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coconut / 8681 posts
Regarding solids- what is everyone starting their LO's on? We really want to move into BLW but have started with purees. So far E has had carrots and bananas and loved both. I'm steaming some green beans now and I'm planning on making apple soon as well.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
I'm going to follow this thread, DS is only 4 months EBF and we weren't planning on starting solids until 6 months, but we sit him with us when we're eating and he's starting to show signs of curiosity/interest.
I think we're going to do a mix of BLW/purees. Probably avocado/sweet potato as a first food~
squash / 13764 posts
@Running Elley: @mrsjyw: we are thinking the same thing as far as first foods...I'm going to purée some sweet potato tonight and try it tomorrow!
bananas / 9357 posts
Thinking the same thing as far as puree/BLW mix. I really want to just give BLW a try, but I'm a little nervous about giving him big chunks of food and choking. That's just my irrational mommy fear. So it might be purees to start out with. I'm thinking we'll try sweet potatoes and bananas first.
How are you ladies going to make the purees? Or are you using jarred food?
coconut / 8681 posts
@mrskc: I have just been steaming the veggies and then processing them in my Magic Bullet with a little water! I scoop that into ice trays, freeze and then store I'm freezer bags. Each day I just defrost what I'm going to feed him. I thought it'd be an overwhelming amount of work to make my own but it's actually very easy and manageable!
squash / 13764 posts
@mrskc: I'm going to at least start out making them...I'm sure ill use pre made stuff at some points but I'd like to make most of it.
squash / 13764 posts
@Running Elley: when you defrost do you add formula or water to thin it? Or does it melt thin enough to give him?
persimmon / 1408 posts
We haven't started feeding D anything yet, was waiting for a few more signs of her readiness. She's probably getting really close, which makes sense since 6 months will be here for us in 2 weeks (woah - where is the time going!!!???!!!).
Like most of you, I'm planning on doing a mix of BLW & purees. I have the BeaBea cooking thing - got it for Christmas so I figure I'll try to use it! I also got some of those green pouches to use on the go once we get there.
For those that are already feeding - @runningelley - are you working? What time are you feeding? That's what I'm trying to figure out - mornings are too busy, but in the evening D is pretty tired. I'm not sure the best time to try?
squash / 13764 posts
@CarrieLouWho: maybe try on the weekends? I feel like they don't need consistent meals right away so just doing two days a week for a few weeks would probably be ok?
pomelo / 5524 posts
So, late Sept mama here, but started solids a little while ago!
We're doing cereal mixed with purees. We started on the different types of cereal, and so far his favorite is oatmeal. He's tried a slew of veggies so far as well. Squash, sweet potatoes, carrots...his favorite are definitely the carrots! Going to start some fruits soon now that we've started a morning cereal between his first two bottles!
squash / 13764 posts
For those who have started solids, have you noticed a difference in their poops? I'm worried about this, lol--right now his poop doesn't really smell!
pomelo / 5524 posts
@CarrieLouWho: We tried on weekends first! We're both working, and I got to feed him on the weekends, which is great. DH feeds him during the week as he gets home earlier and his "dinner" is at 5:30 or 6pm. I'm working from home today, so I started his first cereal feeding at 9:30 (after his 6:45am bottle but before his 10:45am bottle).
After today, either my dad (he watches S twice/week) or my BFF (who watches him twice/week) will do the morning cereal. I work from home one day/week, so I'll get to at least feed him then!
pomelo / 5524 posts
@hilsy85: Ooooooh....get ready. Haha...S has the stinkiest poop ever. Now...he's on formula right now which also doesn't help, but solids poop smells far worse!
honeydew / 7235 posts
we were going to wait a little longer - LO is almost 5 months -- but we bought some rice cereal to try - LO was NOT a fan, haha - i figure it will take a little time...
when i stick the spoon in his mouth he sometimes gags, so he might not be ready.... but he's SUPER interested in our food when we're eating, so i think we're close.
i think mixing the cereal & puree might be better - or we might try the oatmeal.
but I think we'll wait a few more weeks until we really start with solids.
I also was thinking about BLW - but I think we'll mix it in just a little - like having him gnaw on larger things -- put do mostly purees.
@hilsy85: yeah, the poops are definitely going to be different!
@mrskc: we plan on trying both - making our own purees & maybe buying some. we'll see which is easier/which LO likes-- the Earths Best organic jars are just 100% food - no additives, so that is good.
ALSO --- I know Hilsy's doc said the same thing - but anyone else going straight into pureed meats? Ped said that was actually the best source of iron for them.
coconut / 8681 posts
@hilsy85: It melts thin enough to just feed it to him!
@CarrieLouWho: I'm a SAHM and I usually feed him around lunchtime and sometimes a little at dinner too. The pedi said to start any new food in the morning or early afternoon so if LO has an allergic reaction it's not while they're sleeping. If I were you id probably start and introduce new foods on the weekends!
@hilsy85: I actually like solid poop better haha. He's a FF baby so his poops are already disgusting but now they're solid, almost like adult poop. I just plop it into the toilet and flush. Much less messy!
@hellobeeboston: I haven't tried meats yet! I'm scared for some reason? I need to research how to do it!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@hilsy85: no difference yet but we're mainly taking a BLW approach so not a lot actually gets eaten at this point although I did notice that some banana had gone down the other day!
We started A on a few solids last weekend, so far she's had apple slices, banana (mashed and fingers), steamed broccoli (her favourite food!), puréed peas and carrot. I'm taking it pretty slowly as A is only five months old and we usually give the food at lunch time.
I love watching Miss A eat, it's amazing watching her coordination improve
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Running Elley: Awesome tip about time of day to start new food. A lot of me thought we would try some later in the day so DH was home, but I never thought about allergies/reactions.
We have started cereal, and thought I would want to do BLW, but beyond banana I just decided I'm not comfortable with it. Either LO isn't ready or it's too much for my nerves (or both!). I have done some puree's myself (and frozen in ice cube trays like @Running Elley: but going to putter with cereal more to be 100% sure she's ready (she loooves cereal, next closest thing to inhales it!) and then to puree's some more, and then maybe try BLW again, but definitely no rush.
My doc at 4 month appt said play with cereal and veggies. At 6m appt we could talk meats and fruit depending how she's doing, so we'll see how things go!
coconut / 8681 posts
@Beebug: I wanted to do it when DH was home too! So we waited until the weekend and during the week I take pictures for him
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: I'm not ready for the stinky poo yet either! I love BM poos. I think we may actually have to get a real diaper pail. Either that or just take the poop diaper out to the trash outside.
@Running Elley: Have you noticed any issues with constipation since starting solids? This one thing I wonder about. Is the solid food going to get him stopped up?
squash / 13764 posts
@Running Elley: @Kemma: thanks ladies!
@mrskc: ha yeah...we have a diaper pail, but I think we'll have to start disposing of the poop diapers right away, vs waiting. Re: constipation, my pedi said that if it seems like LO is strainng, to give him prunes. I bought a few jars just to have on hand.
I am cooking up some sweet potatoes as I type and will be giving them to LO after he wakes up from his nap and nurses! So excited
persimmon / 1408 posts
I think we will start some foods next weekend l this talk has me excited!!!
coconut / 8681 posts
@mrskc: We haven't actually! If abetting E has become more regular. He was pooping once every 2 days but since we started solids he's been every day!
@hilsy85: Yay!! Let us know how it goes
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Kemma: Did you puree broccoli, or let her have a chunk? We ea a ton of broccoli in our meals, so it will definitely be something in C's future!!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
O is 6 months wednesday, and we started solids 2 weeks ago
We started with oatmeal/breastmilk + jarred bananas, which were totally making me gag! they smelled so over ripe. then I did peas, sweet potato, banana/avocado, pears, green beans, mangos.
I let her play with a piece of banana but she couldn't pick it up cause it was slippery..when I held it to her mouth she took a bite, with no teeth! haha.
I've been using my Baby Brezza for things that are cheaper to buy in bulk (green beans, peas, bananas, etc) and just buying jarred for convenience for things like carrots (they recommend buying jarred to avoid nitrates), apples and pears (meh, lazy about peeling and cutting), etc. If I make it, I thin it out if needed with Brita water.
Her poop hasn't been *too* much stinkier but is def like peanut butter now. Sounds weird but I miss EBF poops!
squash / 13764 posts
@Running Elley: @hellobeeboston: Like I said on IG I think he liked it! He seemed more interested with having something new in his mouth, rather than actually eating it, haha. But it was fun. We'll do it again tomorrow with sweet potatoes again, and then maybe do avocado. How long are you guys sticking with one food before adding a new one/
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: fun!! Our ped recommended 1 new food every 3 days - so we will probably do that.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@Beebug: I am with you on the pump thing. However I do like that we aren't blowing out nearly as much!!
@CarrieLouWho: Starting solids is so much fun! We waited until he had a real interest in what we were eating before we started him on it. He loves his veggies not really a fan of fruit though.
@hilsy85: There has been a pretty big change in his poop, but it has brought our blow out problems way way down.
Our feeding schedule looks like these:
-Breakfast: rice cereal with Breastmilk, some baby food, and then some bottle (6 ounces)
-lunch: usually just a bottle. (8-9 ounces)
- Dinner: baby food, and bottle (6-7 ounces)
-Before bed: bottle (8-9 ounces)
The doctor seemed pleased with this schedule as long as he continues to gain weight at his current pace.
Sometimes depending on when we get up it messes up his schedule but he is content and gaining weight at the right pace.
squash / 13764 posts
So we did sweet potatoes again this morning and he was NOT into them--he kept making the funniest face, and didn't want to eat them. No biggie. then we tried oatmeal this afternoon--he LOVED it. Was lunging toward the spoon! I tried a bit and it tasted really good actually--it was sweet (maybe because it had breastmilk in it). So I think we'll do oatmeal in the morning tomorrow and maybe give sweet potatoes another try in the afternoon.
For those making purees, what are you thinning them with? I wanted to use breastmilk, but it's hard because I don't usually have fresh on hand. If you use water, do you use bottled? Tap? I made and froze some using water out of our brita filter; do you think that's ok?
Also, DH gave LO a bottle of frozen milk and I smelled it after he finished most of it--it smelled horrible! Like rotten! Do you think the milk itself was rotten/bad, or do you think it could smell like that from LO's backwash into the bottle (he was blowing bubbles in it for a while)? If the milk was bad, he wouldn't have drank it, right?? Or he would have spit it up right away?
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@Beebug: I steam it in the microwave for 40 seconds, cool it under the cold tap and then hand it over! Some days she sucks on the florets, others the stalk.
@Beebug: Miss A isn't actually swallowing enough food to change her outputs but I did notice some banana and a small chunk of nectarine the other day...
@hilsy85: I've been hand expressing and freezing small bags of BM to mix with purees. On a good day I can express about 3 ounces and I have about twelve ounces in the freezer, I figure whatever I don't use in puree form I'll use in baking.
clementine / 916 posts
@hilsy85: my thawed milk smells different than fresh, but def. not spoiled.. Maybe thaw out another bottle tomorrow and smell before giving it to LO?
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: yay for oatmeal! Going to try that next. Rice cereal did it go well in our house! L might like the sweet potatoes again later! Also, I think your Brita is fine!
Not sure about your BM --- maybe it was just because he already drank it? I think if it was bad he wouldn't take it.
@sorrycharlie: ugh - I hate over ripe banana smell! I won't be buying those! And carrots have nitrates?!?
squash / 13764 posts
@hellobeeboston: @LaineysMom: now I'm wondering if it's a lipase issue! I just read that excess lipase can cause milk to taste sour...
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: I have excess lipase in my milk! It tastes sour, but is still ok for LO to drink if they're willing. The way I figured it out for sure was by pumping some fresh milk. I scolded half of it by putting it in a pan and bringing it to just before boiling (google how to do this), then cool immediately. I poured it into a bottle and put it in an ice bath. I left a little bit of the scalded milk and non-scalded out at room temp and some in the fridge. I did taste test of the room temp every hour and the refrigerated at 12 hours and 24 hours. I could definitely taste the difference. In just 24 hours, it tasted really sour, but he scalded milk still tasted sweet. I did some testing with DS and it turns out he's fine with drinking the funny tasting milk. Thank goodness! I didn't want to have to scald all my milk. So maybe do a little test to be sure.
squash / 13764 posts
@mrskc: ah ok! Good idea...I'll have to try to do that this week. It seems like LO is willing to drink it, he just fusses--but it's hard to know if that's because of potential lipase or because he doesn't like the bottle.
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: I know it can be tricky. I was freaking out a little when I discovered the lipase issue b/c at the time he wasn't taking bottles very well when we were doing nanny trials. So I thought it was my milk. But then he would take a bottle just fine from my DH, so I think he just had to get used to the nanny.
bananas / 9357 posts
Ladies that are breastfeeding, how often does your LO nurse during the day? How many feeding do you do in the middle of the night?
I've been really struggling to get A to nurse more during the day. He just seems so distracted. A lot of nursing sessions seem to last 1-2 minutes and then he starts crying. I lift him up and he's happy. He just seems like he wants to play. He used to nurse every 2-3 hours and only 1 in the middle of the night. Now it's at least 3 hours+. If I want him to nurse longer, I have to go lay down with him. But I worry about making all the nursing session lying down since I know it can cause clogged ducts.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@mrskc: our routine can vary a little, but I usually am up 1 time in the middle of hte night to nurse (usually 1:30/2amish), then he wakes up at 7ish to eat again.... Sometimes if he wakes early, like 5:30, I'll feed him, then feed him again at 8:30 before I go to work.
During the day he gets 2 4-5oz bottles, then he eats again at 6 or 6:30 - I either nurse or if I'm running late from work DH gives a bottle.
Then I nurse him to sleep around 7:30.
J has definitely been more distracted while eating. This weekend he would only eat on one side which was new... But I figured it was because he was sick... He is definitely easily distracted. I try to keep it quiet, no talking so he can focus.
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