kiwi / 541 posts
@travelgirl1: that's a bummer that it delayed it with lo #1. Good luck! This BF thing sucks at times!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@travelgirl1: my nipples were in such rough shape! I think they're toughening up but it's taken 2 1/2 weeks
kiwi / 541 posts
Our little guy had his circumcision yesterday. They didn't do it when he was born because it was the holiday week/end and the doctor was on vacation. We have gotten the run around from everyone on who would do this. Finally got in to an urologist yesterday for a consult. Asked him if at all possible to do it same day or Monday because my DH goes back to work Wednesday and we wanted time to heal incase I needed help. So they did it yesterday afternoon. Baby seems fine just looks horrible!
We've been haggling with the hospital over the delivery bill. We did a pre-registration about a month prior to delivery and paid in full. Then that morning as I was being admitted then billing dept comes in and says we owe 3,000! My DH gives him his credit card. Mind you I'm lying in a bed having the nurse hook up IV lines and such so I'm not of the mind set. We have the best insurance 90/10 so 3,000 isn't right at all. Plus I had to see my regular OB, a high risk OB and a Cardio doc. So I know we were close to the deductible. They called yesterday and said they were refunding us and made a mistake but seriously who bills you when you are in that state of mind? Why couldn't they have come in the room later or other??
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@turkeylurkey: It sure does! That Newman's cream is great stuff though, it is starting to heal them.
@QBbride: 2.5 weeks? Sigh. I'm only five days in....
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@turkeylurkey: oh my gosh, I can't believe they did that! So glad you are getting a refund!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@turkeylurkey: That is ridiculous!
@travelgirl1: at almost 3 my right nipple is fine but my left still hurts. It didn't hurt for a few days and then started up again. I think after a day of cluster feeds
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@travelgirl1: that cream is amazing! The LC I've been working with said it is good to help with the inflammation since it has a high concentration of hydrocortisone in it. She did say to only use it short term though since the hydrocortisone thins the skin, which in turn can make the problem worse.
Something that really helped me was putting the cream on, then a square of Saran wrap over my nipple/areola then a breast pad. That way my nipple stayed "moist" from the cream and didn't stick to the breast pad. Otherwise it would stick and peeling off the pad would also peel off the scabs. Oh god my nipples are cringing just thinking about it
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Reese: Yeah I bet cluster feeding would bring the pain back. I'm so excited about getting to the day when nursing is just nursing, not some form of torture
@QBbride: Ahhh the Saran Wrap is a good idea,thanks! I also have some nursing shells from when I had DD that could do the trick..... I'm not even dealing with bras and pads right now, the girls are just hanging out in the open until the pain goes or we leave the house!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
Are you guys swaddling at night? What do you use?
We planned to use our Halo swaddle sleepsacks but it feels like it would be too hot for them...
nectarine / 2834 posts
@travelgirl1: DD asks all day long - why are your boobies out? I'm pretty sure I'm scarring her for life.
We are swaddling at night in the hospital blanket. We have AC but she seems to stay fairly comfortable.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Tidybee: Ha ha! A is obsessed with touching my nipples because I have ouchies on them! And today she put the nursing pillow on the floor, stuck her teddy in the middle of it then lay herself down across the pillow. Apparently teddy was feeding her!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@travelgirl1: we are using the halo swaddle sleepsacks, just with a regular short sleeve onesie underneath. It seems to be going well so far. We swaddle with blankets during the day and use the halo at night.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
Nursing has been rocky over here--tongue tie, latch issues, and LO is not back to birth weight at 2 weeks. I have been feeding and pumping what feels like nonstop but LO still is not latching great. We have an LC coming tomorrow but DH and I have been talking about whether I will be able to continue nursing. We go back to the doctor Monday for a weight check so please send good wishes!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@travelgirl1: We are just using a thicker (but not too thick) sleeper. I got all these cute sleep sacks but it is way too hot for them.
@Tidybee: Haha! Apparently, my four year old nephew constantly asks my sister about my boobs and if the up baby is going to eat from there, etc...
@MamaCate: Do we have the same baby? Sorry you are going through this. You are doing an amazing job! I had no idea how stressful feeding could be and have been eping for a few days. I did try a latch technique that worked for us yesterday so we are going to practice and try really hard to not get my hopes up. How close is your lo to birth weight?
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@MamaCate: Ahh sending you good feeding thoughts! It seems like there are lots of us with feeding issues I, too, am stuck in the seemingly never ending cycle of feeding then pumping. Exhausting!! Don't stress too much about weight gain. The LC who has been helping me said it is OK to take up to 3 weeks to get back to birthweight.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@MamaCate: I'm so sorry. It is such a tough experience working so hard to nurse We went through something similar with our first LO and ended up supplementing for a while. Big hugs, I hope her weigh in goes well.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@simplyfelicity: Thanks for the commiseration! Glad you found something promising and hoping things start to look up for you! LO is still down 5% as of day 12. He was down 9% at day 3 and then back up to only 2% down on day 5. The idea of no gaining for a week is concerning, plus he is sleepy and not latching well. I thought we had made progress and slacked off on pumping and supplementing earlier this week with company here too but now I am regretting that!
@QBbride: Thanks mama! I am just so tired I can't really think straight. And when I talked to the LC yesterday on the phone she said to feed every 2 1/2 hours during the day and give one 4 hour stretch of sleep at night. Of course that stretch was the time LO actually decided to wake up on his own to feed! And by the time I feed, supplement, and pump it is just so time consuming! I know weight gain can be slow--it took my 3 y.o. a month to get back to birth weight, but she was much more interested!
@travelgirl1: Thank you! Did you supplement the whole time or were you eventually able to get back to strictly nursing?
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@MamaCate: DS was down 12% and made birth weight by two can definitely happen! And I totally hear you. I have gone back and forth between ebf and ep, my head is spinning. It sounds like you guys are making progress!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@simplyfelicity: @MamaCate: @travelgirl1: @turkeylurkey: thank you all so much! We are off the nipple shield and done with at home photo therapy. His number rose a lil bit on Friday but I guess that's typical once you're off the phototherapy. We go back in for (hopefully) one final lab test on Monday morning and then a checkup with our pedi in the afternoon. Fingers crossed we are over the worst of it! DS is nursing like a champ and having enough dirty/wet dipes, so I'm optimistic at this point!
@travelgirl1: def had a day of bleeding nips, they scabbed over and now they're broken in. Not sure if they were worse since we just had DS' tongue tie clipped, but it thankfully didn't hurt our nursing routine, so I'm hoping it's smooth sailing from now (fx).
@MamaCate: Hugs mama! With DS' jaundice, he's been at 7 lbs all week (he was born at 8lbs). even though he's eating frequently and we supplemented as well for a couple of days. He was 7lbs 3oz when we were discharged on Friday. I'm really hoping to see an increase on Monday. Thinking of you guys!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@turkeylurkey: WTF!? I cannot believe they pulled that crap at labor & delivery!! Thankful they resolved it for you, it's the least they could do!
kiwi / 541 posts
@Tidybee: I had the pump out and DS asked what it was. I told him its to get milk for the baby. He looks at the collection bag and says that's not enough. We can go to the store and get more! Lol. Then he asks to put it on his boobs! I just keep saying I didn't remember this from my mom with my brother. Ugh! I hope he doesn't remember this!
@mrsjyw: glad the therapy is doing its job!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@MamaCate: We went back to exclusively nursing. DD dropped to a much lower percentile after birth and everyone was worried about her. We even started weighing her diapers to make sure they counted as heavy, and tried to syringe feed her to get extra calories in. I was a bit crazy. She never got back on her original growth curve, but started following her new one and I realised she is just built in a skinny way and that is just her. Anyway, she went on to become a total boob monster (and we had other nursing issues to deal with at 9 weeks) who was totally gutted when I weaned her at 16 months. It could all turn around for you, breastfeeding is so hard at the start
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@turkeylurkey: lol! A asked to drink my milk today (from a cup). I considered letting her. But luckily she forgot about it!
@mrsjyw: So pleased he is doing so well!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
So glad everyone is doing well! Still adjusting to being a family of four... it's so hard! I'm trying to keep our routines the same as much as possible, but it's really hit and miss.
Anyone else kind of stuck at home? Every time I go outside, I only go a few blocks before DD starts screaming that she's hungry. Looks like it'll be a while before she's ready for a trip to the park or something!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Mama Bird: Still adjusting to the family of 4 here too. We are about 5 weeks into it all and we have only had one instance where my son went at the baby with a canister of tennis balls It was harmless, but we have to keep an eye on him anytime the baby is down low in some sort of swing or rock-n-play. He means well, just wants to say hello. But it's a tad stressful. That, and anytime I have the baby in my arms he wants up too. The weekends are the most demanding. Not really any downtime. But yesterday the entire family napped for 2 hours!!! It was glorious...
nectarine / 2705 posts
@mrsjyw: How did things turn out at today's lab test? Thinking of you and your little guy!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@MamaCate: Good luck at your weight check today! Nursing is SO hard. This time around has been better for me, but my first experience was the most difficult thing I've ever been through physically and mentally. Do what's best for you and the baby. Here's hoping your guy put up some great numbers today!
nectarine / 2705 posts
How does everyone protect their baby's little sweet faces from getting all scratched up? I try and stay on top of the nail filing but sometimes I get behind. And I want to let his hands be free sometimes, but then he goes and scratches his precious little face! I put socks on his hands sometimes because I don't have any mitts. My first little one, born in the fall, always had his hand in those long sleep onesie mitts. But this little summer baby is in short sleeves.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@sweetooth: I've cut his nails twice and used the baby gloves and covered sleeves the first wk!
C is finally gaining weight! 7lbs 7oz today, although we're not at birth wt yet (he's 12 days today) things are finally going in the right direction! He was at 7lbs all wk last wk! His br levels are also down from the small rise in Sat! I am waiting to see the pedi right now, but I feel good about how things are going!
Hope you all are well and your LOs are thriving!!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Mama Bird: I'm stuck at home recovering from the c-section. It's been much harder this time around. To be honest though, I'm not feeling like I want to go out yet so that makes it easier. We're still adjusting to being a family of four too. My newborn is the easiest person in this family right now.
@sweetooth: I put mitts on him once and he took them off so I just leave him really. He likes to touch his face and hasn't done any big scratches yet.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@sweetooth: Thanks! Baby boy was up 2 oz and they were ok with my pumping and supplementing plan. We gave bottles for the first time today and he did really well. I am still waking for feeds though. We go back on Friday and are hoping to be back at birth weight--4 oz to go!
nectarine / 2705 posts
I never shared a photo of my baby boy Ollie. I haven't spent much time at the computer since he's been born. But here's a little photo from when he was born and where he's at now! Just had his 1 month appointment today and he's gaining weight like a champ! Born at 6lbs, and now he's 9lbs! Yay boobs! Yay baby!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@mrsjyw: I'm too chicken to cut his nails. So I just file them down. Glad to hear C is gaining weight and the br levels are down. We battled that the first week of Ollie's life too. It's nice when you can move past it and continue to focus on other things.
@travelgirl1: That's so true, the newborn being the easiest person in the family right now! Hope your recovery continues to go well.
@MamaCate: Glad to hear he took to the bottles! I think the waking for feeds will happen for a while. I asked about it today at my 1 month appointment and she said during the day you want to continue to wake them so they don't confuse it with the nighttime. And it's important for your supply to keep the number of feeds up.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@sweetooth: adorable!! So so cute! Can't believe how fast time flies and how much they grow!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
Update from me: we went back to the pediatrician today and DS is finally back to his birth weight today! I am on day 6 of exclusively pumping to feed him. I am so happy he is able to get the benefits of breastmilk even though he can't latch but I am having trouble thinking about how sustainable this is. I will definitely do it during leave and I hope I can keep up but the logistics are sort of daunting!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
How are you all doing?? I'm so sad I can't join the FB group! Is there a lot of activity over there? Although, I've been trying to avoid my phone during MOTN wakeups!
Alls well over here, baby C is 3 weeks today! He's still sleeping lots, eating well, and I feel like he's growing so fast already!! My grandma who's been in town from Korea since my bro's wedding in May leaves tomorrow, so we are all a bit sad around here... but everything with the boys is going well. DS1 is still in the honeymoon phase of loving on his bro and DS2 is doing 3 hour chunks of sleep at night usually; aside from growth spurt nights when he's up every 2/2.5 hours... and I am adjusting a lot better/easier this time around than last. Post partum recovery has been a breeze, thankfully. Hope you and your LOs all are well
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@MamaCate: such a great feeling!! yay wt gain!! we haven't been back since our last "ok" from the jaundice check-up, but I'm pretty sure DS is back up at birth weight by now.
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