my belly based on a few pictures of my face this past weekend. Trying not to get down on myself. I know I can lose it after baby if I am extremely diligent (breastfeeding didn't really help last time). Trying to remember I'm making a beautiful blessing of a baby, and that I can't worry about things as "trivial" as a few pounds of fluff. But, we're all human, right?

  8. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @PrincessBaby: Oh I was typing at the same time you were apparently, so I just read your post! I'm sorry for the scare - sounds like a hectic morning! I am not an expert on anything medical, but I would bet that your cramps are normal pregnancy things from having a crazy morning, and not from something burning in the microwave that you later drank from. But, trust your gut and maybe see how you feel in a little bit? Drink lots of water, and see if it gets better and you feel more "normal".

  9. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @PrincessBaby: I agree with @Mrs. Lovejoy that it's probably cramps from the stress of running late and rushing around, not the coffee. If the coffee was "bad" (which I'm not even sure how it would be), I think it would upset your stomach, not cause cramps. We had a stressful morning yesterday and I noticed almost immediately I had far worse cramps and BH contractions than I've had lately.

  10. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    I just sent my husband the following text, Mondays are horrible

    @PrincessBaby: I'd also agree it was probably just running around. I doubt the coffee had anything to do with it

  11. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @jetsa: Love it! We're getting some snow/ice here today and I sent my husband a similar Monday vent text. If one more person tells me "You shouldn't be out in this weather," I may scream. They're not volunteering to take LO to school or do my work for me!

  12. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @SeptMomma12: haha yea Id probably go off, if I shouldn't be doing xyz then offer to do it for me.

  13. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @SeptMomma12: Don't you know that you're a delicate snow flower?

    I had the most awkward run in with a guy who works in my building yesterday. He was asking "how i felt" and if it was my first...and then got all debbie downer when he mentioned his middle daughter having another baby and how kids are great until they want to move back in with you when they are 30 years old, like his eldest. And i was like.....AWKWARD.

  14. littlepeanut

    pea / 18 posts

    @PrincessBaby: I'm going to agree with everyone else, though my OB says you should call if you even have the thought of calling. They deal with this stuff ALL the time, and that's what they are there for!

    My update this week: had the GD test Friday and I passed with flying colors, as well as Hemoglobin and Iron levels. Went over the last ultrasound (which was at 26 weeks) and it has been confirmed that I have complete placenta previa and am now considered high-risk. We'll be scheduling the c-section at my 32 week appointment for 37 or 38 weeks, which puts us mid-April now! Just have to make sure I don't go into labor and watch for bleeding episodes.

    Mamas who have had c-sections...epidural or spinal? I'm clueless. What's your preference and why?

  15. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    @littlepeanut: haven't had a csection, but my understanding is if you have an epidural in place from labor they "dose it up" for the csection. If you are a scheduled/planned c section then they put in the spinal. More a technical distinction for the anesthesiologist. That is my understanding

  16. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    I have been silent on this board for weeks! I have my GD test next week. Otherwise I am feeling good. Strangers can tell I'm pregnant. I can feel the little guy moving more in just the last few days (now 26w1d).

    This is me today:

  17. littlepeanut

    pea / 18 posts

    Cutie bump pic @MsHangry!

  18. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @littlepeanut: I had a failed epidural for my induction so when I needed the cesarean they did a spinal. I believe I will be having a spinal this time as well, since we obviously don't want the epi failing!

    My c section is also scheduled! 5/1/15 baby girl will arrive. I'll be 35+6. It helps having an end in sight for nights when im itching! That's only 80 days away!!! Insane!

  19. littlepeanut

    pea / 18 posts

    @BabyPenguinXO Good to know - I'm going to discuss with Doc next time I see her. I definitely don't want that either!

    Crazy crazy thinking about how we were all *just* peeing on sticks and now we are talking about due dates and scheduled c-sections! I never thought it would go this fast.

  20. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    VEIN POST ALERT! did I spell vein right? Vain like about myself? anyways... LMAO

    I am having a planned C section.. Would I be terrible for looking presentable and wearing some make up? do the even allow that? I've seen plenty of women wearing make up in their C section photos... is that bad? I mean... It's planned.. It's not like I put make up on in the midst of a contraction. I will wake up for the day and get ready and presentable. Is that weird!? lol would you judge someone!?

  21. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @MsHangry: You look adorable!

    @BabyPenguinXO: Not vain at all! I didn't have a c section, but I was induced and had hopes of a vaginal delivery while looking good and fully made up - but the induction started at night and ended up going into the next night, and then the next morning (!) and I ended up not giving a crap about ever putting my makeup on. It just never happened. I even had my invisalign retainers on for most of my labor - SEXY! I only took them out and handed them to DH when I started shaking during transition and knew I was going to throw up. But if I knew when my csection would be, I would totally show up full makeup and hair and no invisalign retainers:)

    I survived the coffee incident and weird aches yesterday! You guys were all right - must have just been the stress of the morning!

    I was supposed to have a checkup today in which I would beg to find some medical reason to move my EDD up 1 day so that I could be inducted on Fri 4-24 intead of having to wait until Mon 4-27. My husband is currently scheduled to leave for work on 4-30 for 3 weeks, so it would be nice to have a few extra days with him after the baby is born. But on my way to my appt, daycare called and said DD had a fever so I had to cancel and go pick her up. She isn't feeling well, and it looks like we're home tomorrow bc daycare has a 24 hour rule with fever.

    So DD2 still has not been named yet. My husband suggested a couple of other names, and I don't want to be a turd who is so set in her ways that she doesn't consider other names. It's causing me anxiety bc I wish we would just both be in love with the same name, that's how it was with DD1. He really likes my favorite name, but wants to look at other possibilities to make sure we're making the right choice.

    I don't know how to know which name is right. He gave me a couple of choices that are pretty. But I just don't know the right way to go about figuring out what the right name is.

  22. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @PrincessBaby: Haha thanks!

    Could you just ask your doctor to bump up the induction? Say there won't be anyone to help you around with the babies so you need those extra 3 days. 4-24 is a cool date like 5-1-15 hehe. How far along will you be?

  23. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @BabyPenguinXO: If there's not a medical reason, then the ACOG guidelines state that it's unethical to do an elective induction before 39w. I hit 39w on 4-25 apparently. Which is a saturday, and they don't do weekend inductions. And many insurance companies will not cover a purely elective induction done before 39w0d. Even at 38w6d:)

  24. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @PrincessBaby: ugh! that is super lame!! one day!!!

  25. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @BabyPenguinXO: I probably won't put on makeup (I don't wear much anyway), but I will definitely shower, shave my legs and dry my hair the morning of my c-section. I did it at 2am when my water broke with my first LO!

    I'm personally leaning toward Charlotte right now, but no official decision. There was a little girl named Charlotte doing a make-up at our music class on Sunday and LO's face lit up as soon as he heard it. He really thinks that's his baby sister's name.

  26. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @SeptMomma12: That is adorable!!!!

  27. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @PrincessBaby: I know! Considering that was our name if LO #1 was a girl, and then the fact he came up with it himself for this baby, I sorta feel like we have to use it. And I think it goes pretty well with his name.

  28. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @SeptMomma12: lol! I suppose I will probably shower and stuff too! I guess being a blonde make up really is a game changer!

    Also, I love your name Charolette! I think it is meant to be. I can't remember if I shared our name. But she will be Adelaide !

  29. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Gah, just stood up and I'm seeing spots (word to the wise don't google that especially if you have even slightly high blood pressure) I just called the dr and they want me to come in at 2 fx its nothing major. It doesn't even feel like blood pressure though because I don't have a headache or anything.

    ETA: I've been waiting an hour and haven't been seen, I know they squeezed me in but geez. They took my BP wnd it was normal so I don't even know that the dr will have anything to tell me.

  30. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @jetsa: I hope everything turned out okay. I noticed I've been getting dizzy a lot lately when I stand up - like need to hold on to something. But for me it's actually low blood pressure/low heart rate.

  31. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @SeptMomma12: it was fine just took forever. The dr wasn't even concerned with my BP bc it was normal in the dr office. He did scoot my due date back to May 27 because he wanted the most accurate size measurements bc of the pih and he had a baseline for the May 27 because that's where Dia measured at the first scan and it's supposed to be the most accurate.

  32. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @jetsa: I'm glad everything is ok! I get a lot of weird issues if I move too fast, too! Mostly shooting stomach pain but I'll also see spots.

    Anyone else swelling yet? Today I changed socks at the gym and noticed my work socks left a huge imbedded band around my ankle! I was hoping I had more time. My watch has been a little tight but it's also so warm in my office. I'm also noticing my legs don't cross as easily but I don't know if it's the belly or my thighs getting wider. I definirely thought I looked less defined and a little puffier at the gym, but I could've been imagining it, too.

  33. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @blackbird: the spots stuck around for an hour and then turned into flashing lights, I never had anything like that with J so it freaked me out a bit. No swelling here yet but it's been cold and my office is soo cold, with j I started swelling at 21 weeks so I've been watching for it

  34. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @jetsa: that's insane! Definitely nothing like I've experienced!

    I wish it was cold at work. It's probably 73-75 every day.

  35. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @blackbird: I never did swell my first pregnancy.. Except after my c section. I was swollen for like 2 ridiculously long weeks!

  36. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @BabyPenguinXO: it's so bad afterwards! I had dimpling at 5 months with E!

  37. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @BabyPenguinXO: The post c-section swelling was so bad. I forgot about that. I remember I couldn't believe how skinny my legs looked when it finally went away - between being pregnant in summer and the c-section, they were sausages for so long!

  38. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @SeptMomma12: I delivered in November!!! I had wore slip ons into the hospital and my mom had to get my slippers because I couldn't wear my shoes and they were my only ones. Since I was living in the hospital for 3 weeks (literally, they have boarding rooms for nicu moms who are just trying to breastfeed the feeder grower babies, or for moms who are super far away) I had no shoes!! lol

  39. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @BabyPenguinXO: we did a rooming in before we took E home from the nicu and I had no shoes in the MOTN and of course, I stubbed my toe on something in the room and split my toenail off and bled everywhere and couldn't leave the room or the alarm would go off.....ugh what a mess!

  40. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @blackbird: OMG! how miserable!!! We stayed actually on the floor above the nicu. But once baby is feeding on demand they put you in a nicu room with a real bed!!! a queen bed so me and my hunny finally got a bed together lol. we were there for a week with baby in our room. That was so great to have him with us. OH i hope baby girl can stay with us right away this time!!

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