Hellobee Boards


May 2015 Mamas!!

  1. littlepeanut

    pea / 18 posts

    @SeptMomma12 and @BabyPenguinXO Both beautiful names!

  2. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    I think my hormones are getting to me today bc it is really eating me up that we haven't settled on a name. DH emailed me (he's away working) that he really liked Hayden Rose. You guys may know my DD1's name, and he likes them together. He still likes Sawyer, but was really excited about Hayden. I am less excited. I wish he would just say "I decided that I LOVE Sawyer, and we're not going to find anything better bc it's the best fit, so Sawyer it is!" He thinks it's fun to keep looking at names and I think it's slowly driving me batshit crazy.

  3. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @BabyPenguinXO: that sounds like a nice nicu set up!

  4. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @blackbird: totally! It's a level 4 NICU at a Children's hospital. The best part is the boarding rooms are a totally free perk!!!!

  5. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @BabyPenguinXO: oh wow nice! Ours was basic-technically a "special care" nursery but it was all we needed. The rooming in was just a hospital bed. If it happens again, we will pass on the opportunity

  6. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @blackbird: yeah I don't think I would get s room this time cause I will be living closer. But hoping not to need a NICU!!!!

  7. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    Passed my gestational diabetes screening! I felt awful afterwards. I think someone here suggested having some peanut butter crackers for afterwards, they saved me from throwing up. Thank you!

  8. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @MsHangry: yay! That GD test sucks so bad.

  9. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @MsHangry: yay! I have mine on tbe 3rd. I had one early on and passed but have a feeling I won't pass this one!!

  10. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    @BabyPenguinXO: good luck!!

  11. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @MsHangry: Yay! Mine is next week. Definitely not fun:(

  12. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MsHangry: @SeptMomma12: mine too, next thursday.

  13. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @MsHangry: Congrats! I know you're glad that's over!

    Hope everyone else passes with flying colors!

    I'm waiting to see the doc for my last 1x monthly appt. after this I go every 3 weeks and then every 2!

    I'm 30 weeks in a few days! I remember when I hit the 30s w/DD1, it started to feel real and close!

    In just a few days, I'll be 7 weeks away from FULL TERM!

  14. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @PrincessBaby: We start the every 2 weeks appts at 28 weeks, which is next week for me. Crazy. We were looking at gliders yesterday and they said it would be 12 weeks for delivery and it suddenly hit me that our c-section will be 12 weeks from Friday.

    I assume it has a lot to do with baby's position, but does anyone else feel more just "moving around" and less kicks lately? I'm feeling baby a lot, but it's not really kicks - more like I just feel her moving against my skin or pushing out. I don't really remember that happening with my son.

  15. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @PrincessBaby: I got squeezed in last thursday and he told me he'd see me every 2 weeks from then on just because he wants to get some growth scans and that kind of thing. Its insane to think we are getting so close but yet it's still so far away

  16. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @SeptMomma12: You were right, every 2 weeks from here! I swore a nurse told me 3 but guess I misunderstood:). And yes, I feel a sliding motion a lot. I picture her with both hands against my belly sliding down, like you would slide down glass or something. I was actually telling someone that the other day- we were talking about that crazy lady in TX who claimed she didn't know she was pregnant until labor and the baby was 14lbs. If I can feel a 3 lb baby sliding down my stomach, she HAD to have felt something at some point with a huge baby!

    @jetsa: Yeah every 2 weeks thru March then weekly- CRAZY!

    I just begged to move my due date up one day but it's a no go. However my dr agreed to start stripping my membranes at 36 weeks. I told her "Sounds delightful! Let's do it!" I'm 37 weeks on 4-11, and my husband is home 4-10, so I'm eager to get this baby out so he has time with her before he has to leave for 3 weeks on 4-30.

    I had my membranes stripped once at 38 almost 39 weeks and I thought I lost my mucus plug the day after- there was a ton of disgusting brown and bloody mucus- majorly shocking to see. But I was induced a couple of days later and was still a loose 1cm, then was in labor 36 hours, so I don't know how much my body cares about having a mucus plug or not:(. So it may not matter but worth a try!

  17. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @PrincessBaby: I was on my work computer before and couldn't see your pic. Looking great! Sorry they won't move up the induction, but definitely pull out all the old wives' tales once he's home:) It's probably not at all related, but I ate half a pineapple and bounced on the exercise ball for a few hours (gently!) the afternoon before I went into labor.

    ETA: And yes, those stories are insane. Fine if you didn't realize you were pregnant, but wouldn't you go to the doctor if you felt things moving inside you?!?

  18. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @SeptMomma12: I feel this baby moving so much more then my son. But it's definitely kicks and punches. It's funny cause I have an anterior placenta this time too.

    I'm 25+3 I start WEEKLY appts on March 3rd at 27 weeks. I have weekly BPPs and then I'll have bi weekly OB appts. 32 I start weekly on and 2x weekly BPPs. So time is treally going to fly for me. I'm just over 10 weeks out from my c section! May 1st!

    I'm busy packing away! I move in 4 weeks but the two weeks before I move I'll be down at my moms most the week anyways for appts so it's kind of like I only have 2 weeks left here!

  19. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @PrincessBaby: Ah you look great!!

    I can't believe how far along we're all getting. Time is flying so fast and sometimes I wish it would slow down. But, lets be honest, I love that its flying. I can't wait to meet baby boy!

    I feel huge this time around. I don't have an updated pic, but will take one soon.

    Still have to take my gd test. I don't have to schedule it, just go in, but I'm struggling to find a day where I can work from home and not go into the office. I remember feeling pretty sick afterwards last time and don't want to stack myself in meetings all day if I can..

    @BabyPenguinXO: Hope packing goes well! Hopefully you guys can pace it and feel like you're making good progress so its not too stressful.

  20. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: it's just me packing! My fiancé is working in another state! We are moving 4-6 weeks after baby is born. We're getting rid of a lot of our stuff. So I've been throwing out a lot and selling or donating what I can.

    I'll be staying with my mom for 8-10 weeks before we move. I didn't want to be alone after baby with a toddler too! I'm 2 hours from family, or friends for that matter! So it's pretty lonely up here in middle of no where Minnesota! I travel all the way to my moms for doctor appointments so I'm moving there right about when I start weekly appointments. Otherwise that is just TOO much driving and too far for comfort with such a high risk pregnancy.

  21. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @SeptMomma12: Thank you! PS: Did you take the plunge on the crib? They sent me a coupon today for 15% off anything - furniture too, I"m sure you got one but you're welcome to mine if not:) I bought a bunch of stuff over the weekend and I'm done for a while, lol.

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: Thank you! Post a pic soon!!!

  22. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @PrincessBaby: So I think we're actually going to go in a different direction. We went to PBK twice yesterday and while I love the crib, I don't really love any of the dressers, especially not the one that technically matches the crib. We ended up stopping at a local kids furniture store and liked a set from Baby Cache. Did some research today (and asked the Bee), and I think we're going to go with that. Plus they have a wide dresser and a tall chest of drawers type dresser, which was impossible to find matching from PBK. I can't seem to find a great picture, but here's one. It's not that bright a white in person!

    And thank you for the coupon offer, but I am PBK shopped out too. Spent way too much last night on the rug, lamps, window treatments, etc!

  23. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @SeptMomma12: That is a beautiful set!!! Glad you found something perfect:)

  24. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    Also i totally feel like this baby is moving more violently than E did. DH even commented that he didn't think I complained so much last time. But his movements HURT. Wherever he is in there, he's not feeling good when he does his thing.

  25. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @blackbird: My son was like that. I would actually have to hold on to something to keep from doubling over toward the end it hurt so bad - he was so violent. This baby seems quieter but I think it might also be her position. Everything is very low. I still feel her mostly in my crotch area:(

  26. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @SeptMomma12: Yes! He is really low but mostly hanging out in the band where I get round ligament pain so he does some acrobatics and i'm like HOLY HELL THIS HURTS.

  27. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @blackbird: I'm so sorry it hurts! Sometimes I'll get a punch or kick, but for the most part it's pretty pain free. You must have a super active one!

    @SeptMomma12: love that!

    @BabyPenguinXO: whew! so.. crazy is basically inevitable. Hopefully it goes as smooth as possible and you're able to keep it light-hearted through the crazy!

  28. kick641

    cherry / 157 posts

    Most of you are second time moms, right? Did you guys find labor/delivery or parenting classes helpful at all? I'm signed up for a labor one at the hospital I'm delivering at, but they offer a few more classes and I'm trying to decide what to sign up for. Definitely the infant CPR, but what else? Should I just skip everything?

  29. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @kick641: I found the basic "newborn care" class that our hospital offered to be pretty helpful. The breastfeeding class was kinda eh - it's hard to learn that til you have an actual baby to feed. I didn't find practicing holding a doll to my boob very useful when it came to actual b'feeding The labor and delivery class was painfully long but pretty helpful, even though I ended up with a c-section. DH found it especially helpful because he knew nothing about labor.

  30. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: Yeah, he's a little jerk already, LOL

    @kick641: So, since E was in the hospital for a week, our NICU nurses showed us everything! And it was really helpful! i didn't take a labor/delivery class, but i clicked through an online free presentation. Even my dr said it wasn't a big deal to take one unless you wanted a specific natural method. I think it's interesting to see how your body changes--know what the stages of labor are, etc, but reading up on that in my spare time at work was plenty for me!

    And ditto the BFing class being pointless. It was really somethign i needed/wanted an LC to show me, hands on, but my kid wouldn't eat, so *shrug*

  31. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @kick641: I'm a ftm, too, & have signed DH & I up for a 2 day class to go through labor/delivery, newborn care, breastfeeding, hospital tour, etc. I'm hoping this faster paced class (than the 5wk series that covers the same topics) will allow us to learn some things, but not be too long & painful. Lol! I know I have plenty to learn, but I think I want us to go through this primarily for DH's benefit!

  32. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    Has anybody done any baby projects lately? I finished baby boy's quilt tonight! I don't have anything else planned to make him

  33. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @blackbird: That's awesome! I am very impressed!

  34. CocoLoco523

    pea / 24 posts

    Hello ladies!! I'm a little late to the party. I've been on Weddingbee, but new to hellobee. I've got a lot to catch up on here.

    I'm 29 weeks with my little boy. Due May 7th.

  35. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @CocoLoco523: Hi and welcome!! We've all been lamenting lately on our burgeoning bellies and the aches and pains associated. But, it's so exciting that we're all going (or already) into our 3rd tri!

    How has pregnancy been going thus far for you?

  36. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @CocoLoco523: Welcome! Is this your first? I can't do it from my work computer, so I'll update the due date list to add you tonight!

  37. CocoLoco523

    pea / 24 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: I'd say it's been a good pregnancy. The 1st tri was rough with nausea and fatigue. The 2nd was pretty good. Now that I'm in the 3rd, I'm having some aches and pains. I have SPD. It feels like someone kicked me in the crotch! So that's no fun. My working out has been sidelined for the most part. Basic walking and rolling over in bed hurts. And my Dr. was being kind of a jerk about weight gain. Due to nausea, I didn't gain much in the 1st tri, but then put on more than he wanted in the 2nd.
    I also have high blood pressure (pre-pregnancy) so they are monitoring me closely, but it really hasn't been an issue during pregnancy so far.
    I passed my GD test.

    @SeptMomma12: Yes, my first!

  38. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    Updating our list to add @CocoLoco523

    May Mamas
    May 1st: Poprocks7911
    May 2nd: Littlepeanut , Princessbaby
    May 4th: Ms. Badger
    May 7th: Macintosh , Mrs Sketchbook, CocoLoco523
    May 8th: LC
    May 9th: Blackbird
    May 10th: Xmaskidjr , Kick641
    May 14th: Rrachael
    May 15th: Keppa
    May 18th: MsHangry , Chanada
    May 19th: Mrs Lovejoy , Jetsa
    May 20th: Sunflower123
    May 21st: Septmomma12
    May 22nd: Doodlesmama
    May 24th: Daisyfay
    May 25th: Mrs Squirreld
    May 26th: Enjollah, Gogosnogirl
    May 27th: Tippy0707 , FSUAliss
    May 30th: BabyPenguinXO

  39. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    Wow there's almost no team green people! Unusual!

    I have yet another cold and left my bottle of afrin at work and I am so stuffed up and uncomfortable. It wore off precisely after 12 hours. It is 9pm and it's in the teens outside, so my husband is on a walgreens trip so I don't have to go.

  40. LC

    cherry / 197 posts

    Whoops! Never updated... we're having a boy! DD is in denial and keeps calling the baby her sister

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