Hellobee Boards


Oct 12 babies - Sleep

  1. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    We're off schedule since she's been sick. Well not that we had a real schedule anyway. The good news is that she actually stays asleep for a good bit when I put her in the bed.

  2. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    Have any of your LO's been waking themselves up by rolling in the MOTN? LO generally sleeps on his side, but recently has been rolling to his stomach in the MOTN. He'll sleep like that fine for a few hours (like for the length of a nap), but will then wake up screaming bloody murder, and the only way for me to calm him is to nurse him. Anyone else dealing with this? Any way to prevent it or do I just have to wait it out? he's very capable of rolling back during the day but I guess at night he can't do it while half asleep.

  3. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @hilsy85: I've heard you just have to wait it out O isn't even rolling when awake, though, lol - so I don't have any personal experience!

    O is still sleeping like crap. I don't get it. But she has a tooth RIGHTTHERE so hoping maybe if it cuts...things will improve. I'm doubtful. I guess myself, brother, and cousins didn't sleep through til over a year. sigh.

  4. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @sorrycharlie: aw poor mama!! hope things get better when the tooth comes through (why are there so many freakin' teeth?!)

  5. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @hilsy85: i know! and it's her first tooth..lol! my friend was like, oh, so when it pops, is it over? i was like..no, there are many more. haha. sadly.

  6. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @sorrycharlie: Oh I hope it cuts soon, lol about friend. DH said something similar the other day.....we gotta go through it, every single time!

    No teeth here yet, bah.

    I think we are going to have to re-CIO/sleep train once she's healthy. We have just been suckers with her sick, but I won't have her crying with a plugged nose, especially when she's horizontal. We'll see if she goes back to normal on her own, but somehow I doubt we'll get that lucky

    @hilsy85: C sleeps on her belly now, so no advice! She sleeps a zillion times better on her belly, I suppose you'll probably have to wait it out, hope he either stops rolling as much or likes tummy sleeping better, soon!!

  7. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    Anybody else going through a six month sleep regression? I swear Miss A has shouted at me before almost every sleep for the last six weeks and I'm finding it very, very draining. She'll either start crying as soon as I lay her down in the cot or she'll lie there quite happily until she's almost asleep and start almost hysterically crying. I'm trying to mix it up to find something that works but I'm not having a lot of luck!

    I know part of our problem is the four teeth working their way through and I suspect it's also developmental (A has just started commando crawling) but she used to self-soother herself to sleep for at least half her naps. I'm not at the point that I'm comfortable with CIO but I need to do something so if anybody has any suggestions I'm all ears!

  8. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Kemma: our naps for the last two days have also been awful (and before this he'd put himself to sleep for naps like a dream). No idea what it is...just want it to go away!

    ETA does she use a lovey? maybe introducing one would help?
    night time sleep continues to be inconsistent and just meh. Boo.

  9. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @hilsy85: she has a couple of soft toys in her cot that she plays with and I'm trying to introduce a lovey. Our night sleep isn't toooo bad, we have had a few extra wake ups but I think that's down to teeth. If she won't settle after her early morning feed I'm ok with co-sleeping with her until her normal wake up.

  10. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Kemma: C is freaking pre-bed now too, it's sort of annoying, I miss my easy to go down baby!! She is sick too, so I am not really sure what it is, but her sleep is awful again. She needs to get healthy so I can get her back to normal. She's waking at 5:30, taking a 3 hour am nap....I'm letting her take that long of a nap because I'm sick, the dog's been sick, her early wakings, we're a disaster right now, lol.

    We tried lovey, but when she gets to that elevated cry/fussing, nothing on earth matters and it gets thrown, lol.

    She is moving backwards very well on the floor, and of course in the crib, and also getting herself stuck differently then before, which also makes her angry.....and wakes her.

  11. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: No rolling for us. He still hasn't rolled from back to belly. He loves to sleep on his side tho.

    @Kemma: My little guy's sleep has been crap since the 4 month sleep regression and now we've carried into a 6 month one with no break. He has gotten a little better over the last week or so, but that's probably b/c he's sleeping in our bed. At least he isn't waking up in screaming/crying fits just 30 min - 1 hour after I put him down. He just had 2 teeth cut through so I'm guessing that's the reason for his crappy sleep.

    I'm not sure what to do about night sleep in our house. He sleeps in his crib until 9/10 pm then he usually wakes and I bring him to bed with me. Maybe this weekend I'll try him out in his crib again. I don't mind him sleeping in bed with me, but DH is sleeping on the floor b/c he feels like his moving around wakes the baby. I feel really bad. He doesn't seem to mind, but I want my hubby back in the bed with me! It's pretty sad when I have to sneak out of our bed to go lay on the floor and have some sexy time with DH. Meanwhile our little baby is taking up our whole king bed for himself. lol Hoping this phase passes soon.

  12. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: I don't know, my philosophy on sleep training/changing sleep habits is to only do something if what we're currently doing isn't working...it sounds like your set up might not be traditional but it's working for you guys? I would just leave it until it doesn't work anymore!

    LO had an awesome night last night...woke up once at 2 and slept til 715! I'm sure it was due to his shots though. Tonight he had a tough time going to sleep, so I ended up giving him 2.5oz in a bottle (after nursing him) and he went to sleep right after! So I guess he was hungry? Our schedule got all messed up today so I think he didn't really nurse enough when I nursed him to sleep, but then was too frustrated/tired to nurse when I tried while he was upset/crying.

  13. katsupgirl

    nectarine / 2280 posts

    @hilsy85: Sometimes I want to give her a bottle right before bed but I don't have enough of a stash and I'm saving it for when I go back to work.

    Her night sleep is off. I don't really mind right now because I can catch up during the day when she naps. That won't be an option next month. I'm hoping we get into a regular routine by then.

  14. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: You're right. Don't mess with it if it ain't broke! I did make DH sleep in the bed last night. I told him to just try a few nights and see how he adjusts. I know it took me a few nights to start sleeping better with the baby in the bed.

    I'm finally starting to feel like this co-bedding is working much better. I'm feeling much more rested everyday. I only wake briefly to switch him nursing sides. It's nice actually. I think I will enjoy it even more when I start back full time. It will allow me more snuggle time with my baby.

  15. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Someone save me!

    Last night C was up 12:20 to 2:30, like wide awake, happy, talking, squirming, etc.

    Got her fed and ended up leaving her in her crib, she must have fallen asleep for a bit (I know I did) but then was awake 4:30 and we didn't get her back down. Oh it was awwwful. I tried to put her in bed with me in our spare room, but she just swatted my face for the half hour before I just couldn't do it anymore.

    So then she went down for a loooong nap this am, and that's been the thing with the bad sleeping, so I need to break the cycle of the long am nap, make sure she gets a solid, but not too long pm nap and hope to goodness we get these nights under control.

  16. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: gahh that sounds awful! hope tonight is better...

  17. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    OMG this rolling in the MOTN is KILLING me...LO did it like 5 times in a row last night, so I was up for like an hour, continuously rolling him back and then had to nurse him back to sleep as he got so upset. Waahhh On the plus side, naps have been good!

    How are you ladies doing? @Beebug I already know you're feeling well rested!

  18. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @hilsy85: lol I am doing greaaaat!

    And I know I get tonight off cause DH will do it with my run tomm!

    Will he not sleep on belly? C sleeps so much better on belly, hope he stops thinking rolling is cool soon if not!!!

  19. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: nope he won't...he's usually calm for a few minutes and then freaks.

  20. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @hilsy85: we've been battling this for now a 3rd week. I have had him sleeping in his rnP all buckled in for the last week and I'm sleeping miraculously! Sweet, sweet sleep:)
    Some nights I start him off in his crib, with hopes that the rolling issue is over, only to be woken up 4h later. Then, I transfer him to him RnP.
    During the day, I practice rolling from belly to back with him. Hopefully once he gets that down-packed, we will ditch the RnP and hope it's all over.
    It's hit and miss for naps. I usually let him do naps in his crib but yesterday I was hosting a dinner party and was cooking all day, so I could not risk him taking a short nap, so I used the RnP, and his naps were all nice and long like they used to be.

  21. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @TurtleDoves: he knows how to roll belly to back he just won't do it at night. And when he does, he still gets upset lol.

  22. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    we went to L's checkup yesterday and of course the pedi asked about her sleep. i told her she wakes up at 5am to eat, and the pedi told us to just let her cry until we get her up for the day. ahhh. i don't know if i can do it. i mean she is genuinely hungry and when she is hungry, she can cry for a long time...the longest we let her cry was 1.5 hours. bleh. maybe we'll try it tonight.

  23. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: ack I would have a hard time with that too, especially if she's going all night til 5am without eating. Our pedi told us LO should be going 10 hours without eating, at least...he usually only goes 8. But I am so not ready to do any sleep training yet so I"m trying to roll with it! Does she go back to sleep after you feed her at 5?

  24. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @TurtleDoves: ahh the RnP - loved that thing --- we got to the point where LO was turning on his side and sleeping that way in there - burying his face in the side - it was making me nervous - he also didn't fit in there anymore! crib only now!

    @hilsy85: sorry to hear about the rolling - he'll get the hang of it eventually i'm sure! then he'll probably be a belly sleeper -- is he in a sleep sack?

    our sleep has been pretty good - he's been going longer stretches at night before wanting to eat which is good - we usually have 1 wake up at 3ish to eat, then he sleeps until about 7/7:30.

  25. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @hilsy85: yes, she'll sleep for another hour, wake up for 30 mins and talk to herself and then go back to sleep for another hour. she's usually up for the day around 7:30-8ish. i mean she used to sleep 10-11 hours straight when she was around 2-3 mos old, so i know she can do it...but i dunno. i just don't think CIO is going to work for night weaning.

  26. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: ah...yeah I don't know...I guess it depends whether that 5am wakeup bothers you (I mean, I'm sure you're not thrilled with it, lol) enough to go through some sort of sleep training?

  27. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @hellobeeboston: yup he's in a sleep sack. Do you think he'd do better not in one?

  28. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @hilsy85: maybe? i've read on here that some babies have a harder time in the sleep sack - so you could try it.... it may also just take him a little time. J used to cry when he woke himself up on his belly but we left him & he got used to it -- granted, he didn't get extremely worked up/upset like I think you mentioned L is -- so maybe it will take longer?

  29. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @hellobeeboston: hmm I guess I could try leaving him for a bit, but it's so hard in the MOTN lol. maybe I"ll try out of the sleep sack tonight! As it gets warmer we'll probably do away with the sleep sac kanyway.

  30. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @hilsy85: it bothered me a lot more when i didn't know whether she would sleep thru the entire night. now that i know she is going to wake up, i've learned to cope with functioning on less sleep! however it would be nice to have a week's worth of uninterrupted sleep. i feel like i still have a sleep deficit from when she was a newborn. btw, congrats on the house!! so exciting also did you decide whether you are going to go back part time or not?

  31. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: I hear ya, I fantasize about getting more than 4 hours in a row! It will happen someday...

    Thanks! We are excited and I am pinning stuff like crazy I actually did go back two days a week...but the hours are very flexible (today I'm not going in until 2pm, and only for like 2 hours). I think I'll only do it through May--I'd like to just have the summer to not worry about scheduling parents to babysit, leaving milk, etc. I am enjoying the work somewhat, but hate being in an office on beautiful days like today!

  32. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: Argh, I'm sorry. Give it a few days. I'm sure he'll figure it out and start sleeping better.

    @SleepyMonkey: I would die for just one 5 am wake up at this point. My kid is up way too many times and I really can't do CIO with him. I think if you're ok with the 5 am feeding and wake up, there is no reason to try and change that.

  33. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    I think I have the worst sleeper in the group! And I think back when he was 2-4 months and sleeping blissfully 10-11 hours at night and most of you were dealing with the multiple wake ups and now here I am with the absolute worst night sleeper! Ugh.

    I keep trying to think where have I gone wrong? Sometimes I think some babies are just good sleepers and some aren't. Last night I got so frustrated after I spent another hour trying to get him down for the night, that I ended up letting him cry for a little while, while I stepped away for a bit b/c I was so annoyed/frustrated with him. His cry just escalates and escalates and he doesn't calm down. He finally went down at 8:45 and didn't wake until 12 am (one of the longest stretches of sleep we've gotten out of him in a long time). He then came to our bed and slept until 4 am, I fed him and then he went back to sleep until 6 am. One of these days it has got to get better. I'm not sure if I want to sleep train or not.

  34. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: hmm if he fell asleep after crying and then slept for a while maybe that means that he's ready to do sleep training? I dunno...so it sounds like he's having trouble falling asleep at night, and there are multiple wakeups? That sucks...Lo wakes up a bunch a lot of the time, but he generally falls asleep quickly at the beginning of the night. Have you read the no cry sleep solution? Or the sleep lady book? I think she does something called the sleep lady shuffle.

    I know what you mean tho, Los sleep was better when he was a newborn/2-3 months old than it is now!

    He just went to sleep on his belly--he usually doesn't go to his belly til the motn, so well see how this goes!

  35. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    This sleep stuff is so crazy, how different they can all be. March when we were going through sleep hell when she learned to roll, got upset, lost paci, 3-18 wakings, all that insanity. Now I have a belly sleeper with one waking over 12 hours.....I know it will change again once we get into a groove again here!!

    We cut the sleep sack last week. It's warmed up, and I don't know, it just seemed to be too much on top of her sleeper.

    She does have an elephant lovey now that she loves, it has a soft bell in it when she tosses it around so I know when she's awake and I think the bell helps her find it. It stays in the crib and we mainly use it after her night waking, put it on her to distract her when I walk away from her, lol.

  36. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: He cried on and off for an hour with me patting him and rocking him (continued to cry even while I rocked him), and me leaving him in his crib. Finally put him on the boob and he passed out. Transferred him to his crib ok and he slept a good 3 hours before waking up. I didn't think he was hungry b/c he had just nursed both sides but maybe he was or just distraught from all the crying. But yeah, it seems our struggle is with getting him down for the night. I usually just nurse him to sleep and then move him to his crib. This was working beautifully for awhile. Now sometimes it works or if I move him, he wakes within half and hour crying. Sometimes he nurses and then is just wide awake. I dunno what his deal is. After his first wake up, we bring him to our bed where usually he just wakes briefly to nurse. But there are some nights where he's tossing all night and making noise and punching or kicking me in the face and crying. It's pretty annoying. Also, I feel like his first stretch of sleep should be longer than 2-3 hours. I do have the no cry sleep solution book, but haven't read the whole thing. Another thing is that he goes down very easily for his naps, it's just bed time that we struggle with. What is your night routine?

    @Beebug: We haven't been using a sleep sack either b/c it's been so warm. Just a onsie. The elephant lovey sounds so cute!

    What is everyone's bedtime routine? We do bath, pj's, nurse then sleep. And the sleep part is what we struggle with. lol How do you all get your LO's to sleep at night? Just lay them down awake? Rock? Bounce? Nurse? What's your method of getting them down for the night?

  37. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @mrskc: We do bath, nekkid time, pj's, bottle, burp's and snuggles and then lay her down awake. She's sometimes still super playful, but we walk away and she settles ok! Odd time she cries a little, or noise makes (lol) but then goes to sleep.

  38. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: we have the same routine--bath, pjs, book with daddy, and then nurse an bed. We had been putting him down asleep, but once we stopped swaddling that didn't work anymore--he would wake up when we put him down an he would cry. I think putting him down awake for naps helped him learn to go to sleep on hi own for bedtime. We put him down awake with a paci and his security blanket. Sometimes he will cry or spit out his paci and we need to go in and replace it but its pretty good usually.

    Have u ever tried putting him down awake? That might be the thing that's causing his trouble, that he doesn't know how to put himself to sleep without nursing? What I did when we worked on naps is that I stayed in the room with him and soothed him from sitting in the glider...I tried really hard not to pick him up.

  39. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: I have put him down awake before for his nap. What's funny is that I used to struggle so hard with his naps and now his naps have improved so much. He usually naps over an hour now, and if I see he's relaxed, then I just put him in his crib with his paci and he falls asleep on his own. Or I rock him for a bit until he is drowsy or lightly asleep then put him in his crib. Often times he wakes up when I set him down but he just rolls on his side and goes to sleep. So I don't know what to do differently at night. I'm going to try to see if he'll attach to a lovey. Another thing is, he wakes up every 2-3 hours and I usually nurse him. I realized today that his sleep has slowly declined since I started back to work. I have no idea if it's a coincidence or not. But he's also taking in less and less from a bottle. I think he's reverse cycling. He used to drink 8-12 ounces while I was at work and now it's 2-4 ounces. So maybe that is playing into his sleep. Thanks so much for listening and replying. I really appreciate it. Anyone I talk to in real life just tells me to let him cry it out.

  40. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @mrskc: it sounds like you and I have similar sleep issues, lately A has really been resisting going down for sleep, even while nursing. I really don't want to do CIO but the other night I actually slept in bed with A just so we would both have a good night sleep.

    It used to be that A would nurse to sleep at around 1930 (we do a boob, bath, boob style routine), wake for an early morning feed and then wake for the day at 7ish which was a really nice, manageable routine. The week or so A has been waking about 1.75 hours after going down and struggling to go back down again.

    I'll write more when I get to the laptop but you're not alone

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