Hellobee Boards


November 2015 Moms

  1. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @peaches1038: My doc had me take it after my 8-week appointment since DD1 was over 9 pounds at birth. I'm thinking they will have me do it again but she hasn't said anything. I'm 23 weeks so I will ask at my next appointment.

  2. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @peaches1038: I took mine around 25 weeks with DS and 22 weeks with DD. Nice low numbers both times (under 100).

  3. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    I did mine at 28 weeks last time, ughh dreading the thought of doing it. I passed out during the test last time, it was just horrible.

  4. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    My OB said 28 weeks but I read 24-28 weeks is fine. Would rather get it over with sooner ... maybe I will ask at my appointment on Monday!

  5. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @wrkbrk: I have my 26 and 28 week appointments scheduled and my OB said we'll do it at the 28 week one. She said the later we go, the less likely it would show a false negative, so we'd be less likely to miss it if I had GD.

  6. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @Miss Sarah: Good to know!

  7. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    So first time mom unnecessary panic...I'm out of town with family this weekend. We've been busy shopping, doing lots of walking, etc. I haven't felt baby move as much, but i know it's harder to notice when you are busy and active. Last night, we went to the Taylor Swift concert and I danced all night (within limits), we walked a lot, we didn't get back to the hotel until 2 am, etc. So basically, I passed out and woke up 4 hours later on my back! I don't know when I rolled to my back so I have no idea how long I slept like that! I'm sure it's silly to be worried, but I haven't felt baby move yet this morning. Maybe she'll get active after I eat some breakfast? #IWorryAboutEverything

  8. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @Miss Sarah: I know what you mean. I freaked out about movement on Friday, but I think the baby just moved to a different position where I can feel movement less. Hope she moves for you soon!

  9. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    Thanks everyone! I think I'll wait until 26 weeks after our vacation!!

  10. sometimesshesings

    apricot / 358 posts

    @Miss Sarah: it's not just a first time mom thing! I've been having not-enough-movement anxiety a lot since reading about recent losses here on HB. My babe hadn't moved much for a couple days, then yesterday I felt a lot of shifting and kicks. I wish I could remember if the movement was so inconsistent at this point in my last pregnancy, but I wasn't concerned about movement last time! Have you tried drinking some cold juice and laying on your side?

    Also, I wake up on my back all the time! I think your body will wake you up if your oxygen supply starts to get too low. As you get bigger, it'll be less and less comfortable to to be on your back, so it probably won't happen as much.

    *hug* to Miss Sarah and any other worrying moms out there!

  11. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @Miss Sarah: I would try not to worry about sleeping on your back. That position doesn't completely cut off the blood supply, it's just that sleeping on your left marginally improves blood flow to the lower part of your body. I second @sometimesshesings: suggestion of laying on your side and drinking some juice. Hugs!!

  12. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @Miss Sarah: poor thing, I hear you on the anxiety front... I slept horribly last night and woke up completely uncovered with my knees bent, lying on my back. I'm sore and achy now

    my suggestion... if its hot, have a yummy delicious ice cream, lie back and relaxxxx and babe will be sure to start kicking up a storm!

  13. JennyG

    clementine / 912 posts

    @Miss Sarah: I remember feeling the same way with my first and still do some days. I don't have a whole lot of advice, just sympathies for the constant worrying. I definitely wake up lots of times on my back, so I would try not to worry about that one too much.

  14. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @Miss Sarah: Felt any movement since you posted? I hope so! I wouldn't worry too much about the back thing. I am generally pretty cautious and I still sleep on my back for a portion of the night. It's too uncomfortable for me to be on my side for 8 hours

  15. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @Hoots: @sometimesshesings: @peaches1038: @FannyMae: @JennyG: @wrkbrk: It was a long weekend. Yesterday, I kept thinking I felt a little something, but it would quickly subside. Normally, I feel her moving for like 5-10 minutes or so at a time. Like there will be a little kick, and 10 seconds later another kick or punch, and again and again. Yesterday, I would think I felt a little kick and then nothing. And this morning, I drank orange juice and ice cold water and ate breakfast and didn't feel her right away like I normally do. But about five minutes ago, she started moving on me! FINALLY!

    I try so hard not to worry about the little things, but it all just seemed a little off. And yes, with the recent losses posted, I am more anxious about it. Plus, I'm approaching the time (24 weeks) when my best friend lost her babe...so I just need to get through the next few weeks to rid myself of some fears. Thank you for the love and hugs...you're all the best!

  16. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @Miss Sarah: Totally understand. I think about those losses at least once per day. I also had a friend of a friend lose her baby at 26 weeks (!!!). She didn't feel movement for 3 days or so, went in and bam. It's terrible and awful and I just try to remind myself it's very rare. So glad your little girl picked up her activity!!!!

  17. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @Miss Sarah: *hugs* glad to hear that baby responded to the cold drinks. I'll admit that sometimes I will do it on purpose just to make sure I can feel movement. Anxiety is such a b!tch, its definitely harder when you know someome with personal experience of loss, its scary.

    Tomorrow is the due date for the baby I lost before Christmas, so I'm feeling a little sad about that. Its bittersweet... I lost one babe but I have another growing in my tummy. I think I will just be drinking lots of cold drinks and eating ice cream to get this baby moving so I can remind myself of the life growing inside me

  18. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @FannyMae: Lots of hugs and I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    @peaches1038: I asked my doc today. She said realistically anytime between 26-28 weeks is optimal. They're supposed to do mine at the 26 week appointment.

  19. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @Miss Sarah: I'm glad you're feeling more movement! It's so hard not to worry!!

    @FannyMae: thinking of you!

    @Hoots: thanks!! I'll be 26 weeks so that sounds good!

  20. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @FannyMae: Hugs to you! I'll be thinking of you, enjoy your ice cream!

  21. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    So I have a fetal echocardiogram in a couple hours. It should not be a big deal. DH has a minor heart condition, bicuspid aortic valve for those who are interested, and it can be hereditary. Even if baby girl does have it, it should be completely manageable from birth throughout her life. The only thing giving me nerves now is that during our anatomy scan, she had a calcium deposit in her heart, which can be one of the markers for Down Syndrome. My doc said not to even think twice about it because she didn't have any other markers and often times, those calcium deposits disappear before birth. But with this being a cardiologist, I have a feeling they are going to spend a long time analyzing it and measuring it. I'm sure all will be fine, but maybe say a little prayer or make a little wish for us!

  22. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @FannyMae: Hugs.

    @Miss Sarah: Thinking of you! I am sure the appointment will go great!

  23. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    23 week ultrasound update: All is well but baby is measuring in the 90th percentile! Yowser! I have my GD test at 26 weeks 4 days (August 17). Wish me LUCK with that! Hoping people will post what theirs was like!

  24. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @wrkbrk: Yay for a great ultrasound! What a healthy baby, you should be happy!

  25. EBSC

    cherry / 178 posts

    @Miss Sarah: hoping and praying all goes well
    @wrkbrk: congrats on a good ultrasound!!

  26. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @Miss Sarah: Hope your echo went well! Thinking of you!

    @wrkbrk: That's great! Our baby was measuring a couple days ahead as well. I'll be taking my glucose test 8/11 so I'll be sure to report back!

  27. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    Has anyone thought about Classes yet? My hospital offers a breastfeeding class and a baby basics/happiest baby on the block class. We are definitely taking the breastfeeding class but I am wondering if I should just buy the happiest baby DVD and watch it at home? They go over swaddling, bathing and other care too but would it be worth it? The class is 2 hours, costs $30 and you get the DVD and a "soothing sounds" cd. My husband has minimal newborn experience. And is anyone doing birthing classes? There's so many to choose from and I'm not sure which one would be best! Too many choices!

  28. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @peaches1038: I would just take the class! But then again I dont know anything outside of the books I have read about newborns! We signed up for the labor/delivery one through the hospital and found an independent place that offers infant care/nursing/carrier lesson/CPR in one allllllllll day course.

  29. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @EBSC: @wrkbrk: @peaches1038: The echo was...fine? She didn't see anything concerning, but baby girl was head down, spine forward, so it was hard to get a really good look at the details of the heart and valves. We will be going back in six weeks for another check up.

    As for classes, we're signed up for a childbirth class through the hospital that is 4 3-hour sessions, ending about 5 weeks before or due date. I'm wondering if I should take a breastfeeding class...they do offer them at our hospital. Hmm...

  30. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    We took a childbirth class with our first baby. They covered birth and infant care, which is handy because I had not been around newborns before. I also really recommend the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD.

    I don't plan on breast feeding this time around but I wish I had taken the class in it last time.

  31. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @Miss Sarah: I'm glad it went ok. I understand how it feels when appointments are underwhelming. You get all worked up and then it's just blah. Hopefully everything continues looking good in 6 weeks!

    @Miss Sarah: @Finfan: too many choices!! We will def do happiest baby, whether it's a class or we just buy the dvd. Our hospital offers several classes, each for a different topic, which means lots of back and forth. Or we can go through a private organization and do a weekend intensive that is supposed to cover it all: birth, baby care and breastfeeding. I'm just not sure if we will get as much info at the weekend intensive compared to the separate classes. But do we really need ALL.THE.INFO?!? Ugh. I don't know.

  32. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @Miss Sarah: Glad everything is looking good so far!

    @peaches1038: I've thought about them, but haven't figured out what I want to do. We're coming up on my busy season at work, so it's going to be really hard to find Saturday time to take any classes and my OB/GYN hasn't mentioned them yet. DH is already advanced certified in pediatric CPR, so I know he's going to be less than happy if I drag him to a class that has a CPR component even though I need to be recertified. Definitely getting the Happiest Baby DVD though!

  33. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    We took classes through our hospital with our first: a birthing class and a breastfeeding class. Honesty we thought both were not worth it at all and wished we hadn't bothered. I'm not sure if it is because we just knew stuff or if our hospital's classes are just that bad.

  34. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @Hoots: Ahhhhh that reminds me! DH mentioned he wants us to both take CPR this time around. I work with kids but am not trained in CPR because their parents are there the whole time. I've been meaning to do it anyway.

  35. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @Miss Sarah: glad everything is looking fine so far. Thinking of your little family!

  36. clover

    kiwi / 557 posts

    @Miss Sarah: Glad things are looking okay so far. And it'll be nice to see baby again in 6 weeks.

    I don't think we'll do any classes this time. Before DS, DH and I went to a breastfeeding class through the hospital that wasn't all that informative. I learned more when I made an appointment with the lactation consultant after he was born and just through reading. I also had DH and my mom (who was going to watch DS while I worked) take an infant CPR class. I'm already BLS and ACLS certified for my job so I didn't attend those.

  37. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    How is everyone hanging in there? Can't believe it is almost August. Seems like we were all just POAS!!

    November is right around the corner!

  38. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    Nesting already?! A recent forum thread talked about the "capsule wardrobe" and now I can't fight the urge to empty my closet and start over! I mean, I can't do a true wardrobe makeover until I know what clothes will or won't work postpartum, but there are definitely stockpiles of old clothes I could totally get rid of.... And boy do I want to! I think I'll spend my day in my bedroom after church gutting my closet. Lol.

  39. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    We are in full on nesting mode around here!! My husband is a professor and wants to have everything mostly ready before he starts up again for the fall semester. We are painting 2 rooms, cleaning out all of the closets and selling stuff to make room for baby! My husband is building a new guest bed frame and a wood play gym. I am sewing burp cloths, bandana bibs and a infinity scarf nursing cover. We are busy but I love it!!!
    What's everyone else got on their to do list??

  40. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    I need to get another dresser and then go through DD1's baby stuff and see what will fit/work for the seasons. (DD1 was a summer birthday).

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