Hellobee Boards


May 2015 Mamas!!

  1. Mrs. Oyster

    blogger / apricot / 427 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: so happy to hear this!!! Wonderful news!!
    @Mrs. Sketchbook: not craving anything in particular, but when I'm hungry, I'm HUNGRY!!! I just ate a handful of olives and a bowlful of mini wheats.....what??? And yes, it's either popped or all the food I'm eating is starting to settle...

    So I think (pretty sure) I heard the heartbeat on my doppler tonight. I couldn't believe it, but it sounded like a little train. I tried to find it again so DH could hear it too, but no luck that time. Pretty crazy.

  2. dookie32

    kiwi / 538 posts

    Hi ladies-

    Unfortunately I will also be leaving the group. Thursday I had some spotting that steadily progressed throughout the day and I eventually ended up having a M/C that night. Obviously it has been a roller coaster of emotions that last few days but talking to family and friends that have been through this has helped a lot. I've always been a control freak and I really do think this was a lesson for me that I'm not really the one in control of everything :). We're looking forward to trying again once I feel healthy again. If anything good has come out of this it's that my doctor will be monitoring me closely the next time around so I won't have to go through the anxiety of the 1st month again not knowing if things are ok or not.

    I wish you all the best of luck with your pregnancies- hope they are uneventful and you have happy and healthy babies!

  3. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @dookie32: I'm so sorry to hear your news. Be kind & gentle with yourself through this time of healing. I agree it is hard to not get to be in control of this process.

  4. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @Keppa: so cool you (likely ) already heard the heartbeat on your Doppler!!

    Tried to tag everyone, but it's challenging on my phone when we've advanced a page... Anyway, thanks everyone for the cheers today.

    I am not really craving anything specific yet, either, but AM so hungry lately. I have also thought several things didn't sound good at all that usually might seem tasty.

  5. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    Is anyone else hoping to have LO1 potty trained and/or sleeping in a Big Bed by the time this LO arrives?

    We are working on introducing the potty to our 22 month old. A coworker had great success offering M&M minis for cooperation. Well, it ended up being that we gave her a few M&Ms to just STAY on the potty for a few minutes, and now when we say, "Lets go to the potty!" She runs to the bathroom and sits on the potty and points to the top drawer where she knows the M&M minis tube is and says what I think is "candy?" So we are just failing left and right so far! She thinks the potty is just where she needs to sit to get M&Ms, and we have yet to get a pee out of her:/

    We also will be using her crib for LO2, so we have to get her transitioned into a bed before April/May. I'm not sure how long the transition takes or how far out we should try to move her in order to make it as easy as possible to survive in those first few newborn weeks.

    We have a lot to do!

  6. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @dookie32: I am so very sorry:(

  7. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @dookie32: Oh, I am so incredibly sorry to hear the news. I pray you find peace and are able to take the time you need to heal.

  8. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @PrincessBaby: haha your story made me chuckle. I can't even think about potty training yet, but it would be AMAZING if LO was before the next came. She's only 16 months though and showing no signs of being close. My mom keeps hounding me, because apparently I was potty trained at 9 months (how is that possible?!). But, I'm not going to push it just yet.

    We do want to get her in a big girl bed before May, when she'll be around 2. I have no idea how to do it. She sleeps pretty soundly so I think she'll be OK, but I don't really know. Any advice is appreciated!

  9. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @dookie32: I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself.

  10. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @PrincessBaby: I was actually just thinking about that this morning. DS just turned 2 and is starting to talk about the potty, but I don't think he's ready yet. His day care will start doing it as a class when he moves into the 2.5 classroom in March...not really the best timing since he'll have a major life change 2 months later! I think we're going to start having him sit on it, but no pressure yet. They say boys take a lot longer, so I don't know that he'll really be done by May:(

    We are going to keep him in his crib (turns into a toddler bed eventually), at least for now, and just get a new one for baby. The doctor said as long as he's not climbing out, we might as well use it as long as we can because it will make our life easier!

  11. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @dookie32: So so sorry for your loss

  12. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    AFM Other than being tired but I have a 1 year old and being starving (I'm still nursing twice a day though) I have ZERO symptoms. I'm ready for my ultrasound Friday so I know something, I feel kind of like this is a cruel joke right now

    @PrincessBaby: my LO is just a year so we aren't close on either. Daycare potty trains around 2 so shortly after LO2 as far as a big boy bed we'll keep the new baby in our room for 6 months or so and then LO2 will get the crib is the thought. Our current home isn't set up for 2 LO's so we'll probably try to move around the end of 2015.

  13. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @dookie32: I'm so sorry.

  14. rrachael

    kiwi / 506 posts

    @PrincessBaby: We are definitely thinking about potty training! So far we have the training seats installed in our bathrooms and we let her sit on it whenever she shows interest. For now, our plan is just to talk about it a lot and make a big deal when she shows interest, and then potty train after she turns 2 ... Which is just before Christmas. Big girl bed is another story ... I'm convinced that, given the option, she'll climb out of bed constantly! She gets the crib as long as she needs it lo#2 will probably sleep in a bassinet then a pack n play in our room for at least six months anyhow.

  15. rrachael

    kiwi / 506 posts

    I'm jealous of everyone not having symptoms ... I've had 24 hour nausea for the last week ... It's awful. To top it off, DH is on a business trip and dd and her puppy brothers aren't so understanding >_<

  16. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @rrachael: ugh the nausea! I am feeling the same way. On one hand I'm grateful because it means somethings happening, but on the other hand it is really difficult to get through the day. Especially when no one else knows to commiserate.

  17. Ms.Badger

    clementine / 918 posts

    @dookie32: I'm so sorry for your loss

  18. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @dookie32: Crap, i'm so sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself

    E will be 25 months when #2 arrives so we don't plan on transitioning out of the crib or potty training. She does SO WELL in her crib. Too bad we have to drop a pretty penny for cloth diapers, though, but i just don't expect her to be ready

  19. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    Well nausea has kicked in over here the last few days:( It's not terrible, but mornings at work have been a little difficult. And I swear I am like an open invitation to anyone on the train wearing insane amounts of perfume/cologne right now...makes for an interesting commute!

  20. Tippy0707

    olive / 64 posts

    @dookie32: I am so sorry for your loss. I'm sending healing thoughts your way

    My Dr appointment went really well on Tuesday. No news really, other than after an internal exam, my doctor thinks I'm closer to the 8-9 week mark rather than the 6-7 week mark that I thought. Because of my irregular cycle, my doctor has recommended that I come in for a dating ultrasound as soon as we get back from Mexico to confirm dates. Yay! I'm super excited about this, as a dating ultrasound isn't usually done in Manitoba.

    We told my mom over lunch yesterday and she was very excited for us. It will be her second grandchild.

    We also told DH parents and his sister & her DH. Which was very hard. We knew telling them that it was going to be hard due to his sister's problem with infertility but we weren't quiet prepared for how hard. It will be his parents first grandchild and they have been wanting grandchildren for a long time, so we kind of figured what their reaction to our news would be. Well, our evening went a little something like this: While making everyone dinner, my DH passed me a non-alcoholic beer which I knew my in laws would catch on to because they always watch to see if I'm drinking. It was kind of our way of bringing up the subject. Well, my father in law called me out on it and asked why I was drinking a non-alcoholic beer and I said "well, don't you know that you're not suppose to drink alcohol when you're pregnant?" Then both his parents got up and smiles and hugs & kisses were all around. His sister and her husband just sat there kind of shocked and then got up and gave us each a hug. Then his sister went upstairs for the next 15 minutes with her mom and her husband going to check on her. (I wanted to go talk to her but didn't know if I would be the person she would want to talk to at that moment.) The rest of the evening proceeded with absolutely no word of the pregnancy…it just felt like there was a big elephant in the room that nobody wanted to talk about. It was a horrible feeling. When you dream about telling your family your pregnant, you kind of hope it will be all hurrays and hugs and congrats and questions. But it wasn't. It felt like it sucked all the excitement out of us. In retrospect, DH and I thought maybe it might have been best to tell them before we told his parents so they could have some personal time to work through their emotions but thought maybe the support of family might be better. I'm not sure which is the right answer. I know she is very happy for us…but it just breaks my heart that she is so sad and that we contributed to her sadness. In a way, I am feeling a sense of guilt that is was easy for DH and I to get pregnant and that she is having such a hard time. And in a really horrible, selfish way, DH and I feel sad that our really exciting news got drowned by sadness. I know thats probably a really horrible thing to say/feel, but I guess we can't help the way we feel sometimes. I just hope and pray that she too will get to feel the excitement of pregnancy soon.

  21. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Tippy0707: You basically dropped a bomb in her lap....she will process it in her own way and come around eventually! And hopefully her time is coming soon and then everyone can be excited. It's a lot to take in.

  22. Tippy0707

    olive / 64 posts

    @blackbird: I know…it's just really hard knowing that we've contributed to her sadness. She wrote us a really nice email this morning explaining how she was feeling. And like I said before, I know both her and her DH are very happy for us its just a difficult situation.

  23. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @Tippy0707: So glad your appointment went well! And, I'm sorry for how the whole situation probably felt to you. Especially with the hormones, it can feel even harder than normal. I am SURE they will be incredibly excited and happy for you. Might just take some time for it to show. Super tough situation though and sounds like you guys care so much for them that they'll know that and feel it.

  24. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Tippy0707: I know it's just all around difficult! But a little time will do wonders!

  25. Ms.Badger

    clementine / 918 posts

    @Tippy0707: It's just a tough situation, the joy will come with time.
    @Mrs. Lovejoy:@rrachael: I definitely have pretty bad nausea so I can commiserate. I had very little with L , pregnancy can be so different.

    Anyone thinking baby names yet? We are pretty set on either Jonah or Calvin for a boy but we are still fighting over girl names. I got him to say he did like Daphne... so that's a possibility

  26. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    A had some blood this morning. Please send your positive thoughts for our little baby. I really hope everything is ok.

  27. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: fx super hard for you that all's well with baby squirreld!

  28. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @Tippy0707: good news on your appt, glad things looked great or even that you may be further along than you thought.

    As for your news not having gone over well with your DH's sister, that's a tough one. I can actually totally relate to both sides of that story. It would've felt like a slap in the face to her, especially if you two know their situation. However, it stinks that the joy of your news was totally deflated with her bad reaction. I'm glad she's already emailed you, & while you should continue to be compassionate towards her, hopefully she'll rise above her own despair around her infertility to be genuinely happy for you.

  29. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: fx that everything is ok!

  30. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: I just wanted to share that I had bleeding multiple times in my pregnancy with my daughter- brown, red, pink, I had it all. Sometimes it was bc of an SCH, other times it was just cervix irritation. Blood makes us all fear the worst, and I am so sorry that you are playing the waiting game now, but I just wanted to share that my LO was totally healthy. Hugs to you tonight ((())))

  31. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: fwiw, if I went to the ER, they always did an u/s on me to verify things were ok...just in case you didn't want to wait...

  32. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    I have some mom guilt to share re:seafood/mercury.

    I had a small piece of fresh red drum my DH caught on Sun night, and pad Thai on Tues w/both chicken and shrimp in it (but not a ton- 5 or 6?)....Today we flew to New Orleans to visit my family and I was SO HUNGRY by the time we went out to lunch and we went to this fantastic seafood place and I just couldn't stop myself. I had 4 chargrilled oysters, some calamari appetizer, and my entree was a grilled shrimp remeloude salad. I gave DH all but 7 of the shrimp. It was a delicious feast, and I'm not going to eat seafood for a while (which sucks because I'm in LOUISIANA!!!), but feeling some Mom Mercury Guilt.

    I know that everything I had was all lowest mercury category, and I didn't eat enough to be in danger, but I'm a little ashamed of myself for stuffing so much seafood in mah face!!!

    What do Mediterranean pregnant women do??? Or peeps who live in seafood meccas like Louisiana?!?

  33. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @PrincessBaby: Thankyou for sharing that. It really did make me feel better.

  34. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @PrincessBaby: Um, they probably don't worry about things like that. You didn't eat 2 pounds of shark, ya know?

  35. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Ok so I haven't bleed at all in the last 12 hours and I've had morning sickness bad all day.... I hope that's a good sign... I wish this dating scam would hurry up!

  36. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @blackbird: At my nurse's appt before my u/s, they stressed 2-3 servings a week of seafood and not more. It's actually been pretty difficult for me bc I eat a ton of salmon and shrimp...I had seafood most days actually. So I felt guilty about having so much yesterday after also having a couple of servings this week already....I'm lax about a lot of the pg rules, a few that I would never out myself on here about doing bc I 'd get flamed, so I try to be good in other areas and this one was just an epic fail yesterday. A delicious one. But a fail, especially in combination with a few other broken rules...

  37. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    So my first appt and ultrasound is today. DH was supposed to be home from a work trip but his flight was canceled and won't be able to go with my lack of symptoms I'm super nervous about my appt now.

  38. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @PrincessBaby: Really?! My doctor said 12-16 ounces....which is a lot of shrimp. I'm not big on "rules", though. They told me not to lift more than 30 lbs. Well, i squat over 100+ regularly. i think if you buy the right kind of seafood, the risks are low. Salmon/shrimp are different than shark/swordfish/tuna. But, i also eat cold deli meat, so I'm just really lax in general

    @jetsa: The likelihood is that everything is ok!!!! I've gone to many many scans by myself( with bad news, too) and it sucks to go alone. Fingers crossed for you!

  39. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @blackbird: thank you, logically I know you're right

  40. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @jetsa: I know pregnant brains aren't logical, though

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