DS is 5 and has some special needs that are not yet diagnosed as we have just begun the diagnoses process. He is currently on his 3rd year in a special education prek class and has made great progress. Now that he is older I am finding it more difficult to deal with people that do not know about his special needs. We do not talk to anyone other then extremely close friends and family about his struggles so many people we come in contact with don't know. Most recently we were at a friends horse farm and our friend lifted DS off of a hay bail and just couldn't understand why DS was freaking out and had to go back on the exact same hay bail to get down himself. He wanted to get down by himself but since she got him down he flipped. Our friend was trying to reason with him and just couldn't seem to understand what the big deal was. That same day our friend asked DS how old he was to which he responded "54 and 88" she repeatedly asked him until I stepped in and changed the subject. So how do I handle these instances? What do I say? I don't want DS's special needs to define him. Sorry for the run on sentences I am writing this and trying to keep DD from touching the keyboard.