Thought I'd start it off! Hi to all the November moms!
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
Thought I'd start it off! Hi to all the November moms!
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@lioneyes: congratulations! Pretty sure I’m out this month, but just wanted to chime in to say that you will probably be on progesterone shots this time at the end, and hopefully that will help this baby cook a little longer. I had my first five weeks early, my second was four weeks early, and my third was only two weeks early.
persimmon / 1286 posts
totally screwed this up with my info in the orig post LOL.
@lazb Thanks, that's what I was thinking. Don't have my first appt until 4/9 and I just put that on my list of questions. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you for this month!
Location: East Coast
EDD: 11/10. But DS #1 was 5 weeks early.
First child? 2nd. DS will be 4 when this one shows up.
Any symptoms? Forehead breakout, feeling like I need to constantly burp but can't. No food aversions YET.
Who have you told? DH (obvs), my 2 college best friends, 1 of my mom friends.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Hoping it sticks; worried about what's coming re: morning sickness and also dealing w/ DS/toilet training him; concerned about another early delivery (and worried it could be even earlier)
clementine / 794 posts
I can’t believe I’m actually here!!!
Location: Near Cleveland, OH
EDD: 11/18/2018
First child? Yes!
Any symptoms? I’m super tired all the time and my boobs are super sore! No food aversions or nausea yet!
Who have you told? This pregnancy is a result of IVF so we have told everyone who knew we were doing IVF. My parents and DH’s parents, my dad’s sister and my uncle (they are like my second parents), my mom’s sister (my other aunts and uncles and my grand parents don’t know yet) and my sister and her roommate (who is like a second sister)!
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? We have been trying for this for over 4 years and I’m terrified something will happen! My beta yesterday at 4 weeks 1 day was 101 but I won’t have another beta until next Monday so it’s going to be a long week!
apricot / 363 posts
Location: Birmingham, AL
EDD: based on LMP 11/10 - ultrasound closer to 11/15
First child? Second! DD is 2 1/2
Any symptoms? weird pulled muscle feeling, car sickness (same with my first)
Who have you told? DH, my mom, two close mom friends, and a friend who called me out for not drinking!
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Went for my first ultrasound today and based on LMP should have been 6 weeks +5 days but was only 5 weeks + 5 days. I have longer cycles and the early ultrasounds always had some dating discrepancies with my first so trying not to stress because we did see a heartbeat! I'm using a new doctor and he said he really doesn't get too tied to dates and seeing the heartbeat was the only thing he was concerned about. I go back in two weeks to double check and confirm due date! So just trying not to over google between now and then!
My birthday is in November too so happy to share a bday month!
clementine / 794 posts
@lioneyes: Everything is looking good! Beta was 3061! Going back on Apr 2 for my first ultrasound!
persimmon / 1286 posts
How's everyone doing? I broke down and got a scrip for Diclegis today (will start tonight). The Unisom/B6 is just not cutting it. Yesterday I felt so so sick but managed to eat dinner and that definitely helped me today.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Marfi: Congrats on the IVF success! I'm a lurker from the Dec 2018 Moms board, but also did IVF for Baby #1. I totally understand the unique scenario of having lots of people know you got a earlier than "normal." When they know you are doing IVF, they know to ask about results. And yes, IVF feels higher stakes for some reason, probably because you struggled for years and/or had prior losses, and now you've finally reached a new place you've never been before.
If you aren't on there yet, check out the IVF board
Great ladies and great support.
Again, congrats!!!
olive / 51 posts
Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster.
Location: Idaho
EDD: 25 Nov 18
First child? Second, but first is 5 y/o
Any symptoms? Tender boobs
Who have you told? Just hubby
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I had a lot of spotting the week of my missed period after a positive test. I can’t get it out of my head or get too excited yet I guess. I also work as a PA and will need to inform at least 5 people I work with to get a referral to OB so I’ve got to figure that out too. I’m excited to be here though!
apricot / 341 posts
We had our dating ultrasound and first appointment on 3/29 so I feel comfortable posting here! Everything looked great and the little peanut has a great heart beat. It's weird as my first pregnancy we dealt with unexplained infertility but managed to conceive with out assistance but I had all these extra tests that I haven't had to do with this one! But then since I'm AMA this time they warned me to be prepped for extra testing later in the pregnancy! (I avoided it last time by two weeks lol)
Location: Eastern Washington
EDD: 11/3
First child? Second! My son will be just under 2 and half when this one arrives.
Any symptoms? Tender boobs on and off. Exhaustion. Teeth grinding/clinching (Which happened last time too). And more nausea this time then last.
Who have you told? Hubby. Half of the grandparents and a couple of friends.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Hoping everything goes smoothly as my last pregnancy. Trying to figure out daycare... Excited... hoping for a girl!
apricot / 341 posts
November 2018 Moms
11/03: @Rkitty (#2)
11/10: @lioneyes (#2)
11/15(?): @epparker (#2)
11/18: @Marfi (#1)
11/25: @MilPA (#2)
apricot / 363 posts
@RKitty: ha! I’ve been thinking the same thing!
Updated dating scan tomorrow morning so trying not to stress-easier said than done.
Morning sickness has been kicking my butt. Once I eat I’m ok but that first hour I’m up is just miserable. I’ve started snacking on saltines in the middle of the night. I also can’t stomach coffee which I normally love and miss!
persimmon / 1286 posts
Have my first appointment/scan on Monday. Nausea is really bad, even with the Diclegis before bed, if I eat something right when I get up it can be managed, but it gets horrible in the afternoon/evening so I usually just shower and get in bed as soon as DS is down.
Last time it was exactly the same and lasted until 14/15 weeks so I am hopeful!
apricot / 341 posts
@rpparker: In regards to the due dating... my son's first two ultrasounds put him 7-10 days earlier then what his due date was according to my last period. Towards the end he started measuring more like 5 days ahead. They talked about changing his due date but never did. Sure enough he was born on his due date. Let us know how it goes tomorrow!
In regards to morning sickness it's been way worse for me this time but I didn't have any my first pregnancy! But it's also worse in the afternoons for me then mornings. I think I'm eating too big of lunches.
apricot / 363 posts
@RKitty: good to hear, thanks!
@lioneyes: I used diclegis last time around but haven’t tried it this time...yet
clementine / 794 posts
Everything is still going good over here! I had some bleeding last week. Fairly light two Saturdays ago and last Monday and then pretty heavy last Friday. I’ve had two ultrasounds so far and everything is looking good! First was two Sundays ago at 6w (making sure everything looked ok after the first bleed and the second was last Saturday at 6w6d after the heavy bleed last Friday.
We were able to see a heartbeat both times and everything is looking great! Measuring two days ahead at the last U/S! I go in on Monday for another!
Still not many symptoms for me other than being ridiculously tired. I’ve taken a nap at lunch every day this week!
apricot / 363 posts
@Marfi: Sorry about the bleeding - I know that had to be stressful!
Went to the doctor this morning and EDD is Nov 15th!
kiwi / 568 posts
Can I be a tag along in this board? Due date is 12/15 but I’ll be having a csection at 37 weeks the last week of November. I’ll have 2 November babies now.
olive / 51 posts
Well this sucks to have to write... It looks like I’m miscarrying. My levels went from 2100 to 400 in 48 hours. I’ll have an ultrasound tomorrow to see what’s left so to speak. This is the worst.
persimmon / 1286 posts
Had my first U/S today, all good, measuring 9 weeks with a strong heartbeat. Due date is 11/9 but who knows when they will schedule my RCS, or when I will actually deliver.
Doing all my lab work including cell free test next week, and starting progesterone shots at 16 weeks.
apricot / 341 posts
@MilPA: I'm so sorry to hear this; my thoughts are with you too.
@MrsMom: Welcome! I did that back in 2016. My due date was the end of June so I followed along a lot with the July group too. If you don't mind me asking why will the C-section be so early?
@lioneyes: Yay for good news. Why are getting progesterone shots? Is it because your first was early?
kiwi / 568 posts
@RKitty: Good to know I'm not the only one . I had a previous surgery which ruptured my uterus and they said my uterus wall is thin so I'm at risk for another rupture If my body Labors. My first pregnancy they offered to let me labor at a high trauma level hospital in the OR room if I absolutely wanted to, But we chose to keep me and the baby as safe as possible and do a csection. This pregnancy it's not an option since I have two compromised areas of the uterus now, so RCS it is.
kiwi / 568 posts
@lioneyes: That's so great that your appointment went so well. Hearing the heartbeat is the best part!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
Hi everyone! I think I'll be joining you as a November mom.
EDD: November 21.
First child? Third... I've officially lost my mind.
Any symptoms? Exhaustion, food aversions and the hungries. I also cannot eat chocolate or I'll get the worst headache ever.
Who have you told? Way too many people. The headaches were so bad before I figured out the source, that my parents were convinced it's a brain tumor. So we had to tell them way earlier than I'd like... and then things snowballed and DH told all the people close to us.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Excited, but worried about logistics of time off, and getting thrown off my career track again.
apricot / 341 posts
@MrsMom: Oh my goodness! That makes alot of sense it's kind of nice once you get the date scheduled though because you know when it's all going down and you can plan so much better. I was curious because I have a friend who had Cholestasis and her doctor wouldn't let her go beyond 37 weeks.
@Mama Bird: Welcome! If this was like your 6th or 7th I'd totally agree that you lost your mind but I think 3 is okay. And so sad about the chocolate!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Mama Bird: I'm a lurker on this board, but just wanted to say your post literally made me LOL - especially the part about how telling people spiraled out of control.
clementine / 794 posts
Had another ultrasound today and everything is still looking great! I’m still measuring a day ahead and the heartbeat was 162! I’ve officially graduated from my RE and will be seeing my OB from now on, starting two weeks from Wednesday! I’m so excited!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@RKitty: thanks for making me feel better!
@yellowbeach: yeah, I have to laugh or I will cry! I really like my privacy, but that boat has sailed. Everybody knows, even DH's cousin in another state and our elderly forner neighbor.
@Marfi: yay, that's a great milestone!
kiwi / 568 posts
@RKitty: Yes it's nice to know ahead of time, Kinda confusing to explain to people who ask when your due and you tell them one date and then tell them you're really having them another day.
@Marfi: I'm so glad you had a good appointment and everything is progressing well!!
apricot / 363 posts
@Mama Bird: snowball of telling people made me LOL as well!
@Marfi: Yay for good appointments!
apricot / 363 posts
Ok, I'm going to complain a minute. I started diclegis over the weekend and it made me so sleepy! I started only taking 1 at night (prescription is for 2 at night, 1 morning and 1 at lunch if needed) and I was still a zombie. So I decided to skip it last night and then I was up dry heaving from like 2-4 am and then again when I got up at 6:30. I had crackers and a banana during the night and after toast this morning I feel better. I teach a 9:30 class and I'm so worried about getting sick again. I was in a different profession last pregnancy so not used to being in a situation where I'm up talking in front of people while feeling this crappy. Before I could hide out in my office!
I guess it's back to being sleepy! Ok vent over!
persimmon / 1286 posts
@rpparker i did i night of 2 Diclegis and couldn’t get out of bed, switched to 1 at night and it took like 3 days to get used to it. Now like 2 weeks in i can get up and function in the am without being tired or nauseous. Good luck!
apricot / 363 posts
@lioneyes: Thanks, I think I do need to give it more time. I made it through my class without puking so success! However, I think my students might be suspicious that something is up!
kiwi / 568 posts
@rpparker: I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Hopefully you can find something that works for you. Can I ask if you know the difference between diclegis and Zofran? I was put on zofran last pregnancy and never heard of Diclegis.
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