Let all things baby begin...
Let all things baby begin...
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Reese: Doing so much better today! We actually went to Target today.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@fuzzypeaches: How is she already 1 month old??? She's sooooo pretty!!!
L has been sleeping great through the day but the nights are a lot more rocky. Maybe because we are more nervous? We bought a different kind of sleep sack that will hopefully work for us. We needed something with options of both arms in and out and light weight because our room gets really warm.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@fuzzypeaches: Omg A is so cute! I think I just died a little how is she already a month old?! And I'm still pregnant. Wahhhh.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@fuzzypeaches: a MONTH already?!?! oh my goodness! She is adorable!
kiwi / 541 posts
@fuzzypeaches: yes how is it she's a month old! Wow! She is a cutie!
@simplyfelicity: I wanted to go to target today to. DH said no. That we already did too much today. I need more nursing tops. I forgot that I borrowed last time and returned. Ugh!
I'm feeling fine until pain meds wear off. I had a little tearing this time so I have some stitches. The pain comes back when the meds wear off. Also my back is hurting I'm thinking from back labor? My feet are still swollen. Any tips on that?
clementine / 950 posts
Thanks ladies
@turkeylurkey: I can't remember, did you have an epidural? My back hurt for about a week afterwards? I was also taking ibuprofen/acetaminophen for about a week for the afterbirth pains :s ouch
@QBbride: I cannot wait until your little joins us! Maybe she will just be a due date baby @simplyfelicity: she might just be switched around too - this little one has just started having her days/nights coordinated with actual day/night!
bananas / 9229 posts
@turkeylurkey: Lurking I was really badly swollen (feet, legs, hands) before and after labor. The feet and legs just got better overnight maybe a week post-birth? I randomly looked down and was like wow my legs look skinny. And they're really not (muscular), they were just that swollen that I forgot what normal looked like! I'm still experiencing the tingly feeling in my hands though.
kiwi / 541 posts
@fuzzypeaches: yes could be from epidural. I didn't think about that! It knocked my legs out of use for several hours after delivery. Which I don't remember happening the first time.
@LindsayInNY: lurking! My first baby was born on Thanksgiving and I love the story about the sky is fling and turkeylurkey is one of the characters. Thanks for the comment on the swelling. Few days to go then for me.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@fuzzypeaches: This makes me feel better because my back hurts pretty badly and now I am all paranoid about nerve damage.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@fuzzypeaches: Oh my goodness!!! She is absolutely adorable! I need to get some photos up on here so Ayla can start deciding which July boy to date first
@turkeylurkey: My feet were so swollen the first few days after giving birth. The best way to combat it is get those feet up, and try to limit your sodium. My swelling has gone down and I recognize my feet and ankles again.
nectarine / 2705 posts
I've been MIA since Oliver was born. I'm finding it difficult to type one-handed on my iPhone 6. And so I'm not really on my phone much. And my time at the computer has been limited. I'm still checking in when I can though!
I've been focusing hard on breast-feeding this time around. I had a miserable experience for my first born, so I was determined to change that this time. And I'm happy to say, things are going well! With Ollie being born early, he was a tiny peanut and he lost weight (as most babies do). So today at our 2 week check-up I was happy to see that he has gained it all back and then some! Boobs and the boy are doing their job! (and I have to give myself a pat on the back too!)
nectarine / 2705 posts
For those of you that already have one kiddo, how has the adjustment been for your first-born? My baby boy is about 19 months older than his brother and he has been adjusting well. He sweetly says, "Hi Baby" and has been handling it as best I think another baby can.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@sweetooth: Glad to hear breastfeeding is going better! We are doing a combo of BF and supplimenting with pumped milk until his latch issue gets resolved. He has a tongue and lip tie but the appointment is for it today. Fingers crossed it makes a diffdifference in his latch.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@LindsayInNY: What pump did you end up going with? Because of our feeding issues, I had to run to the local medical supply and ended up with the ameda purely yours. If you havent gotten one yet. I actually really like it. It's kind of loud but it uses batteries, came with a car adapter, cooler with ice packs and a nice looking bag. Hope feeding is going great with you!
bananas / 9229 posts
@simplyfelicity: The Medela PISA. It seems fine but then again I have nothing to compare it to lol.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@simplyfelicity: good luck at the appointment today! Hoping you can get the latch fixed and stop pumping so much! You are a rock star!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@simplyfelicity: How did things go at your appointment? What is the healing time for a tongue or lip tie? I think the big difference for me this time around is really understanding what a good latch feels and looks like. Set small goals for yourself and know that you are doing a great job!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@MamaCate: @sweetooth: Thanks for checking on us! Doing well and we had one feed with no pain and it's been 50/50 with his latch but it's supposed to be a process.
cherry / 216 posts
@sweetooth: we have a similar age gap of 18 months. DS says hi baby. He likes to say eye and attempt to poke her in her eye. He's been mostly sweet towards DD although acting out more for sure. Nervous for when DH goes back to work and I'm own my own!
kiwi / 584 posts
So stressed ..baby is gaining weight like a champ and has enough wet diapers etc but he's literally on my boob every 30 min ..maybe an hr at night
I know formula is awesome as we supplemented with my son at 4 mo
.I just didn't want to start this early ..I feel like I'm messing up our whole BF relationship if I do ..sooo much guilt
clementine / 950 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: aww mama my guess is you being exhausted from feeding 24/7 might be worse for your relationship than supplementing along with rested feeds, ykwim? I know I struggled with supplementing my DS for awhile but in retrospect it was the best thing for him!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: we are in the same boat. Gaining weight like a champ but wants to be on the boob all night. We are SO tired and I'm afraid offered DH has to go back to work. How will I function? We are hoping it gets better soon.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: hugs! Do what you feel is right. There's always something to feel guilty about!! Mama guilt is the worst.
DD has been super sleepy and not feeding that often, even if I offer. My milk is in so I'm hoping she's just more satisfied. She is alert at times, not lethargic etc but she will happily go 3-4 hours overnight. Last night I fed her at 11pm, 1am, 5am, then again now at 9am. My MW is coming this morning so she will weigh her. Hope she is starting to gain (but she's only 4 days old).
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@QBbride: How is your LO doing with feeds? I have a sleepy newborn with a tongue tie plus inverted nipples so we didn't feed much the first day in the hospital. I met with the the LC yesterday before coming home and she encouraged pumping to help make sure he gets fed until we sort things out. First night home he was able to wake up every 3 hours or so, so I tried to latch ten minutes each side and then offer pumped milk. He seems ok but I am looking forward to the pediatrician tomorrow so we can make a better plan that hopefully involves more actual nursing and less pumping!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
How are my fellow July mamas and babies?
It has been quiet around here and I wonder if we are all reading along on our phones one handed while nursing like me?
As for me, LO is 8 days old and has been home for a week! He is super chill and starting to have some more alert times which is great. Feeding has been our big challenge but I feel like we are making progress and he is gaining weight so I am trying to be optimistic.
Big sister is obsessed with the baby which is sweet but also tiring as we have to do a lot of limits and redirection as she learns about baby handling. It has been really sweet to watch them together overall though.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@MamaCate: yep been reading along but too sleepy to type!
Afm, everything so far has been easier this time around. From the medfree birth to milk coming in faster and w less engorgement than last time, I feel really lucky to be where I'm at five days pp. As for baby, he's doing well except for a tongue tie we are getting clipped this Thursday. His latch went affected so we are nursing pretty much on demand every 2-3 hours.
He's a sleepy one, maybe because he wa two wks early, but he usually nurses, dipe change, and falls back asleep for about 3 hours. In the morn, were at 3 wake ups for our cycle of nurse, dipe change, cuddle than zzzz time!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
So after a week of labs and heel pokes we were admitted to the hospital yesterday for baby C's rising jaundice levels.
Thankfully the phototherapy worked and his levels are down to 15 (from 20). And he nursed and ate like a champ the past few days. They think it was related to bfing and I've been holding my breath for the last 24 hours. They're going to recheck at 5pm today and then hopefully we'll be back home... Prayers and thoughts appreciated mamas! Hope you and your babies are safe and sound at home!!!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@QBbride: @simplyfelicity: thank you! We are home now!!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@mrsjyw: so sorry to hear about the jaundice but so glad you are back home! How scary! Hoping baby continues to improve!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@mrsjyw: So sorry to hear little C was in hospital! Really pleased that he is back home now
Anyone else dealing with nice bleeding nipples? My kid is a vampire. I got a prescription for Dr Newman's cream today and am praying it works! He is nearly back up to his chunky monkey birthweight though. My daughter was so skinny, I still can't believe my little guy is so huge!
kiwi / 541 posts
@mrsjyw: hope the levels stay down. We had high levels and stayed an extra day after birth. The phototherapy worked but I was nervous going home Fourth of July weekend and having an issue and having to return but we did fine. It was hard Bfing while he was wrapped in that photo blanket.
I will be praying for him and you!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@turkeylurkey: I used them with my daughter and they were great! But then we had to wean from them and I experienced all the pain then, just delayed. With T, his latch seems okay so there isn't really a need for the shields, I just need to ride it out until I get used to the pain
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