Hellobee Boards


May 2015 Mamas!!

  1. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @jetsa: I hope your appointment is great! you get to see the little bubba

  2. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    The baby looks good! I'm due May 27th HB was seen at 117

  3. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @jetsa: great news!! Glad to hear it.

  4. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    @jetsa: awesome! Glad your appointment went well

  5. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    I went ahead and bought some maternity pants. Best decision ever. So much more comfortable with the nausea and it does make using the bathroom with crutches and the leg brace a little bit easier (I'll take a little bit easier anywhere I can find it).

    Anyone else make the jump to basically dressy pajamas at this point?

  6. Ms.Badger

    clementine / 918 posts

    @MsHangry: I've been in real pants, but my fat pants, however, it is 4 pm here and I needed to unbutton said fat pants. I think I'm switching over to maternity pants next week. I'll be so much more comfortable!

  7. macintosh

    pear / 1750 posts

    Hey everybody. I'm sorry I am SO bad at keeping up with this thread! I hope everyone is feeling ok

    I graduated from my RE and I'm definitely feeling super pregnant (all day nausea, food aversions, but super hungry). I'm basically good for nothing as I just eat, sleep, and sit on the couch.

    @MsHangry: I have bought some maternity jeans because I was sick of wearing yoga pants out in public. I imagine I'll be ready for maternity leggings as soon as I outgrow my target yoga pants.

  8. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @macintosh: yay for graduation from the RE!

    I just bought some clothes tonight that I hope I can grow with for a portion of my pregnancy, at least. I got a pair of stretchy ponte pants 1 size too big. They are stretchy enough to stay up now, but hopefully give me room for a while. I perused some maternity stuff, but I just couldn't bring myself to try anything on or even consider buying. I am excited to start showing, but I am just not ready to go there yet. I intend to try & make use of a lot of my own things. I just assume the pants will be the biggest challenge, sooner than later.

    I'm feeling a little more nauseated later in the day this past week. But still only mild symptoms all around. So excited for our 7w u/s Mon. DH wasn't at the one I had this week & I think it's just going to be so awesome to see his face when he sees our baby. I don't think it is still feeling that real yet for him.

  9. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    I need a brown maternity dress for halloween but couldn't find one that wasn't $100+, so I bought this pattern and will buy some fabric online and make my own dress I'll make a couple of cute tops, too!

    Anybody else moving into maternity clothes? I'm 9 weeks and DONE with regular clothes. This second baby is showing like no joke.

  10. Mrs. Oyster

    blogger / apricot / 427 posts

    Nervously hanging out at 8w2d over here. I have my 1st u/s and intake appt tomorrow AM. Crossing my fingers everything looks ok. I've heard the heartbeat a couple of times on my doppler, but I'm still not ready to relax yet. I really want to embrace this pregnancy and start to really enjoy it....but I'm still holding back for some reason.

    @GoGoSnoGirl: My nausea hits every day right at about 4:30PM. Right when I'm about to make dinner.....so awesome, ugh. I hope your u/s tomorrow goes great!!

    @blackbird: I wore some leggings and a tank top today and my belly looked like it did when I was 4-5 months along with my 1st!! How the heck am I supposed to keep this a secret much longer?? I keep wanting to buy some maternity jeans, but I hold myself back because I'm just so anxious about the whole thing. Also, I need a dress for a wedding I'll be attending in early November...no idea what to do for it haha!

  11. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @blackbird: That's a really cute pattern! How awesome that you're talented and can put that together yourself!

    I'm also bigger in the belly than I was with my first LO. I have a couple of pairs of favorite jeans that have a lot of stretch in them, a Paige pair and a JBrand pair which I guess are known for always hugging nicely not harshly, so I think I'm going to be okay there for a while. But my work pants - I'm going to have to get a belly band soon. I unbutton my pants while I drive all day (I'm a drug rep, so my car is my office), and have forgotten to button them a few times when I got out! Fortunately I'm always wearing a flowing shirt untucked, so I hope no one noticed, but still....Need a belly band!

  12. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @Keppa: I can't wait to hear your update tomorrow that your LO is doing just lovely in there:)

  13. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Keppa: I'm sure everything is ok!! Exciting your appt is here!! I went through there dresses before finding one that fit ok @PrincessBaby: I'm gonna have to buy some nicer maternity pants. My new job is in a law type group so I don't want to wear jeans as much as I do now

  14. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @Keppa: oooh, exciting day tomorrow!! let's hope we both see our little stars, and especially heartbeats! Hopefully then you'll feel a little more relaxed about things.

  15. xmaskidjr

    coffee bean / 28 posts

    @macintosh: Congratulation! I also officially graduated my RE last week and am having first OB appointment this Thursday. I was awfully tired last several weeks but I felt much better this weekend.

    I didn't buy much of maternity clothes during last pregnancy since I had so many dresses/tunics with stretch and empire waist line. We will see how it goes with #2!

  16. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @Keppa: Thinking of you today!

    I just wanted to share this youtube video for anyone who has a doppler...I found the hb so easily with my daughter, but I've really been fighting to find this one. I watched this video, and I literally found LO2 in a couple of minutes. It was SO exciting! I didn't know the difference between the sound of the artery and the sound of the placenta...And I know my placenta is on the right since I asked the u/s tech, so I found it pretty easily, and then Deuce was right there! I even got it on video to send my husband:)

  17. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @Keppa: well?!? hope your u/s went well.

    DH & I saw baby today & the hb had increased from 112 to 143 (I think it was) today, so looking strong! We next will see the intake nurse back at my OB's office next Tue, so unless something goes wrong before I could get into my OB, I've graduated from the RE, as well!!

    @PrincessBaby: I'm going to have to get a Doppler, for SURE!

  18. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: yay! Congrats on graduating and a great HB! I really love my Doppler, it keeps my anxiety in check until I feel movement regularly:). I have a Sonoline B pocket Doppler and I love it fwiw. I think I heard my daughter at 9 weeks, but she was always so easy to find. This lo has been more difficult! I was elated to hear the HB today:)

  19. Mrs. Oyster

    blogger / apricot / 427 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: Yay! Great heartbeat! So glad you had a good appt.

    We had a great appt today! Little bear was measuring right on track (or possibly a day ahead) and we got to see the heartbeat! It came in at 164bpm. Everything looked good! It made me feel great and certainly was a relief....however, I'm still feeling a little removed from the whole thing. Hopefully that will come to pass.

  20. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @Keppa: Congrats on the good appointment!

    @GoGoSnoGirl: Congrats to you too, especially on your graduation!

    Nausea comes and goes here, but exhaustion hit hard this weekend traveling solo with my 2 year old. Next ultrasound is on Thursday to get an "official" due date. Can't wait!

    And I am VERY close to needing maternity pants as well. It's ridiculous. I have no idea how I'm going to make it to 12+ weeks before I tell work. I already feel like people are staring at my belly.

  21. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @Keppa: Woohoo!!! So happy for you!!!!

  22. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @PrincessBaby: thanks for the details of your Doppler.

    @Keppa: yay! So happy you had a great appt & u/s today! I hope you can allow yourself to start getting excited & attached here as more time & more positive milestones are passed. Baby definitely deserves to be celebrated!

    @SeptMomma12: yay for your Thu u/s! I'm impressed how those of you working on #2 have any energy to keep it all going! I want so badly every day to book a conference room to take a nap in at work!

    On that note, off to bed! Zzzzzzz!

  23. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Keppa: Awesome news!!!

    I have another scan today. And a friend of mine is shipping me her doppler to borrow, so that'll be fun! i always get nervous right before a scan, like they'll find something wrong. Thankfully I only have to wait until 11:30 CST to know!

    @GoGoSnoGirl: I swear I was MORE tired with #1 than #2. I mean, yeah, i take long naps on the weekends this time, but EVERY DAY with E, i was putting my head down on a conference room table for a nap at lunch. I'm definitely faring better! it's weird how I can go to bed at 9pm, wake up at 7, take a 2 hour nap, and then still go to bed at 830/9

  24. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: Congrats on graduating!!! So happy for you!

    @Keppa: Woohoo to you as well!! So glad your appointment went well.

    @blackbird: Let us know how your scan goes!! I'm sure it will be great.

    @PrincessBaby: I really want a doppler. I didn't have any desire with the first (maybe I'm more of a worrier now?! : \) But I totally want one. Plus, I feel like I just don't give this one enough attention because I have no time with working FT, and a LO running around. It would just be good to have something to "connect" with the baby every so often.

  25. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    Everything looks great measuring on schedule with heart rate in the 160's. I have a pocket of fluid outside my uterus she pointed out that was odd

    I'm also booking my newborn photographer for May. I *love* her work and am so excited to work with her.

  26. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @blackbird: great news!! Exciting, booking the newborn photographer! Adorable pics. Hope the fluid outside your uterus is of no concern/consequence.

  27. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @blackbird: Love that photographer's work! You're so on the ball to have a LO and also be thinking about NB pics! So glad LO2 is doing well in there:)

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: That's a great way to put it, it does help me connect with this LO, especially in a chaotic world working FT with a toddler, and solo parenting 50% of the time due to my husband's job. It's nuts, and I forget a lot of the time that I"m pregnant, and there's not enough time in the day to think about this one because he/she is not on the outside demanding my attention:) So it was lovely with the doppler to sit and listen to that little heartbeat and know someone is in there that is going to be as amazing as my daughter is:) It did drive it home. Sort of like seeing him/her kick a foot on the u/s last week. It made it "real." And it's totally helped curb my pregnancy anxiety about missed m/c. I heard it yesterday, and I'll probably check on him/her this weekend. It's nice to be able to check in:)

    I have my NT scan a week from today! I guess I'll be the first from the May Moms and I'm really nervous. I was really nervous with my daughter too.

  28. enjollah

    kiwi / 623 posts

    Hey ladies! Been MIA for a little bit… we were in hawaii last week to celebrate our anniversary We left LO with his grandmothers so It was super relaxing and just amazing to have a whole week to spend with just the hubs. The only downside of the trip was that i've been battling constant nausea about 95% of the time and major food aversion so it trying the yummy hawaiian eats was not exciting at all. I feel so blind sided by this pregnancy because with LO1's pregnancy was so relaxed and easy with no morning sickness or complications. This time it almost the complete opposite…I just try to eat small meals but honestly nothing is appetizing but i know i'm hungry because my stomach is growling! We have our first appointment this Friday. I forget if at 7-8 weeks the ob does a ultrasound (either trans or vag)…anyone know?

  29. enjollah

    kiwi / 623 posts

    @PrincessBaby: We just finished potty training our LO this past summer. We started in mid May (LO was 27 months) and he was 80% successful by early August. We used the M&M approach as well! My advice is being really consistent in the beginning. It's can be daunting when your LO continues to have accidents and you want to give up and slap a diaper on her but keeping at it will pay off in the end. Also, for the first couple days, LO just played around at home without a pull up or underwear. I think when he had an accident and his pee would run down his leg, he understood more that he had an accident. Take your time with it and remember to have lots of patience….they've been wearing diapers since they were born so that's all they know. Good luck!

  30. rrachael

    kiwi / 506 posts

    @enjollah: That's great advice!

  31. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @enjollah: That is great advice! My LO is only 22 months, so we're just kind of establishing what the potty is right now, we are going to go hard core after she turns 2. But we have already established that she LOVES M&Ms, so I am pretty sure that will what works for us when we go full-force! I'm glad to hear it worked for you, I've heard good things about the M&M method from several people:)

    I am 100% making the transition into maternity. I ordered a Bella Band today on Amazon to take care of the pants situation for now and Ann Taylor Loft had 50% off today so I ordered a bunch of work tops. I have already gotten some casual stuff - tee/tunics from that Jane website that I love (check it out! They have so many cute tunics!), and several light maternity sweaters from the Gap. I also found the cutest dresses today at a local maternity store, and then I found charcoal boots on clearance on Piperlime (I'm obsessed with gray!) and now I'm all excited about being on the maternity bandwagon I was dreading it but I'm over that:)

    I got the dresses in black and cobalt and I can't wait to wear with these boots!

  32. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

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  33. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @blackbird: so glad your appointment went well!! And that you're not too worried about the pocket of fluid. Seems there's always a quirky thing or two in our bodies that usually works itself out. And the photos are adorable! You picked a good one

    @enjollah: Hawaii sounds wonderful! But I would have been in the same boat, not able to completely enjoy it like normal. I feel like I haven't been fully enjoying much due to this nausea and food aversions! Oh and I think I remember the 8W ultrasound being vag.

    @PrincessBaby: hottie boots! Those will look great with dresses, and pants too! I need to get my butt over to Loft. They have so many good maternity work options!

  34. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: Does your loft have maternity in the store?!? None of the ones here have it:(. And neither do our Gaps...I went to a Gap that had maternity last weekend when I went home to La and it was so nice to peruse in the store!

  35. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @PrincessBaby: Noo.. just online. I wish! I have no idea how their jeans would fit, so I'm just refraining. I did put a few blouses and cardigans in my basket though! Our gaps just got maternity in. Limited selection, but better than nothing!

  36. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: Well it looks like the fluid bubble is outside my uterus because she outlined that and the amniotic sac for me and it wasn't near it, so...*shrug*.

  37. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    Just got back from my ultrasound and everything looked great! I had a huge scare last night when I started randomly bleeding. It got pretty heavy too, so I was sure we'd be getting bad news this morning, but baby looks perfect and had a strong heartbeat at 179. He/she is measuring exactly 8 weeks which lines up pretty closely with when I think I ovulated (later than usual for me), but it probably means my due date will be pushed back to 5/21.

    The bleeding is just some spotting this morning. She said as long as it stays brown, try not to worry. She didn't see anything that looked to be causing it, but they will bring me in again for another scan if it seems to be getting worse. So fingers crossed it was just a blip. I had a ton of spotting with my son, but I don't recall it ever being like it was last night

  38. SeptMomma12

    pear / 1849 posts

    @PrincessBaby: That dress is adorable! Who makes it? And I'm impressed you can walk in those boots. I couldn't walk in them not pregnant

  39. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @SeptMomma12: thank goodness you had your u/s so soon after your bleeding so you could check out baby & not worry for long. So happy to hear everything looked good!

  40. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @SeptMomma12: I am so glad everything with baby was good! I had multiple bleeding episodes with LO due to an SCH and then from cervical irritation from the Crinone. It was always scary!

    Oh and the dress is Michael Stars maternity but I had a hard time finding it online:(. Was hoping to find it cheaper bc they were $88 each which sucks but I know I'll wear them OUT lol...

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