Hellobee Boards


Oct '12 babies - Feeding

  1. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    @Kemma: We're trying to set a good example and have at least one meal together. Sometimes that means TV trays in the living room so we can watch a show/movie. Oh wellz! It reminds me of Matilda whenever we do that. We try for the dining room other times.

  2. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    how many ounces of solids are you all feeding your LOs each day? we try to do 5-6 oz a day, but not sure if thats enough.

  3. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: we make all of LO's food and I don't measure how many ounces she's eating. She drinks on average 20 oz of BM/formula and eats 2-3 solids meals a day. I would say its probably close to 5 or 6 oz.

  4. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: DD probably gets about 8 oz/day. Usually 1 jar of fruit in the morning and a jar of veggie in the afternoon. Have no idea if this is right but she loves it and hasn't thrown up or anything.

  5. MamaChin

    clementine / 830 posts

    @sleepymonkey - I give N about 1.5oz of cereal with about 3oz of fruit/veggies twice a day. I just feed him until he stops opening his mouth for more, some days he is hungrier than others. He nurses 5x a day.

  6. MamaChin

    clementine / 830 posts

    N still has no teeth so we've only done purees so far, I'm afraid to give him bits of real food. He'll gum the life out of a banana but I don't think he swallows any? What did you give your toothless wonders?

  7. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Probably like 5 to 6 as well? Depending on whether he has 2 meals (like 4 oz) or 3 meals (like 6 oz). The pedi said feed him til he doesn't want any more--I generally feed him til he starts getting distracted, starts trying to eat the high chair, etc. @MamaChin: LO is also toothless but we've been doing puffs and blue berry halves, scrambled eggs, and teeny pieces of meat. He does a good job gumming them! My thought is that if the piece is small enough to swallow easily then he can't choke on it--it'll just go down his throat.

  8. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    @MamaChin: I've given her a pear to eat, a very soft one, she gums that pretty good.

    Here's a pic:

  9. MamaChin

    clementine / 830 posts

    Gah so cute!

  10. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @beachbee: @Tidybee: @MamaChin: @hilsy85: thanks everyone. i guess i'll just continue to feed her until she seems uninterested.

    we've started giving her tiny pieces of food recently...she has her two bottom teeth but definitely gums the bits. she did not like strawberries today (gagged a lot and spit it out), or sausage. she stored the sausage in her cheeks and didn't swallow them for like 2 hours and i didn't know! we were nursing and she starts gagging and coughing, and that is totally weird so i stuck my finger in her mouth and there were 4 little pieces of sausage in there! she was so mad that i was rooting around in there and wouldn't nurse for like 20 minutes!

  11. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @katsupgirl: what a sweet little face!!

  12. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: LOL!!! That's hysterical...she was saving them for later!

  13. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @sleepymonkey: first I was smiling picturing your LO with her little sausage cheeks and now... I'm wondering if M went to bed with the chicken she was working on earlier. Ugh. Motherhood = always something to worry about!

    @mamachin: so cute! I just bought a pear to try for breakfast tomorrow. Did you steam it or anything or just gave it really ripe?

  14. MamaChin

    clementine / 830 posts

    That's @katsupgirl's cutie! Good question though, I wanna know the answer too!

  15. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    Oops! Sorry @katsupgirl ! I saw the reference to @mamachin with your cute photo

  16. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    @MrsF: no worries.
    @MamaChin: Thanks!

    It was a pretty ripe one. I tried it first to make sure it was soft enough. I gave her a piece in a mesh feeder first to make sure she liked it. It sure was messy.

  17. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    How are your LOs doing these days with solids? I just tried those 2 ingredient pancakes that were posted on the blog several months ago (just banana and egg) and LO loved them! He is also loving finger foods now that he has his pincer grasp down and it's hard to convince him to let me feed him now.

    At what point do you think it becomes important for our LOs to have each meal? We try to do 3 meals a day, but for instance, today we might skip one to make it to a gym class...is that ok? Or is he at the point where he needs the solids now?

  18. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: Oh good idea to try the two ingredient pancakes! AJ is also really developing his pincer and we've been giving him puffs to practice. We're not very consistent with solids still.

    My DH is home with him over the summer and has been offering him solids everyday. Usually just fruit and puffs. He is in love with apples! My DH started giving him slices of apples, and I was telling DH about how he could break off a chunk and choke and what do you think happened? He started gagging but was able to swallow it. I about had a heart attack. I didn't want to give him apples anymore. But DH gave him an entire half of an apple. He can't bite off chucks like he could the slice. He just scrapes the flesh out with his bottom teeth. So whenever he sees apples now, he goes crazy! It's pretty cute.

    Re the 3 meals. I'm not really sure. Someone posted a link to a kellymom article that said at 1 year 25% of their diet should be solids. That makes me feel a little bit better that we haven't given him lots of solids yet. I'm a little stressed about how this transition will go.

  19. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    We're doing mostly BLW although M has purees when she's with her babysitter 'cause I'd rather supervise the finger foods. She loves the 2 ingredient pancakes that @hilsy85: mentioned! I made a whole bunch of little ones over the weekend and froze them in little batches to stick in the microwave. She's doing two "meals" a day, but I don't think she's actually ingesting many calories. She's FF, so I can tell that her intake hasn't dropped off at all.

    @mrskc: That makes me feel a lot better about the one year transition. I feel like 25% of her diet being from solids at a year would be doable. I've been trying to picture her suddenly eating enough to sustain herself!

  20. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    We are at 3 meals, and I've been pretty liberal on what I've been giving her. Little pieces of our meal. She wants to feed herself and is a mess after I try to give her purees (trying to steal the spoon and puts her hands in her mouth when it is full) but it's so much fun to see her learning!

  21. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    we're doing only puree's still - and he gets 2 'meals' a day at daycare - i usually do a fruit/oatmeal and a veggie/protein -- sometimes he gets a third meal at the end of the day - but not usually. he's eating about 4-5oz of puree's a day.

    how did you guys get into chunks of food??? my LO is a gagger - he gags all the time, so in the beginning of puree's he gagged - but whenever I give him super soft banana, and I tried a mum-mum & watermelon & avocado, he gags pretty bad, so I guess he's still not ready? maybe I'll just keep trying slowly until he gets it? he still doesn't have any teeth.

  22. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: hmm...I don't really get how that is possible that only 25% of their intake should come from solids by 1 year? What does the rest of their calories come from? I thought you're supposed to wean off formula at 1 year...? So does that only apply to breast fed babies? Or what if I wean at 1 year and switch to cow's milk? I guess I need to ask my pedi.

    @hellobeeboston: we started with pieces after I noticed he was making chewing motions while eating purees. we started with puffs that I bit in half and he did well with them! He's also toothless but does a really good job chewing with his gums.

  23. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: That's probably if you want to continue BFing through 2 years. They do make toddler formula too. I don't think there are any hard and fast rules. I would imagine it's going to be a gradual adjustment to eating more and more solids and less and less milk. What do people do who ff? do they just stop formula at 1 year and all of a sudden their kid gets all their nutrition from food? then why do they say that stupid line of "food before 1, just for fun"? It's probably different for every baby. I'm sure your ped can guide you, especially if you'd like to wean at 1 year.

  24. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hellobeeboston: awww I bet he'll get better at it. give it some time.

    @MrsF: I would ask your ped about it. Since you ff, do you think you would just switch to a toddler formula at 1 year? Or do you just keep giving formula? I really can't imagine my baby all of a sudden eating enough at 1 year too. We've been doing BLW too and he still doesn't seem to eat very much of what we offer. I'm glad your baby isn't eating a whole lot yet too. Makes me feel a little better and that I'm not a complete failure. lol who knows though? They may surprise us in the next few months and really get the hang of solids.

    FYI: this is where I read the 25% thing at 1 year. It's if you want to avoid weaning before 1 year. http://kellymom.com/bf/normal/babyselfwean/

  25. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    @mrskc: oh I don't know how this solids thing is going to work out either. I need to get in to a routine. I know she's ready she's super interested in our food. My mom really wants to make her some food but I want to do BLW. I'm a wuss about the gagging so I might just let my mom make her something while I'm at work.

  26. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: I know, it's so confusing!! I know each baby is an individual, but it would be so much easier if there were clear step by step rules on what to do/how to do it/when to do it. I don't know that I want to wean at 1, but I do think I'd like to at least cut back by that point...I have no idea how to even go about doing that, or really what I want even. I guess I still have some time to figure it out (but not much! Eeek, they'll be 1 soon!).

    I didn't know they made toddler formula! Everything I read seemed to say that they go onto cow's milk (or alternative) once they turn 1...and breastfeeding seems to just be a supplement. But again, that wouldn't make sense with them only getting 25% of calories from food.

  27. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @mrskc: Thanks! I hadn't really thought about the difference with FF. I think they usually recommend 16oz whole milk / day after 1 year rather than formula, but we'll have to see how much she's taking in solids-wise. I'm also nervous about this because she's MSPI and on Nutramigen. We'll trial her with dairy at 11 months and our GI says that most of them are fine but they can stay on the Nutramigen if need be. Fingers crossed she can have cake with dairy on her first birthday!

  28. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @LuLu Mom: M is the same way. When I was trying to give her purees she wanted to take the spoon and chew on it. After every bite she also wanted to put her fingers in her mouth and then spread food everywhere. Purees were almost as much of a mess as finger foods!

  29. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: Yeah, I'm not really sure what the toddler formula is for. Maybe after 1 if the child isn't eating a lot of solids, toddler formula is good for the extra nutrients. As far as nursing, I would think it was ok to start offering solids first and then nursing. That probably starts reducing the amount they breastfeed. I can't wait to make it to the year mark of breastfeeding! Almost there! I feel like I can relax and not worry much about my supply and pumping once he turns one. I do think I want to breastfeed until 2 or longer, but definitely would like the frequency to start reducing after 1.

    @MrsF: Oh ok, so just whole milk after one. That's what I thought, but I know that there is toddler formula and I didn't know what that was for. Hopefully she's ok with dairy at 11 months!

  30. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    I have friends with toddlers who are FF and at twelve months I think they were still getting 3-4 bottles (morning, lunch, nap, bedtime) as well as three meals plus snacks each day. I really do get the feeling that the majority of the mainstream nutrition / solids advice is based on weaning at twelve months.

    @mrskc: it's crazy to think we've made it this far with breastfeeding, Miss A has just started to drop her lunchtime feed and it makes me kinda sad to know I'm not her sole source of nutrition anymore

    @MrsF: I'm giving up on spoon feeding, A just spits it out and only has eyes for the spoon!

    These days A and I eat our meals together and she just gets finger food sized bits of whatever I'm having. It's easy and I'm lazy so it works for us


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