We're struggling with discipline and how to handle our almost-3-year-old. He's a really sweet kid and it's just normal toddler boundary-pushing, but we find ourselves (my husband in particular) getting frustrated and yelling more than we'd like. It's especially bad in the mornings when we're trying to get out of the house - things like running away when we try to put on his clothes, resisting getting in his car seat, trying to stand inside his little potty, and just generally making us late, which makes tensions escalate. I also think he sees the whole thing as a hilarious game which just frustrates us more.

I really don't want a "yelly" household and I fear we're headed down that terrible and ineffective path. We don't spank and don't often use time outs, though we do sometimes. We often take away whatever he's playing with or try to remove him from the situation but we're still having a hard time.

My husband will not read parenting books (except maybe a page here or there if I point it out) but I think we could both benefit from a class. It's just really hard to find one that works with our schedules, childcare, etc. Do you know of any online course with videos that's helpful and not too cheesy? I think that would be ideal and hopefully more helpful than the random one-off articles I've read but have a hard time remembering the lessons in the moment.