Hellobee Boards


November 2015 Moms

  1. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    still here trudging along... nothing much was happening yesterday at all, had some sharp pains through the night *randomly*, woke up this morning and HELLO MUCOUS PLUG. ugghhhhhh so grossss!!! just feeling mildly crampy, nothing major at all. blergh.

  2. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    Today is the day, bees! I have an induction scheduled for 4 pm (cerviidil overnight) but at about midnight last night I started feeling contractions sporadically. I knew this was different than the menstrual type pain I've been having for weeks because of the stomach tightening at the same time. And this morning in the shower around 6 am I lost my mucus plug (TMI) - it looked like petroleum jelly with a tiny bit of blood so I think that's what it was, anyway. Now the contractions are about 30 minutes apart and manageable so we will probably wait at home until our appointment this afternoon unless something gets dramatically worse. I am so glad it seems like my stubborn cervix might actually be favorable to the cervidil now! Yay!! Wish me luck.

  3. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @wrkbrk: Ahhhhhh! Yeah Yeah Yeah! Good luck!

  4. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @Miss Sarah: Thank you!!! Eeek!

  5. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @wrkbrk: YAY!!!! Can't wait to hear that you have your little guy in your arms! Good luck!

  6. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @peaches1038: Thank you!!

  7. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @wrkbrk: Eeeeeeeeeeee!! I'm getting so excited for your update! Thinking of you girl!

  8. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @Miss Sarah: Thank you! Contractions got bad fast. At hospital now waiting for epi. No induction the nurse said but she is calling my OB now. Eeeeek.

  9. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @wrkbrk: So exciting!!

  10. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    He's here!! I'll post the full story on the Nov L&D board but I didn't need the induction and it all went smoothly and pretty fast I thought. I only pushed for 30 minutes!

    Anyway, we are in love with baby Cooper! He's a big boy at 8 lbs 8 ounces and 21 inches We are all doing great and going home tomorrow!

  11. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @wrkbrk: Congratulations! What a sweet little guy! I'm so happy to hear you are all doing well!

  12. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @wrkbrk: omg congratulations!!!!! He is adorable! So happy for you!

  13. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    Hello baby! Congrats @wrkbrk:

    I just posted on the delivery board too, baby girl safely here after a hectic delivery, both recovering well.

  14. sometimesshesings

    apricot / 358 posts

    @wrkbrk: congratulations and welcome baby Cooper! Look at that head of hair!!

  15. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @wrkbrk: Ahhhhhh congrats!! He's adorable!

  16. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @wrkbrk: yay! I love the name Cooper. My cousin's son is named that.

  17. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @FannyMae: I'm loving all the birth stories

  18. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @Hoots: @peaches1038: @FannyMae: @sometimesshesings: @Miss Sarah: @Finfan: Thank you ladies! We are doing well. I didn't expect to connect immediately with the baby but we have. It's surreal!!


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