Hellobee Boards


May 2015 Mamas!!

  1. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    How's everyone doing? This board is so quiet!

  2. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    Things are going well I think. Had an awful night last night. So I hope tonight is better.

    I've been attending LC hosted "Mother Baby Care" clinics at the hospital on Tues & Thurs. it has been so helpful to hear other people's discussions and to get some confidence about our breastfeeding.

    We move this weekend from my tiny med student place to my dad's house for the summer. Luckily my mom has kicked into high gear packing us up.

  3. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @MsHangry: I'm so impressed you're moving with an infant! I can barely get a shower Hope you had a better night last night.

    I'm afraid to say it, but C has been sleeping great. I know from experience that won't last forever, but I'll take it while I can. She's been eating at 10pm and then generally starting to stir (grunt!) around 3am, so I get up and feed her, but last night we slept right through til I woke up at 4:30 and freaked out. That was definitely a lot longer than she was supposed to go without eating. We had her two week visit today and she's 8lbs 3oz, up from 7lbs 11oz at birth.

  4. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @MsHangry: I've been going to one on Thursdays and it is so helpful! Plus I feel a bit more human with some social interaction once a week.

    @SeptMomma12: haha I'm with you! I'm enjoying the sleep while I can.

  5. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @blackbird: Now if only I could figure out how to get the 2.5 year old to sleep past 6am

  6. enjollah

    kiwi / 623 posts

    @SeptMomma12: my LO sleeps well too! I don't set the alarm and let him wake me up and one night last week he slept for 7 hours. It felt so nice but I woke up super engorged and in pain. Not that I'm complaining about having a good sleeper, but has your supply decreased when you let your LO sleep longer? I was ok but today I noticed it was a bit less today.

  7. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    How is everybody doing?

    We had several good nights in a row and then last night was a struggle.
    We outgrew the newborn diapers earlier this week! Size 1 look large but at least they can keep up with "output".

  8. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @MsHangry: We're doing well. Tired but hanging in there. The worst part of all is going back to bed at 4:30 after feeding DD and knowing there's a good chance my son will be up in an hour. That's killing me more than the MOTN feedings.

    DD is a peanut - still in newborn diapers and newborn clothes. We never used either for my son, so I can't believe she's still in them 3 weeks later. We had a weight check and she's gaining, but a little slower than they like, so I'm hoping she picks up the pace soon. I met with an LC yesterday and she's getting a lot per feeding - 3-4oz just from one side.

    We did get some bad news this week from the kidney doctor. DD has the worst possible level of reflux in her kidney (stage 5 out of a possible 5), so she will need kidney/bladder surgery The "good" news is that they don't do the surgery until around her first birthday, so we don't have to deal with that quite yet. But she needs to be on antibiotics to prevent infection/kidney damage until then, which I obviously don't like. Not to mention getting antibiotics in a newborn is near impossible...

  9. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @SeptMomma12: I'm sorry. DD is also still in newborn diapers but not for long, my son was already in one size cloth at this point and she's just barely fitting in clothes the difference is crazy tomorrow is my first day with both of them by myself I'm scared but ready I guess.

    @MsHangry: night sleep is horrible here. She sleeps all day and wants to eat every hour overnight.

  10. BabyPenguinXO

    kiwi / 549 posts

    Hi ladies!

    Everything is well here! June 16th my fiancé gets in and the next day we all fly home to our new house in Indiana. I'm anxious but excited. I'm nervous to be alone.

    I ventured to target with two kiddos in the rain. What a terrible idea. I had to go though! Oh well.

    Addie is in 0-3 clothes now I switched her at 5 weeks cause I only had like 5 NB outfits and even though they fit, I'm sick of them and want to see new ones. So she's swimming in 0-3 for now

    I also switched to size one diapers but they are huge. Huggies don't seem to fit her skinny legs so pampers it is for now!

  11. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    Wow I was thinking about how I haven't checked in here in ages but apparently none of us have:)

    Hope everyone is doing well! Life with two is really busy! It's fun but definitely bananas! My maternity leave has been really busy!

    I go back to work in a month and we are interviewing nannies now. It's flown by!

    We still don't have a great schedule as LO2 will have a great sleep night one night and then go to crap the next night. She is 8 weeks tomorrow, but turns 2 months on the 22nd, and at the end of this month I'm going to try to be a little more rigid with trying to get her on a schedule. Last night she had a million wake ups and I could barely get us all up and out the door to take LO1 to preK. So that has got to go!

    Hope all of your LOs are sleeping better than mine:) We didn't sleep train DD1 until she was 7 months and we kicked ourselves for not doing it sooner. I know it's really not recommended until 4 months, but DD2 is DEFINITELY getting sleep trained ASAP, basically the second she turns 4 months!

  12. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @SeptMomma12: How is your LO's kidney diagnosis going at the present moment? Any new info or good news? I hope she's doing better Sorry you are dealing with this!

  13. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @PrincessBaby: It's just status quo for now. She'll be on antibiotics and see the doctor every 3 months until he decides she's ready for surgery, probably sometime around 13-14 months. Not optimal of course, but it certainly could be worse.

    Things are going pretty well here. Charlotte is generally a pretty content baby and she's sleeping well. I pump before bed, then DH gives her a bottle around 10pm and we're actually still setting an alarm to wake her at 3am to eat. I'm hoping the doctor says that's not necessary when we go for her 1 month appt tomorrow, but we'll see - she's still a peanut, probably a little over 9lbs.

    The only issue we're really having is that she is a spitter upper. Usually just small amounts, but oh man, every now and then it's like a fountain of vomit. Every couple of days. Doesn't seem to bother her, but it sure stresses me out

  14. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    Hi ladies. Hanging in here with my LO @ 3.5wks. She has been really fussy this last week @ it's been challenging to not be able to calm her much of the time. We think she's also having reflux issues, & ends up really stuffed up & "snorty" at night. When we can, she sleeps in a rock n play next to my side of the bed, but several nights now I have ended up sleeping with her on my chest in our glider/recliner so that she's more upright & can breathe better. In the middle of composing this I had to go clean both of us up because she vomited up a lot of her last feeding. Poor baby girl. @SeptMomma12: like your LO, it doesn't seem to bother her when she spits up or vomits, but it worries me she doesn't get that much of her meals some of the time... Or that she'll need to make up for it in yet another feeding in an hour or so. I am so glad she's so darn precious & adorable... this is stressful.

  15. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    Hey May Mamas! Thought I would try to jumpstart this thread, since it's been so long. How's everyone doing? C will be 2 months tomorrow. In some ways, it's hard to believe and in other ways it feels like it's been forever. She's doing pretty well. We started Zantac last week for reflux and it seems to be helping. She was never miserable, but the gagging, coughing, eyes watering after eating was really getting bad. Overall she's a very pleasant baby and is sleeping great at night. DH gives her a bottle of pumped BM at 10pm and then she's been sleeping until anywhere from 5-6am and then going back down until 8-9am (but DS is usually up around 6:15, so that kills any extra sleep for me ). She's still in our room in the rock n play, but I'm starting to think about making the crib transition...it's just so hard to think about doing anything that could impact sleep

    When does everyone go back to work? I just set my return date as August 31. I'm enjoying the freedom of maternity leave, but I know I will be ready to go back.

  16. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @SeptMomma12: Hi! I'm glad you're doing well with baby C and your little man! Really glad the Zantac seems to be helping!!!

    We have really settled into our new normal with 2 kids:) DD2 is a really laid back baby and she likes to be in her crib at 9:30 on the dot (or she's not so laid back anymore) and she sleeps until 5 or 5:30. I actually go back to work on Wednesday...We hired a great nanny for DD2 and DD1 will be at a private preK program 3 days a week and then home with the nanny the other 2 days, and I think that feeling so happy about our child care is really making it easy to think about going back to work.

    We have had an awesome time this past few weeks kind of doing a "staycation" since we live in an amazing beach town. I know it will change probably around 4 months when DD2 starts rolling or hits a sleep regression, but getting sleep in our house changed everything and we are all basically happier than we've ever been and just really enjoying our girls!

    I hope everyone else is doing well and your LOs are thriving!

    ETA: DD2 is 12 weeks on Wed...SO CRAZY! I'm just trying to enjoy each and every day bc I know she's my last. With DD1 I couldn't wait for what was next, couldn't wait for her to sit up or talk or walk. With DD2 I am just trying to be present in this time that she is small bc I'll never have one so little again.

  17. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    We had our 2 month check up yesterday and today a crib is being delivered. My little guy has grown too big for the Vista bassinet. He wakes himself up when he stretches and kicks the walls.

    In the last week I have noticed him becoming more aware and interested in his surroundings.

    He is a fussy baby but not quite to the definition of colic. Just long witching hours each evening.

    @PrincessBaby: how was your first week back to work been?


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