apricot / 448 posts
Well I'm supposed to be induced tomorrow morning. I've been hesitant to post it or feel 100% committed to the idea since it seems inductions have a way of being rescheduled. I'd also hoped that LO2 would come by now - I've been 3 cm since 37 weeks... But alas, I have contractions every evening that haven't turned into the real thing.
Nervous! Hope I can sleep tonight!
persimmon / 1461 posts
@AggieDaze: thinking of you, good luck!!
I'm struggling today having teary moments due to tiredness/sore ribs and baby stretching out my right side while kicking out the left. Vomiting in the morning too, and just queasy all day. Its also so hot here today and the next few days that I haven't left the house. Mum starts holidays this weekend in preparation for the baby, so hopefully she can take LO for some time next week.
persimmon / 1259 posts
Having super painful contractions that are getting closer together... Eek! And ouch!!
apricot / 358 posts
Cormac Muir was born today at 1:26pm after about 12 hours of active labor. 7 lbs, 11oz and already nursing well. With two sons and no more kids planned, I'm now officially a boy mom!
persimmon / 1461 posts
@Miss Sarah: GO baby GO GO! all the best!!
@sometimesshesings: Congrats!!
apricot / 448 posts
@Miss Sarah: ironically, ditto. I've woken up multiple times tonight with contractions and just a nauseated feeling. Perhaps baby is finally getting the show on the road...
Good luck with yours! Maybe today is the day!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@AggieDaze: hope your babe is on the way! I'm officially delivering today! Epi has kicked in and I'm just resting until it's go time!
@sometimesshesings: what a cutie! Congrats!
kiwi / 673 posts
@sometimesshesings: Congrats! What a handsome little guy!
@AggieDaze: @Miss Sarah: Good luck, ladies! Can't wait to see your little ones!
clementine / 912 posts
@Miss Sarah: Good luck!!! Rest now so you're ready to push!
@AggieDaze: Good luck with the induction!!
@sometimesshesings: Congratulations! He's adorable!!
persimmon / 1259 posts
Claire Lindsey was born at 7:19 this morning. She weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces and is 20.5 inches long. We're all doing great!
apricot / 448 posts
@Miss Sarah: she is gorgeous!
I'm 6 cm, just got epidural and membranes ruptured. Hoping to sleep a tad before reaching 10 and the pushing stage.
Any tips on pushing? I didn't feel particularly effective last time.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@AggieDaze: I requested a mirror! It totally helped me see what effective pushing could do...it motivated me!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@sometimesshesings: he is gorgeous!!! Congratulations!!
@Miss Sarah: oh my, so beautiful!!! Congrats!!
@AggieDaze: good luck! I pushed for 2.5 hours so I really have no good tips!!!
kiwi / 557 posts
@AggieDaze: If this is your second then you may not have to worry too much. I pushed for a rough 2 hours 10 minutes with LO1 and for 6 minutes (through 3 contractions) with LO2. Second time is much easier!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Miss Sarah: OMG! How did I not see this?! Was just popping in to see how you were doing since I know your due date was tomorrow like mine! She is gorgeous!!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@sometimesshesings: Congratulations! He is beautiful! I am a boy momma too - little one due tomorrow and he will be all for us
pomelo / 5084 posts
So happy to see all the babies on our thread!!
On my end, I still have absolutely NO dilation. 40 week appointment was today. I am fully effaced and the baby is engaged but cervix is completely closed. Even had an ultrasound and he passed all the "tests" - fluid level is fine, etc.
So we WAIT! I am so anxious!
apricot / 358 posts
@Miss Sarah: congratulations! She is beautiful, and I love her name!
apricot / 358 posts
@wrkbrk: The same thing happened to me! I had absolutely no progress or engagement at my 40 week appointment. But second babies can move fast! I ended up going into labor and delivering at 40+2! I already love having my two little boys. Can't wait for you to join the club!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@sometimesshesings: I am hoping something happens on its own over the weekend! I have been bouncing nonstop on that yoga ball for 2 weeks lol.
persimmon / 1259 posts
Thank you all for your sweet messages! We're still doing great... Breast feeding is hard, but we're working on it.
@wrkbrk: Hoping your shortly behind me!! Fingers crossed!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@Miss Sarah: Congratulations! So happy for you!
Also LOL, I thought she was sitting up in this picture at first and I was very confused. Sleep deprivation.
persimmon / 1461 posts
39 week appointment for me in a few hours. I had a nasty migraine yesterday afternoon that escalated into extreme dizziness/nausea/shaking. I rang OB but they didnt call me back til this morning as OB was doing c-sections til 8pm. I'm pretty much ready to just ask him to induce me now, I'm not a happy pregnant woman at the moment
persimmon / 1461 posts
I have a feeling he will probably laugh me off anyway and send me on my merry way. I keep playing my last labour in my head - waters breaking, labouring for hours and then having to be put on the drip anyway justifying in my head that if that sh!t happens again, I'd rather have just been on the drip from the beggining and save myself the 12 hours hahha
apricot / 448 posts
@FannyMae: I am so so glad I got induced at 39 and 2. Baby had a big head and was 8 lbs 3 oz yet I was able to push him out in 15 minutes without any tearing. Perhaps I would have gone into labor myself (the monitors were showing contractions even before they started the pitocin) but I didn't want to risk having to wait until 41 for a post-date induction.
I didn't share many details in my first post but as a quick summary. I got a L&D room at 9 am and was 3/4 cm dilated, started on penicillin for GBS+ at same time, started pitocin very slowly shortly thereafter, received epidural around 12, had waters broken at 6 cm shortly before 1, 7 cm at 3, moved to my side vs back and was 9 cm and -1 station 10 minutes later, moved to my other side and was 10 cm and +2 station and ready to push within 20-30 minutes. All in all, I loved my induction - especially since I was concerned about 1) making it to hospital on time for 4 hours of penicillin and 2) not going into labor and having a huge baby by post date induction.
persimmon / 1461 posts
He ended up giving me a massive stretch and sweep after a quick ultrasound - it was AGONYYYYYY. He actually said that he gave it "a really good shot! Special Service!" I died laughing, if only to try get over the pain! Currently having a bit of spotting, and some mild random contractions, he said if its going to work it will be in the next 24-48 hours. Gave me a good pat on the back and said See You Tomorrow! lol cheeky bugger.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@FannyMae: omg! That's hilarious! Fingers crossed for you! Can't wait to see your update!
persimmon / 1461 posts
I'm a bit pffffffttt deflated today I had contractions maybe every 2 hours or so last night, nothing major. just enough to wake me up and annoy me Its saturday morning and hubby has gone to work for a few hours, mum will come past and help me with LO and some housework. maybe getting up and moving might do something. Hubby is trying to make me pep up a bit saying "24-48 hours!!" but I'm a bit dismissive at this point.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@FannyMae: I don't know if my membrane sweep contributed to my labor or not... But probably not. They were stripped Thursday and I didn't have anything other than cramping until Monday. Monday I had contractions all day, but they were not painful and I worked all day. I didn't go into labor until late Monday night. Best of luck to you!!
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