Hellobee Boards


November 2014 Mama's!!

  1. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @lolo If he didn't say specifically which vitamin could cause problems, I'm not sure I would believe him, and also, if we are talking about a genetic disorder, A VITAMIN CAN'T CAUSE IT. It's GENETIC. I'm not a doctor or a scientist. I could see that a vitamin would exacerbate or cause a genetic disorder to become prominent, but...a vitamin can't cause something that is genetic! That makes no sense to me! I think definitely go to the hospital appointment. I think I would rather have a medically unnecessary c-section with a doctor I feel comfortable with than a natural birth with somebody who doesn't really know their stuff.

    Okay, it's now 1pm and all I've eaten today is toast, some gingersnaps, and a peppermint. Seriously? This is like the worst diet ever.

  2. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Lolo: I forgot to address the vitamin thing. That's crazy. Maybe he was talking about like Vitamin A or something but good Prenatals have a certain amount of that. I would keep taking them, but if you're hesitant you can just find plain folic acid.

  3. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    Second HCG is at 709, so things are ok so far.

    I am getting zero information that dissuades me from my twins gut feeling. 709!

  4. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @ShayNanigans: oh my gosh! When is your ultrasound again?

  5. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: I am going in for a third beta on Friday - then we'll schedule my ultrasound for Monday 3/24 or Tuesday 3/25.

    My husband and I browsed baby stuff at Target this weekend. If it really is twins... we better start saving our dollars! yikes

  6. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Shaynanigans The good thing about twins is you can find other twin parents who will take pity on you and give you their hand me downs. My friend got two pack n plays from a twin mom, and some other stuff. Plus, twins are awesome! I went to high school with like, 9 sets of twins. We were always jealous of them.

  7. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    I've been MIA for a few days. I love reading all the beta updates and how everyone is feeling!

    I've still been experiencing pretty intense cramps the past few days. On a scale from 1-10 id say it's a 7 or 8. I called my Gyno because the first thing that comes to my mind is a tubal or ectopic pregnancy. My appointment is supposed to be next Thursday but after I called today they told me to come in tomorrow afternoon. So I will update you. If the baby is fine, I'll take the cramps. We shall see! I'm trying to be hopeful!

  8. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    Wow I've missed a lot in the last 2 days! I feel like I won't be able to catch up on my tablet but ill6 do my best! Congrats to all of the mommas who have had awesome repeat beta levels and or Dr appointments/ultrasounds, how exciting!

    @Mrs.Panda: I'm so sorry you had another scare but am super happy everything is going good!

    @lolo: I'm sorry that sounds so scary, I would definitely keep the appointment with the hospital.

    For those with nausea I hope it passes quickly for you, I've had a couple little episodes of queasiness, but they pass fairly quickly and norhing has come up yet (knock on wood)!

    I had my beta done at 6 am today and had my results before I even left work at 7:30, I was just so exhausted all I wanted to do was come home and sleep. My beta Monday was 375 and today it was 875. YAY!! My OB is calling in my lovenox today so I can start that ASAP. Unfortunately my first appointment isn't until 4/16 which feels like forever!!!! Only good thing is my ultrasound is scheduled atm1 pm that day and then I see the Dr at 1:30 so at least the first thing I get to do is see my little bean!

    Hope I covered all the bases if I forgot anyone I apologize, it's not intentional

  9. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @DeannaY1230: I hope it's just your uterus stretching to accommodate baby!

  10. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    Hello! I took a week or so off and love seeing how much action is going on around here! I think I'm 7 weeks today (not sure when I ovulated) and my first appointment is next Thurs (3/20). I started feeling a little nauseous last night and have had a few pangs today as well. It's nice to finally have a symptom but I definitely can't chase DD around while puking so I'm taking Unisom at night, which I think is helping some.

  11. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @DeannaY1230: hopefully just uterus stretching! I haven't felt any cramps thus far, but during my first pregnancy I had pretty intense ones during the first tri. I actually got up and went into the bathroom more than once convinced that I was miscarrying, but thankfully there was never an issue. Our uteruses have so much stretching and working to do over the next 8 months or so, but it's scary to not know if something is normal or bad!

  12. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Mrs.Panda, @Sprite: @ShayNanigans: We were supposed to go on a big trip in September for my 30th birthday, but obviously that won't be happening if all goes well with this pregnancy! I'll talk to DH after we go to our first appointment to see if we can plan a big trip for July, maybe. All of your trips sound awesome!

  13. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @tororojo: I'm sorry that symptoms kicked in. It's a relief for me to hear that it can take another week or two for them to kick in, though...I'm still waiting for mine, and I'm 5w 1D.

  14. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    Anyone having headaches or dizziness? It's only come on in the last week and a half or so, and I'm wondering if it's pregnancy related or random.

  15. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: I think headaches are pretty common for pregos. My OB recommends no tylenol during the 1st tri, but I would totally take some + a coke for a headache that won't go away! I haven't felt dizzy except for when I wait too long before eating, but I think for me that might be more related to nursing. Before I POAS I got SUPER dizzy after a carb crash from my coffee + a donut breakfast, but I have been eating better since then.

  16. petuniasandpearls

    cherry / 220 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: I was super dizzy and lightheaded with my first pregnancy. I have it again this pregnancy, but not as bad (yet). It's a common, but super annoying symptom. I've been super lightheaded today, this has been the worst it's been (5w5d).

  17. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @tororojo: I have had pretty bad cramps already and have do the the same thing with repeatedly running to the bathroom to make sure things are ok.

    @ChiCalGoBee: I had a headache a few days ago that lasted 2 days, I also quit caffiene copd turkey right when I got my BFP but once I saw minimal caffiene is ok I had a can of coke and it went away quickly lol so my was caffiene withdrawl related. No dizziness as of yet.

  18. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @tororojo: Thank you so much for weighing in! It's been really hot here for March, so the nurse I talked to suggested that I might be dehydrated. I don't drink enough water anyways, and I haven't considered the fact that I really need to be on top of my water now that I'm pregnant. I'm going to vow to drink more each day and see if the headaches and dizziness go away.
    @petuniasandpearls: I'm sorry to hear you've experienced this before, as it's no fun! I am glad to hear it's common, though, as I hadn't heard of it as a prominent symptom and I was a little worried. It is definitely annoying-I feel like I'm acting like a baby, but it certainly impacts my day so I can't help but notice it.
    @katieleigh_82: Yes, I'm sure the caffeine withdrawal is no fun:-(. I (fortunately or unfortunately!) have never been someone that drinks coffee (at all) or tea (with any frequency), so my symptoms aren't coming from the same thing. I wish it was that as I know it'd go away!

    I talked to my doctor's nurse, and she basically said I could take a tylenol if I needed to, but to take a small dose and to do it infrequently. For now I'm going to hold off, and just remind myself that as long as I'm able to get out of bed and function I can tough it out. We'll see if it gets worse, though!

  19. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    Hello again! I've been lurking on here since this thread started, and I finally, finally feel like I might not be jinxing things by joining in. I had my second beta today, 829, so things are looking good! I know there are a couple of other IFers on here... we just finished our first IVF cycle!

    EDD: Nov. 13
    When did you find out? I had a faint line on a HPT last Monday, tested obsessively through the week, then first beta on Friday and second beta on Monday.
    Child Number: 1
    Where do you live? VA
    What kind of provider will you see? RE until 10 weeks? Then back to my regular OBGYN
    When is your first appointment? Just lots of blood work for now. Not sure when I'll have an ultrasound. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks!
    What kind of birth do you want? As few interventions as possible!
    What are you most excited for? Right now, just being pregnant!
    What are you most scared for? Suddenly not being pregnant.
    Symptoms so far: Definitely really tired! Also, I'm super thirsty. I keep waking up in the middle of the night to drink multiple glasses of water, and then to pee! I've had some cramping that comes and goes and feels very similar to AF cramping. No other typical symptoms so far like nausea or sore boobs.

  20. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    I swear I'm not usually this obsessive!

  21. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @thisisme: Welcome! Those are some gorgeous lines! Congratulations! How long were you trying?

  22. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @thisisme: congrats and welcome!!! I was a little obsessive with POAS for a few days too!!

  23. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: We were NTNP as of summer 2012. Started actually trying in Jan 2013, got a diagnosis of male factor infertility in August, saw an RE starting in Nov, and began our first IVF cycle in Feb. Not terribly long in the world of IF, but I'm sooo happy that we've finally gotten to this point!

  24. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @DeannaY1230: Fingers crossed that all is okay....so glad they're going to see you tomorrow.
    @thisisme: Congratulations and welcome! Believe me, my drawer is full of old pee sticks, so you're in very good company:-D. Fingers crossed for a sticky baby for you-if my calculations on my own due date are right we're only due a few days apart! I also am nausea-free and my boobs feel just fine, so try not to worry:-D.

  25. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @tororojo: I keep meaning to ask about your username...is it in conjunction with the F1 car team? My hubby's a huge car guy, and I don't hear many people talking about Toro Rojo or Red Bull as far as racing teams:-D.

  26. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @thisisme: congrats!!!!
    ( I think I peed on 5 in total....)

  27. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @MrsScottish: it's so reassuring to see that we were all obsessive about POAS! In my case dh even said he wanted to POAS just to make sure we didn't get a detective bunch lol he didn't do it but for a few hours he kept saying it so I thought he was serious!

  28. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @MrsScottish: 5 in total-I peed on soooooo many more! I should probably feel embarrassed, but I bought all these wondfos that will expire so I figured I may as well use 'em! I've cut myself off, though. I'll post the insides of my weeks estimator tests for anyone interested....

  29. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: I didn't even think to disassemble my weeks estimator, post the pic of yours. As soon as the screen turned off I tossed mine. I took a total of 4 tests, oh and I did have one wondfo OPK left so I pee'd on it out of curiosity....lol

  30. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @katieleigh_82: SUCH a dark line!! Nice work!

    Here are my weeks estimator tests. I know you're not supposed to open them and "the naked eye" can't read them, but just in case anyone is as curious as I was!

    I took the first one on 3/6, approximately 15/16 DPO and got 2-3 weeks. I took the second one yesterday, approximately 21/22 DPO and got 3+. As I understand it, the 1 line is the super-sensitive line that detects pregnancy, and then the less sensitive strip with two lines tests hCG? I know these are supposed to not be the most accurate things in the world, but since I'm not getting Betas it was a relief to me to see what I assume is an increase in hCG, if I'm honest. Hoping now-3/28 will pass quickly so I can get to the doctor to "meet" the baby!

  31. LilacWine

    coffee bean / 36 posts

    Hi there. Congrats to everyone!

    EDD: 11/19
    When did you find out? Yesterday, 3/12
    Child Number: 2. #1 just turned one this week
    Where do you live? Southern California
    What kind of provider will you see? TBD, hopefully midwife
    When is your first appointment? TBD
    What kind of birth do you want? Vaginal!
    What are you most excited for? Movements and heartbeat
    What are you most scared for? Morning sickness
    Symptoms so far: Bloating. Feel like I've been hormonal nearly every day since I was pregnant with #1

  32. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @Lolo: That sounds crazy to me. Definitely don't stop taking your prenatal!

    @Mrs.Panda: Jamaica trip sounds great! We went there last year and it was so pretty!

    @Ms.Mermaid: that kinda does sound like the diet from hell! I hope you're able to find something more substantial that you can stomach soon!

    @ShayNanigans: TWIN WATCH!! So excited for you!

    @DeannaY1230: hoping your appointment goes well and your cramps are just normal uterus-expanding pains

    @katieleigh_82: great numbers! And I'm so glad you're able to start the lovenox now too!

    @tororojo: hoping your nausea holds off, you are superwoman to be chasing another kid while pregnanat!

    @ChiCalGoBee: aw, sorry your Sept trip plans are being canceled. Hopefully you can just celebrate your b-day early! Oh, and I've had headaches on and off since before my bfp. I read it's just from all the new hormones and should level off at some point.

    @thisisme: Yayyyy! So happy you are officially joining this board! Your numbers sound great, and I too have a similar stash of obsessively pee'd on sticks I was doing 3 a day until I got my second beta results yesterday.

    @katieleigh_82: that is SO funny your DH wanted to POAS! I can't remember who it was (maybe Mrs. Polish) who had a bad batch of wondfos, and her hubby actually got a line when he POAS'd!

    @ChiCalGoBee: that is so interesting, I never thought to open the digitals, only the FRERs. You've got some beautiful lines there!

  33. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @juliem: Welcome and big congrats!!

  34. kbm1026

    coffee bean / 41 posts

    Hi ladies,

    Sad to say my pregnancy ended yesterday so I am chalking it up to a chemical pregnancy. I had cramping in the morning which quickly turned into AF. Took a pregnancy test this morning and it was back to :bfn:. Oh well, we will start trying again.

    I hope you all have a healthy and happy 9 months!!

  35. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @KMB1026 I am so so sorry for your loss, it is such sad news. This baby making stuff is so blooming hard & then completely fragile, I am thinking of you. Take care of yourself & I really do wish you the best of luck with TTC in future. Lots of love & well wishes.

    L x

  36. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @kbm1026: I'm so sorry... I can't imagine how you must be feeling. I hope you take the time to heal from this and get your sticky baby soon. Again, I'm sorry.

  37. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Sprite: canceling travel for a BFP is totttttally worth it! It didn't occur to me to open a digital, either, until someone on here suggested it (I had a positive-negative on two different days and they said to take a look). I've opened them ever since and feel encouraged by darkening lines!

    How are you feeling? Are they still drawing blood every few days?

  38. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @juliem: Welcome, fellow SoCal-er! I'm in San Diego-whereabouts do you live? Congratulations on #2!

  39. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    I have a new due date. Went to the new OB today and he measured me at 7w5d! I thought I was 7w0d based on what the first OB said. This is more in line with what I thought, though I think I'm 7w3d. Oh well, bb will come when (s)he wants. I will still be hanging around because I feel like your symptoms and whatnot are more in line with mine!

    Still no morning sickness. But, I am sick. Ugh, being preggo tired AND sick tired is the pits. AND all of our toilets weren't working from yesterday to today! The plumber finally came and just finished fixing them. Good God, no more!

    On the plus side, DH got to see and hear the heartbeat for the first time. I loved seeing and hearing it too, but the grin on DH's face was the best thing ever. Love him.

    This OB said he didn't see any hemorrhage, so I'm thinking maybe the red blood was the hematoma leaking out. I hope.

  40. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: that is awesome to see the tests and the darkening line

    @juliem: welcome and congrats

    @Sprite: that is crazy about the bad batch of wondfos, dh was gonna steal one of my FRERs!!!

    @kbm1026: so sorry to hear about your loss, I am sure I speak for all of us here that we will all be thinking of you and sending lots of sticky baby dust your way

    @Mrs.Panda: how awesome that dh got to hear the heartbeat, I can't wait untik that day!! Even with your bumped up due date, we're happy to have you stick around here and again thanks for keeping the calendar current. Sorry you're sick, I hope you feel better fast! Woohoo for the hemorrhage being gone

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