Ok, so we have a 120 year old house in a historic neighborhood. Houses are fairly close together. We have a double lot, but it goes back. We have a neighbor that abuts the nursery. We adore this neighbor in most ways, but she smokes outside her back porch. A lot!

As we enter spring, all her smoke wafts directly into my 6 week old's room. I don't know what to do.

I believe she has the autonomy to smoke in her own yard. It's unfortunate that the air pattern draws the smoke directly into our nursery. Her husband was recently laid off and can't find work and I don't want to add to her stress. I also don't want to have my baby inhale her smoke.

For now we're keeping the windows closed as much as we can, but that's not going to work all summer. Would you talk to her? I just can't imagine doing it!