GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@MrsRcCar: @LemonLong: @LuLu Mom: @mrskc: Thank y'all!!! Going to take it slow~~
squash / 13764 posts
Just got back from our 6 month visit...she said we can start doing yogurt, eggs, meat...and basically anything that we eat (assuming he's tasted all the components before and had no reaction). I'm excited to start giving him yogurt! We're also going to bump up to 3 meals a day to try to increase his weight gain. And I'm also going to start giving a bottle of pumped milk before bed to see if that helps with his night wakings.
How much (amount wise) are you giving your LOs? our pedi said we should give him as much as he wants--as long as he keeps opening his mouth for it, we can keep feeding him. What about you guys?
honeydew / 7235 posts
@mrsjyw: exciting! let us know how the solids go... we also started really slowly, still taking it slowly actually. some days he eats more than others - we just let him each as much or as little... we started with rice cereal - hated it. moved onto fruit and veggie purees and he is definitely into them. I chickened out on BLW, but I figure i'll incorporate more of that in later on. I want him to get used to eating a little better.
@hilsy85: wow that is exciting! i'm already looking forward to giving J more foods, but waiting till our 6 month appointment - it's not for 2 more weeks. i've noticed J is more hungry at night than he used to be and I've had to give a couple ounces of pumped milk since I'm not making enough for him in the evening I guess.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@hilsy85: I've been giving Miss A two cubes of puréed veg once a day followed by a slice of apple (raw, skin on) and a few grates of cheese. I really want to try some roasted fingers of veg and start introducing more table foods.
honeydew / 7235 posts
i feel so bad mamas!
last night we took LO for a super long walk, then to the park for a bit, got him home late, at 7ish, he nursed - then we played - then we gave him some solids because he stills seemed hungry (and I'm not making that much milk at night, grr) -- anyway - we fed him some sweet potatoes (which he loves) and he GOBBLED them down - like, took down an entire jar (we're doing earths best first food jars, 2.5oz) in like 15 minutes... and he was STILL opening his mouth when he finished it. We were really suprised.... anway, we nursed to sleep about 40 minutes later and he went to sleep.
2 hours later we hear him coughing & making a weird noise - go up and he is puking everywhere! POOR GUY
he threw up all of those potatoes he ate and seemed so miz... we felt like the worst parents for over-feeding him, then him throwing up so much. it was quite a scene, 3 outfits for him, 2 outfit for me & dh, two new sets of bed sheets, and he finally stopped and slept... we were so worried me & dh hung out on the twin bed in his room for an hour or so after he fell asleep to make sure he was ok.
so -- i guess we need to just stop feeding him even if he's opening his mouth? how much puree do you give your LO's in one sitting?
pomelo / 5524 posts
@hellobeeboston: We'll ususally give a tablespoon of cereal mixed w/ an ounce of formula and a full container of purees (2.5 oz). That's for dinner at 6. We'll wait until after his bath to give him his 8 oz bottle for bed around 8/8:30, and he drinks the whole thing.
Poor little guy! Are you sure it was overfeeding and he didn't catch a bug?
honeydew / 7235 posts
@2PeasinaPod: oh wow - OK, so maybe we didn't overfeed? this is the most solids he has eaten in one sitting though - the boy loves sweet potatoes.... I don't think it's a bug but we'll keep an eye on him. once he threw up all of those potatoes he slept and was fine.
8 oz bottle, btw?? are you FFing or BFing?? i keep wondering if i'm not giving enough milk. we are BFing and he only gets 4-5oz in each bottle and at night we nurse and I think he gets less than that.
pomelo / 5524 posts
@hellobeeboston: Formula feeding! I stopped breastfeeding after I went back to work and my freezer stash ran out around 3.5/4 months. His schedule looks like this:
Wake up @ 7:30: 1 tblsp oatmeal & 1/2 container of a fruit, 6 oz bottle (sometimes up to 8 depending on how hungry he is)
11:30: 8 oz bottle
3:30: 8 oz bottle
6:00: 1 tblsp rice cereal w/ 2.5 oz of a veggie
8:30: 8 oz bottle before bed
squash / 13764 posts
@hellobeeboston: aw don't feel too bad mama...I feel like it's probably the first of many puke episodes for all of us I also don't know how much to give Lo in a pedi told me to give him as much as he wants--so as long as he's opening his mouth for it, so to me I probably would have done the same as you! Generally I try to split those jars between 2 feedings, but it's really all trial and error. maybe it was a combo of sweet potato and milk, and then going to bed?
nectarine / 2834 posts
@hilsy85: @hellobeeboston: I just got a helpful sheet from the pediatrician that says with starting any new food, the first and second days should be 1/4 jar, day 3 - 1/2 jar, and day 4 - full jar.
nectarine / 2834 posts
the food thing is so confusing to me. I wish I could just EBF forever...especially because DD will never turn down food. I'm sure I will overfeed her several times before we get the gist of it. At least we're not starving them!
squash / 13764 posts
@Tidybee: yeah that's what I figure, esp with his low weight! I also wish we just didn't have to worry about solids and they would just become good little eaters on their own
nectarine / 2834 posts
@hilsy85: I know! I feel like I just got the hang of BFing (after all of our troubles) and now you're telling me I have to learn a whole new system?? sigh... but it is fun so far! Did you start with rice cereal? We're still under order to EBF because she is sick right now (daycare germs). Pedi said to start with rice cereal...even at over 6 months old.
squash / 13764 posts
@Tidybee: nope we did oatmeal (mixed with breastmilk)--he loved it! How great is it that after all our issues were still going strong at 6 months--I never thought we'd make it til now if you asked me at 6 wks lol
nectarine / 2834 posts
@hilsy85: Maybe I'll just start with that too. Re: bfing -- we rock. Seriously. A lot of people would have given up if they were dealing with all that we were!
squash / 13764 posts
@Tidybee: seriously! Also, I totally tried the oatmeal after I put bm in it--it was good,lol!
Only thing is that I do think it constipates him if he has it too often (like every day)--we had to try some prunes today
nectarine / 2834 posts
@hilsy85: we gave C some applesauce for fun which she loved, which gave her constipation Sunday - Friday. Friday morning we fed her a tablespoon of prunes and oatmeal (earth's best mixture) and sent her off to daycare. 2 hours later, she had a poopy diaper and a new outfit on - haha! I hope they work as well for L!
squash / 13764 posts
@Tidybee: ha is it weird that I am soo looking forward to him pooping? Ahh motherhood and interesting that applesauce did it to c!
nectarine / 2834 posts
@hilsy85: haha I know...the first thing I would say to DH when I got home everyday that week was not hello, how are you, but "did she poop?"
It was probably a combination of applesauce and my diet. I had an awful 48 hour stomach thing and I didn't eat anything outside of the BRAT diet, so she also got a lot of that stuff in the breastmilk.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@2PeasinaPod: Thank-you for posting feeding sched!! Since starting food with C, her bottle sched is awful. Today she refused an entire 6oz bottle, usually it's just the last oz or two.
Everything about us is a gongshow right now. She was up 12:20am to 2:30am, up 4:30am for the day, napped huge this am (I slept too) and then not again rest of the day. I need to break the long morning nap, but I am just desperate for sleep.
Ok, back to food! We did broccoli florets today, omg....she LOVED them. Sweet potato and carrot too, and some banana, cereal first thing. So today went like....
1:30am 6oz bottle (usually overnight is just a 4oz, but since this was WAY earlier than normal (4:30) I thought more would get us through, wrong)
8am 6oz bottle
9am 2 tbsp Barley cereal
11am broccoli (not a lot, but not a little?) and banana (inch or so)
12pm 4oz bottle (didn't finish last 1/2 oz)
3:30pm completely refused 6oz bottle
4pm tried some carrot and sweet potato, ate half ice cube size of each
6:30pm bedtime 6oz
@hellobeeboston: omg about what happened! Maybe it wasn't an overfeed, but too much before going horizontal to sleep? That was my only thought when reading!
@Tidybee: Helpful about jar amount, thank-you!!
Does anyone's LOs eat a full jar consistently yet? No way in heck would C finish a full jar of anything yet!
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: aw cute! I pureed and froze some broccoli, want to try it out next week!
pomelo / 5524 posts
@Tidybee: The food thing was so confusing to me too. The problem is that it's not as easy as just making a little more or less milk and you have no idea when to give it either! At first, we were trying to give him his fruit and oatmeal in between his first two feedings, but he was either way too tired or cranky then to take it. So we started doing it first thing...and that seemed to work. It's a lot of trial and error to see what works best for you!
@Beebug: Definitely! When we were first starting solids, I couldn't find a feeding schedule for the life of me, and it always helps to see what works for some people. I like to see all different types so that you can mix them together and try them out with your LO. And LOVE the photo...she looks so happy with her broccoli!!
@hilsy85: Boo for constipation! S used to have a lot of issues with that...especially when we switched to formula, and then again when we started cereal. Darn iron fortified stuff! When nothing else worked, I would give him an ounce of white grape or prune juice mixed with an ounce of water to try to get things moving. I know juice isn't really a great solution, but the pediatrician recommended it just for when he would get stopped up, and we wouldn't give it to him every day.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
@Beebug: N will eat whole jars of veggies. He loves them!!! fruit not so much.
@hilsy85: Hope L gets some relief soon. N gets that way sometimes, when he does we try to push more liquids and/or give him prunes puree. He isn't a fan but mixed with veggies he doesn't mind so much.
bananas / 9357 posts
Has anyone started offering their LO water? Are we supposed to after 6 months? I need to get a sippy cup so he can start learning how to drink from one.
squash / 13764 posts
@mrskc: our pedi told us to start when we started solids/around 6 months to help with constipation. We had a zoli straw cup and he's finally got the hang of it but there are a lot of different ones.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@mrskc: Yes, we got a Tommee Tippee sippy cup and give it to her at dinner, but she has no interest in it. The one time she took a drink she gave us the death look like "this is NOT my milk!" haha but we keep offering it to her.
bananas / 9357 posts
@LuLu Mom: @hilsy85: Ok. I think I will have to get him a sippy cup so he can at least start getting used to it.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
when do you guys feed your LOs? after nursing? before? in between? and any recs on sippy cups?
squash / 13764 posts
@SleepyMonkey: we do solids always after nursing, like 45 min after. I'm really trying to maintain his milk intake since that should be the main source of nutrients at this point still...I don't think his solids have affected it too much but who knows, since I hardly ever pump.
We use the zoli cup and I like it!
squash / 13764 posts
Just wanted to check in and see how solids are going for everyone! Any new favorites? What foods are part of your regular routine? I think I'm putting too much pressure on myself to give LO "Real" meals, rather than purees or teeny bites of things. I guess because he's been on solids for 2 months already, I feel like he should be closer to eating table food, but I have to remember he's only 7 months old!
Recently we tried strawberries and blueberries and he loves them. We;ve also done a scrambled egg with broccoli and he scarfed that up. DH fed him breakfast this morning while i slept in and he gave him FOUR tablespoons of oatmeal with fruit--twice what I usually give him. But he ate it all! So maybe I need to start giving him more? Do you think that's too much?
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@hilsy85: i feel like as long as they want more, then give them more! does L feed himself now or do you still have to feed him? i tried putting a bit of food on her high chair tray and she just stared at it and waited for me to feed her.
L has finally started to like eating solids in the last week. she used to make faces, gag, spit things out, but now she looks very intensely at us when we are eating. she really likes the carrots, apples, parnsips puree from ella's kitchen and she loves blueberry baby yogurt! i also feed her tiny bits of my food when i'm eating, and she does this chewing motion that is really cute. she is obsessed with drinking water out of a cup too - we bought a sippy cup that leaked and was impossible to get open, so i just let her drink out of a regular cup and she gets about half of it into her mouth and swallows. other times it just dribbles out all over her front. she has her two bottom teeth in now too. knock on wood, she hasn't bitten me yet while nursing but imagine it'll happen eventually.
squash / 13764 posts
@SleepyMonkey: he tries to pick food up and put it in his mouth but he doesn't have the pincer grasp yet so he ends up getting frustrated. If the pieces are big enough he can usually get them in his hand, but then he just mushes them
LO also loves that carrot parsnip apple puree from ellas kitchen!
nectarine / 2054 posts
@Hilsy85: Solids are going well for us! J loves everything we have given him so far - we have been making purees for him, and give him a fruit puree for breakfast (we have done pears, apples, strawberries, papaya, banana, and avocado though I don't really count it as a fruit) and a vegetable puree or a mix of two for lunch (green beans, carrots, sweet potato, butternut squash, zucchini, and his latest is beets). I want to give him more chunks of food or "real" food like you say, though I notice that when I make his purees too chunky, he doesn't like them.
I sliced up a pear a couple weekends ago and gave it to him to munch on instead of puree, and that was really fun - he liked grabbing the pieces and made amazing faces when he realized that his new slimy toy had a taste! On the second day he actually got little bits of pear in his mouth, and he "chewed" them, but they came right out again. It was kind of adorable. I need to get some more things that I can give him like that. Today a friend got some dried mango slices (sugar free, just mango), and I gave him half of one after I tried it - he loved sucking on it. It was so gross after he was done with it. Food is fun.
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: I have to keep reminding myself he's only 7 months too. I recently started stressing a little that he wasn't eating a lot of solids. Especially since it seems like most everyone else's baby on here is eating a lot more than him. I was trying to offer once a day. But he hardly takes more than a couple of bites. So now of course I'm stressing that he's not even really swallowing any of the food. But then again we've only been doing this 1.5 months.
I did mush up some banana and spoon fed it to him. He didn't protest but of course wanted the spoon so he could chew on it. So maybe I'll try some purees here and there. He really goes nuts for those baby mum mums. Those things are like baby crack. lol I try to limit him to like a once or twice a week treat since I'm trying to avoid processed foods. He also likes to eat toast fingers and sometimes I melt some cheese on top. He enjoys asparagus and broccoli. He also likes meat.
nectarine / 2054 posts
@MrsKC: Oooh, so you're doing BLW? That's great! I hear that it takes a while for babies to really *eat* when you do it that way, but then once they do start, they eat regular food and you can feed them anything! That will be so nice.
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beehive: Yep. Trying to do BLW. And he definitely doesn't actually eat much of the food. Hopefully in the next month or two, he'll get the hang of eating.
nectarine / 2280 posts
We're going the BLW route too and it doesn't look like they eat much of anything until you see what comes out in the diaper. Little Miss Miss plays with the food mostly. I'm not stressing it too much since she's still EBF. I have to make a list of foods for her to try. I figure if I can get a chart/schedule together I'll stop being so lazy about solids.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@mrskc: we're doing a mix of BLW and purées and it's working out pretty good so far! I was doing just BLW but Miss A was waking in the night because of hunger so I usually give her some puréed / mashed food first and then finger food (A is very active and burns through all those fast-digesting calories real quick!).
I generally do a mix of baby food and whatever we're eating at the time and A is pretty good with the different textures and really seems to enjoy the variety of flavours.
I did have my Plunket Nurse give me the "more food, less milk" lecture as A only eats small portions but I'm not in any great hurry to cut down on breastfeeding and she's still gaining weight and perfectly happy!
A question for you all - do you eat meals with your LO's or do a separate feeding? DH and I are now eating our meals at the dining table with Miss A, he's most upset he can't eat in front of the TV anymore
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